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A better Nyx rework?


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On 2019-04-03 at 6:05 PM, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

I'd even be fine with the ability to only effect 6 targets.  The debuff afterall is not a perma strip.  So you could easily just remove it off of the current targets when she casts it again to effect new targets.  This would preserve her bolt's augment of cheap cc spam while still keeping the debuff as an effect.  

Exactly like Chaos. Recasting should remove it from whatever it's on. I hate when there's 1 bady I can't find so it stops me from just easily using it again. Makes it an ability you use once and then forget about until the next time you remember she has it.

Or you press it by accident and then you think "Oh yeah she has this ability! I wonder why I never use it." but then you remember why and forget about it until next time.

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The person who changed her bolts to the current "hold 2 to remove the effect" hasn't played Nyx for more than 20 seconds. Probably also did it in the Simulacrum, fighting only 6 level 30 Grineer at once and dying. Hell, it's a genuinely good ability that saves me against high level Grineer by doing this wonderful trick:



If Mesa can have 95% damage reduction for about a minute and CC for even more than that, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't hurt for Nyx's only actually offensive ability to be usable while enemies still are affected.



Edited by Basalto
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On 2019-04-03 at 8:44 AM, XenMaster said:

Nyx as a supposed crowd control frame, she doesn't have that much DPS aside from her Mind Control and own crafted weapons.


She need that debuff more than anyone because of Mind Control's damage type. Too weak and they cannot proc status effect often. Absorb cannot deal any decent even if with the debuff but it became a proper defense ability to avoid one shot attacks.


Moreover Nyx's Psychic bolts cost 50 energy without any efficiency mods. That cost a lot per cast which it wouldn't matter if the ability work as a debuffer mechanic. It also require enemy's line of sight on Nyx only the bolts can target them when cast.


With 6 bolts limitation and cannot be increased by any stat, the ability need to be allowed spammable.

Don't even have to read, I agree. The ability is nowhere near op, not even close. It has far too many limitations for what it actually does, the least they can do is make it spammable.

Edited by Sonicbullitt
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Nyx is the main Warframe that I play, with somewhere around 700 in game hours, she accounts for like 40 to 50% of my frame usage. It should technically be more, but I was stuck with just Volt for a long time. Needless to say I have alot of hours with her, and I loved the QoL changes DE gave her a while ago. While what they did was great, I think just two small changes would definitely make her alot better.

Her 1 and her 3 are fine as in, dont really need any tweaking

Her 2, I like what it does currently, but the randomness to it really inhibits its usage. One of the changes I would like to see is atleast make one of the bolts targetable. There have been plenty of times where Ill walk up to a group of enemies, and want to priortize one of them (Nox, heavy gunner, Bombard, etc), but when I go to use the bolts, they debuff everyone but the one I want debuffed. Say for instance I have my crosshairs on an enemy, I want atleast one of the bolts to directly hit him, the rest can randomly hit everyone around him like it normally does now. Thats one

The other was with her 4. DE added the ability for nyx to take all of the damage shes absorbed, and converts it into a gun damage bonus when she comes out of Absorb. This is good in theory,  but for me, gos against the whole reason why I use absorb. I use absorb like an "oh crap" button, and use assimilate because the ability is pretty bad without it. I typically do not exit absorb until everything around me is dead, so having that gun damage buff on exit is cool, but really doesnt every get used. Id like to see that buff apply to her while she is in absorb, giving her a much needed dps increase when she actually needs it, and have its duration stay the same upon exiting absorb. To balance it you could increase the energy usage while in absorb, or only have the buff only apply while in absorb. Id also like Nyx to have brief invulnerability coming out of absorb, since the animation is long and shes prone to getting killed if you want to actually use the absorb buff as it currently is, but thats probably a pipe dream.

I believe nezha got invulnerability with his warding halo when it runs out, Id like the same for nyx, since shes pretty squishy as is

Im not asking for any skill reworks or anything, just some minor QoL tweaks to make playing her much more enjoyable

Thanks for reading 🙂

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My most used frame as well.  Absorb needs to become her "tanking" ability in development as it is in practice. 

Remove some of the movement restrictions and remove the damage aspect.  Perhaps make it DR to balance it so she isn't jumping around with cheap channeled invincibility.  Make the augment the old absorb.  That would balance her out and make her 4 more fun.

Nemesis in Dark Sector had a shield and the ability to turn back projectiles.  Moving back towards that, and away from terminator with a damage (???) aspect, would be nice.

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I have issues with Nyx, because this frame feels like she doesn't fit any mission properly. "controlling" ennemies is useless because most of the time you have to kill them (defense, extermination, survival, fissure...), then it's also useless in assassination or capture or any bossfight, bringing an AOE radiation does more or less the same (or Oberon garden).

She seems to perform better at excavation, but even then she's outperformed by a Limbo or slow nova

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With Nyx’s deluxe coming soon I thought it would be a good time to talk about one of our oldest and most weirdly positioned warframe:


Now I can understand that everyone has their own opinion and that this may or may not be to your liking , however this analysis took a long time to make and is crafted in a way that doesn’t change nyx’s feeling but only her overall performance.


Nyx has been in a pretty bad spot for a Crowd Control/Debuffer/Damage dealer frame. Almost everyone knows her kit is outright replaceable by Loki’s Irradiating Disarm with no risks of getting shot. The Psychic Bolts changes were welcomed, but implemented in such a way that bringing a Corrosive weapon ends up stripping armor more efficiently in a horde. Chaos got outclassed by nearly every CC ability, and Absorb got outclassed by every durable frame (the damage aspect is so inconsequential it was hard to call it a damage ability).


Suggested Changes:
(New)Passive:Enemies are 60% less accurate when targeting nyx and her allies( except when in absorb).


I.Theses are obviously bumped up numbers however currently the passive is so low it might as well not be there. This is to help furthermore with nyx’s survivability when not in absorb/assimilate.

-Mind Control: allow for the mind controlled unit to take aggro priority over Nyx and be more relentless in attacking enemies if they come too near.


I.There have been too many instances of expecting your ally to shoot  enemies, but they

instead “hide for cover” most of the time.

--Psychic bolts: remove the cap of 6 bolts and allow them to scale off power strength and remove the charge time to recast them.


I. Holding a button for 2.5 seconds is not engaging nor tactical, it just makes resetting bad bolts targeting more annoying to deal with.


II. Allow the debuff on enemies to be affected by energy colour. More of a cosmetic nitpick, but also it is sometimes annoying to see different trails of bolts only to have them show up green as debuffs(as seen here https://i.imgur.com/X3BQ9rs.png). Not to mention a lot of enemies go well with green so the debuff is barely visible outside of the Corrupted faction.


III. Allow Psychic Bolts to actually slow down Infested enemies, there has been no effects at all against non-Ancient Infesteds. The rework was supposedly gonna make her 2 slowdown Infested units, but there has been 0 changes in their movements from tests. As quoted from the forum patch notes.


Psychic Bolts:

  • No longer deals any damage and will temporarily disable Armor & Shield, slow down Infested units, and disable Ancients' Auras.

  • Psychic Bolts can be cast once on up to 6 targets. Kill these targets before you can cast again, OR hold '2' to reset targets and cast again!

It’s been 4 months now, and Bolts still doesn’t slow down Infested units. Video evidence can be seen here: https://youtu.be/a9XMfX6G1Kw

---Chaos:  (main problem) Chaos is a decent CC ability, but once again reliant on AI working so it also means you’re a plausible threat for AI while even a map horde is under a Chaos debuff.


I.Allow Nyx to “disguise” as an enemy unit while in Chaos. This helps to eliminate one of Chaos’ main problems, where enemies can still attack you despite Chaos’d enemies taking higher targeting priority.


II.Another suggestion is to make Nyx and allies invisible for 5-10 seconds (fixed duration) so enemies will not immediately target Nyx during Chaos.


III. The third suggestion is to grant Nyx an evasion boost while an enemy is affected by Chaos. This would make Nyx even harder to hit, allowing her to survive even when AI target priority is marked on her. This would help synergise with her passive further as enemies under mass chaos would be more unlikely to hit her, but she will still be in danger as evasion does not mean invulnerability.


(yes we realize we flipped this one around as there was more suggestions than problems to speak of.)

----Absorb: Make the energy drain constant (remove the extra energy depletion). Allies shooting into your Absorb easily drains your energy to 0, and scaling enemies instantly deplete your only survivability the higher you go.


Absorb has this issue where it is unsure if its a nuke or a tank ability, and it is awful at both. Making Absorb deal 100% of absorbed damage might be understandably overpowered, but making it drain based on how much damage you take is why people don’t like Absorb as a tank ability (Assimilate even gets knocked out by other more durable frames).


I.Make the energy drain just a normalized drain(only the channel energy cost). Draining energy for every 1000 damage is not fun, especially when the game has evolved since U14.5 to where enemies easily deal 1000 damage per shot. Here is an example of a 175%efficiency , 128% duration assimilate build versus a sortie level 100 enemy gunner: https://i.imgur.com/0qa5tWV.gifv  


II.Make “Lingering Absorption” scale better with strength. 0.03% of damage absorbed converted into a buff is really bad, coupled with Absorb’s awful drain rate it easily costs 600 energy to maximize the buff. 8 seconds of damage buff is also too short to actually be of use, when the intend is to “boost mind controlled allies output” that just leaves you with 4 seconds of a damage buff which is near useless to be utilised.


III.Give Nyx a short invulnerability window after leaving Absorb. Another complaint is that everything is firing at you, you detonate and you immediately get shot down. You’re stuck with the exploding animation which makes you vulnerable to fire, and we all know how squishy Nyx is outside of Absorb/Assimilate.


IV.Allow Nyx to use Psychic Bolts in Absorb. Armor/shield scaling is one of the predominant issues on why Absorb is a terrible ability. It is ironic that Nyx can strip armor/shields, but she cannot use it when charging her “retaliation” ability which is Absorb which further makes Absorb awful at dealing consequential damage.


I.Absorb is honestly one of the most confusing abilities to exist. Is it meant to be a panic button for godmode? Is it meant to be a nuke ability? Is it meant to buff damage? Is it meant to help Nyx survive? It has so many soft limits that it is actually one of the worst nuke/panic button/quick godmode ability. You lose the ability to do anything only for you to deal tickle damage with excess energy drain the more you try to build-up.


The suggested changes above are more for consistency issues with Nyx, and also help to get her in-line with other Warframes as the CC/debuffer/semi-nuke frame. Right now, she has utility, CC, and damage, but all her aspects fall behind stronger generalised frames like Equinox/Rhino/Revenant/Loki/Mag/Nekros/ The list goes on for how many frames can actually cover up Nyx’s roles.


To conclude, we believed nyx is still in a bad spot. Despite looking great her abilities are outdated and too limited to do anything practical within the game and it’s why I wanted to make this discussion now before she gets forgotten for a couple years again.
Thank you for reading!

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Edited by Elon-Chan
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New passive is boring, ineffectual and straight worse than the old disarm. I dont see DE cranking it up to a point where it would maybe actually be useful, like the suggested 60% and even then its worse since its for only Nyx. Its strange to me that everyone seems to be in agreement that Lokis disarm is good and yet the same thing is bad on Nyx? Whatever.

Added aggro for MC targets, yes

New iteration of psychic bolts is super clunky and i agree a corrosive modded weapon can do it better. I still think the armor debuff is a gimmick shoehorned in there because corrosive projection but if it was actually spammable without the awkward press to disable it would be actually somewhat powerful and worth building into but we cant have that on Nyx, too much power!

Disguise side effect for Chaos sounds neat but prolly wouldnt be done since you can stretch it to like 30 secs duration with a much lower cooldown, almost Loki style perma invisibility. Small invisibility or evasion boost sounds good too.

Good old Absorb. Id agree it needs an additional window. Id be content with it being a panic button/defense ability, but now its just a confused mess. People want it to be a proper nuke but we cant have that on a CC frame (!) so add some boost to it but not too much and it needs to cost alot of energy since its so powerful....i dont even know.

But since DE itself is now on the "CC sux and is outdated" (see link, many lols) train maybe everyone will finally get their wish and one glorious day Nyx will just be revamped into a DPS frame (since we have so few of those) where MC is a direct damage spell to one target, Bolts is dps to multiple targets, Chaos is aoe dps and Absorb is the big room go boom 4 nuke and then everyone will play her alot, hooray


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That passive has to go entirely. At low levels you don't need it and at high enough levels, even with 99%, you'd still get killed often enough due to the overwhelming number of bullets being shot at you because enemies keep their weapons.

I also really disagree that the changes to Psychic Bolts were welcomed by everyone. A good utility skill(coupled with the old passive) was turned into something that is unnecessary because of hilariously power-creeped weapons. There isn't a single instance I would ever use this ability. I quit playing Nyx entirely(due to her "update") and the absence of this skill has affected me not at all. It actually gets less useful the better your weapons and mods become since you can just brute force almost everything. It's a crutch at best and a joke at worst. The horrible functionality doesn't help it any either. Hold to cancel?! Press-4-to-Win Prime already has several flavors but being able to recast this is too much power?

The other stuff suggested is interesting even if I'm not necessarily a fan. Evasion bonus on targets affected by Chaos is pretty solid but this was already delivered via the old disarm passive. It's a different flavor I guess. I applaud the attempt at making Absorb usable but I think the whole skill needs to go. I'm probably in a minority that never used the augment so I'm not as concerned about losing its functionality. I understand why people enjoy it though. It's pretty cool thematically even if the flavor is all wrong for a mind controller.

I do appreciate people trying to salvage Nyx. Thank you for providing feedback and suggestions.

I really don't have a lot of hope for Nyx in the future.

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I really like your ideas.  I hope they take notice. 

It was really nice that they've reverted the ai for mc, at least they're a better distraction now than their rework had made.  Damage-wise still meh.  But someone have suggested somewhere in the forums to give them the mallet treatment so they can kill aside from drawing aggro.

Currently her 2 and 4 is her worst abilities imo.  They could gave her 2 a spammable disarm (aside from % defense reduction) and make her 4 better defensive/offensive ability.  Despite the invulnerability it gives, you're pretty much a sitting duck when you run out of energy/go out of absorb.  

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il y a 53 minutes, RagingPavillion a dit :

I really like your ideas.  I hope they take notice. 

It was really nice that they've reverted the ai for mc, at least they're a better distraction now than their rework had made.  Damage-wise still meh.  But someone have suggested somewhere in the forums to give them the mallet treatment so they can kill aside from drawing aggro.

Currently her 2 and 4 is her worst abilities imo.  They could gave her 2 a spammable disarm (aside from % defense reduction) and make her 4 better defensive/offensive ability.  Despite the invulnerability it gives, you're pretty much a sitting duck when you run out of energy/go out of absorb.  

Make nyx absorb a mallet you say ? That's sounds really powerful ! Even though I must say I like it personally I don't know how the player base would react to a change like that, it would really change how nyx plays.

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19 minutes ago, Elon-Chan said:

Make nyx absorb a mallet you say ? That's sounds really powerful ! Even though I must say I like it personally I don't know how the player base would react to a change like that, it would really change how nyx plays.

It wasn't her absorb I was pertaining to but her mc targets, it was to remove the buffing part in which aside its minimal output it also consumes 4 seconds the mc target can be moving and drawing aggro instead of banging their heads to a nonexistent rock music.  It could also work on her absorb though, damage scaling wise.  Mallet is very much Nyx's 1 and 4 in one but better.  Mallet draws aggro and constantly absorbs and releases damage that it takes, aside from that it can be mobile when combined with resonator.

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I see Absorb as an "oh crap these guys need to get on the floor NOW!!" button. In that aspect the damage buff on exit is a perfect addition as I can kill them as they get up. My issue with it is that it has too short a duration, a base of 12-15 seconds would fix it for me

On the issue of Psychic Bolts I think it should affect all enemies in line of sight of Nyx but have a short-ish duration since it isn't her main thing

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23 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

The AI of her 1 is actually really buggy and  the mind controlled target will focus more on following you than killing enemies.

Yeah ive noticed that, its seems really hit or miss, most of the time from my experience, the mind control target would just seemingly wander off and not stay by my side, which is kinda annoying. I havent noticed the target transitioning through defense waves though, since most of the time in defense missions i almost never get a chnace to use my 1, and i avoid using my 3 unless necessary because it lengthens the waves. 


23 hours ago, MonsterOfMyOwn said:

I have issues with Nyx, because this frame feels like she doesn't fit any mission properly. "controlling" ennemies is useless because most of the time you have to kill them (defense, extermination, survival, fissure...), then it's also useless in assassination or capture or any bossfight, bringing an AOE radiation does more or less the same (or Oberon garden).

She seems to perform better at excavation, but even then she's outperformed by a Limbo or slow nova

Shes actually really good for assassination missions because she can strip armor which is highly useful, but i get what you mean overall, in those situations her other abilities arent as good, though her 3 is great for add control. She really shines in excavation, solo survival, defection, and mobile defense, because she gets to use her whole kit.


2 hours ago, (PS4)RazorPhoenix970 said:

I see Absorb as an "oh crap these guys need to get on the floor NOW!!" button. In that aspect the damage buff on exit is a perfect addition as I can kill them as they get up. My issue with it is that it has too short a duration, a base of 12-15 seconds would fix it for me

On the issue of Psychic Bolts I think it should affect all enemies in line of sight of Nyx but have a short-ish duration since it isn't her main thing

I almost never use the explosion from absorb as cc, with assimilate the range is pretty abysmal, and more then 75% of the time, i either die coming out of it because of the long animation, or i take alot of damage. Adaption has really been my go to for increasing her survivability outside of absorb though

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16 hours ago, Elon-Chan said:

So effectively you could reach 100% damage reduction , not bad at all 🙂

Since when i said up to 100%?


Only keep at 30% DR when youre near those enemies influenced with Chaos/Psychic Bolts debuff.

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15 hours ago, Vanilla_nuka said:

Shes actually really good for assassination missions because she can strip armor which is highly useful, but i get what you mean overall, in those situations her other abilities arent as good, though her 3 is great for add control. She really shines in excavation, solo survival, defection, and mobile defense, because she gets to use her whole kit.

Use any fast melee weapon(like the Shaku) with Shattering Impact on it and make the armor strip permanent. You don't need to use Psychic Bolts at all in any of the content. Toxic elements bypass shields completely, too.

She is good for Assassinations due to Chaos, though. You can mess up the whole room and headshot the bosses across the room with any sniper rifle you choose.  I get similar effects with Revenant but it's not the same.

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7 hours ago, ArcKnight9202 said:

Use any fast melee weapon(like the Shaku) with Shattering Impact on it and make the armor strip permanent. You don't need to use Psychic Bolts at all in any of the content. Toxic elements bypass shields completely, too.

She is good for Assassinations due to Chaos, though. You can mess up the whole room and headshot the bosses across the room with any sniper rifle you choose.  I get similar effects with Revenant but it's not the same.

Yeah but id rather not be forced into using only certain weapons, I like variety, and psychic bolts allows me to strip armor from a considerable distance. Yeah the sarpa exists, but I like using zaws, and other fun melee weapons

Someone mentioned earlier about the mind control ai change, and man I love the fact that the ai carries over between waves now. I have noticed though that the AI is incredibly derpy and spends alot of time running around or just standing there. With my Corinth, I can get the target to do upwards of 1500% more damage, and man its hilarious watching a trooper gun down his friends

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im not anywhere near a nyx main but i did just forma her up. to me thats somewhere between a 50-100 times investment. before i go any farther though id like to state the 1 change that. in my personal opinion needed to happen during her rework was that assimilate should have became a exilus slot mod in the vein of mesa's waltz. the mod might as well say you can move and the fact it didnt get any type of speed increases like a roll, or jumping, or just a walking speed increase in general would be more then counter balanced by it being available to all builds with its already substantial downsides. thats my one true gripe with her rework.

On 2019-04-07 at 10:17 AM, Vanilla_nuka said:

Her 2, I like what it does currently, but the randomness to it really inhibits its usage. One of the changes I would like to see is atleast make one of the bolts targetable. There have been plenty of times where Ill walk up to a group of enemies, and want to priortize one of them (Nox, heavy gunner, Bombard, etc), but when I go to use the bolts, they debuff everyone but the one I want debuffed. Say for instance I have my crosshairs on an enemy, I want atleast one of the bolts to directly hit him, the rest can randomly hit everyone around him like it normally does now. Thats one

that sounds super fair and reasonable. to really make use of it you need that PS which really hinders a build already. being able to get some more control out of it would be welcomed.


On 2019-04-07 at 10:17 AM, Vanilla_nuka said:

The other was with her 4. DE added the ability for nyx to take all of the damage shes absorbed, and converts it into a gun damage bonus when she comes out of Absorb. This is good in theory,  but for me, gos against the whole reason why I use absorb. I use absorb like an "oh crap" button, and use assimilate because the ability is pretty bad without it. I typically do not exit absorb until everything around me is dead, so having that gun damage buff on exit is cool, but really doesnt every get used. Id like to see that buff apply to her while she is in absorb, giving her a much needed dps increase when she actually needs it, and have its duration stay the same upon exiting absorb. To balance it you could increase the energy usage while in absorb, or only have the buff only apply while in absorb. Id also like Nyx to have brief invulnerability coming out of absorb, since the animation is long and shes prone to getting killed if you want to actually use the absorb buff as it currently is, but thats probably a pipe dream.

im sorry. i just cant agree. i fall into the camp a bit father down that says a 12-15 second buff duration is a must though i think they are way way undershooting what the timer would need to be. the fact i cant use this with assimilate on is imo a must. my assimilate (my personal favorite of her builds) i can hold assimilate for over 40 mins in a arbitration vs infested. and make no mistake infested are the most dangerous foes to a assimilate build as im sure a avid nyx player like yourself knows. sure i cant get that kinda mileage every time but for me to hold my absorb for 10 mins at a time is not uncommon at all despite what type of mission im doing or what im fighting. the amount of energy drain they would have to add to stop me from getting absurd self dps on top of my invuln would have to be somewhere in the realm of unusable by pretty much the entire warframe community.

my personal thought is its a neat idea thats is hindered by absurdly bad numbers. i really did try a assimilate buff build and a 8 second duration alongside the >.03% buff is just unworkable. make no mistake the game says its .03% but its not. 200 and 300 PS marks arnt where they should be so its actually less then listed but the ui is rounding it up. my guess is its actually .025%.

i dont feel like breaking a build on her to look at what it was maxed out but i can give a close approximation by potatoeing her regular frame and grabing someone to test real fast.  with 207% duration you get a 16.56 second buff for 3 mods slots and all but narrow minded for duration mods. add in streamline and her arcane helmet for 145% efficancy. this is to pull her cost on her 4 down to 13.75 and a drain of 1.06 per second and 1.06 per 1000 damage you take. next add in umbral intensify and augur secrets for 168% strength or a .04% conversion. add in vitality because well its vitality. now get a player with a really well modded rubico prime or catchmoon to shoot you in order to pump every single energy you can into her buff from damage rather then a lot being wasted as enemies try to charge it up. you know what your entire 225 energy pool nets you? 265%!!! i mean their is no way in hell i can generate another 225 energy in 16 seconds every time the buff needs to be recasted. well maybe if i dropped like 5-6 energy pizzas every 16 seconds. the real kicker is w/o primed flow you cant even generate the 400% but its not like you can generate 225 energy every 16 seconds consistency so is kinda a moot point if u can hit the 400%.  i know in the build i always used power drift for another 15%. my one open slot i tried a narrow minded for 24ish seconds buff that only i could get. not only is getting teammates, even friends none the less a hassle to shoot you a lot every 24 seconds but i could rarely ever get my entire energy pool back up to 225. thats with my death cube with a punch threw full auto vicious spread shooty to drop energy orbs like crazy and my rank 4 arcane energize in the other arcane slot. i mean you have no energy even for the occasion 3 on top of it all.

the buff is just unworkable in every single way. the upkeep you need from teammates because of the duration is atrocious. the fact the scaling % is so low enemies cant proc above 100% in anything resembling a normal time span and that its also so low you cant hit the cap with your entire energy pool is unfathomable to me. i mean this would have to be proly a 30 or 60 second buff so that its upkeep would be minimal and still allow you some energy to cast other abilites.  maybe up the scaling % by like 100% to 300%. at 3%-9% enemies might be able to give you a slight damage buff you and your team every so often in a fairly quick time frame. or maybe some mix somewhere in between as im not sure even with that high a duration or scaling alone that the a build on the it is worth it. however as it stands now its beyond useless.

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