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Warframe drops out of steams top 10 just after releasing an Big update.


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2 hours ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:


The people should have been happy with those liches since the demo showed something far more bare bones. The lich there had practically nothing at all. Next time try reading all of what I said, which you keep to fail doing. If you would have read the rest you would have seen me say liches were as bad as they could get when we got them. So someone saying he wants the demo lich that was showcased is saying that they want something even worse.

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5 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

The people should have been happy with those liches since the demo showed something far more bare bones. The lich there had practically nothing at all. Next time try reading all of what I said, which you keep to fail doing. If you would have read the rest you would have seen me say liches were as bad as they could get when we got them. So someone saying he wants the demo lich that was showcased is saying that they want something even worse.

Except the problem isn't hte Lich system itself, it's the 1-2 with Railjack, and Railjack not having a mission where you go shank your lich.

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3 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Not sure they're ignoring it so much as deeming it irrelevant to their point, that being, "Christmas 2019 release didn't happen". Whether it was changed to a grandiose year long story or a purple bunny, it still didn't come at Christmas.

You are arguing as someone who believes we have gotten part of The New War, they are arguing as someone who believes we haven't. If you rewatch the cinematic trailer (that explicitly states Christmas 2019), you'll see what many of us see as The New War. Sentients actively attacking locations we know, specifically the plains. That doesn't exist in any way shape or form with the Railjack content that we did get.

I do want to highlight something though.

This is so incredibly pedantic that it makes me think you worded your post deliberately as a trap.

Regardless, you said "New War started with RJ" and given we're yet to see anything resembling a war (besides on these forums) can you understand why there's disagreement? It's pretty undeniable that, and it is overly harsh to say, but DE didn't uphold their word. They said explicitly Christmas 2019. They shouldn't have said any date at all, and I'm genuinely surprised that they did because I'd thought they'd learnt by now, but it is a fact that we were told New War Christmas and it didn't arrive Christmas.

Hell, even if they were making The New War into Warframe 2.0 (which I for one would love) they would still not be upholding what they said.

Here's another analogy (yay), if you borrow a couple of quid from me and say you'll pay me back in 2 weeks, but 1 week later you tell me you can't and you'll pay me back double the money later in the month... that's great, right? I'm glad to be getting more, but it's still an undeniable fact that you didn't uphold your word.

And I dare you to focus on the 'loan' side of it instead of the obvious point I'm making.

Not really saying we've gotten a part of it. I'm saying we've gotten an introduction to it or a small start, which we very much have with the sentient presence and the cinematic "quest" tied to it. We've actually gotten to know Erra as something more than a run of the mill sentient popping out of a ship on earth.

The trailer was also based on just the planned quest and things happened to change to make it something more. As I said, if it had just been the quest getting delayed I'd get behind the criticism fully. But as it is right now I'll wait and see what we will actually get from this reworked/reshaped story. In the end it is their IP, if they think they have a better vision for something than what they originally planned so be it, let them explore it. I would have been majorly bummed with just another one time cinematic quest, even if it got released for xmas just to uphold some date, especially if it got disjointed from the bigger thing they had planned.

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6 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Not really saying we've gotten a part of it.

Probably shouldn't have said it had started then, easy to confuse others.

6 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

As I said, if it had just been the quest getting delayed I'd get behind the criticism fully

I'm of the opinion that not doing what you say you're going to do is deserving of raised eyebrows regardless of the good intentions.

DE have consistently given us timeframes and they have consistently not delivered, whether because the update was too much or because it changed or they found a purple bunny in their locker. That's worth criticising.

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30 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

The people should have been happy with those liches since the demo showed something far more bare bones. The lich there had practically nothing at all. Next time try reading all of what I said, which you keep to fail doing. If you would have read the rest you would have seen me say liches were as bad as they could get when we got them. So someone saying he wants the demo lich that was showcased is saying that they want something even worse.

I don't want the demo lich and I read what you said fully. Although however the consumer shouldn't get put at blame because of the devs incompetenty and lies on their end

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12 minutes ago, Almagnus1 said:

Except the problem isn't hte Lich system itself, it's the 1-2 with Railjack, and Railjack not having a mission where you go shank your lich.

Yeah but we knew of that from the moment they told us that RJ would come in segments. And we knew even more when they started to talk about what phase two would actually be about, since prior to that it had just been 3 vague points. I think they even mentioned it with the Lich release, that they would get implemented in the upcoming railjack mode in phase 3.

1 hour ago, Almagnus1 said:

I'll believe it when I see it.

That's a great theory, but it doesn't work that way in practice.

If you do something with the game engine, it is expected to be in a playable state reasonably soon.  Anything else you do with the game engine that is not in a playable state is basically false advertising.

When we're talking about things like RJ reactors, that is a mandaroy grind otherwise you are actively gimping yourself.

The great irony is that players are often better than QA (which is why hiring more QA generally doesn't help things), but again, that actually requires DE to analyze and action on our feedback... and not have to get someone like Jim Sterling to call stuff out.

No, they don't.  DE needs to properly manage Warframe, as they were focused on quality previously... then they got greedy and we got garbage.  You can still do quality if you're F2P.

IMO I would rather have a PC release that's at the same speed as the console ones, as the console releases generally don't have as many issues as the PC ones.  I want to play a game, not beta test software.

Well they spoke about it in the latest dev stream. So we dont know more than that.

It does work like that and has done so in several games I've played, including sub based games and b2p titles. QA will never equal that of the live population unless you have a massive test server that people actually want to participate in. Even Blizzard and other big companies need to release things to the public or lure players to their test realms with this or that reward. I rather do it on public where I get to keep the progress as I test things. Never been big on test servers myself since it takes away time from the actual game.

RJ was in a playable state, otherwise people wouldnt have mowed through it as they did. It had bugs, it was low on diverse missions and it had balance issues, but it was very much playable.

Yes reactors are mandatory, but getting a 90% roll isnt. They overdid it with the change.

They've listened well to our feedback regarding RJ. It took them slightly over a month to more or less fix it all. It took them longer to fix liches, but that was due to pure bullheadedness caused by way too much pride in someones work. I would personally not be proud if I released the liches and got that much criticism.

They do need to cut corners where they can. Several games do it. And it is better they cut corners where the public can be of use instead of increasing prices to cover costs that probably wont solve it as efficiently in the end. More hired QA would just result in things coming out slightly better, but most things will be overlooked since they cannot test everything properly in house that may effect players differently on live.

Yeah it would be great, we'd just have to sit and wait several months extra. The reason consoles getting it cleaner and decently fast is because we help solve the bugs. So without that, instead of just console having to wait a month or two after most PC released we'd all wait 4-6 months instead. And with something like RJ in mind, it isnt too bad to be the beta tester. Even as buggy as RJ was, it was still fairly smooth sailing for me with few bugs actually being crippling. Having to quit out of 10 or so missions due to bugs out of around 200 isnt much in my book. RJ was more enjoyable with bugs and all than liches were in their early state and it was more enjoyable than eidolons have ever been.

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21 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Probably shouldn't have said it had started then, easy to confuse others.

I'm of the opinion that not doing what you say you're going to do is deserving of raised eyebrows regardless of the good intentions.

DE have consistently given us timeframes and they have consistently not delivered, whether because the update was too much or because it changed or they found a purple bunny in their locker. That's worth criticising.

I agree. But the video was from tennocon. After tennocon gaming sites got the info that the plans had changes. We've had what? 4 different threads here with that info from several different gaming sites since fall of 2019.

And I agree, DE have DElayed things several times. Sacrifice was delayed alot and it was very boring imo since it was just a single quest. In this case we have however been able to find info that things would change.

16 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

I don't want the demo lich and I read what you said fully. Although however the consumer shouldn't get put at blame because of the devs incompetenty and lies on their end

Yeah but people are claiming DE promised them something specific regarding liches based on that very video. So if someone got hyped over that barebones lich, then they would logically be euphoric over what was actually released even though it was a hot turd in a flood of diarrhea. I mean, when they say "why didnt we get the lich from the demo!?" you really need to question what they actually want. We practically got that pissy lich in RJ, he just happened to be a galleon or asteroid commander instead, but his pissyness is 100% intact.

edit: It would have been great if we got a lich connection to RJ at the start, but we have to consider if it would have been smart in the first release. Which bug is caused by which system etc. With as minimal things as possible, the easier it is to find what bugs the specific system. Which is why it was smart to seperate liches from empyrean to start with, so each could have its individual possible bugs solved seperately of eachother. That way they'll know when the two join which bugs are new and which bugs are old incase something resurfaces.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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5 hours ago, Spoop3 said:

I'm genuinely convinced at this point that this thread functions solely to harvest mass quantities of salt and disagreements while avoiding unpaid labor laws.

Hey people are allowed to voice their disappointments about the game, as long as they’re not crossing a line... What is more telling is this thread has been going for 3 months now, which shows how the player base is really feeling about how the game is going....… 

Edited by (PS4)SolarPhantom82
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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

Yeah but we knew of that from the moment they told us that RJ would come in segments.

When's the release date for the next segment?

1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

RJ was in a playable state, otherwise people wouldnt have mowed through it as they did. It had bugs, it was low on diverse missions and it had balance issues, but it was very much playable.

So... how viable is, say, the Odonata in Railjack?  How about using the Archwing to shoot down and chase fighters?

1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

They've listened well to our feedback regarding RJ. It took them slightly over a month to more or less fix it all.

Why are archwings still basically flying dead tenno in space?

1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

They do need to cut corners where they can. Several games do it.

You DO NOT SHIP GARBAGE.  If you can't ship something fun, you don't ship it and hold it back until later.  It's better to message the playerbase that "this game mode has problems, we can't do it in time, we're sorry, but it's top priority for an early 2020 release, once it's ready to go".

1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

Yeah but people are claiming DE promised them something specific regarding liches based on that very video.

Where's the Railjack Lich assassination mission where the lich uses Warframe abilities?

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40 minutes ago, (PS4)SolarPhantom82 said:

Hey people are allowed to voice their disappointments about the game, as long as they’re not crossing a line... What is more telling is this thread has been going for 3 months now, which shows how the player base is really feeling about how the game is going....… 

Yeah, I find it amusing that we finally got separate bindings for the Railjack... but... we don't have the same for archwing =(

I just want the archwing to be something other than a moving deadwing in RailJack.

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vor 9 Stunden schrieb ValinorAtani:



Sorry, as paying customers (yes PA) we can at least expect something better from a technical standpoint of the game than the past updates. And no it’s not my fault that they wanted to challenge themselves with RJ. Be it gameplaywise (which gameplay besides of kill x to progress btw.), Art-Design wise (which they achieved, kudos to the Designers) and what else they wanted to do with it and connecting it to the rest of the game. Are you really thinking that the upcoming updates will achieve it? I’m more on a realistic side here, DE overextended themselves with RJ what they’re capable of doing with their current team. Sometimes you have to admit that you’re just mediocre and not top notch. It helps to not risk your job with projects you cant control anymore. That’s what comes to my view as a stranger in the public seeing the state of the game and DE right now.



And again, why is a non-existing Q&A the problem of the players? Do you work without a salary? If so you would be the perfect wet dream of any employer. That’s exactly what are you expecting from the players. That they test the S#&$ out of the game without compensation because DE isn’t capable of doing it by themselves. Let it be the budget or they just don’t care enough. If DE really wants feedback (they clearly showed in the past they don’t care about it anyways) why do not open up a real Beta-Server especially for this ground shacking updates, invite 50% of the player base from all MR Ranges and copy paste their account to it and let them test under an real environment.



Could we just stop with this “Early Access” and “Game is still in Beta” excuses? The game was released (yes finally launched with version 1.0) in 2013. You and DE themselves giving them just easy and stupid excuses which they can hide behind instead of getting their S#&$ together and deliver better work. And yes the customer can and should expect a better work/updates/bugfixes after 7 years of servicing the same product. If DE can’t deliver it it’s the problem of DE which they are getting bended over and getting slapped right now fully reasonable and deserved.

The only response I’m reading in your replies are: “Oh, dear why are those forums users so mean to DE, why do they expect a better and technical working game and why does the Customers have expectations from what DE is showing in before and them as the poor Indie Developer they are can’t deliver, because no budget, not enough FTE etc. etc.” Is it the players fault that they expected RJ and Liches to be something better from the Trailers shown? And no Phase X (put any no. you want inside here) won’t meet that expectations because of the more and more negative reputation with their former updates.


The only thing you’re doing is to set the bar to Anthem and Fallout 76 level of standards which I (my POV) doesn’t want to see in Warframe. Let it be RNG, unfun gameplay, unnecessary nerfs, Bugs etc. etc. and more focus to cash out more players with ridiculous RNG and Grindwalls. If you can live with it, fine, but we shouldn’t wonder about it if a lot of people wont. Even if we don’t know the exact numbers but an indicator is at least Primed Chamber which they gave out just out of Heaven. And no I don’t think that they planned it beforehand. I wouldnt be suprised if it worked liked: "Thursday, one day before Baro. Weekly Player Statistic meeting. S#&$, numbers went down by XX%. What can we do as an quick solution to raise them? Sigh. Alright. Steve open up the safe. It’s time to get the “Thing”. But how?. Hey Baro comes in tomorrow. Put it into his inventory and link some stupid amounts of Ducats to it."

It looks more like a panic reaction.


So it’s still the players fault because DE wasn’t capable of doing a better job with less bugs? And because DE did run into a corner with RJ and wasted nearly 2 years of development? And that they had to scrap and sew something together because they wanted the PR Stunt for releasing it? Yeah, totally fault of the players.

I want to share a small secret with you: “Companies are not our friends” They want money. Nothing more. The only thing DE is seeing is that they don’t have to spend more money onto bugfixing, quality control etc. before they are going to release new updates because there are enough idiots out there who are defending their bugged releases and do unpaid Q&A work just out of blinded idealism. Man this behavior reminds me of dogs who just wants to hear: “Good boy, who is the good boy. Yes you’re the good boy” And Daddy DE will give you a treat for doing so well. Oh, wait.


Yes it isn't mandatory, yet. Besides the next “Story Quest”. The small one with the 4 Letters. Which you had to participate in RJ in one form or another to see it.


I can just agree with this... and maybe i would have written something like this aswell,

but i got tired of arguing in this forum just like i got tired of waiting for actually good and fleshed out content.


DE is really really good in staging themselves as the friendly neighbourhood Devs who just want the best for the game and its playerbase, even with all the highly criticized Updates in the past 2 years with either small or really big flaws they somehow manage to keep this image alive. And then they celebrate themselves for mediocre content while always promising to improve in the future and underlining how much work they put in the game and how passionate they are.


Maybe they are passionate, maybe they really put as much work as humanly possible into the game.

But the content which has been released in the past 2 years never came close to the promises, and i simply dont care and expect nothing anymore.


It took them 2 years to release this 1 single Railjack Mission, so what can we even expect in the future?

I simply cant take them seriously anymore, everything gets hyped to the last bit, and what we get is nothing but the same gameplay over and over again with more Grind and RNG combined with bugs and many flaws in each department. And then they go back doing the things i underlined above.


The only reason that all of a sudden they start to tackle problems which have been discussed for YEARS (like scaling excavators) is that some red lights started flashing in front of them because player count is indeed starting to get lower and lower. Will this help? I dont know. All i know is that i already get tired of the game after playing just one mission per week or per month now... and the reason for that is not that i burn myself out and play like crazy when they finally release some new content - no - the whole past year i tried to actually enjoy the content without any pressure, i never rushed anything (because i have learned quickly that there is no reason to do that) but the sad reality is that DE just fails to deliver some content which is simply fun and enjoyable for once without relying on RNG and Grind too much.


While they created a fun foundation years ago with unique, fluid mobility combined with good Gunplay in an interesting setting, they barely did anything with it.

Just because its a F2P-Game it doesnt mean they can get away with sacrificing fun gameplay and instead focus on cheap mechanics to keep us busy all the time.


Edited by DreisterDino
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24 minutes ago, Volinus7 said:

Wow, so this thread is used to tell people how "bad" Warframe is as a game without actually using the word "bad"? 

It's what happens when you have pain points with Warframe that go unaddressed for far too long.

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16 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

You know it's gonna be a cluster as Railjacks kinda need to be upgraded quite a bit before they're actually usable...

Jokes on you because there are numerous players with all MK 3 parts installed. Even Sigma MK 3 parts are more than enough to carry you through veil with adequate investment on avionics if you actually bother to play through the progression in that 2 months

I'm just here enjoying the upcoming salt for their refusal to invest on railjack while I'm ready to bring 3 people for railjack anytime

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10 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Jokes on you because there are numerous players with all MK 3 parts installed. Even Sigma MK 3 parts are more than enough to carry you through veil with adequate investment on avionics if you actually bother to play through the progression in that 2 months

I'm just here enjoying the upcoming salt for their refusal to invest on railjack while I'm ready to bring 3 people for railjack anytime

If the system was more fun and less buggy to the general population more people would've played and invested. It's great that you're well off in the gamemode but it still dosent disregard the fact that it's unfun too grindy and buggy for many which is why people dropped it 

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12 hours ago, ValinorAtani said:

Sorry, as paying customers (yes PA) we can at least expect something better from a technical standpoint of the game than the past updates. And no it’s not my fault that they wanted to challenge themselves with RJ. Be it gameplaywise (which gameplay besides of kill x to progress btw.), Art-Design wise (which they achieved, kudos to the Designers) and what else they wanted to do with it and connecting it to the rest of the game. Are you really thinking that the upcoming updates will achieve it? I’m more on a realistic side here, DE overextended themselves with RJ what they’re capable of doing with their current team. Sometimes you have to admit that you’re just mediocre and not top notch. It helps to not risk your job with projects you cant control anymore. That’s what comes to my view as a stranger in the public seeing the state of the game and DE right now.

They already said that the updates will come in phases and as a stranger with no background in computer programming or coding whatsoever, I'm amazed that they can make railjack able to run on the foundation, flying the ship, transition from railjack to space, crewship and back to railjack without loading screen or delay provided you have adequate internet and hardware to do it as a free game or has Star Citizen achieved that already?

12 hours ago, ValinorAtani said:

And again, why is a non-existing Q&A the problem of the players? Do you work without a salary? If so you would be the perfect wet dream of any employer. That’s exactly what are you expecting from the players. That they test the S#&$ out of the game without compensation because DE isn’t capable of doing it by themselves. Let it be the budget or they just don’t care enough. If DE really wants feedback (they clearly showed in the past they don’t care about it anyways) why do not open up a real Beta-Server especially for this ground shacking updates, invite 50% of the player base from all MR Ranges and copy paste their account to it and let them test under an real environment.

Funny that we had people that say DE should release the content ASAP, let the players find and report the bug and here we are today, not counting people who melt down in the first day of a long time window like the old blood where people melt down on the first three days of Fall 2019. Three days I tell you, when Fall 2019 is from September 23 to December 22, that means the release date window is roughly four months and people melt on three days screaming delay and other things

And how long will the beta server opened for 50% of the player base? How can they make sure that the 50% will play and test things instead of joining and almost never touching the content? With people melting over an update with that wide of release date, I don't think people that happen to not getting an invitation will be able to not melting down screaming, and also, consoles where they often cry for having delay of a month or more

12 hours ago, ValinorAtani said:

So it’s still the players fault because DE wasn’t capable of doing a better job with less bugs? And because DE did run into a corner with RJ and wasted nearly 2 years of development? And that they had to scrap and sew something together because they wanted the PR Stunt for releasing it? Yeah, totally fault of the players.

And do we really get nothing in that nearly 2 years? If we get completely nothing, no update, no hotfix or news at all in that 2 years and we get this version of railjack then I would criticize DE but in that 2 years we still get updates from Plains of Eidolon to Fortuna which take time to develop as well

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

If the system was more fun and less buggy to the general population more people would've played and invested. It's great that you're well off in the gamemode but it still dosent disregard the fact that it's unfun too grindy and buggy for many which is why people dropped it 

Perhaps I can find another space game like railjack with less grind and bug or can you help me find them? Because I have all Sigma MK 3 parts, it may not the best, but it's on manageable range instead of chasing those Lavan/Vidar/Zetki wreckage and trying to get all the requirements while getting pounded from every side and complain the grind is too much

Is getting Sigma parts which has the basic "craft and use" style of warframe not the way and you should get the best part wreckages repaired right away instead of progressing through them steadily?

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12 hours ago, (PS4)SolarPhantom82 said:

O thank God some one said this. . The amount of DE Stockholms symptom some players have it beyond my belief. ..

Can you find me a free game that has ground combat to space combat that has better quality than warframe without any mandatory pay wall and you can trade paid currency? I believe I can change course if you can find one

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4 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

You DO NOT SHIP GARBAGE.  If you can't ship something fun, you don't ship it and hold it back until later.  It's better to message the playerbase that "this game mode has problems, we can't do it in time, we're sorry, but it's top priority for an early 2020 release, once it's ready to go".

Oh sure, I'm sure we'll have zero player melting down and start screaming [DE]lay, etc when the history shows that people can't even survive more than three days without screaming over the old blood that has 'Fall 2019" as the release date which is roughly 4 months

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20 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Perhaps I can find another space game like railjack with less grind and bug or can you help me find them? Because I have all Sigma MK 3 parts, it may not the best, but it's on manageable range instead of chasing those Lavan/Vidar/Zetki wreckage and trying to get all the requirements while getting pounded from every side and complain the grind is too much

Is getting Sigma parts which has the basic "craft and use" style of warframe not the way and you should get the best part wreckages repaired right away instead of progressing through them steadily?

Unique or not it's not an excuse to ship content in the state of rj liches etc because youre the "only space ninja pirate looter shooter with amazing fluidity and combat" it dosent excuse the ridiculous grind in game or bugs it ships with. If anything it's more of a reason to be harder. If a company was to take advantage of the fact that this market of mmo space looter shooters with great fluid combat and movement besides de at this point I think they'd be in trouble.if.done well. As far as manageable many things are. That dosent mean you should tolerate them. Before I startet with my.new job I used to work with lazy people who never got their work done. Sure working with them and getting things done was manageable and I could do it. Does not mean I should have to. 

Getting sigma parts was one layer of rng

Up until reccently the stats were heavily rng sided. 

And the grind for the resources in an unfun gamemode to many that got stale faster then the star chart isnt ideal. 

Sure it's manageable but a majority of the community that dosent do it but can would rather have fun doing something rather then it just being manageable or getting the rewards and that being it. I'd prefer it to be fun vs manageable but thats just my op. And id preferred if rj shipped with more then one basic gamemode because it got stale fast. But again that's just my op 

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25 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Can you find me a free game that has ground combat to space combat that has better quality than warframe without any mandatory pay wall and you can trade paid currency? I believe I can change course if you can find one

What does that have to do with what he said 

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

What does that have to do with what he said 

This tenno said people having DE Stockholm symptom doesn't help at all when warframe so far is the only game that I know that has many range of game play instead of being grounded to one mode so maybe a game that has things that warframe has but better quality with no mandatory paywall and able to trade real money currency between players, or in short, warframe but better. Give one example and we can tell DE they can take notes instead of saying players having DE Stockholm symptom

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2 minutes ago, 844448 said:

This tenno said people having DE Stockholm symptom doesn't help at all when warframe so far is the only game that I know that has many range of game play instead of being grounded to one mode so maybe a game that has things that warframe has but better quality with no mandatory paywall and able to trade real money currency between players, or in short, warframe but better. Give one example and we can tell DE they can take notes instead of saying players having DE Stockholm symptom

So it’s the “it’s a free game “argument,  in the next coming years,  there’s going to be a lot of free games that aren’t pulling this BS..  DE well not survive if things don’t change.  And making excuses for them, will only help them to dig their own grave,

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Unique or not it's not an excuse to ship content in the state of rj liches etc because youre the "only space ninja pirate looter shooter with amazing fluidity and combat" it dosent excuse the ridiculous grind in game or bugs it ships with.

People say quality comes with price, and since we're still getting content from Plains of Eidolon to Fortuna before lich and railjack, I give them the slack since they're still adding content while working on RJ and lich

The grind itself is hardly on the level I see on other games, where you need huge amount of materials, surpassing what warframe needs and that even still has chance to fail where you either get nothing, lose a level or outright break the gear you've worked so hard on, easily making you waste your time, effort and get nothing

13 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

If anything it's more of a reason to be harder. If a company was to take advantage of the fact that this market of mmo space looter shooters with great fluid combat and movement besides de at this point I think they'd be in trouble.if.done well. As far as manageable many things are. That dosent mean you should tolerate them. Before I startet with my.new job I used to work with lazy people who never got their work done. Sure working with them and getting things done was manageable and I could do it. Does not mean I should have to. 

Should they work harder? I believe so, but if they want to completely focus on railjack, that means they should drop everything else and fully focus on it with no content drop for long time. And considering that consoles are always behind PC for bug fixes, I have a feeling that if DE did release all railjack and lich content in one go, consoles might get completely bricked

16 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Getting sigma parts was one layer of rng

Which is our basic way of getting gear with wreckage being the "rivened" version of the weapon, isn't that what we used to do instead of chasing the riven first?

17 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Up until reccently the stats were heavily rng sided. 

And the grind for the resources in an unfun gamemode to many that got stale faster then the star chart isnt ideal.

Unfun for those who think it's unfun, but I personally find flying on archwing breaking rocks after the railjack mission is somewhat relaxing, seeing the space while flying without care

19 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Sure it's manageable but a majority of the community that dosent do it but can would rather have fun doing something rather then it just being manageable or getting the rewards and that being it. I'd prefer it to be fun vs manageable but thats just my op. And id preferred if rj shipped with more then one basic gamemode because it got stale fast. But again that's just my op 

DE already stated that the mode will come in phases and I find it to be being careful and putting the foundation first instead of shoving all of them and brick everything

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