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Galatine Is Seriously Op


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There's nothing really wrong with Galatine--at least not any more wrong than what plagues melee in general at present. Melee 2.0 should fix a lot of things and level the playing field.


Until then, the weapon is very good and for advanced users. You won't get anything close to what it fully capable of without the right mods (some not easy to come by) and a couple of formas. Basically, with a lot of work. With that in mind, it isn't really that unbalanced. Effort and reward.


There are other fun weapons in melee, but the class as a whole has real issues that need addressed--hopefully in Melee 2.0.

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Yeah, the Galatine's overpowered.  It deals 400 charge damage with no substantial drawbacks.


DE has never been good at balance design, and their community seems to be allergic to having choices.


Problems existing with melee don't discount the fact it's always been far and above most other melee weapons, alongside a select other few like Orthos Prime.  Those need nerfs too.

Edited by NikolaiLev
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Yeah, the Galatine's overpowered.  It deals 400 charge damage with no substantial drawbacks.


DE has never been good at balance design, and their community seems to be allergic to having choices.


Problems existing with melee don't discount the fact it's always been far and above most other melee weapons, alongside a select other few like Orthos Prime.  Those need nerfs too.

Or instead of wasting time nerfing weapons that are already subpar at high level content, they could keep working on melee 2.0 or whatever they want to call it and see how things turn out then.

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Or instead of wasting time nerfing weapons that are already subpar at high level content, they could keep working on melee 2.0 or whatever they want to call it and see how things turn out then.


This is similar to the inane posts about Damage 2.0, as though that undermined the balance problems that continue to exist.  Damage 2.0 didn't fix underpowered weapons like the Vulkar and the Bo, nor did it fix overpowered weapons like the Galatine.


The only way balance will be achieved is if DE tries to achieve it.  And they won't try unless people demand it.  Hence these threads.

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the melee weapon is not OP


the other melees should be buffed as galatine is the correct damage  and drawbacks for a melee weapon getting up close in a dangerous situation  you want to do massive damage. that's what melee should be not like the others that your die while only doing 100 damage...

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Nerfing melee weapons? Are you serious? The Galatine is nothing like the Acrid. Melee weapons in general become obsolete vs lvl 100+ enemies. The Galatine won't change much.


Now we get a great and usable melee and yet you want to nerf it through the ground.


They should buff the other melee weapons instead of NERF THIS NERF THAT.

This 100x, galatine is meant only as a charge weapon and it allows melee to be an option at higher levels. And you want that gone? I guess we should just forget about the whole space ninja thing and just accept we are acrobatic marines because you clearly just want us to only use our ranged weaponry.

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look how old this thread is when it was started no one, except brain damaged people claim that ANY melee weapon is OP in the game


as melee in its current state is terrible bad and not viable


There is a reason melee 2.0 is coming because melee sux in generall


*now asks for mod to close this*

Edited by zzang
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Before this gets closed, I just have this to say:


Melee 2.0 will supposedly change the way melee gameplay works. Whether that means changing damage values I have no idea. However if Damage 2.0 is of any indication, Melee may most likely be nerfed harder into the ground than it already is.


Yes Damage 2.0 made some weapons more viable, however it still failed to address some other underpowered weapons and severely broke countless others.


And now DE keeps adding more sh!t to the damage resistances.

They really don't know what they're doing.

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But yeah, who the bloody hell keeps necro'ing these threads? They're old. They're outdated. The issues they address are more or less obsolete.

Do these people just dig through 80 pages of feedback and then go and post in a thread without once considering "It may be a wee bit old"?

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Nerfing melee weapons? Are you serious? The Galatine is nothing like the Acrid. Melee weapons in general become obsolete vs lvl 100+ enemies. The Galatine won't change much.


Now we get a great and usable melee and yet you want to nerf it through the ground.


They should buff the other melee weapons instead of NERF THIS NERF THAT.

I have to agree with you since the weapons seem to be very under powered for the most part. I personnally still use my beloved Fragor due to already having it potatoed and not enough time playing to actually get another potatoe. The point is that this weapon is Powerful. The first melee weapon I can say is actually powerful outside of Zoren Copters and for crying out loud no one actually fought with those. No Nerf required on the Galatine although I have wanted the Galatine nerfed in the past I know that melee weapons need more weapons like this instead of nerfing the most powerful bring the weaker ones back up to date. Bring back the ragdolling on things like kestrel and make things like the Cronus more viable to continue to use. One of my friends loved the look of the Kama and after damage 2.0 he stopped playing since he couldn't get another weapon with his bad equipment. Add more weapons like this and increase the damage of the previous weapons so that they can still be used. Don't get rid of one of the few good melee weapons.

Edited by gomane15
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The Galatine is not Over Powered. It's one of the only few viable melee weapons for late game. If we have DE nerf it it'll be as bad as every other melee in the game. 


We need to bring the other melees up to speed and give them something that makes them worth equipping.


Not to mention how hard it'll be for anything but dedicated players to get the Galatine to it's most over powered levels.


Weapons we view as OP aren't so over powered when enemies are at level 70+ (in U11) 


Sure they still deal good damage, but they aren't totally murdering everything like before, and we NEED weapons that can cope with enemy health and armor scaling.


The problem here is the only weapons that excel at this and don't lose much steam 'till very late game are the Soma and Synapse. 

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What were you guys thinking? Did noone do the testing before releasing that?


1.It's cheap to make- 50k credits and some mats to make the best weap in the game is not too much, especially if you don't have to find the blueprints.


2. It's too fast- It's a giant sword, yet it swings pretty much at the same rate as longswords. Combine it with 35 normal attack damage and it renders normal longswords obsolete. Why would you choose a longsword if you can have Galatine?


3. Charge damage- 400 damage? TWICE as much as anything else? The charge time isn't even long enough to justify that. 



You can one-shot basically anything up to level 60 with fully modded Galatine. Shields or no shields. Except you don't have to sacrifice anything to do that, you have good attack speed, great charge damage, decent charge speed. 



Yes, I have it, yes, I potatoed it. Yes, it's OP and I think it needs a nerf, because there is no reason to use any other melee at the moment.

The galatine might be the strongest melee weapon but that doesnt make it overpowered, and i can`t use it against anything else more than infested at a certain level. I think the problem is on the rest of the melee weapons, after a certain level non of the melee weapons is useful against the enemies and that includes the galatine.

The galatine is probably the most effective against high level light infested but i cant kill an ancient in one charged hit (which is the idea with the galatine), but i find it hard against armored grineer or all corpus enemies. I prefer to use the magistar against the corpus and the dual ichor against grineer and orthos, orthos prime and maybe the dakra seem to be as good as the galatine because of the higher normal attack damage and fire rate. The zorens are used too but with a different purpose i believe.

I dont think its overpowered although a small nerfed would be ok if a lot of people think its OP too but ive seen a lot of people complain because the cant use even the galatine, but i think a lot of the melee weapons need changes and most of them being buffs (to the ones i didnt mention and have tried)

Edited by Nachino
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While the galatine is extremely powerful, I think that's good and other melee should be similar. When using a melee weapon it should have greater power than ranged weapons because of the risk vs reward factor. You're risking your hide to get into melee range.

Unless of course you're loki and then everything is dead. lol

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Gala is the most balanced end game weapon  of all - it has its strength and weakness -  its ineffective against low/mid levels due to slow charge speed (and joke damage normal attacks) Also slow charge puts you in a risk, you have to either be invis or Rhino else you get pushed/knocked down, alternatively you need to bash then wait till they get up only then charge, making it even slower.  Perfectly balanced, I would be happy if more weapons were like Galatine, with strengths and weaknesses.

Edited by Monolake
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What were you guys thinking? Did noone do the testing before releasing that?


1.It's cheap to make- 50k credits and some mats to make the best weap in the game is not too much, especially if you don't have to find the blueprints.


2. It's too fast- It's a giant sword, yet it swings pretty much at the same rate as longswords. Combine it with 35 normal attack damage and it renders normal longswords obsolete. Why would you choose a longsword if you can have Galatine?


3. Charge damage- 400 damage? TWICE as much as anything else? The charge time isn't even long enough to justify that. 



You can one-shot basically anything up to level 60 with fully modded Galatine. Shields or no shields. Except you don't have to sacrifice anything to do that, you have good attack speed, great charge damage, decent charge speed. 



Yes, I have it, yes, I potatoed it. Yes, it's OP and I think it needs a nerf, because there is no reason to use any other melee at the moment.

sword can´t be op, only usefull

galantine 15k dmg per charge, e.g synapse 25k dmg per secund


Same with Soma ._.

soma op? xD soma is a weak mid-game gun

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The Galatine is not Over Powered. It's one of the only few viable melee weapons for late game. If we have DE nerf it it'll be as bad as every other melee in the game. 



Congratulations on contradicting yourself in your opening sentence.  If something is viable where everything else is not, it's still overpowered relative to the rest of the weapons.  This just means that while melee itself is underpowered, the Galatine is the most overpowered melee weapon.


The Galatine is straight up better than almost all melee weapons; this indicates There Is A Problem.  If we buffed all melee weapons across the board (not something I have a problem with) the Galatine would need to be buffed the least, or it would just need to be nerfed afterward.


Either way, something needs to be done.

Edited by NikolaiLev
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Congratulations on contradicting yourself in your opening sentence.  If something is viable where everything else is not, it's still overpowered relative to the rest of the weapons.  This just means that while melee itself is underpowered, the Galatine is the most overpowered melee weapon.


The Galatine is straight up better than almost all melee weapons; this indicates There Is A Problem.  If we buffed all melee weapons across the board (not something I have a problem with) the Galatine would need to be buffed the least, or it would just need to be nerfed afterward.


Either way, something needs to be done.

There was nothing contradictory about that. The Galatine is the only melee weapon with good mid-late game damage. The others have severe fall off and, well, suck. If the DE bring the Galatine to the other levels of other melee then it will be as terrible as the others.


As I said in simpler terms in my opening sentence.


I could say something a little more insulting to instigate like you felt the need to but this thread doesn't need getting derailed with an argument. 


What we can agree on is that melee needs serious improvements, hell, even the Gala might need it if the DE actually live up to the hype they're building around Melee 2.0 (U12)


I guess we'll see how that turns out though I won't be holding much hope. Honestly I'm expecting more bandaid mods.


To the matter at hand though, no. DE don't nerf the Galatine.

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