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Arbitration question.



I just got into arbitrations and I have a question.   Im not super interested in trying to make long runs in arbitrations.  I just want to farm Vital Essence so I can buy stuff from store.  There is a new arbi every hour,  each arbi grants 1 vital Essense.   But the whole game mode is built for endurance...  So my question is can you get more Vital Essence if you stay for more rounds???  If so approximately what round does more VE drop??

I try to form groups to just do 1 round but nobody ever responds.  So I join randooms and bail after first round which feels bad.   The other day I got yelled at to leave the group so I opened my menu but leaving the squad wasnt an option??  So what did they mean?  Abort or Extract?   I just extracted like normal... (it was survival).   

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Every rotation will give you a reward + 1 Vitus Essence. The more rotations the more Vitus Essence you get. The fastest way would be doing Arbitration Interception or Excavation Missions. The reason you got yelled at is because Arbitration, especially survival is meant to be very long runs, which since you extracted early means that not only deos the spawn rate temporarily shift for a few minutes, making it harder for those that stay to have enemies spawn for them but also because being 1 player less causes the spawn rate to drop noticeably.
So the person yelling at you probably was upset that you left so early, because if you join a survival mission like this most people expect longer runs.

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As other shave advised, each round gives 1 x vital essence. So 10 minutes survival = 1, 20 minutes = 2, 30 minutes = 3, etc.

In the in game recruitment chat you will often see hosting 30 - 60 minute arbitration survival / defense, etc. Try joining or form you own group.

Also, check out the loot drops in this link:


Hope this helps.

Have fun and may RNG be forever in your favor.

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Well I guess when im bored I will do long runs until death.  

I have to say though.... trying to do 1 round of arbitration each hour really put some fun back into the game for me.  Mixing those in with all the other things I do in game.  There were times when I would miss out on an arbi run.   


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1 hour ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

I try to form groups to just do 1 round but nobody ever responds.

Because no one wants to waste time having to wait for the next mission when they could be getting Essence in that same time should they go further.

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The most efficient way to farm vitus essence, endo and other arby drops is to

1. Wait for an excavation arbitration
2. Form a premade group with endurance/defense frames

You can use recruiting chat, or you can use the arbitration discord server to find people (also has a bot that announces the current arby without having to log in).


Edit: with a random squad you might "waste" a good arbitration by having people die or flake out after only a couple of excavators...but I have also gone to 40+ digs with complete randoms, so LFG isn't necessary by any means

Edited by sinnae
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Most people are cool if u leave at the 20-30min mark or 20 round mark. Just ask if it’s ok to extract soon. Nothing worse than getting blindsided by a host change.  But they are a lot of fun/challenging and will def make u a better player the longer U stay. Plus ull never want for Endo again.


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while the Gamemodes are extra long, i'd still suggest playing Arbitration to one full Rotation (3 Reward intervals in Arbitration). you'll just get a lot more Rewards out of the Gamemode then.
people would also be desiring to play to atleast one Rotation, so that lines up conveniently too.

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9 hours ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

I just got into arbitrations and I have a question.   Im not super interested in trying to make long runs in arbitrations.  I just want to farm Vital Essence so I can buy stuff from store.  There is a new arbi every hour,  each arbi grants 1 vital Essense.   But the whole game mode is built for endurance...  So my question is can you get more Vital Essence if you stay for more rounds???  If so approximately what round does more VE drop??

I try to form groups to just do 1 round but nobody ever responds.  So I join randooms and bail after first round which feels bad.   The other day I got yelled at to leave the group so I opened my menu but leaving the squad wasnt an option??  So what did they mean?  Abort or Extract?   I just extracted like normal... (it was survival).   

You are free to leave when you want, you are not obliged to stay, but is common sense, that only doing  one run in very innioficient, because you have a 1 hour cooldown before another starts. And you by leaving so early (nobody leaves thar early..unless you are taking to many damage) you are making the farm harder for others.
Arbitrations were made to do long runs. That´s why all arbitrations are all "endless missiosn" type. Of course you can leave after the first, but nobody expects that, so please inform squad first. They will thank you! Be a nice guy!
As i said, you are free to do what you want, but a GOOD PLYER, AND NOT A SELFISH ONE, at the beginning of mission ( in the firts 30 secs) should inform that are only doing one round/run ( i estimate that 1 out of 10 persons leave in first round, the minority), so the others players can abort mission, if they wanna do more. You can be that guy..dont be the other..
Do the Golden Rule = "Do to others, what you would like others do to you".

If you are leaving early in a mission that´s is uncommon to do that, inform at start..Don´t be that selfish guy!

If you are a "one arbitration run" type of player, you should di the mission solo. Theres no need for a Squad! And thatr way you don´t bother anybody. In one run, they don´t scale that much. You shoul be able tyo do it easy.
Squad is for efficient runs ( dont forget the 1 hour cooldow --player want to farm efficiently)

Edited by Alexcavalera
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Reason people want to stay longer is unique and fair way to Prize Rotations work in Arbitrations.

Unlike normal AABC back to A, Arbitrations have ABCCCCCCCCC... Loot tables are similar but C rotation offers Seeding step and higher chance for the rare mods and Aura forma.

Also it is a fun gameplay (unless people do not know base game mechanics) and only "end game" content this game offers. 

The bonus for certain frames and weapons allows you to experience unusual builds/bonuses.

Edited by Zakkhar
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Arbitrations is my Endgame!
I makes me use different frames/weapons, and allow to test myself, my skills.
It´s like doing Endeless Mot Survival. When i need to test something i go there, and stay till i can no more ( 1 revive left).
And the further you go, the harder it gets..and theres no room for mistakes, only 1 life.
Like the old name, This is why they were called "ELLITE" .
People don´t come here to do 1 run, they came to fight till is not possible anymore!
" My Tenno is Strong..and not afraid!

Edited by Alexcavalera
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If you can, notify the group in advance that you'll only do 1 round or going to bow out so as not to surprise them.

However, this is not always possible because while you're typing away the fight doesn't stop and you don't want to end up being killed 1min into the run either.


If people are really wanting to do endless missions endlessly then perhaps they could either play solo or set up a premade group to do it with?

The strange thing is that in my experience the ones that cuss and call names because a player doesn't want to button mash mindlessly for an hour are the same people that can't be bothered to actually explore the map in any mission because it takes too long.

Sometimes I myself do a 40minute run but lots of times I just do a first rotation. It all depends on what WF I'm running with what weapons, what kind of mission and how good or bad the randoms are I end up with. It's a good place to get endo, rank up weapons, get creds and possibly pick up a sought after mod.

I prefer survivals and defense missions. The later ends is on a small map and in general you can see by the health of the defense target if another 10minutes will be doable or not and the former leaves a large map to explore without having to worrying to much as long as everyone is killing enough enemies.

Excavations are a nuisance in my opinion because if you're squad can't be bothered to defend the excavators you can be in there for a lot longer that 10 minutes before getting an essense to show for it, at least that is my experience the few times I did it. Interception I find even worse because it's way to easy to loose or even keep going unless you have a good squad going.

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I guess things can swing the other way to lol.  You wanting to stay longer but the group you brought runs away lol.  

I got a 1 round group together for a survival.  We did that no problem, well a nova died and gave me the chance to learn the revive mechanics lol.   But on our way to the exit I found a tile with a secret lab on it.  I tried to get everyone to gather up and wait for me to pop it but they booked it for exit..(they extracted and did a host migration).  So F it, I stayed.  Its not like I can lose my rewards right?   So I popped the lab, and then things got crazy.  The enemies in there were pretty strong and then I released the conculyst.....I didnt see what level he was but he was strong lol.   I used my operator, I used my frame,  eventually I took him down.  Popped the second captura locker.  

All I had to do was make it to extraction...  

Got outside the lab and there was a mob waiting for me and I dont even know which one did it but I got murdered lol.   I think I got the captura scenes though hehe.  

I wish I knew what had happened because now im scared of round 2 enemies lol.  

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