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So in regards to Chroma needing a rework...


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said it before, and I'll keep saying it:

- swap out his 1 for a better ability, maybe something CC oriented

- greatly reduce energy cost of his 4 and buff it, maybe have it act like a flying Drone.

- totally rework Shock and Toxin Chroma from the ground up.

- classify Chroma's elemental setup as an exalted weapon, so players can choose which element they want to use without compromising on Energy colour.

then Chroma would be pretty much perfect IMO.

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hace 33 minutos, Exelcto dijo:

I would like at least to changes:
1. Get rid of his first abillity and make for example a wheel where we choose element for the rest of abillities.
2. Make his 4 like a celestian twin or just make it able to move like normal sentinel.

Make his 4 consume energy overtime and release an all-elemental damage (all sources of damage possible from rad, to corrosive, magnetic, toxin, heat, etc) on a super-concentrated beam that deals 1 million damage!.... boom (well that's basically Wisp for ya but with mouth wide open)

Or make him turn into a BAM dragon with new set of abilities for the duration, Imagine fighting Eidolons on the same scale, and also getting bugged on spaceship tileset.

Edited by lukasystem
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His 1 ability needs super rework but not copyright form godzilla with his giga laser or should I say lazor rifle *cough* *cough*.  Pretty much I think it should be base on sort of real life flamethrower do afterward, so what we should do keep way it is but increase the range for it and not only that the fire whatever range to be will leave a trail of fire sort of like nezha fire trail work except for when chroma he can leave fire breath trails like a real dragon does it with flame but this is one the idea.

The 2nd idea chroma could do on his 1st ability charge a fireball like opticor weapon except for it is big flamethrower laser power so we don't get the OP godzilla version and having it over copyright of it for it be fireball that do wide explosive depending on range radius starting from 15m lvl1, 30m lvl2, and 45m lvl3 so it doesn't suck really bad when wide explosive that type range then the mod convert will actually do penetration but also each time it hit a enemy or an object like the ground example it does still impact explosive (not elemental dmg which depending on aura color) so you keep your godzilla version likeness but not over over power of it.  If you add range mods the explosive can extend depending in % in the mod which that is reason why I don't attend make it up to 50-60m because you'll get almost the same size as Syran when she do her AOE attack overkill.  Yes strength mod can effect chroma's fire breath ball to extend super high dmg depending if you fully charge it and yes whatever mod that help fast cast can help chroma fast cast as well if you feel like putting such thing into him for the charge goes faster when in needed.  For does it matter when you charge it for that it is yes for the dmg will be little but the AOE never change except for mods.  Oh right forgot mention that once enemy get hit by the fireball of chroma they'll get catch on fire or whatever elemental you put on and in that AOE attack whoever as in enemy or breakable object will catch on elemental dmg in status which you'll always get 100% status attack by whatever elemental dmg you do.

At the time being this is how much I got for the idea so we don't rip off godzilla's move about his "imma firin ma lazor" so we don't have to bother with too much remaking new animation sets but the dev have to deal with graphic art and program that is pretty much it.

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But... why?

What does having a 1 that acts as a weapon do for Chroma's kit? How does it work into his playstyle? Why would you want to use it?

Some of the worst Warframe design has come from "this thematically makes sense" or "but it looks cool" design. Warframes need to be designed around gameplay first. I know I am being a buzz-kill, but it is getting tiring seeing the same mistakes be made over and over with the justification of "but it looks cool". Chroma needs a kit, not some flashy useless abilities.


Also... Chroma is a knight wearing a dragon's pelt, Chroma is not a dragon.

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