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Are "Mastery Rank Tests" there to make players leave the game?


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They test your knowledge and skills. To be honest, some of the MR tests should be legit game modes because it's a damned shame that there are MR 10+ players who can't hack consoles. But for some reason they're always the ones haphazardly racing to get to a console and setting off the alarms in Sortie spy missions. But that's my opinion though.

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The point of the 24 hour cool down is to add gravity to the test.  Failure means nothing if there is no drawback.  So typically you go in there unprepared and either pass or fail.  If you pass the cycle continues, if you fail, you either practice or plow through it again tomorrow.  

Personally, I don't think it's excessive, there a ton of time gates in Warframe that are worse, i.e. three and a half days to build a warframe.  The thing is though, you just go do something else until you chance is up again.

Also, there's always an easy way.  Like the stealth one, I remember using a glaive because it was considered stealthy and didn't aleat the guards.  There was one where you had to melee orbs to keep the time going, I used the Redeemer to hit them from far away.  Not many stick out in my mind, but one that was a doozy was the rathuum.  That was a close call!  

I made it a habit to just try it until I am comfortable in Simaris' room then go kill it.

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Tests could be improved, but shouldn't be removed. To those saying they should be removed due to being able to essentially cheat could just as easily ask for changes that prevent the cheating to begin with. There isn't even much of a penalty for failing, as you still continue to get experience anyways. If you find them boring, dull, etc, well sadly if you care so much about MR you're going to be stuck doing other things you may not like to get that MR, and all the tests are too short for it to really matter compared to other aspects of the game that are just as dull as the tests that take up far more time; in short, it means you probably don't like the game much or are complaining to complain. Also, a good amount of times when people say they would quit over the tests, it's rarely due to them being boring, but rather, they reach one of those few tests that for what ever reason some people have a difficult time passing.

As for the whole we "need" to be taught something before we can be tested on it, I disagree. For starters, lets just face it, the vast majority of people skip through tutorials, ignore any sort of informative text [as shown by the fact people aren't aware the game mentions practice..], and don't want to really be taught much by anyone [as shown by how either side is unwilling to even accept different opinions]. There's enough games that have done the whole hand holding for half the game, and yet, any sort of moderately difficult content is still played by the minority. It's also the responsibility of the individual to teach themselves and to seek out information. This isn't just in games either, but happens when you attend school, or try working; you have to figure some stuff on your own with your peers to help and guide you [similar to wiki, yt, forums].


To me, the main thing I disliked about the tests was the color of the zone, I have poor vision and the colors used makes it hard to see, and were sometimes rather blinding. I'm not the only who had this issue either.

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Most of what I see from a lot of people is "I find it meaningless", "it isn't hard for me", so I just want to mention, yes, they don't seem linear, why would they? they test different mechanics, someone could find the one you think "harder" to actually be the easiest for them, just trying to apply your own view and define what's hard and what's easy based on that isn't only ridiculous, it's narcissistic.

Yes, they are imperfect, and I don't think anyone here would put his hand on the fire vouching for them, but they still serve a purpose, just imagine someone racking up to MR23 without knowing that you can use ciphers to hack terminals, and they end up being the player that rushes in front of you, triggers the alarms and fails every vault while you try to farm some spy mods, imagine it being the players that join your archwing mod/exp farm and they never join the fight around the defense target because they just keep bumping against everything and don't even make it to the end, forcing you to wait (even worse if it's a 3-man party at the very least and only you make it to the end), and this can apply to parkour as well (and it has happened to me from time to time).

And yeah, you can cheese them, but at least, you have to learn how to cheese them (again, ciphers, I learned they existed because of the test), you can use specific frames to cheese them too, but again, that teaches a couple things too, I don't think the point of them is to be hard, it's to force you to learn a couple things here and there, if you already know them, of course they can and will seem irrelevant, but for others, especially the new ones that aren't looking for info, it's gonna be the moment they start asking google or youtube for answers, and that by itself will result on them getting to know a thing or two.

The 24 hour thingy, I can agree it's at least a weird thing to do imo, but shouting that it'll leave you without anything to do is actually laughable, unless you're only playing to get MR, and nothing else, in which case, more power to you I guess.

Edited by (PS4)LawnMowingMonkey
Typo and generalization
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15 minutes ago, Yamazuki said:

To me, the main thing I disliked about the tests was the color of the zone, I have poor vision and the colors used makes it hard to see, and were sometimes rather blinding. I'm not the only who had this issue either.

This, so much this, not only the zone color, the enemies' palette is horrible, gave me trouble while trying to find the grineer on the one with falling platforms.

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11 hours ago, (PS4)LawnMowingMonkey said:

Most of what I see from a lot of people is "I find it meaningless", "it isn't hard for me", so I just want to mention, yes, they don't seem linear, why would they? they test different mechanics, someone could find the one you think "harder" to actually be the easiest for them, just trying to apply your own view and define what's hard and what's easy based on that isn't only ridiculous, it's narcissistic.

Yes, they are imperfect, and I don't think anyone here would put his hand on the fire vouching for them, but they still serve a purpose, just imagine someone racking up to MR23 without knowing that you can use ciphers to hack terminals, and they end up being the player that rushes in front of you, triggers the alarms and fails every vault while you try to farm some spy mods, imagine it being the players that join your archwing mod/exp farm and they never join the fight around the defense target because they just keep bumping against everything and don't even make it to the end, forcing you to wait (even worse if it's a 3-man party at the very least and only you make it to the end), and this can apply to parkour as well (and it has happened to me from time to time).

And yeah, you can cheese them, but at least, you have to learn how to cheese them (again, ciphers, I learned they existed because of the test), you can use specific frames to cheese them too, but again, that teaches a couple things too, I don't think the point of them is to be hard, it's to force you to learn a couple things here and there, if you already know them, of course they can and will seem irrelevant, but for others, especially the new ones that aren't looking for info, it's gonna be the moment they start asking google or youtube for answers, and that by itself will result on them getting to know a thing or two.

The 24 hour thingy, I can agree it's at least a weird thing to do imo, but shouting that it'll leave you without anything to do is actually laughable, unless you're only playing to get MR, and nothing else, in which case, more power to you I guess.

Agree with pretty much all of this.

Its funny how many people get reduced to 4-year-olds throwing tantrums over this. And seeing no relevance to the rest of the game, just shows they don't understand what the tests are designed to do.

As someone else pointed out, the 24hr cooldown period is just the consequence of failure...something else these folks seem to have a problem dealing with.

I wanna say something along the lines of "entitled snowflake millennials" but I guess thats a bit of a sweeping statement (not ALL millennials are entitled snowflakes). 

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On 2019-01-30 at 6:53 PM, CPT_deBauch said:

Because I fail to see what else can be achieved by this game design "feature". Really.

These tests force the player to do things that he/she doesn't want to do 'cause they are boring or just s###ty (hello "Parkour", hello "Stealth") and penalizes failure with 24hr cooldown to the next attempt. What's the positive side to it?

Yep. Thats the reason why i left this game. One issue Warframe has never been able to tackle is forcing players to do mondane things they do not wish to do in order to advance in gameplay. I dont mind content locked behind quest, but the mastery leveling system is something the game could do without.

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On 2019-02-03 at 7:48 AM, Atlas0099 said:

Yep. Thats the reason why i left this game. One issue Warframe has never been able to tackle is forcing players to do mondane things they do not wish to do in order to advance in gameplay. I dont mind content locked behind quest, but the mastery leveling system is something the game could do without.

Out of curiosity, how long ago did you leave this game? I'm only asking because it seems like you're still here, because... you know, the post you made.... ☝️

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33 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Out of curiosity, how long ago did you leave this game? I'm only asking because it seems like you're still here, because... you know, the post you made.... ☝️

Well, looking at their profile, They have the Nezha Deluxe, have done all quests up to The Sacrifice. Have done minimal things on the Open Worlds (Almost nothing in fact, not even gone beyond the 1st rank at best and 0 at wrost). 12 Warframes, 30 Weapons used, 119 hours.

I have to honestly doubt that Mastery Tests, of all things, are THE thing that made them "leave" the game.

Sadly, I cant see their posts beyond this last one to see if any of the remaining 6 gives a clearer picture.

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On 2019-02-03 at 5:24 AM, FlusteredFerret said:

Agree with pretty much all of this.

Its funny how many people get reduced to 4-year-olds throwing tantrums over this. And seeing no relevance to the rest of the game, just shows they don't understand what the tests are designed to do.

As someone else pointed out, the 24hr cooldown period is just the consequence of failure...something else these folks seem to have a problem dealing with.

I wanna say something along the lines of "entitled snowflake millennials" but I guess thats a bit of a sweeping statement (not ALL millennials are entitled snowflakes). 

But why make it a full 24h timer pass or fail? I'm MR 26 and this has always been a questionable feature.

For one, making it 20 or 22 hours on a fail would allow players to maintain a regular schedule, like taking the test at the same time every day.

For another, there should be a bonus to passing the test instead of having to wait the same amount of time as a failed test. It's not like the added mastery, trades, etc. are available until the daily reset anyway, so who cares if players can gain 1-3 mastery ranks in a day? If there needs to be a cooldown then it should be something reasonable like 1 hour, but don't make them wait a full day. Once a player's MR gets high enough this becomes irrelevant anyway.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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Tbh mastery tests are boring and uncreative as hell and i can see where you're coming from. Imo the least they should do is remove the 24h cooldown since there's literally no reason for it other than frustrate the players who fail. People in these forums are toxic whiteknights who will defend the game and all its features at any cost so don't worry about the mocking/disrespectful responses that you get, i agree with you and i'm pretty sure many other players do too.

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22 hours ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

But why make it a full 24h timer pass or fail? I'm MR 26 and this has always been a questionable feature.

For one, making it 20 or 22 hours on a fail would allow players to maintain a regular schedule, like taking the test at the same time every day.

For another, there should be a bonus to passing the test instead of having to wait the same amount of time as a failed test. It's not like the added mastery, trades, etc. are available until the daily reset anyway, so who cares if players can gain 1-3 mastery ranks in a day? If there needs to be a cooldown then it should be something reasonable like 1 hour, but don't make them wait a full day. Once a player's MR gets high enough this becomes irrelevant anyway.

The thing is they're not even doing this for the sake of monetization like the build timers, they don't get anything from doing this, it's absolutely pointless and gives a portion of the playerbase a terrible experience. I can't imagine what it's like for the casual people, people with disabilities, older people who are losing their reflexes, people that are new to videogames, or people with bad setups to fail these and feel absolutely worthless while unable to do anything about it because they can't even retry it a bunch to remember themselves that they're determined, specially when this is a fairly casual PVE game that i imagine many people are gonna come to when they fail to do good in most PVP/more hardcore PVE games.

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В 31.01.2019 в 04:01, NPC сказал:

If u can't clear a mastery test, then u have clearly not mastered the game enough for said mastery rank. 

U can practice the tests in Relays on advance without a cooldown

For two days I can not get rank 8. I know this is a very easy test. I pass it without errors in training mode few times. But if I start test - my hands are shaking, character does unexplainable things. Giant pressure is created because I realize price of failure. And already usual task turns into hell. After my first failure, I lost my rose-colored glasses. They allowed me to finally enjoy game, where i do not need to strain, but i need to play in pleasure. And now I don’t really want to play, knowing that this is only beginning of tests.

I am willing to pay, just not to think about fact that for a couple of mistakes I should be punished for 24 hours. 24 hours without additional slots. 24 hours without new equipment. 24 hours without new quests. Every day.

I do not ask to remove timer after successfully passing test. I need a test without additional stress.

If I manage to constantly pass test in training mode, why doesn't it prove that I deserve next rank? Difficulty level does not change.

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MR 9 can be cheesed with redeemer / redeemer prime

MR 10 can be cheesed by jumping up on a small protrusion on the first right-hand enemy platform (or Titania)

MR 11 - 13 can all be cheesed with Titania.

Just to name a few.

Simply Google search Warframe MRXX test cheese and you'll get all kinds of ideas. Or join a good clan and get cheese advice from clanmates.

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1 hour ago, Calloop said:

For two days I can not get rank 8. I know this is a very easy test. I pass it without errors in training mode few times. But if I start test - my hands are shaking, character does unexplainable things. Giant pressure is created because I realize price of failure. And already usual task turns into hell. After my first failure, I lost my rose-colored glasses. They allowed me to finally enjoy game, where i do not need to strain, but i need to play in pleasure. And now I don’t really want to play, knowing that this is only beginning of tests.

I am willing to pay, just not to think about fact that for a couple of mistakes I should be punished for 24 hours. 24 hours without additional slots. 24 hours without new equipment. 24 hours without new quests. Every day.

I do not ask to remove timer after successfully passing test. I need a test without additional stress.

If I manage to constantly pass test in training mode, why doesn't it prove that I deserve next rank?

I had the exact same experience. I would get flustered, panic and fail. 

Then I realised that I was rushing it, and needed to slow down. I put on a song I enjoy with a slower tempo that calms me down. I was able to ace the practices and the test on my next attempt. 


That was an important lesson to learn. 

That's what got me through it. Your mileage may vary. 



Also you can keep levelling new equipment if you want, you don't lose the points, it will count towards your next mastery rank. 

Edited by (PS4)guzmantt1977
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54 минуты назад, (PS4)guzmantt1977 сказал:

Also you can keep levelling new equipment if you want, you don't lose the points, it will count towards your next mastery rank. 

I'm talking about a weapon that has a rank limit in order to carry it.

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the Master rank is meant to determine your experience with all the things you earned in the game.They take time an patients to achieve. The game makes you tryout new things.Ulike  call of duty to where you  can do the same things over an over again an level up pointlessly fast.

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15 минут назад, (NSW)jja209 сказал:

the Master rank is meant to determine your experience with all the things you earned in the game.They take time an patients to achieve. The game makes you tryout new things.Ulike  call of duty to where you  can do the same things over an over again an level up pointlessly fast.

1 час назад, (PS4)guzmantt1977 сказал:

If I manage to constantly pass test in training mode, why doesn't it prove that I deserve next rank?

I do not ask to cancel the test. I ask to review the penalty for failure.

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38 минут назад, (PS4)guzmantt1977 сказал:

Have you done all the ones for your current rank? If not.... 

Are you talking about those shet weapons that only need to raise next rank? Pff..

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6 minutes ago, Calloop said:


I do not ask to cancel the test. I ask to review the penalty for failure.

Well I was referring to the op.He wanted it to be removed.But on the penalty point you made I think it makes ranking up more meaningful when you have penalty.Just having to go back an do it again instantly would kind of defeat the insensitive of ranking up.I think it’s good to have trail an error to the MR.However I do think maybe it should be a 10 hour penalty instead of 24 hours.

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12 минут назад, (NSW)jja209 сказал:

Well I was referring to the op.He wanted it to be removed.But on the penalty point you made I think it makes ranking up more meaningful when you have penalty.Just having to go back an do it again instantly would kind of defeat the insensitive of ranking up.I think it’s good to have trail an error to the MR.However I do think maybe it should be a 10 hour penalty instead of 24 hours.

The current system does not explicitly show player skills. For such things there is a rank system, as in League of Legends (PVP) and equipment level able to help pass missions (PvE).

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