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Adding Reason and Duration for In-game Chat Ban Notification Everytimes


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From what I inquired from the support, the staff said that when people get in-game chat ban, they will get to know the reason for their in-game chat ban at the time the player get ban and the duration is up to 2 weeks. 

However, after the first time they get the notification, they will only receive the message saying that they get in-game chat ban without showing the reason and duration, so I would like to request to change the notification to show the reason and the remaining ban duration everytime the player login to the game or loading the chat.


  1. To remind the player of the reason and how long they can’t use chat in the game (because they can't recruit, they can't trade = can't play unless have friends outside the game).
  2. To prevent the repetition of the same action (Being unaware of violate of the rule).
  3. To help ensure the fairness and justify the action of chat moderation.
  4. To prevent the accuasation of authority abuse (If they don't know how and how long they get ban for from missing the first time notification they will think they get ban for no reason).


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I honestly agree with this. Never been banned, always try to follow the rules no matter what. Well, except that one time a accidentaly posted "WTB X Item" on recruit lmao. Even have region chat disabled. But the thought that a surprise ban might happen someday and I don't even know why it happened is something that I fear a lot.

Too much effort put into this game for it all to be gone for a mistake I may or may not have committed, and that I may or may not know about.

Edited by (PS4)Hikuro-93
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chat bans need to be a tad more "constructive" an outright kick/ban with nothing in the way of first drawing attention to the offending matter and making sure that the message was received is downright moronic on the part of developers and administration

no two people share 100% perspective on life values, so do not assume that people share views on what is/isn't offensive.

a proper automatic moderation would entail -

#1 - You draw attention right as the behavior in question happens. for example, lock activity and present a pop-up with a stern message into what was the problem and why
making sure to have a confirmation of understanding.

bi-polar passive aggressive enforcement won't do anything in terms of making for a better social environment, as it mostly breeds resentment

#2 - knee-jerk kick/bans or announcements should be tempered, nobody's perfect and with those that like to troll and lure innocent players into getting themselves kicked/banned it's rife with malicious abuse

removal of offensive messages from chat is already in place, why then not use that for the first offense(depending on context and severity of offense) and just blank out the text.
2nd time gets a warning pop-up. 3rd a kick/ban, better gauging of intent when dealing out punishment is what should have been focused on outright, this is not unreasonable.

#3 - when matter of posting in the wrong tab, just relay it to the proper tab. hell this could even be made to happen client side, trigger words open corresponding tab and post, if there isn't a time restriction

all the effort made to control the behavior of others, while putting far less effort into aiding them just comes across as two-faced sometimes (like the American criminal justice system)

#4 - chat, chat tabs needs some form of an addition that allows for a single temp room that can be made via (for example) #Neo m2 radshare# makes a room that is in a room list, people can go there and wait for others who would like to talk about or run same missions

this would greatly GREATLY cut back on spam. make a room for trading one item. empty rooms vanish, you exit rooms to join others, it's an idea but something definatly needs to be done.

Edited by MakeLuvNotWerFrame
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5 hours ago, -Xtharvind- said:

From what I inquired from the support, the staff said that when people get in-game chat ban, they will get to know the reason for their in-game chat ban at the time the player get ban and the duration is up to 2 weeks. 

However, after the first time they get the notification, they will only receive the message saying that they get in-game chat ban without showing the reason and duration, so I would like to request to change the notification to show the reason and the remaining ban duration everytime the player login to the game or loading the chat.


  1. To remind the player of the reason and how long they can’t use chat in the game (because they can't recruit, they can't trade = can't play unless have friends outside the game).
  2. To prevent the repetition of the same action (Being unaware of violate of the rule).
  3. To help ensure the fairness and justify the action of chat moderation.
  4. To prevent the accuasation of authority abuse (If they don't know how and how long they get ban for from missing the first time notification they will think they get ban for no reason).


People should be given reasons when they're banned. At least one person apparently took a measure of pleasure in only saying "that's not an appropriate topic of conversation in our space ninja game". 

That's not an informative reason, not something that can really help people to learn what is and isn't acceptable. All it does is make sure that the mods themselves won't get into trouble, because they could claim that they complied with what they're supposed to do. 

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6 hours ago, -Xtharvind- said:


100% agree. As an addition (or a compromise if this becomes to difficult to code in) being able to converse ONLY with moderators in-game and having them tell you what/how long for you got banned for, maybe even appeal it or something, should be an option. The reasons we receive chat bans are vague, a simple mistake like shortening a word (like let's say "japanese") can get you banned because it's considered a slur, or something alike, somewhere in the world.

Another solution could be just censoring the word in every chat just like how it works in clan/team chat. If it's just a bad word, why not just censor it instead of jumping the gun (when it's a human moderator, kickbot's code is a different story) and have them banned for a day at best, 2 weeks at worst (or even more if the something goes wrong).

[DE]Bear already told me ages ago that having a list of bannable word/phrases for the players isn't going to happen, because loopholes (which can be (and are) easily added into the algorithm, but ok, whatever), so that goes out the window.

Again, this(OP's) idea isn't something that can be written off with a simple excuse. I'm hoping to see something like this in the future.

Edited by Blexander
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On 2019-08-25 at 4:11 AM, -Xtharvind- said:

To prevent the accuasation of authority abuse (If they don't know how and how long they get ban for from missing the first time notification they will think they get ban for no reason).

Hahahaha. This is laughably naive. People 100% know why they get banned, unless you are taking all of those fun locked threads at their word?

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On 2019-08-26 at 1:56 AM, peterc3 said:

People 100% know why they get banned

Nope. This is an absurd assumption; you are saying that you can read everybody's minds and that you know 100% what goes on in region chat at all times. Don't be silly.

DE's chat rules are pretty vague, and it is very easy to naively break them as a newer player. For example, chat mods are only online maybe 1/5th of the time. During the other 4/5ths, there is no way to actually know what the real rules are. There is no way to know what is considered inappropriate enough to warrant an actual ban until it happens to you. It is very frustrating to get kicked for saying something that you saw dozens of people saying throughout the entire week. Let's take the word "gay" for example. Kickbot has very interesting context-sensitive triggers for banning people for this word. You can say "I'm gay" or "It's okay to be gay" or anything like that, but if you say, "Oh, I didn't know you're gay, that's cool" to someone who brought up the subject, you'll get banned. It's basically trial and error. Whether it's particularly likely or not, it is extremely easy to be falsely kicked by the bot without any warning or explanation.

Chat mods have the authority to basically draw their own line as to what is considered too offensive or inappropriate for chat. Each chat mod has their own line, and very rarely do they give warnings or explanations for the bans. I have been banned many times for reasons that are highly questionable to me. I have only been able to guess as to why, and I've got some pretty good guesses, but they're still just guesses. Even after contacting DE for an official explanation, I have received no response other than a link to the fan-made wiki for a list of possible reasons I might have been banned. The moderators on Xbox are often perceived as touchy, fragile, and trigger-happy. We have one chat mod who very rarely speaks, but one time the mod finally said to someone else "Okay @Name you've said your opinion enough you can stop spamming it now." @Name replied, "oh, you can talk!" and got banned immediately after. Which rule did he break, exactly?

One time, I said verbatim "If you say the n-word, you get banned for two weeks from all chats" and then I got banned for two weeks from all chats. Which rule did I break, exactly? 

Another time, region chat was telling some mildly inappropriate jokes, and this same chat mod started banning people left and right without any clear warning. When people told the chat mod that he was going a bit overboard, he said "Play nice, Tenno." I then said, "There's only one Tenno who isn't playing nice" and I got banned. Which rule, again, did I break exactly?

Edited by (XB1)Erudite Prime
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3 hours ago, peterc3 said:

Hahahaha. This is laughably naive. People 100% know why they get banned, unless you are taking all of those fun locked threads at their word?

Yep, moderators totally can make no mistakes, can have no fragile ego or bad mood and wouldn't happen to go on a power trip or pursue any sort of agendas. Also kickbot is perfectly coded and would never ever hit an innocent player with a ban.

And if any of the above happens, DE is very quick to resolve the issues and remove any bad people from power before any further harm is done.

I don't think an "/s" is really required here, but just to be sure.

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Not everyone knows why they get banned and it takes a real effort to determine the word or the partial part of the word that triggered the chat suspension.

I agree that a time and a reason could be usefull, it would cut down support tickets, it would remove topics in the forum since they are almost the same everytime, asking how long it lasts or why the ban was issued.

So yeah, i don't see a downside but i do understand that it takes time and it ain't a priority atm.

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On 2019-08-25 at 10:57 AM, sinnae said:

Being more constructive with disciplinary measures is always good in my book. Curiosity of how many times OP has gotten chatbanned and for what is nearly killing me though 😛 

I haven't ever been banned from chat as far as I know. I too recognize that the system as it stands is highly flawed.

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I got kicked twice last night during mommy wine time. Both times, there was a reason in chat. The first time KickBot told me to lay off using the space bar (because I tried to type something l i k e t h i s) and the second time I was told my subject matter was not appropriate for a space ninja game (responding to something someone else said about sex). Maybe no more mommy wine time. Or no more region chat. We shall see.

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