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(PC) Empyrean: Railjack Mission and Difficulty Feedback Megathread


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So, I was doing Railjack with a friend of mine, and lemme just say, trying to call out where enemies are is a pain. Which got me thinking.... in Battlestar Galactica, and in Star Trek, there are always two sets of coordinates or degrees they call out to determine where enemies come from. Which brings me to the following, and to the linked screenshot. What I was thinking is two sets of headings, if you will. The first, is a blue line in my screenshot, which will run your gambit from 0-0-0 to 3-6-0. Simple enough. The red line on the right side runs the gambit from 0-0-0 to 1-8-0, with 0-9-0 being essentially the "horizon", 0-0-0 being looking straight up, and 1-8-0 looking straight down. with all of this relative to what direction your ship spawns into the mission, so that your ship always starts at 0-0-0 / 0-9-0. The pilot, and gunners, would have these coordinates on their screens so that the gunner on the port could, in theory, type 270-045, and all gunners and the pilot would be able to know, instantly, where an enemy is. It would save the ten seconds of "where the bleep is this guy, oh wait, we just got hit with three ramsleds, well, GG, folks" I don't know if this has already been suggested, or if it is already in the works, but I feel it would help a lot in Railjack missions, as well as improve squad coordination. Lemme know what y'all think!unknown.png

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Or one can adopt the age old air combat system.

Think an analog clock, with the nose of the craft lining up with 12.

then anything in front will be 12 o'clock, behind 6 o'clock, and so on.

Then you can add high or low to indicate if the reported enemy is above or below the craft.

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Right, except with a certain rank of gunnery, your entire ship vanishes, making it harder to orientate yourself relative to the ship. Whereas if you had markers and headings to call out, it would let everybody know. Like, when i get in a side turret, I don't see the ship, which makes it rather hard to say "enemy at 3 o'clock" when I don't even know what side of the ship I'm looking at.... or maybe it's just me

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22 hours ago, JavikShepard said:

in Battlestar Galactica, and in Star Trek, there are always two sets of coordinates or degrees they call out to determine where enemies come from.


18 hours ago, digi_owl said:

Or one can adopt the age old air combat system.

Think an analog clock, with the nose of the craft lining up with 12.

then anything in front will be 12 o'clock, behind 6 o'clock, and so on.


8 hours ago, JavikShepard said:

Right, except with a certain rank of gunnery, your entire ship vanishes, making it harder to orientate yourself relative to the ship. Whereas if you had markers and headings to call out, it would let everybody know.

What they're talking about is what you're talking about, only they're talking about going by a clock face rather than angles.

Front of the ship is zero and goes clockwise. So something like 3-9 is rightside of the ship and up and 5-6 is straight behind and slightly to the right (if I'm remembering right).

Edited by SpringRocker
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My biggest gripe with Railjack right now is how intrinsics are handled. Let me put it this way: the best way (by far) to get intrisnics is by getting involved in activities that really have nothing to do with the Railjack itself i.e. not by piloting, gunning, fixing holes, using the slingshot or crafting materials in there. With the coming of Scarlet Spear it is by far preferrable to get into the Murex and wish for the codes to be sent from the ground not very often. With a warframe with high dps (e.g. Mesa) you can spend several minutes there seeing intrinsics pour into your total. This does not make any sense. Why does being in warframe form and using warframe skills has anything to do with intrinsics?

Same thing with the Railjack missions, pre-Scarlet Spear:

- If I enter a Grineer Asteroid base through my landing craft, I get no intrinsics.

- If I enter a Grineer Asteroid base through the Railjack (actually Railjack-->Archwing-->Base) I get intrinsics depending on the Grineer I kill and the xp value of those kills

There is no actual difference i.e. in both cases, I use a Warframe to kill enemies on an enemy base (or galleon, or whatever, doesn't really matter), there is no internal logic having one of those "rewarded" with intrinsics.

I'm sure someone will come up and tell me to shut up because there are not really any other ways of getting intrinsics without dying of grind, but I'd propose an overhaul in the whole system of gaining intrinsics, through things that you do within the Railjack and by having those things getting significant xp for this specific purpose. Added incentives could also be introduced e.g. finishing a mission in a given amount of time might award an extra number of intrinsics for the squad involved (in a similar way Plains/Orb Vallis missions have extra bonuses) or perhaps fixing every problem (e.g. fires) within a very short time could also add a bonus.

As it stands now, this system does not really motivate anyone to play Railjack, but just be a part of missions that can gain the most xp on some enemy ship.

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I may be a little late to the party, as due to family issues, I did not have much game time till this past week. I enjoy Railjack. I am not saying there are no bugs, but mostly it's a polish thing. 

Alerts sometimes block important info.

Sometimes you do not get important alerts. The color for Breaches(On the Map overlay) is not exactly easy for us blind folks to see, and the forward gun in the pilot seat sometimes obscures needed info. Maybe a way to enlarge the icons a little, and change to more visible color options?

Speaking of color can we get a way to adjust railjack weapon colors specifically?

I'd also like an option to have a couple different build tabs for avionics, and weapons, as I change build when not solo.

The map overlay will sometimes turn itself off, even if you have map overlay as a preference turned on in options.

Default 1,2,3 for ordinance/battle avionics is nice could we maybe have a default for Tactical like 1,2,3 while in the tactical menu, or maybe 4,5,6 while piloting, or even make them keybind-able? 

Bug when a reactor explodes with you still in the ship, is still around but less prevalent. Are we sure about not losing a revive to this mechanic? Feels odd!

The balance for solo is actually nice, and I would prefer it not be nerfed, or a Command tree will be pointless. The Intrinsic gain for people not exploiting is actually pretty low, even with running Ivara for stealth bonuses. Maybe addressing the exploitation of failing, and abandoning missions on purpose for gain, would be better than giving those that don't the bird. Just a thought.

I fail to see the point of the MK 1, and 2 weapons, and ship upgrades, as all of them are almost always a downgrade from Sigma Clan Technology MK3. I also fail to see how a valance transfer will make building them reasonable. For weapons anything other then Vidar or in some cases Zetki MK3 are pointless. It's the same for ship parts one or two legit building options of the MK3 variety, the rest are pointless.

Maybe a way to classify another type of Avionic which would include Winged etc. etc. With an overall boost to available points from reactors, would give an incentive to ever use those avionics now. 

Railjack is amazing, and as a fan of Descent, circa 94. I can see near limitless possibilities for Railjack to tie the entire game together, so much potential there.😎

People are being way to harsh. Rescues in space. Railjack interception. Railjack Captures.  I also dig Archwing and enjoy the way it ties into Railjack.

I am not saying it is perfect, but from a solo play aspect it's pretty balanced, and I enjoy it immensely.

Also fix the scoped aim sensitivity. There are three types of people those that will want it the same sensitivity as non scope, more sensitive, or less sensitive. Currently even with it set to 0 it is more sensitive than default non scope settings. 

Most my complaints are just some fixes, with one exception. I can not stand random stats in video games, and if they are paired with low drop chances, they are $%$*^%.(This is why myself, and those I played with, quit Anthem after Champion of Tarsis(3 months game play)

Oh and a way to silence my omnitool when repairing would be sexy.

Last Note.. A timer to indicate how long is left on void cloak would be Amazing! Edit! I really need a way To mark enemy crewships with a waypoint, my default keybind to mark a target doesn't work 😞 

Hope all of you at DE are staying safe. Try not to let all the negative comments get you all down. The majority of them do it for views. I'm retired views mean nothing to me, it's why this video is unlisted, and only viewable here with the link.

Edited by Nichivo
Marking Crewship Targets and not enough coffee before posting.
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So one thing I know that me and other people had issues with were the guns that people happened to use. Some like Apoc, some like photor, some like carcinoxx, etc. So if someone saw that say my RJ had a weapon they didnt like they just wouldnt use it at all and either go out of the RJ or just hang out as an engie.

So I'd propose similar to Minelayer and Tribute let every RJ be able to equip one of each type and then whoever uses it can swap between the equipped weapons. So this means you could have a Zetki Apoc, a Lavan Photor, a a vidar carcinoxx etc etc. and you could swap between all of the different weapons of your choosing. But this should only be for the gunner/pilot position not the ordnance. 

Another thing is Archguns/archmelee being utterly useless in the mode. And I understand the archwing is supposed to be the fighter and not the huge RJ. So I propose similar to what you did with the skold crewship add weakpoints similar to maybe banshees sonar in which you could shoot to deal more damage which RJ couldnt since it's supposed to be the heavy guns without the precision shots. and as for archmelee it could used to instead of being a flyswatter on hit will disable them for maybe 5 seconds. This would make it easier for the RJ crew and yourself line up needed shots.

And the final thing off the top of my head I can think of is the healing bubbles of crewships need to really either be shrunk in terms of size, be blown up in less hits, or have an increased cooldown because in veil theyre just rampant all over the map.

Edited by rawr1254
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2020-04-25 at 3:06 AM, rawr1254 said:

Another thing is Archguns/archmelee being utterly useless in the mode.

Played yesterday with Rad Velocitus at Veil.  Was quite effective.  Oneshots every light fighter with 2 uncharged shots, and, thanx to new reticle, is very easy to aim.

Cant say anything about other guns, but this one does its job good enough to compete with RJ guns.


Melee was not as effective tho.  Even when I managed to "catch" one ship and stick to it, camera started to glitch and I could barely see sht.... But hits were not missing even tho it all happened at relatively high movement speed.

Damage was bad, but I used Prisma Veritux with crappy build (2 phys mods + astral autopsy)....Its not very suitable against grineer.

Cold procs or any other slow down CC is necessary for melee to work better. 

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This is feedback for the recent updates released 25-04-2020 to 03-05-2020
what was update about:

Railjack handling changes and Boost: before it was like controlling a brick with retro-thrusters, it was hard but very amusing now we have easier controls however we no longer have dogfighting due to lack of straifing, and booster being too short.
im hoping for more boost energy though mods and handling of railjack to be reverted partly to let the pilot feel more like they're doing dogfighting.
essentially, what you should create is an experience were trying to dodge incoming missiles or even bullets and smashing into fighters to give the pilot a big shot of addrelline in their vain!, i no longer feel anything.
also my railjack feels weaker(again) could you stop that? its not made of paper.

im hoping in the future we can get "Modular Railjacks" based off various factions

(grineer would look bulky, have more armor,health but vastly slower in speed)
(Sentient would be slightly less then average on all fronts except a buff that shifts from damage reduction to damage boost based on how often the railjack is hit)
(Corpus would be shield and speed with less health)
(etc etc, also could include special ones with a more free theme like "pirate ship" (+ loot but enemies start 50 levels higher) would also help you get a feel for difficulty.)


Changing the Meta: YOU DID IT WRONG!(various avionics was changed in a LAZY manner), instead of giving players an insentive to do various different playstyles you instead removed the most prefered one, and created an other one, you never increased the amount of options people like, instead you made a loved method less awesome by nerfing it WITHOUT providing new and exciting options, or boosting other stuff sufficiently to make a difference.
When changing something that is "Meta" in order to create more options theres various things you have to consider independently   
A : Numbers(stats of the imporant ability/etc) its not suggested to change this more than 20% per rebalance run, since you'r balancing, and actually trying to make a new game.
B : Mechanic(how the ability/etc WORKS)  this can be anything from how its used, to delays between uses and likewise without affecting the stats of it.
C : Looks(visual, audio,etc)  does it look/sound awesome? as well as adjusting balance of exposure of various elements to create the perfect "WOW! thats awesome!"
Look, i should not have to tell you people how to do your job, just PLEASE understand the difference between balance, and complete rework.
PS: and if you call this a complete rework then remember, a complete rework requires alot more work as you have to re-create basically from scratch various interesting ways to play for different kind of people, this is why you ought to know the difference, and contain changes within these categories.

Edited by Alira0Blexiera
Elaborated on last line.
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  • 5 weeks later...

These Railjack's mission forced to play with few ppl is a huge mistake.
Can't do solo missions, Can't organize with few randoms, few ppl just join to make more enemy ships and after few sec going out. Can't do anything. With my work i can't join to an organised clan.
After few years i want to play this less and less....

Maybe npcs for help will be good idea but still not there.


Edited by Xsaroth
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  • 10 months later...

Just build y own railjack and after 3 missions deciding to not wanting to play it again here comes the reasons:

- no tutorial whatsover

- uprading railjack parts like engine costs an ridiculous amount of resources so you are either n a big clan or you are screwed

- basic ship is too squishy even in low level missions and cant be repaired because omni tool runs out of recources (suggestion: remove the repair limit of the omni tool); this is the biggest issue for me because you fail the mission if the ship is destroyed but if one crew member could focus solo on repairs then the mission can be accomplished eventually




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Loving the reworked missions, but had an idea; endless mission where the Tenno cause as much damage to hostile ships as possible. 

-"Hostiles have blockaded a vital trade (or smuggling) route. You must remove this blockade."

-Enemies come in waves starting with fighters and a couple crew ships. After you defeat the enemy ships, a new waves warp in with more ships, tougher/higher level ships, etc. Eventually capital ships appear on the battlefield, and now you have to deal with boarding parties on top of the tougher waves. rewards/chances to extract every 5 waves.

-A possible way to balance it out: You only have x number of hull breaches that are fixable before Cephalon Cy says the ship is taking too much damage and the mission must be scrubbed.

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4 hours ago, Clideb50 said:

Loving the reworked missions, but had an idea; endless mission where the Tenno cause as much damage to hostile ships as possible. 

-"Hostiles have blockaded a vital trade (or smuggling) route. You must remove this blockade."


Some of the old Archwing space missions can be reworked to do stuff with Railjack. I don't know why DE is ignoring their old assets.

4 hours ago, Clideb50 said:

-Enemies come in waves starting with fighters and a couple crew ships. After you defeat the enemy ships, a new waves warp in with more ships, tougher/higher level ships, etc. Eventually capital ships appear on the battlefield, and now you have to deal with boarding parties on top of the tougher waves. rewards/chances to extract every 5 waves.

This was actually part of the old enemy spawn logic in the Grineer RJ missions before Corpus RJ got rid of Gian Point.

4 hours ago, Clideb50 said:

-A possible way to balance it out: You only have x number of hull breaches that are fixable before Cephalon Cy says the ship is taking too much damage and the mission must be scrubbed.


Like the 4 or 6 revives you get from normal missions. I kinda like this.

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