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How do I carry my friend through WF's abysmal earlygame?


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On Tue Feb 19 2019 at 11:05 AM, OneYenShort said:

OP....  let me redo your plan for you not knowing anything about your friend.

Day 1.  Have fun.  With side bits of explaining mechancis of the game  (mods, potato, etc).  Give friend the codes for free weapons (they come potatoed so don't get rid of them.  Made that mistake).  Ask the friend what they have liked and not liked to redefine tomorrows fun.
Day 2. Have fun.  With side bits explaining parkor controls of the game.  Ask the friend what they have liked and not liked to redefine tomorrows fun.
Day 3. Have fun. Work on getting him a kubro.  Ask the friend what they have liked and not liked to redefine tomorrows fun.
Day 4. Have fun. Explain how to trade and how to PUG.  Explain relics and take them on a void run or two, explain how this farming of relics work and why you do so. .  Ask the friend what they have liked and not liked to redefine tomorrows fun.
Day 5. Take a breather and go to the movies, go hang at a bar, experience the world.
Day X mod 5 not equal to zero.  Have fun. work towards the fun your friend has. Work on things they want to see.  Sorties, PVP, syndicats, etc.
Day X mod 5 equal to zero. Take a breather and go to the movies, go hang at a bar, experience the world.


There is no finish, so you don't have to race.  You as the teacher must slow yourself down to make it fun for them.  It seems this was utterly lost in your post in an effort to get them to where you are to make it fun for you.

learning a game is almost always fun,why not play efficiently and remove tediousness? we didnt spend 10 hours glomping in farron when we started ds3

17 hours ago, FlusteredFerret said:



Well said! :thumbup::clap:


OP's attitude stinks for a number of reasons...and is sadly typical of a lot of the player base, who basically trash anything they think is "beneath" them.


1. The very fact he wants to plan to get his buddy up to endgame status as fast as possible, totally misses the point of the game.

2. His casual dismissal of early game content as "abysmal" - ignoring the fact it needs to be easy for newbies.

3. His refusal to wait or even help guide his friend through the early stages of the game.

4. His attitude of not wanting to have to "carry" his friend through harder content.


A REAL friend would be happy to play the game from the start and guide them along the way, instead of trying to rush them through.


All in all an absolutely shocking attitude. I wonder if he treats real life in the same manner?


this is nothing more than insult and bait,but i'm gonna bite just this once

this guy is as good as video games as i am,and we're both quite good.

he isnt fragile enough to not stop me if i'm ruining the fun for him he'd actually say smth bout it

you don't even know me,why are you so hellbent on decrying me as an emotionless monster? that's horrifically rude and self-righteous and you needa stop

6 hours ago, (PS4)AyinDygra said:

You have to know what motivates a person to like the game - why they play - to successfully help them start out.

  • If they play for personal satisfaction, making up their own goals as they go, just handing stuff to them will remove their motivation for playing and strip them of potential goals.
  • If they play for the power fantasy, and just enjoy the game, there is little problem with boosting them. It'll just make the game more fun.
  • If they don't like to "grind" and you're trying to help remove some of that grind from some of their goals, they'll eventually hit the "grind" for something you couldn't give them, or run out of "things to do" because they already have the stuff they'd have gotten from actually playing the grind. They may burn out or get bored, depending on the person and their grind threshold.



it's the second one mate

8 hours ago, peterc3 said:

Learning to play by hammering Hydron/Kiste/Viver/affinityandlootopia47390 is the issue with tons of players I see around here and elsewhere. Something key to that space but otherwise just another part of the game for everyone else gets changed by DE and it becomes a Problem because they have no actual game experience. They ahven't been playing Warframe, just a slice of it and anything that threatens that is Bad.

Anyone that taxis people to the FOTM loot cave is doing an absolute disservice to a new player. You are destroying a new player before they even start.

if you're duoing something like that it can actually be a bit of a fun memefest,you're probably just thinking too much of the horrors of saryn hydron

11 hours ago, spirit_of_76 said:

no let him grind it out

fine but I would suggest you do Hellen instead

let him do this at his own pace

good they are a pain to farm other whise

I took me over a month of daily play to get to Phobos

go farm plains it will be a better use of time.  

I was MR 7 by this point and 3 months into the game because I was enjoying the journey

I was 4-5 months into the game before I even tried to Eidolon.  and this will rob him of the war frame experience.  this game is more about the journey than the destination.  rushing hin through it will just ruin it for him.  let him progress at his own pace and aid him during the missions that are not easily solvable.  

1。 only if its not ivara tier grindy

2。 yeah maybe good idea,mr0 doesnt need hydron levels of exp gain

3。 ill let him choose how when and why etc


5。same here too,if only i had a bit of discipline so that i could move fast enough

6。why not lel

7。gaining powerlevels real quick can be fun you know。 i mostly use single target high damage weapons like zarr,he'll find a lot of space for inspiration

8。memey rushes grind and discipline are core parts of warframe,and he is plenty experienced in stuff like that

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1 minute ago, Space0ddity said:

why not play efficiently and remove tediousness

Do what you are going to do, we're just saying you are making a massive mistake. This is a direct pipeline to instant burn out with the game before your game plan is even finished.

If you are going to quote something, at least pretend you read and understood what you quoted. If you learn on Hydron/whatever the new hotness is in regards to Affinity farming, you are not playing Warframe. Looks kind of like it,  but it really is not the game you find elsewhere.

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8 hours ago, Space0ddity said:

learning a game is almost always fun,why not play efficiently and remove tediousness? we didnt spend 10 hours glomping in farron when we started ds3

You are forgetting one thing though. He wont get around the "tediousness" no matter how much you boost him. You will simply get him into a more tedious spot by boosting than he would get into by leveling by himself. You completely neglect the massive need of materials to get anywhere when you've collected and leveled all the credit only items.

Chances are he will get bored to death when he gets sent back to lowbie planets just to get the mats or blueprints needed for x frame or weapon, instead of simply obtaining it as he naturally levels.


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8 hours ago, peterc3 said:

Do what you are going to do, we're just saying you are making a massive mistake. This is a direct pipeline to instant burn out with the game before your game plan is even finished.

If you are going to quote something, at least pretend you read and understood what you quoted. If you learn on Hydron/whatever the new hotness is in regards to Affinity farming, you are not playing Warframe. Looks kind of like it,  but it really is not the game you find elsewhere.


It seems most people find this game becomes tedious / boring when they've maxed everything and there is basically no challenge left. Most of the fun I've had with this game has been figuring stuff out and acquiring frames, gear etc. as I go. Figuring out what I can work with and what I don't like.

If OP's friend basically bypasses all that, then he's not going to have much left.





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9 hours ago, Space0ddity said:

this is nothing more than insult and bait,but i'm gonna bite just this once

this guy is as good as video games as i am,and we're both quite good.

he isnt fragile enough to not stop me if i'm ruining the fun for him he'd actually say smth bout it

you don't even know me,why are you so hellbent on decrying me as an emotionless monster? that's horrifically rude and self-righteous and you needa stop

1. nope - its an honest appraisal of your attitude. You can choose to find it insulting, but judging from the majority of responses, its an accurate one.

2&3. If your buddy is so good at video games, why does he need you to boost him? Also, why aren't you willing to go with him from the start? If he's that good it shouldn't take him long to get to your level.

4. Why do I need to know you personally, to judge what you post? "Emotionless monster" (lol). You make it sound like I said you eat babies or something. All I said was it was idiotic fast-forwarding someone through a game, so they miss the bulk of the playing experience.


If you can explain to me how being "efficient" is fun, I'll reconsider my opinion of you.

DE created this massive, sprawling game with lots of different facets. All you want to do is rush your buddy from A to Z as fast as possible, skipping through a lot of stuff they might actually enjoy.

You don't work for a German car manufacturer, by any chance? They're pretty big on efficiency.


Edited by FlusteredFerret
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I'm glad none of my "friends" done this for me.  

I've got 1.6k hrs in game, at a stage now where my weapons and frames are god like in terms of power and suppose I'm now in what you would term "end game".  And I'm mostly bored.  Kuva, eidolons, spiders, the odd arbitration if I feel like it.  That's about it.

The early game was where all the real fun was.  Working out how things worked, trying new weapons, understanding the mission types etc etc etc.  There was real chance of failure so every mission felt important.  Getting a new mod to drop or building a new frame was exciting. 

And you want to power boost him past all of that because, I would guess, you think it beneath you and you want your mate to do what?  Eidolons?  Endlessly grind kuva in pursuit of top tier rivens?  Won't be long before he's bored with that.  And because you boosted him past 90% of content he'll have no understanding of the game and just be another hydron warrior, and we don't need anymore of those.

Let your mate play and learn the game and only help when he actually gets stuck.  Your plan comes across as more about you than him.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Hyperion Rexx said:

I'm glad none of my "friends" done this for me.  

I've got 1.6k hrs in game, at a stage now where my weapons and frames are god like in terms of power and suppose I'm now in what you would term "end game".  And I'm mostly bored.  Kuva, eidolons, spiders, the odd arbitration if I feel like it.  That's about it.

The early game was where all the real fun was.  Working out how things worked, trying new weapons, understanding the mission types etc etc etc.  There was real chance of failure so every mission felt important.  Getting a new mod to drop or building a new frame was exciting. 

And you want to power boost him past all of that because, I would guess, you think it beneath you and you want your mate to do what?  Eidolons?  Endlessly grind kuva in pursuit of top tier rivens?  Won't be long before he's bored with that.  And because you boosted him past 90% of content he'll have no understanding of the game and just be another hydron warrior, and we don't need anymore of those.

Let your mate play and learn the game and only help when he actually gets stuck.  Your plan comes across as more about you than him.

here's all the stuff only ENDGAME PLAYERS can do properly,efficiently and with a lot of fun and news cant



bounties (both high level and low)

every non-mainline quest

orb mothers

fishing (newfrens dont have time for that or get any serious benefit until they can do t5 bounties)

hunting (where would a noob fit time in for this?)

sorties (assassination sorties are based,and theres something special about going through stuff like this together)

frame grinding,theres like 40 of them and half require you to reach endgame



zaw & kitgun shenanigans (if you can obtain them at a low mr you technically broke into endgame)

focus farming (you might think it's boring but think of it as the WF equivalent of pubbing in 2fort,just a relaxing meme experience。 especially if neither of you use broken frames。)

kuva floods


and maybe like a dozen more i forgot


you're just bored because that magical time of learning the game is long gone and you're too experienced. learning the game wasnt magical because WF's earlygame was amazing,it was because WF was amazing and now you've played too long for it to be novel.


if you're gonna start on this again,think of it this way

every day is literally a new experience if you're moving this fast. 

and think of the fact that my friend isnt a neet like me,and might only play once a week. if he plays that scarcely,any plan besides powerleveling probably wont ever get him to endgame.


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9 hours ago, Space0ddity said:

1。 only if its not ivara tier grindy

yah my comment does not apply to nidus, harrow, or baruke (ivara and kora are iffy)

10 hours ago, Space0ddity said:

2。 yeah maybe good idea,mr0 doesnt need hydron levels of exp gain

there is no real tangible difference in exp form each mission Hellen will be easier to do as an MR 0 (though I would not do that either) but I was MR3 by before I went to mars (I spent way to much time grinding xp on earth). 


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1 minute ago, spirit_of_76 said:

yah my comment does not apply to nidus, harrow, or baruke (ivara and kora are iffy)

there is no real tangible difference in exp form each mission Hellen will be easier to do as an MR 0 (though I would not do that either) but I was MR3 by before I went to mars (I spent way to much time grinding xp on earth). 


yeee nice to see a frenly comment :DDD

thanks for being the one guy to support my viewpoint,i'll follow your advice

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7 minutes ago, Space0ddity said:

thanks for being the one guy to support my viewpoint,i'll follow your advice

I would do it over the course of about 2-4 months (this is not daily but regular play) not a shade over 3 weeks you mention.  however, help will make the game more fun than it is normally, missions like hijack and survival are not really designed for solo newbs and are a good part of why I took so long.  more importantly basic trading and relic drop priority during fissures.  

Edited by spirit_of_76
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Just now, spirit_of_76 said:

I would do it over the course of about 2-4 months (this is not daily but regular play) not a shade over 3 weeks.  however, help will make the game more fun than it is normally, missions like hijack and survival are not really designed for solo newbs.  

3 weeks is actually a bit idealistic tbh,i expect a hell of a lot of delays,which is why my plan is so brutal. i might get this done in bout 2 months

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à l’instant, Space0ddity a dit :

3 weeks is actually a bit idealistic tbh,i expect a hell of a lot of delays,which is why my plan is so brutal. i might get this done in bout 2 months


I though you were going to stick to that plan stricktly and spending little to no time outside of pexing/farming for 40-80 hours over the time of 1 month.

(Little room for experimentation and personnal grow)

But that plan over the time of 2 month and more is reasonable, a little bit too straight foward but reasonable and still healthy.

(I really though you were trying to powerlevel him to mr6 in 3 weeks)

I recommend to give a more loose plan in the date so everyone who see the thread stop freaking out.

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6 minutes ago, angias said:


I though you were going to stick to that plan stricktly and spending little to no time outside of pexing/farming for 40-80 hours over the time of 1 month.

(Little room for experimentation and personnal grow)

But that plan over the time of 2 month and more is reasonable, a little bit too straight foward but reasonable and still healthy.

(I really though you were trying to powerlevel him to mr6 in 3 weeks)

I recommend to give a more loose plan in the date so everyone who see the thread stop freaking out.


now we can all stop flaming the living crap outta eachother

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1 hour ago, Space0ddity said:

and think of the fact that my friend isnt a neet like me,and might only play once a week. if he plays that scarcely,any plan besides powerleveling probably wont ever get him to endgame.


If he plays that little powerleveling wont help him get to an end-game ready state unless he plans on throwing massive amounts of cash just to get weapons and the right frames (although Nezha can get him through all end-game safely without much time or resources needed) to actually do anything meaningful. Not only is there an MR lock on "most" useful end-game weapons, there is also the resource costs that goes with them. So if he cant play for more than a day a week (hopefully a lengthy session) he should focus more on spending his time really well in the game when he can so he can get exactly the things he needs when he gets to the point of end-game.

If you PL him it will lead to the point where he can do end-game but lacks everything to be able to build the items he needs, which in turn leads him to doing the same thing every session he can just so he'll be able to get those items ready and start the end-game properly. And since you say that he is a good player I expect him to want to be able to contribute well when he does specific content.

With the limited hours I think he'd probably enjoy the rest of the game more since there is so much to do on a regular basis. WF isnt really the run of the mill gotta-get-to-end-game type of game. It is so open ended and you feel pretty good from early on to the late game because it all provides a good sense of progression. End-game in WF is probably the weakest part of the whole game.

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On 2019-02-18 at 11:10 PM, Space0ddity said:

starting out in WF is a nightmare if your best friend has 600 hours in already for the both of you, that much is guaranteed

i want to make a plan to grind to MR6 as fast as possible and boost him really quick so he wont spend half the time being completely useless. i'm not gonna subject my friend to 200 hours of looking at my shiny ass stealing all his kills.

here's my plan

day 1: install, tutorial finish, and meetup, i'll teach him advanced stuff like bullet jumping, and plat gift him a frame of choice

day 2: i taxi him to hydron and carry for a bit, help him level up his crap until mr1

day 3: repeat farming,  make sure he makes it to MR2

day 4: indoctrinate him into clan, trade him damage mods for abilities and then primaries (he likes to play as spellcasters in ds3)

day 5: starchart

day 6: we should be at  vor's by now,  if not then we should have already killed krill

day 7: vorkrill and sarge should be dead, a big chunk bitten into jupiter, maybe go for broke and bust alad

day 8: taxis to hydron whenever starchart gets stale, main quests should start around now

day 9: second dream should be over right now, main goal is now to get all the important nodes, mainly t4 void

day 10: uranus and neptune should be done for, so should pluto. sedna should probably be a bit of a way through.

day 11: void should be reached,  hains of charrow done for

day 12:  sunbro here  should be MR6, next 10 days are grinding for amp components in fortuna

day 22:  bro now has: working amp, leveled frame, strong weapon, mr 6 minimum, and can now pull weight.


is this even possible? i  just  wanna help my G

And THAT kind of agenda is bad. Just plain and simple bad. You rush everything in a month. You can do that but he will experience nothing. You make an error like other stated. trust us. Its not worth the "end game".

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2 hours ago, Space0ddity said:



bounties (both high level and low)

every non-mainline quest

orb mothers

fishing (newfrens dont have time for that or get any serious benefit until they can do t5 bounties)

hunting (where would a noob fit time in for this?)

sorties (assassination sorties are based,and theres something special about going through stuff like this together)

frame grinding,theres like 40 of them and half require you to reach endgame



zaw & kitgun shenanigans (if you can obtain them at a low mr you technically broke into endgame)

focus farming (you might think it's boring but think of it as the WF equivalent of pubbing in 2fort,just a relaxing meme experience。 especially if neither of you use broken frames。)

kuva floods


I think you overhype these things... a lot of these things are rather boring and just a few people find them interesting. its also a lot more fun to try it out alone instead of getting into everything in just a month...

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il y a 8 minutes, DerGreif2 a dit :

I think you overhype these things... a lot of these things are rather boring and just a few people find them interesting. its also a lot more fun to try it out alone instead of getting into everything in just a month...

Op admited that his planning was idealist and would play out more around the time of 2 month : this is still a little fast but reasonable since he know the guy.

His friend will be eager to reach that lvl of content and will try to powerlevel regardless of the help of his friend.

The plan is here to help cut the gap in a more controled way. It's just the time prediction that is way too tight and efficient.

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his problem is not his intentions they are fairly admirable but that does not change the fact that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  getting the new player to MR 10 relatively (2-4 months of regular play will do this add some guidance and boosters and it will be less) quickly (most of the fun guns are MR 10) is a good Idea heck I hate MR grinding but man did I grind it so I could get gods gift to shotguns after that just have fun.  the most important part is that he helps his new friend not sell certain Items gets him the mandatory early game mods and helps with some farming and star chart (carrying him through ~2 terry fights will let him get a usefull amp) I really wish that I had someone that i could play with even now that i can solo almost any mission.  the most fun I have in this game is when I am in party chat with another chatty player and all we are doing is farming weapons and orokin celss at hellen (part of why i sugested it similar afinity values but better rewads and significantly easyer enimies)

the big thing is that you dont rush through the story or the game as there is only an unbuilt hiway with a narrow dirt road at the end.  this game is a journey, not a destination

one other thing to help with is farming arc-wing and arc-guns, it is a pain in the but as a solo low MR player.  It is kind of needed at the moment but will more than likely be mandatory latter with one of the upcoming expantions being rail jack. 

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3 minutes ago, spirit_of_76 said:

his problem is not his intentions they are fairly admirable but that does not change the fact that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  getting the new player to MR 10 relatively (2-4 months of regular play will do this add some guidance and boosters and it will be less) quickly (most of the fun guns are MR 10) is a good Idea heck I hate MR grinding but man did I grind it so I could get gods gift to shotguns after that just have fun.  the most important part is that he helps his new friend not sell certain Items gets him the mandatory early game mods and helps with some farming and star chart (carrying him through ~2 terry fights will let him get a usefull amp) I really wish that I had someone that i could play with even now that i can solo almost any mission.  the most fun I have in this game is when I am in party chat with another chatty player and all we are doing is farming weapons and orokin celss at hellen (part of why i sugested it similar afinity values but better rewads and significantly easyer enimies)

the big thing is that you dont rush through the story or the game as there is only an unbuilt hiway with a narrow dirt road at the end.  this game is a journey, not a destination

one other thing to help with is farming arc-wing and arc-guns, it is a pain in the but as a solo low MR player.  It is kind of needed at the moment but will more than likely be mandatory latter with one of the upcoming expantions being rail jack. 

alrighty,i'll make sure to follow every word. thanks for supporting me man,i hope you find that warbro that you really need.

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On 2019-02-19 at 6:23 AM, FlusteredFerret said:

2. His casual dismissal of early game content as "abysmal" - ignoring the fact it needs to be easy for newbies.

For me the early game of Warframe was when it was at it's best. Figuring stuff out, planning what to get next, building my dojo, etc. I didn't have anyone to help me. 😞

What I do for friends is invite them into my ghost clan, give them a few essential mods, a couple prime bps of their choice, and help them farm resources and progress through the star chart, and answer questions. Use the opportunity to use frames/gear you don't normally use when playing together.

I do find it unfortunate that so many "quests" lately are solo for seemingly no reason. For example, Fortuna, the quest is basically just bounties...but you can't play with your friends.

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il y a 29 minutes, (PS4)Elvenbane a dit :

 I didn't have anyone to help me. 😞

I believe that it is the best way to experiment the early game.

Then again, i am an elitist weirdo who started alone, so i guess i might be a little bit biaised.

Oddly i enjoy helping new player, going has far has when i was mr4, i try to help them but not by dropping bombs of information.

I purposely give only a few rare mod and undergear myself so i am forced to play for real and they will learn by observation. I will give them a few trick and more importantly explain them the multilayered nature of the modding system. Encourage them to try different combinaison so they naturally understand it instead of memorizing it.

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On 2019-02-18 at 10:10 PM, Space0ddity said:

starting out in WF is a nightmare if your best friend has 600 hours in already for the both of you, that much is guaranteed

i want to make a plan to grind to MR6 as fast as possible and boost him really quick so he wont spend half the time being completely useless. i'm not gonna subject my friend to 200 hours of looking at my shiny ass stealing all his kills.

is this even possible? i  just  wanna help my G

what endgame?

Also if all your friend wanted was to be effective he could if desperate just buy some highly effective weapon bundles the second he starts the game, a Warframe or cosmetics bundle that also contains weapons bypasses the MR requirements so even a new starter can instantly rock around with an Arca Plasmor or similar.

Without buying anything, get him to MR4 and at least get a regular ignis fitted for Corr/Blast, even if he cant kill stuff he can strip armor and cc mobs that way.

But I would probably still have to clarify, what endgame do you speak of?

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