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Wukong. the worst frame in the game


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I dislike Limbo because his method of Crowd Control requires that everyone play along with how he sets up the field. You can fight these. Don't fight these. Don't use a sniper rifle, that's outside of MY bubble. He's like Micro-Management, the Frame. He controls his allies as often as he controls everything else and its' passively annoying to deal with. 

I really hope Wukong's MIST FORM gets turned into a K-Drive he can use in missions similar to how Titania gets to use AW. That alone would probably get me using him. 

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On ‎2019‎-‎04‎-‎21 at 2:40 AM, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

Here's a few simple steps to remember when using a WuKong..


Step 1. Get a Vaykor Hek or a Tigris Prime...put enough forma and slash on them with prime shotgun mods so they one shot Lemphantis...

Step 2. Equip Godzilla Shotgun to WuKong. Also thank you for using your Wukong..remember to return him to his parking stall when done.

Step 3. Find a Bombard or Heavy Gunner and face them head on.

Step 4. Use Iron Jab and watch them fall onto their backs thank to "surprise you've been punched" animation.

Step 5. Run up to them while they are on ground. 

Step 6. Point blasty end of shot gun at their crotch area, because embrace your sadistic rage you filthy animal...

Step 7. Pull trigger.

Step 8. Apply Cloud Walker to remove all bodily fluids and clone intestines from prior explosion...Congratulations...You are now shiny again.

Step 9. Return to normal state... Or..Fly around dragging energy, ammo, health, and material drops to other players if so desired...or...off a cliff if they angered you.


Thank you... This has been "Fun with Wukong" for sadistic shotgun users edition....



Side note: I don't care what is done to him..so long as we keep cloud walker and De allows it to pass through Spy vault laser traps like Limbo and Ivara...There's no reason why he shouldn't be doing that......

"GG Wu, you really showed it to that one guy"

                                                    -Anything but Vauban, 2019

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5 minutes ago, Mrevasivepants said:

Then you can't just call him the worst just for that, you're obviously just trolling at this point.

I wasn't that serious anyway, some could call him worst frame to play with (and it's not play as) just because he has great trolling frame.

That's not me tho.

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lmao i can't believe you say wukong is bad, he with rolling guard is immortal vs grinner ( not infested and corpus) his 4 is very good for sortie runs or lv 160 not endurance. his 3 helps a lot just deploy a zenistar disc and go 3 you will be invencible + stealth Damage, his one is Not that all But have a good cc If you build full range, passive helps a lot with naramon so you don't need drifting contact  also theres a lot of useless abilities in game like titania 1

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I soloed 62 waves arbi def vs infested with nyx (got 2 shot by ancient distruptor mid animation since he drains all energy with his spear throw and force my bubble to go off). So stop hating on my boi nyx (yes its boy with my fashion!). 

Wukong is awesome for not dying until high lvl energy leechers/distruptors show up. Can be cheesy with zenistar. Can have very long thicc stick and do great aoe dmg with it. What not to like? 

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24 minutes ago, Benour said:

I soloed 62 waves arbi def vs infested with nyx (got 2 shot by ancient distruptor mid animation since he drains all energy with his spear throw and force my bubble to go off). So stop hating on my boi nyx (yes its boy with my fashion!). 

Wukong is awesome for not dying until high lvl energy leechers/distruptors show up. Can be cheesy with zenistar. Can have very long thicc stick and do great aoe dmg with it. What not to like? 

The problem with Nyx is that she's been nerfed one too many times, + her abilities aren't useful at all vs corpus and void due to the gombas and the nullifiers. Grineers? yeah sure maybe, even though the colateral damage of the napalms and the bombards is a pisser to deal with, + she has the lifespan of a church mouse inside a hobo's mouth.

Edited by Mrevasivepants
Didn't notice I wrote profanity.
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On 2019-04-20 at 6:26 PM, Voltage said:

I raise you Nyx. After 4 years of playing, I still haven't found a use for her outside of the dojo obstacle course with the Arcane helmet. At least Limbo was good for The Pacifism Defect/Defection, is good in Mobile Defense, and was awesome for scaling DPS when he had that feature.

I see your Nyx and raise you Atlas.  I'd play Wukong and Nyx waaaay before Atlas.

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On 2019-04-22 at 1:06 PM, Mrevasivepants said:

Invincible while punching, 2 golems that take away aggro, somewhat decent CC. Sure beats the hell out of most I can think of.

I guess I didn't spend all that much time with him.  My golems weren't too effective and I couldn't get past the cosmetics of the frame itself.  Maybe I'm being too critical, like Wukong's 4 reminding me of Donkey Kong from the 80's...too critical, naaah

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For me he is toward the bottom but

 Wukong > better than 

Ember > (why use her when equinox exists?) who is better than 

 Barruk > (Why use at all) who is still better than

Atlas > why? they had a chance to rework, knowing open world was here to stay and still his wall is some puny pebble? It should scale with power range, or be stackable so you could lego them together. or something.


to each their own.


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Vauban can actually deal damage with his Teslas, so his first is better than Wukongs.

Wukongs Defy is better than Minelayer, if only because the effects on minelayer are simply under powered.

Cloud Walker is barely more useful than Excals Super Jump... which DE had the brains to remove when parkour 2.0 was done... Bastille is one of the best spammable CCs in the game, as its not easily dispelled and can be in multiple places.

I would Rank Vortex as one of the best CC abilities when used with even remotely decent weapons. Primal Fury is actually quite strong when built right but suffers from a really bad stance and really bad reach, preforming the worst overall out of all Exaulted.

overall i would say Vauban is better than Wukong. Vauban has several more useful abilties overall and better teamplay. 3 Abilities that can be serviceably functional vs 2.


Ember Likewise has 3 Functionally effective abilities where wukong has 2.

Limbo again, 3 vs 2 and is considered the best AOE CC frame for single objective defense (barring presence of Nullifiers)





i would say its between Nyx and Wukong for the worst frames in the game. i actually use Wukong a lot more than i use Nyx. Chaos and slow motion god mode with her 4 augment are limitedly useful vs the Death pole and godmodes.


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