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Zenurik Inner Might does not apply correctly [Fixed]


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I have the inner might passive maxed out and active, I went into some missions to hunt thralls using my new shildeg, went to do a heavy slam on an enemy and lost all my combo after, thought maybe it was shildeg specific, or heavy slam specific, but any heavy attack will drain all my combo with my zaw polearm, my shildeg, and my sheev (these are the only ones I actively tested, but it's probably safe to say this is affecting all melee weapons)

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1 hour ago, Tsukinoki said:

I noticed that it doesn't work in the simulacrum, SO or ESO, yet it has worked fairly consistently in normal missions and arbitrations.

This is from a host perspective...
Have you tried it as both host and client?

Tried it in solo play as client, can confirm it's no longer working in regular missions. Combo Efficiency mods seem to still be working, it's just Inner Might that's bugged.

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Inner Might wasn't work in the sim ever since the first update, but was working in normal missions. Now it doesn't work at all anywhere, even after dying once (dying in sim made it work there).

F6 screenshots of the occurrence and of my zenurik focus tree in the spoiler. Tested in a low level Corpus Exterminate. I've noticed this behavior in ALL missions since Hotfix 26.0.5.

Slight Combo built up, before heavy attack:


No Combo after heavy attack:


Zenurik focus tree:


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Yeah I've noticed the same thing, in Simulacrum and SO/ESO it pretty much never works but occassionally it will in mission for me? I notice specifically it works if I have another source of Combo Efficiency like from riven/mods. This is very disappointing cause 60% combo efficiency is REALLY nice for melee builds and it not working almost makes a heavy attack build worthless unless you get the stat on a riven. Not to mention it caps at 90% so your wasting alot of stat potentional on a riven typically for it.

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I just came here to report that it's not working and found this post. My tests were with Paracesis. It behaves as if it's not there at all. If you simulate the effect with adding Reflex Coil to melee weapon it's very obvious.

One thing I noted that might go a bit towards explaining why it's not working is in the diescription. Inner Might is referring to "Heavy Attack Efficiency" which isn't a thing. It's supposed to be "Melee Combo Efficiency". Perhaps it's not properly hooked up to Melee Combo Efficiency in the code?

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Basically what the subject says. I invested all the focus I was saving to unbind Void Flow into Inner Might in the Zenurik focus tree as I thought it would make heavy attacks functionally free in conjunction with the Focus Energy mod.

When I went to test it in the simulacrum, though, Inner Might didn't seem to do anything.

I turned Inner Might off, and tested again, it did nothing.

Turned it back on, seemed to do nothing.

The build I was using did have Focus Energy, so I decided to try replacing that and see if it was somehow overriding Inner Might's bonus, and after testing I confirmed no, it wasn't. Inner Might just seems to, well, not do anything..

Another weird thing is the description, "Increase Heavy Attack Efficiency by 60%", which doesn't seem to be terminology used anywhere else. Other mods say "Combo Efficiency" for what is seemingly that effect, which makes me think that Inner Might may have been passed over early in the rework when that was the term being used and may not have properly had a function assigned to it.

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confirm, I'm having this issue as well. weapons confirmed affected; glaive prime, nikana prime, gram prime, balla.

tested in simalcrum and missions, weapon mods are working fine for me, but the inner might bonus isn't working at all. the first few days of old blood it appeared to work properly, but i have increased it from 3rd (maybe 4th?) level to max in the last few days. not sure if that coincides with it no longer working since i haven't been focusing on heavy attack builds for a couple days. can't say for certain which hotfix it appears to have broken after but i THINK that it was the most recent one.

have tried switching focus schools and back with no improvement. also tried using base combo mods (start with x combo), those worked but also drained to 0 and then reset.

edit: added further details

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Initially after the release of the new melee system and the change to Inner Might (focus in Zenurik school) It functioned correctly, and gave the correct efficiency.

I do not know when it was broken, but during this patch it no longer applies any efficiency at all.

I've been testing all combinations of Inner Might, Reflex Coil and Focus Energy, in all combinations Inner Might does not apply.

The most obvious case of it not working is that when doing heavy attacks only having Inner Might as efficiency, no matter your combo it will remove the full combo.

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