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Toxic lich hunter bullies are spreading "badwill", ban them.


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2 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

It does for me. I suggest trying it solo and not bombing the whole room. The Lich needs active bodies to convert.

I did the tests on Disruption (always has mods around it), on mobile defense, same. When people try to mind-read you and say what you did or not, is kind a pointless to argue.

Edited by MPonder
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3 minutes ago, Aldain said:

I know, that's why I'm dumbfounded that I just realized that we're actually in a debate within a debate within a debate -Inception Horn-.

Usually I pick up on that kind of thing faster.

Yep.  Hence why I posted that pile of ---- meme earlier.  

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1 hour ago, DatDarkOne said:

All the while missing the real issue of....

RNG (relics) on top of RNG (requiem mods) on top of more RNG (Unlocking which 3 mods to use) followed by RNG (correct order). 

don't forget that:

first, collect special Key items from Siphons (or technically Thralls but let's be real, Siphons 90% of the time) which are random Normal Missions but different/separate from all the other random Normal Missions.

then, collect Requiem Mods by spending 8956329687253 hours idling in Void Tears. but different Void Tears from all the rest of them, which are random Normal Missions themselves but different from all of the other random Normal Missions.

then you have to play random Normal Missions, to unlock your Lich, then play more random Missions, but these are separate Missions from the base Nodes because reasons.

once you get a bunch of Murmurs then you go back to Mission layer 2 and start Slot Machining your Lich. you'll probably guess wrong, which means leave the Mission and do another one, and just hope that you randomly guessed some non-Game Mechanic right.
to make matters even worse, why are like 3/4 of Lich Missions all Exterminates. just incase real Gamemode variety(each Gamemode is basically the same thing as 2, 3, maybe more other Gamemodes - only Disruption as of late really changing things up by making something that actually feels different to play) tended to be pretty low in Warframe, we made sure to actively make it even lower. what even



the hell
do we have to do so many layers of THE EXACT SAME MISSIONS but separated into 4+ different places so that you have to play 4x or more of the same generic Missions just to do a simple thing.
content segmentation always with the Throttle set to Warp Speed to make the Timers as long as possible, but without making "what you actually do" any more interesting or different than it was in 2015.

why has this game Gameplay wise basically not improved since 2015. there isn't additional content because it's all tied to the same generic Missions but the generic Missions have been the same practically forever (some actually forever). 

why is it that if i launch The Division that i have a dozen or so ways to play the game so Players can pick what they're in the mood for and each of those options offers a different type of challenge, all the while achieving the overall goal of progression, and then even still offering a variety of experiences in each way to play....
but then in Warframe all of the 'options' are really just the same walk from A to B. with the game not bothering to challenge the Player on their skills or anything, only being able to offer Enemies that cheat the rules of Warframe in order to be 'difficult'.

14 minutes ago, Aldain said:

It is kind of uncanny how some things are fine for making premades but others are public matchmaking only in terms of perception.

that makes sense, i think. depends on how you 'interact' with said content / the nature of it, as to which directions things may swing, Et Cetera. different activities, different perceptions.
like how say, Players have some agreement in Sortie Mission Types as to which Multiplayer mode is generally most appropriate for them. since each Gamemode/Modifier is different, people will treat them as different and while they may play type A on way they may play type B or G a very different way (or i.e. which Gamemodes they will play Solo for or seek other Players for or be indifferent, Et Cetera).


Edited by taiiat
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8 minutes ago, taiiat said:

why has this game Gameplay wise basically not improved since 2015. there isn't additional content because it's all tied to the same generic Missions but the generic Missions have been the same practically forever (some actually forever).

Yet DE has been nerfing Stealth left and right while not saying a thing about those nerfs.  Stealth mechanics that could have been incorporated into the Kuva Lich system both as a way to boost progression in the Lich system.  All while giving players an incentive to actively use stealth tactics.  

But nooooooooooo.  That would have made too much sense to use stealth tactics and hunt your Kuva Lich and their Thralls.  It would have been also like the game in which DE stole the idea from in the first place.  

Edited by DatDarkOne
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On 2019-11-15 at 3:55 AM, Graavarg said:

A new trending behaviour is lich hunters verbally mobbing, bullying and abusing other players in PUB missions in order to force them to attack their personal lich. Presumably in order to get a few more murmurs. This idiocy should be stopped, by any means necessary. 

  • A lich is a  personal part of the game, and all should be free to do the missions exactly the way they want (without other players abusing them in chat).
  • Playing a PUB mission with randoms inherently means that there is no agreed special way of doing the mission. Trying to force other random players to do it "your way" (do your bidding) is rude, bad manners, or worse. Anyone wanting a dedicated team can use the chat (or clan, or friends list) to form one. And if you really feel to need for a fellow Tenno to help you  out "in mission", you can ask nicely and politely.

I don't personally care that much about the nagging, to me it's just a way of saying "hey, I play this game and I am an idiot". But I've now several times seen lower MR players giving to this abuse, and this pisses me off. I also hate bullies, always have and always will.

At this point in time I would even support banning the bullies and abusers for 24h in order to cool them down. I know it is an extra hassle for DE to handle the reports, but it would be unfortunate if this behaviour was allowed to continue as it will presumably lead to "not so experienced" players getting turned off from the lich mechanic. And we've seen all this before, with bosses, events and with trid hunts, just to name a few examples.

"People are telling me how to play the game and I dont wanna, ban them!" A little hypocritical dont you think?

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Just now, DatDarkOne said:

It would have been also like the game in which DE stole the idea from.  

To be fair while stealth is a good early/mid game way to deal with Uruks in Shadow of MorWar, it kind of falls off late game because roughly 1 in 3 of them would be stealth immune.

Granted they could have implemented some stealth aspects to give a bit more flavor to the Lich hunt.

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1 minute ago, DatDarkOne said:

Yet DE has been nerfing Stealth left and right while not saying a thing about those nerfs.  Stealth mechanics that could have been incorporated into the Kuva Lich system both as a way to boost progression in the Lich system.  All while giving players an incentive to actively use stealth tactics.  

But nooooooooooo.  That would have made too much sense to use stealth tactics and hunt your Kuva Lich and their Thralls.  It would have been also like the game in which DE stole the idea from in the first place.  

I've noticed.  Somewhere in the last line of patches, shooting an unaware enemy (even one *asleep* thanks to Equinox, Ivara or Baruuk) seems to often give no Stealth Bonus.  They just ripped the guts out of Covert Lethality, and the initial change to inexplicably move Finisher attacks to a new button seem to have broken stealth kills completely.  I haven't bothered to try it since they re-added "Hold E for heavy Melee," but since a Heavy Attack isn't a stealth finisher it's probably still broken.  That's on top of the accumulated nerfs to ranged weapons that made it impossible to headshot a group of sleeping enemies without losing the Stealth bonus.  (The new bug is that I don't get Stealth Bonus to begin with, where before they'd blip to "aware" for a moment, even while asleep.)

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3 minutes ago, Aldain said:

To be fair while stealth is a good early/mid game way to deal with Uruks in Shadow of MorWar, it kind of falls off late game because roughly 1 in 3 of them would be stealth immune.

That's why I planned my tactics and how I took them out after first learning they could become immune.  Kuva Liches have no way to really use tactics on them.  

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9 minutes ago, Aldain said:

To be fair while stealth is a good early/mid game way to deal with Uruks in Shadow of MorWar, it kind of falls off late game because roughly 1 in 3 of them would be stealth immune.

Granted they could have implemented some stealth aspects to give a bit more flavor to the Lich hunt.

eh, even on Lv20+ Captains or on Warlords, Stealth was always useful. you don't have to be able to Stealth Kill them for Stealth to be useful. breaking LoS so you can catch them by surprise from another angle, or breaking LoS for just a moment so you can trigger some Stealth Attack/Kill Perks, or even doing it just to get an easier removal of a problematic Enemy that's getting in your way of dealing with some Captain.

just as all of the other mechanics in Shadow of Mordor/War are always useful, even if the Captain(s) in question aren't vulnerable to it, it can be useful for the other Uruks you'll inevitably have around while dealing with it. i never felt like any Game Mechanics weren't useful, because of that.

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39 minutes ago, taiiat said:

eh, even on Lv20+ Captains or on Warlords, Stealth was always useful. you don't have to be able to Stealth Kill them for Stealth to be useful. breaking LoS so you can catch them by surprise from another angle, or breaking LoS for just a moment so you can trigger some Stealth Attack/Kill Perks, or even doing it just to get an easier removal of a problematic Enemy that's getting in your way of dealing with some Captain.

just as all of the other mechanics in Shadow of Mordor/War are always useful, even if the Captain(s) in question aren't vulnerable to it, it can be useful for the other Uruks you'll inevitably have around while dealing with it. i never felt like any Game Mechanics weren't useful, because of that.

And a difference between the system in those game and the Kuva lich was that you always had options.  Even against one like my "greatest enemy" Lutz, who if I remember was immune to ranged and stealth, had the "prevents hero from vaulting behind him to chop him in the back" trait, and his only weakness was the giant monsters called Graug.  Because he was high level and *didn't* have the "can appear anywhere" trait like my most aggravating frenemy Bafra the Clever, once I found him during a given turn he usually stayed put.  At that point I had lots of options.

I could avoid whatever area he was camped out in for the turn.  He might turn up in a mission with/against another Uruk captain, but if he did I probably didn't need to fight him.  I could try to convert Uruks who were rivals with him and then help *them* with missions that made them stronger, and hope that one randomly killed him during the sequence of coinflips that happened if I did get myself killed.  If he was camped in an open world area I could attempt to actually tame a Graug, march a living war machine across the map and try to activate his "terrified of Graug" weakness which would remove some of his immunities.  And then hope that the Graug still had enough health to stomp on him a few times.

Of course I never actually managed to kill him.  If the sequel hadn't had a game-breaking glitch on my system he would have been imported as my "greatest enemy."  Which was still fine, because fighting him was *optional.*  He wasn't one of the five area Warlords that I *had* to kill to finish the story.  And if he had been, I would have had the option to recruit allied Uruks and level them up before attacking him, so that they could assist with the fight.  If he had somehow gotten promoted to Warlord, the game would almost certainly have altered his immunities slightly to account for the fact that Warlords could *only* spawn in preset locations.  I tried to promote Bafra the Clever to Warlord, and the game stripped him of his "can appear anywhere" trait.  I ended up deleting the save and reverting to a previous autosave backup, because Bafra just wasn't the same when he couldn't show up and Leeroy Jenkins everything.  😞

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1 hour ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Nobody is griefing you from not killing their lich. Please explain how them not wanting to level up-die from- or farm mumurs from thralls is grefing. And again it's a public match why does said player have to listen to you in return? If you have to word it as bending the knee that's a very bad start. It's public matchmaking nobody has to listen to anyone in terms of anything as I dont know you and you don't know me. Telling a player to do something because you want them to isn't very productive. And them not listening isn't griefing in the slightist 

Well no one is saving us when we get slammed neither. But its fine leave it alone let it rampage on other. Unfortunate because that toss can really do some serious damage.

We won't lose the mission but dang...does it suck going down three times and finally asking. "Um...dude you need this lich?"

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On 2019-11-15 at 7:35 PM, D20 said:

If you have been harassed in game by other players, please do some screenshots showing the verbal abuse and report that to the player support desk. You definitely can't let verbal harassment remain in game. However don't let that go as far as becoming some kind of witch hunt.


don't you mean lich hunt?

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1 hour ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Nobody is griefing you from not killing their lich. Please explain how them not wanting to level up-die from- or farm mumurs from thralls is grefing. And again it's a public match why does said player have to listen to you in return? If you have to word it as bending the knee that's a very bad start. It's public matchmaking nobody has to listen to anyone in terms of anything as I dont know you and you don't know me. Telling a player to do something because you want them to isn't very productive. And them not listening isn't griefing in the slightist 

I don't explain to me how taunting teasing and allow a mechanic that can one shot most frames on a slam is any bit of good for the experience?

Asking to get rid of a simple nuisance and to prevent such a fun killing mechanic to ruin the mission for others.

Just because one person's choice forgoes any consideration for others. Play solo then yeah. Maybe you should do that solo so you don't get into a pub that is most likely gonna be thrall hungry?

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1 hour ago, EmberStar said:

No, I'm telling the people constantly whining that "I can't kill my lich" to form a group.  Since they almost always follow up with how trivial it is to fight level 5 lich, it's super easy to farm for dozens of the kuva weapons, and dying constantly is irrelevant.

If you don't like how PUGs play... stop playing in PUGs.  if you can't be bothered to make the slightest effort to avoid PUGs, then would you kindly.  SHUT.  UP.

Yeah the pugs are saying stab your lich while blasting every enemy in sight because your plan falls short.

Tried the conversion technique alone. Horrivle rate. Needs a tanky frame requires a non spammy lich kit that doesn't have channeling. This immediately removes 3 elements for lich hunts as they convert the slowest, tlimpact, fire, and electricity, because they have channeling abilities that lock them into an animation longer thus less conversion.

The minutes wasted on waiting around getting shot like a range target can be used on a newer mission utilizing the 5 minute thrall spawn increase which is just faster. Especially with a full team on your hands.

Even with a level 5 lich you cannot compare the murmur farm rate to a mission that takes literally 30 minutes to match two sessions of a full fledge experienced team.

Just try it already.

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Getting more vote in a comment is more of a bad signal than good in this community. Arguing agaisnt a 3k hours veteran on a thread talking about heat removing armor, that didn't know damage 2.0 yet, got half of his math wrong because of this and started with a so wrong comment, the guy still got up voted, lollllllllllllllllllllllllll.

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1 hour ago, Remedyheart said:

Well no one is saving us when we get slammed neither. But its fine leave it alone let it rampage on other. Unfortunate because that toss can really do some serious damage.

We won't lose the mission but dang...does it suck going down three times and finally asking. "Um...dude you need this lich?"

Well that's a issue that's dependent on the squad of you all are dying by the lich correct? Because Goin on the forums I've read how trivial it is to kill them and them not really being that much of a threat. If that's the case why are you worried that'll kill you if this is the "majoritys" mindset right. Youve also mentioned that it's just a lost life earlier if not mistaken so who cares if you die correct. Again you can't tell a player how to play in pubs. If they chose to kill or Stab said lich great if not...... You can't do anything about it. And again. For specific goals the most optimal way to do anything in warframe is to form a squad of like minded people and or go solo. Because playing with randoms means you give up the right to control how the next person plays. Why are you soo pressed that people must play your way in a public matchmaking scenario 

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55 minutes ago, Remedyheart said:

Just because one person's choice forgoes any consideration for others. Play solo then yeah. Maybe you should do that solo so you don't get into a pub that is most likely gonna be thrall hungry?

And if you can tell someone to play solo???? Why don't you do the same??? Or better yet form a squad for your specific task. You sound mighty hypocritical again trying to tell someone how to play because it's not the playstyle you want to play with. 

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Hey guys, apparently I've learned I'm all the evils of this forum for opposing the system's pointless deaths and not just accepting that the system is flawed and that it should be.

Where might I go to acquire minions to be the nemesis the forum deserves?

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Just now, Aldain said:

Hey guys, apparently I've learned I'm all the evils of this forum for opposing the system's pointless deaths and not just accepting that the system is flawed and that it should be.

Where might I go to acquire minions to be the nemesis the forum deserves?

Yeah but do you get hate male about how you're a toxic forum vet Ingame or on psn? I guess I'm the true nemesis 🥺(sweatshawp the sentient Troll)

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Just now, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Yeah but do you get hate male about how you're a toxic forum vet Ingame or on psn?

I haven't gotten any hate mail yet, however I think I got somebody to ignore me for telling them they can't force others to perceive the system as they do.

Does that count?

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