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Solo players, stop expecting, that Command will fix all your railjack problems.


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17 hours ago, PookieNumnums said:


Judging by how underwhelming the other four are i expect very little of command

If somehow it allows for perfect repair and perfect ai aim then ill invest 

But then it becomes solo meta which isnt what they want so i wont hold my breath . 

Tell you what. Start a new account and do the Railjack stuff at rank 0 on all intrinsics. Keep it that way for a while. And then hop back to your main account at rank 10 everything. 

Should be interesting to see if you notice a difference, and if that changes your tune. 

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Tell you what. Start a new account and do the Railjack stuff at rank 0 on all intrinsics. Keep it that way for a while. And then hop back to your main account at rank 10 everything. 

Should be interesting to see if you notice a difference, and if that changes your tune. 

You forget everyone started at zero. Better does not equal good or great. Especially when you're starting so low. 

I didnt say i dislike railjack. Truth is, though, that the current intrinsics leave a lot to be desired. A whole lot. Is it a ploy by de to gradually release better, more valuable skills with ranks 11 through 15 in order to stretch out content? Likely not. They say they dont do that AND with their history of releases and subsequent improvements, intrinsic skills may never truly be improved out side of minor tweaks or feature removal. See: solar rail conflicts, lunaro, archwing, etc.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Tell you what. Start a new account and do the Railjack stuff at rank 0 on all intrinsics. Keep it that way for a while. And then hop back to your main account at rank 10 everything. 

Should be interesting to see if you notice a difference, and if that changes your tune. 

I actually just did that while helping my son build his Railjack on his PS4. Personally it was most noticeable on piloting, not to mention there's stuff you can't even do unless you have the right intrinsics level.

It's .. a big difference.. 

I heard bad things about the remote repair of engi 10, but it's actually awesome .. it uses revolite as a normal repair would, and it's fantastic to deal with critical breaches without stopping what you're doing. Just click on it, exit tactical view, and go back to whatever you were doing. I just wish it would be possible to know how much Revolite I have, because it's easy to get used to remote repairing and not notice you're running low.

The tactical 10 is also pretty cool, although it doesn't really see much use for now. I suspect it will be awesome later when they add more missions/mini raids or whatnot. Warping from the Railjack directly to, say, a galleon is pretty cool.

The other 2 10s don't seem very useful, I hope DE takes a look at that.


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1 hour ago, CaptainMinty said:

I mean, some people use their Archwings. That's on them. Personally I've found that the Railjack has been much better at handling enemies than my Archgun and Archwing ever could dream of in Empyrean.

If fighters weren`t so fast able to soak up damage with EASE even against the highest tier of guns which should be in equal footing to what those MKIII guns are suppose to be for, the Veil, plus shoot tracking wasnt such a pain, i would honestly have less hassle in both accounts on whether i use both guns.

Granted throw in the fact that some ships have absurdly higher durability once you reach the veil, regen fields can be spammed out en-masse where even as the host i had trouble being able to see them and likely had to be a thousand meters away to KIND of see them and i could be spamming my cryophon MKIII guns straight in a non-elite enemy`s face and the heal is out-pacing my damage, even when i throw in a seeker MK II missile on top of that, Then yeah, Railjack`s gameplay has an issue.

oh and the fact those same fighters can spam out decoy flak or whatever its called to make you waste seeker missiles despite the fact it can take a good 2 to 4 of them on some fighters. Which serves as one of the few reliable ways to YEET fighters in the veil and saturn, without spamming cyrophon shots in thar face.

Well, as for crewships...

...Honestly i still feel like we should be able to unload turret damage onto crewships and cause them to go into catastrophic failure(since they can do it so easily to us till we own the most optimal avionics and we still can get spammed by `hazards` still), since as you basically stated, its only that and in earlier levels, the freaking slow charging, annoying to aim while a pilot is moving around, tungska cannon, that can actually kill a crewships at all. At the very least, I feel that archwings need to get about 75% more D.R. in some way to balance them out, especially since even though i am not rank 8 in any of the intrinstic ranks yet, i honestly feel like the durability and move speed bonus we get in them will be rather useless for the archwing except just `maybe` rushing to crewships or side-objectives faster.


Field of view is the only issue with the pilot's seat. It's woefully limited compared to Archwing and as such makes finding those dropped materials a tad bit harder. To say that Archwing is better than the Railjack would mean a lack of actual experience in Saturn and the Veil. Once those ship levels climb, the Archgun fails to keep up with the Railjack cannons. Even a multi forma fully modded Imperator Vandal doesn't have the output it takes to take down enemy fighters.

It would certainly be nicer to have a REAL 3rd person visual control with railjack instead of the pseudo-disorienting 1st/3rd person like hybrid view we have when we control the railjack. Its honestly why the current `meta` strat is to use Amesha`s slow then get straight up to the fighter and spam cygnas shots straight in thar face, instead of using seeker missiles or the railjack cannons. Since you can actually slow fighters who would have healing more ridiculous then a power-str spec`d wisp and its triple that amount and is % base healing, which is never a good thing considering how much health any enemy unit has compared to war frames or vehicles we use.

But again, this is an issue that unless your running some hyper-spec`d status gun, anything, especially crit focused guns, are instantly un-usable garbo as far as higher level enemies are concerned.


As for it being expensive, is it really? The Railjack and all of its resource costs didn't put a dent in any of my stockpiled resources, save for credits. And credits are easily obtained. Though I wish my lich would stop stealing my Index returns but hey, she's probably rolling in money and if the game would give me Xata I'd politely drag all that credits back to me.

Say that to the 3k~12k titanium costs for MK I-III parts of various means, plus you suddenly have to deal with 1500 tachyons, a resource i barely knew about, suddenly nudging its way into my farming, to where i decided to check if i have the most maximum possible roll on the MKIII parts i have gotten and then start doing the best sexy dance i can do in market chat by trying to `sell any simple goods i have access to` and scrape up batches of 50 plat to just avoid what could be as much as days of farming resources, especially since console is still on the 5th hotfix and then pray i do not suddenly somehow roll a 5~10% higher value on the good i just sunk a repair drone on when that part is quite literally next to near-perfection of a good.

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Just now, PookieNumnums said:

You forget everyone started at zero. Better does not equal good or great. Especially when you're starting so low. 

I didnt say i dislike railjack. Truth is, though, that the current intrinsics leave a lot to be desired. A whole lot. Is it a ploy by de to gradually release better, more valuable skills with ranks 11 through 15 in order to stretch out content? Likely not. They say they dont do that AND with their history of releases and subsequent improvements, intrinsic skills may never truly be improved out side of minor tweaks or feature removal. See: solar rail conflicts, lunaro, archwing, etc.

No but some of us have clearly forgotten the difference that ranking them up has made. 

Hence your "underwhelming" comment. 

Either that or you were just trying to be a proper edgelord and a couple of someones came along and spoiled it for you. *shrug*

2 minutes ago, Vit0Corleone said:

I actually just did that while helping my son build his Railjack on his PS4. Personally it was most noticeable on piloting, not to mention there's stuff you can't even do unless you have the right intrinsics level.

It's .. a big difference.. 

Yeah. Being locked out of the main gun, not being able to warp to and fro, not having the slingshot, and no boosts on the forge.... Anyone claiming that it is underwhelming clearly isn't basing their opinion on reality. 

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7 minutes ago, Avienas said:

Say that to the 3k~12k titanium costs for MK I-III parts

*laughs in 170k titanium*

Seriously thou, I agree they need to be less aggressive on that grind especially for more casual players, but the reality is .. it's not that hard to farm those materials.

I have tons of them materials/resources and usually repair one component per day more or less (depending if I get something worth repairing ). And this is just by playing normally - I don't specifically go farm Titanium etc.

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6 minutes ago, Vit0Corleone said:

*laughs in 170k titanium*

Seriously thou, I agree they need to be less aggressive on that grind especially for more casual players, but the reality is .. it's not that hard to farm those materials.

I have tons of them materials/resources and usually repair one component per day more or less (depending if I get something worth repairing ). And this is just by playing normally - I don't specifically go farm Titanium etc.

Everyone has different ideas about what is normal. But I have been in missions where people insist on warping out while I am scrambling to collect the drops. Had one guy yelling because he was not hearing the slingshot being loaded (he was too far from the crewships and they were practically stacked on the map, so I was hoping from one to the other and hanging around for the drops). Needless to say, we warped out before the engineer (also me) had a chance to top up the ship and refine. 

Hopefully @Avienasknows that they can scrap previously built wreckage for a partial refund of the materials. 

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1 hour ago, Avienas said:

If fighters weren`t so fast able to soak up damage with EASE even against the highest tier of guns which should be in equal footing to what those MKIII guns are suppose to be for, the Veil, plus shoot tracking wasnt such a pain, i would honestly have less hassle in both accounts on whether i use both guns.

Granted throw in the fact that some ships have absurdly higher durability once you reach the veil, regen fields can be spammed out en-masse where even as the host i had trouble being able to see them and likely had to be a thousand meters away to KIND of see them and i could be spamming my cryophon MKIII guns straight in a non-elite enemy`s face and the heal is out-pacing my damage, even when i throw in a seeker MK II missile on top of that, Then yeah, Railjack`s gameplay has an issue.

oh and the fact those same fighters can spam out decoy flak or whatever its called to make you waste seeker missiles despite the fact it can take a good 2 to 4 of them on some fighters. Which serves as one of the few reliable ways to YEET fighters in the veil and saturn, without spamming cyrophon shots in thar face.

Well, as for crewships...

...Honestly i still feel like we should be able to unload turret damage onto crewships and cause them to go into catastrophic failure(since they can do it so easily to us till we own the most optimal avionics and we still can get spammed by `hazards` still), since as you basically stated, its only that and in earlier levels, the freaking slow charging, annoying to aim while a pilot is moving around, tungska cannon, that can actually kill a crewships at all. At the very least, I feel that archwings need to get about 75% more D.R. in some way to balance them out, especially since even though i am not rank 8 in any of the intrinstic ranks yet, i honestly feel like the durability and move speed bonus we get in them will be rather useless for the archwing except just `maybe` rushing to crewships or side-objectives faster.

It would certainly be nicer to have a REAL 3rd person visual control with railjack instead of the pseudo-disorienting 1st/3rd person like hybrid view we have when we control the railjack. Its honestly why the current `meta` strat is to use Amesha`s slow then get straight up to the fighter and spam cygnas shots straight in thar face, instead of using seeker missiles or the railjack cannons. Since you can actually slow fighters who would have healing more ridiculous then a power-str spec`d wisp and its triple that amount and is % base healing, which is never a good thing considering how much health any enemy unit has compared to war frames or vehicles we use.

But again, this is an issue that unless your running some hyper-spec`d status gun, anything, especially crit focused guns, are instantly un-usable garbo as far as higher level enemies are concerned.

Say that to the 3k~12k titanium costs for MK I-III parts of various means, plus you suddenly have to deal with 1500 tachyons, a resource i barely knew about, suddenly nudging its way into my farming, to where i decided to check if i have the most maximum possible roll on the MKIII parts i have gotten and then start doing the best sexy dance i can do in market chat by trying to `sell any simple goods i have access to` and scrape up batches of 50 plat to just avoid what could be as much as days of farming resources, especially since console is still on the 5th hotfix and then pray i do not suddenly somehow roll a 5~10% higher value on the good i just sunk a repair drone on when that part is quite literally next to near-perfection of a good.

Part of the problem is that the forward artillery does not remain a one shot answer to crewships in late saturn and veil. Forward artillery just doesn't have enough punch for some reason.

Archwings are too easy to dumpster for any enemy, and I don't see the bonuses really changing that, reserving my use of it to slingshotting into a crewship to take out its reactor, which stands as the best way to deal with them.

I just finished the final mission of Saturn solo with a MK3 weapon. It took ages to down fighters. But that problem stemmed from the fact that 90% of the fighters were Elite fighters. The regular fighters in the mix were turned to paper by the MK 3. If that is true as I continue solo into the Veil, then the number of Elite fighters is a problem.

Scrounging for resources is what we've done since the beginning of Warframe. Finally we have resource costs that matter, that make us decide on which piece to upgrade first, and now it is too much. Scrounging for plat for rush drones is just one way to grind for the parts. I needed 2000 titanium for a new gun, so I went and got that in one mission. In fact, spam lower level missions. Bonuses actually give resources at the end of missions, so spamming missions is a good way to get materials. Sure, you have to search for those special resources, but that's part of the game. I will say that having a booster is an immense help, but in the end a grind is a grind and at least we have a surefire method of getting some kind of MK 3 equipment for our Railjack instead of just relying on drops.

The real problem with Railjack is it needs further integration into Warframe. Right now, it's virtually a beta feature. We need fissures for it. We need Liches integrated into it. And for the life of me please slap some abilities into the research. Grinding for them is insanely stupid.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

No but some of us have clearly forgotten the difference that ranking them up has made. 

Hence your "underwhelming" comment. 

Either that or you were just trying to be a proper edgelord and a couple of someones came along and spoiled it for you. *shrug*

Yeah. Being locked out of the main gun, not being able to warp to and fro, not having the slingshot, and no boosts on the forge.... Anyone claiming that it is underwhelming clearly isn't basing their opinion on reality. 

Not even close. The useful skills ive found so far are omni transport and drifting damage bonus. The most usefulness has come from avionics and parts. I would like to see intrinsic skills be as useful. You can continue to be offended by my opinion that intrinsics are quite lacking, or find ways in which they can be improved upon. If you think theyre fine as is, thats ok.. but id say you are sorely misguided. 

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Who is expecting Command intrinsics to "solve" all of solo railjack problems.

All I need is someone on the side turrets because humans don't do that very will if the pilot (cough cough) is drifting all the time.

Players have already found out comfortable ways to solo veil missions. If anything command intrinsics will just add some QoLs for solos.

(as well as mastery 😄 )

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1 hour ago, Vit0Corleone said:

*laughs in 170k titanium*

Seriously thou, I agree they need to be less aggressive on that grind especially for more casual players, but the reality is .. it's not that hard to farm those materials.

I have tons of them materials/resources and usually repair one component per day more or less (depending if I get something worth repairing ). And this is just by playing normally - I don't specifically go farm Titanium etc.

Since i am still on hotfix 5 as a PS4 player, i tend to average around 600~1000 titanium a mission, granted maybe there are some secret nodes to `success` on this fiasco, but since this takes between 20-25 minutes on Jane Lex or whatever that earth node is called or that third earth node where its guranteed to spawn the lowest enemy batch, no optional objectives, which it and jex are easy to missile volley down fast in less then a few minutes, Its kind of tiresome to keep repeating the process especially since i am doing this solo and still having to deal with `rather annoying to spot loot` in space. Especially when most of that 20-25 minutes is spent searching for the loot.

Now if after inserting all the loot, i didnt have to wait 12 hours to get fixed, then that would feel less defeating, then maybe it would be a bit more tolerable. Especially since the 4 ammo resources i have reaching into the 20k pools at the moment, which some got wiped rather fast after i funded one or two items of parts to make.

But granted, i am still a rather burnt out pleb who has done the repeat farm in many forms of warframe, so i am not a fan of having to farm loot without having some kind of `bonus` as a long time player that maybe could provide something as simple as a effective `passive farmer bonus` for the `common loot`. Even if i am able to dash thru most solar map missions rather fast and kill things quickly, but it still won`t help me get more effective loot farms, when its better i do something like exta if i ever needed orokin cells, which trust me, sitting on 300+ of those, despite making forma each day, i do not think i will need to frequent that place ever again for a long while.

Though im not going to spend 30 plat for a resource booster, since it would only be 50 plat to just instant complete a repair job for a part, on top of waving nasty costs like 12k titanium on my near perfect fire rate roll of a zekti Toxin mk III guns, and the 1500 tachyons on however you farm those buggers.

So Overall

Its not `hard` to farm, its just tiresome to repeat a loop on what could take between 5 to 20 times, depending on what part i am having to repair, then an extra bunch of `more times` on any other particular loot i would not just have piling up while doing missions like normal on railjack. At the very least with the PRE-railjack resource farming, it was simple, Run a Dark sector survival/defense mission and let the enemies come to you while Nekros butcher them with despoil, or just run deep into plains of eidolon or the Exploiter orb cave for those loots. If it wasnt for the quantity being into the 4 to 5 digit thousands values, i am sure plenty of people would of just farmed the resources the same way as before, then rely on a tedious farming mechanic.

Too bad Titanium can only be found in space sadly.


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I can solo quite easily now but Steve did say it would be difficult and it initially was difficult for me. Once leveled, things got better...just as any other game really, but the fun factor was MUCH higher with a good crew.

While I think the intention was to get us to use teams and take advantage of recruitment, the forums went a completely different direction, as usual, and blew up over the "for co-op" statement. With a solid crew, all learning or mastered, plus a clean server connection, Railjack is an amazing experience.


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50 minutes ago, Avienas said:

Since i am still on hotfix 5 as a PS4 player, i tend to average around 600~1000 titanium a mission, granted maybe there are some secret nodes to `success` on this fiasco, but since this takes between 20-25 minutes on Jane Lex or whatever that earth node is called or that third earth node where its guranteed to spawn the lowest enemy batch, no optional objectives, which it and jex are easy to missile volley down fast in less then a few minutes, Its kind of tiresome to keep repeating the process especially since i am doing this solo and still having to deal with `rather annoying to spot loot` in space. Especially when most of that 20-25 minutes is spent searching for the loot.

Now if after inserting all the loot, i didnt have to wait 12 hours to get fixed, then that would feel less defeating, then maybe it would be a bit more tolerable. Especially since the 4 ammo resources i have reaching into the 20k pools at the moment, which some got wiped rather fast after i funded one or two items of parts to make.

But granted, i am still a rather burnt out pleb who has done the repeat farm in many forms of warframe, so i am not a fan of having to farm loot without having some kind of `bonus` as a long time player that maybe could provide something as simple as a effective `passive farmer bonus` for the `common loot`. Even if i am able to dash thru most solar map missions rather fast and kill things quickly, but it still won`t help me get more effective loot farms, when its better i do something like exta if i ever needed orokin cells, which trust me, sitting on 300+ of those, despite making forma each day, i do not think i will need to frequent that place ever again for a long while.

Though im not going to spend 30 plat for a resource booster, since it would only be 50 plat to just instant complete a repair job for a part, on top of waving nasty costs like 12k titanium on my near perfect fire rate roll of a zekti Toxin mk III guns, and the 1500 tachyons on however you farm those buggers.

So Overall

Its not `hard` to farm, its just tiresome to repeat a loop on what could take between 5 to 20 times, depending on what part i am having to repair, then an extra bunch of `more times` on any other particular loot i would not just have piling up while doing missions like normal on railjack. At the very least with the PRE-railjack resource farming, it was simple, Run a Dark sector survival/defense mission and let the enemies come to you while Nekros butcher them with despoil, or just run deep into plains of eidolon or the Exploiter orb cave for those loots. If it wasnt for the quantity being into the 4 to 5 digit thousands values, i am sure plenty of people would of just farmed the resources the same way as before, then rely on a tedious farming mechanic.

Too bad Titanium can only be found in space sadly.


I could be wrong, but I think on PS4 you're missing a fix that is intended to make the grinding less painful?

In any case, just for reference, when I said I got all that Titanium just by playing normally, what I mean is that I don't even bother with shooting rocks or picking up loot.

I just do mission as normal, extract when mission is over etc. Only really bother picking up Avionics and components. Even with that, I have managed to stock pile a ton of stuff.

Granted, I have been playing too much over the holidays, so don't take this as the norm..

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It won't if it's npc based as the description suggests. It will be worse.

The ONLY way commander works is if it's all linked to the pilot seat and/or automated.

I highly doubt the games A.I. is going to suddenly become intelligent. They can't even path properly....it will take 15 minutes for an idiot npc to navigate the terribly designed interior to access the forges.




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9 minutes ago, IIDMOII said:

It won't if it's npc based as the description suggests. It will be worse.

The ONLY way commander works is if it's all linked to the pilot seat and/or automated.

I highly doubt the games A.I. is going to suddenly become intelligent. They can't even path properly....it will take 15 minutes for an idiot npc to navigate the terribly designed interior to access the forges.




Well we already have limited auto targeting, and auto repair.

We can probably get auto forging and auto piloting should be doable since the enemies do it. 

That's 4 items, maybe x2 for different levels of competence, and then the forward artillery may be another. One or two, giving a possible 10 already. Or possibly one for the boarding parties. 

Would be great if we can instruct on the level of aggression that we want out of the pilot, avoid, defend, and pursue. 


Doesn't seem like much cause for doom and gloom seeing as we basically have more than half of what's needed already. 


So why the prediction of..... Oh.... Forgot where I was. 

Sorry... Carry on. 

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4 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Everyone has different ideas about what is normal. But I have been in missions where people insist on warping out while I am scrambling to collect the drops. Had one guy yelling because he was not hearing the slingshot being loaded (he was too far from the crewships and they were practically stacked on the map, so I was hoping from one to the other and hanging around for the drops). Needless to say, we warped out before the engineer (also me) had a chance to top up the ship and refine. 

Hopefully @Avienasknows that they can scrap previously built wreckage for a partial refund of the materials. 

half of 3k or 6k titantium is still a pittance amount when compared to needing 12k for what matters the most to most people, the MKIII parts, especially per part. Specifically zekti on guns with Vidar on engines and reactor and shields honestly one could just use sigma if they give zero cares about `shield regeneration speed` or how big thar shields are once they are rolling around with 91%~ D.R. on the Armor and 5k~6k health with the 2 most important Avionics in the game.

Plus also since Polar Coil and Gunner intrinstics exist to negate the reason to use Vidar/Lavan guns over Zekti, the huge heat accumulation which can turn a 400 cost per shot with a capacity of 1000 aka 3 shots into a 320 cost per shot with 1660 capacity or 5~6 shots. On the Cold shotgun turrets, one of the 2 best type of guns to use for railjack currently.

Overall, Avionics are pretty much the back-bone that decides if your ship worth a sheet or not and soon as one can do Veil in some way, it pretty much becomes get a High capacity vidar reactor (praise clem that i got one with about 78 capacity) and even with 13 avionics equipped with a good deal of them max, i still have a little over 10 leftover capacity to manage, Which sure, i had to spend 25 plat thanks to a 50% off coupon i lucked out on, but its certainly a good trade off as i build up the rest of my ship and pop in on veil missions from time to time.


P.S. there is actually a tactical avionic called Form Up where it has a 4 minute CD to let you pretty much recall all crewmembers to the railjack, which i would assume would `recall` those outside the ship. Have yet to get it to try it, but it certainly would be a nice way to counter `trolls` who insist on staying too long in the mission, when the host already decided to head back to the drydocks or something. Still, i rather get my hands on Void Cloak so i can at least from time to time, get a nice 50 seconds to to blow up 2 to 3 crewships with my ship is not being targeted for nearly a minute, if any randos i let on decide to run off in thar archwings or rush optional objectives, instead of helping to keep the ship repaired or actually clean out the fighters swarming my ship.

...As for if you decide to farm resources yourself and you are the captain of your ship...You can honestly tell them to F-off since its your fancy float and till D.E. decides to install `escape pods` for you throw the crybabies into so they can `extract` with thar loot, then they can learn to collect the loot so they can build thar own railjacks too, especially that delicious salvage for dirac we all want thousands of to make our ship very STWONG.


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Once you get Mk III components, you can solo even the veil in your railjack.   It's not fast, but it can be done.  With zetki bulkhead, and a decent shield generator (go for the biggest recharge delay reduction) your ship will hold up for a long time. And add in the invulnerability period following a repair of a catastrophic failure, you have basically infinite lives.  It's not fun in some situations, and can get a little overwhelming, when there are 20 things happening at once.  You learn to pay attention to only the important alerts, and ignore the rest.  There are things to make even that easier.

Quanta breach tactical avionics allows you to put the catastrophic timer on hold for up to 45 seconds.  Just stops the timer countdown.  Fire suppression just puts out fires automatically.  Someone already mentioned the remote repair ability of high level engineering.

There are ways to handle almost all situations solo.   Boarders?  I use a valkyr with prolonged paralysis augment mod.  Scream and the enemies are instantly sucked into one huge clump and frozen in place.  I catch the whole party right as they leave the torpedo.  Hit warcray, then hysteria.   Floor is a sea of bloody body parts, and it's back to business.

At a certain point in the veil, at certain node, you will get slaughtered in seconds if you try to leave your ship in archwing.   There are enemies that shoot volleys of 6 homing missiles, and it's not uncommon to see half a dozen of those guys flying around.  That's enough missiles to instantly overwhelm even Amesha archwing's swarm ability.    I died instantly 3 times in archwing, and did the rest of the mission in the railjack.

If you can't  archwing on higher missions without dying, use the slingshot to reach crewships.  With gunnery level 7, you have more range on the slingshot then their guns.  I use hysteria on crewships too.   Run in, hack console, wreck reactor with claws.  then warp out with Tactical 4 back to ship.  Rinse, lather, repeat.  All crewships dead.

Use your tactical abilities, especially the warping back to ship, or warping around inside the ship.   There's a warp point that takes you directly to the slingshot.  Aim the ship (and slingshot), warp to the slingshot and load yourself in.


Get some battle avionic, and you have a panic button.  Some very useful battle avionics drop on earth proxima by the way, from enemies there.   I have gotten seeker volley, particle ram, and tether all from Korm's Belt on earth.   A max upgraded particle ram allows you to instantly wreck almost everything in earth missions. I don't even bother flying into enemies, I just tilt the ship so that huge particle field will be directly in their flight path.  Bam. dead. Consider it a railjack "melee" weapon,




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2 hours ago, Avienas said:

half of 3k or 6k titantium is still a pittance amount when compared to needing 12k for what matters the most to most people, the MKIII parts, especially per part. Specifically zekti on guns with Vidar on engines and reactor and shields honestly one could just use sigma if they give zero cares about `shield regeneration speed` or how big thar shields are once they are rolling around with 91%~ D.R. on the Armor and 5k~6k health with the 2 most important Avionics in the game.

Plus also since Polar Coil and Gunner intrinstics exist to negate the reason to use Vidar/Lavan guns over Zekti, the huge heat accumulation which can turn a 400 cost per shot with a capacity of 1000 aka 3 shots into a 320 cost per shot with 1660 capacity or 5~6 shots. On the Cold shotgun turrets, one of the 2 best type of guns to use for railjack currently.

Overall, Avionics are pretty much the back-bone that decides if your ship worth a sheet or not and soon as one can do Veil in some way, it pretty much becomes get a High capacity vidar reactor (praise clem that i got one with about 78 capacity) and even with 13 avionics equipped with a good deal of them max, i still have a little over 10 leftover capacity to manage, Which sure, i had to spend 25 plat thanks to a 50% off coupon i lucked out on, but its certainly a good trade off as i build up the rest of my ship and pop in on veil missions from time to time.


P.S. there is actually a tactical avionic called Form Up where it has a 4 minute CD to let you pretty much recall all crewmembers to the railjack, which i would assume would `recall` those outside the ship. Have yet to get it to try it, but it certainly would be a nice way to counter `trolls` who insist on staying too long in the mission, when the host already decided to head back to the drydocks or something. Still, i rather get my hands on Void Cloak so i can at least from time to time, get a nice 50 seconds to to blow up 2 to 3 crewships with my ship is not being targeted for nearly a minute, if any randos i let on decide to run off in thar archwings or rush optional objectives, instead of helping to keep the ship repaired or actually clean out the fighters swarming my ship.

...As for if you decide to farm resources yourself and you are the captain of your ship...You can honestly tell them to F-off since its your fancy float and till D.E. decides to install `escape pods` for you throw the crybabies into so they can `extract` with thar loot, then they can learn to collect the loot so they can build thar own railjacks too, especially that delicious salvage for dirac we all want thousands of to make our ship very STWONG.


"Half a loaf of bread is better than no loaf, unless the person asking really only wanted cash so that they could go buy booze and drugs."  That's what I was always told. You been sampling Salad-V's wares? The Ostron cartels got you hooked? 

If not, I can tell you that those resources come in handy from time to time, especially if you were as hard pressed as you originally claimed to be. And if not, then the next question becomes what you were really trying to achieve by complaining about it, hmmmmm? 

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44 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

"Half a loaf of bread is better than no loaf, unless the person asking really only wanted cash so that they could go buy booze and drugs."  That's what I was always told. You been sampling Salad-V's wares? The Ostron cartels got you hooked? 

If not, I can tell you that those resources come in handy from time to time, especially if you were as hard pressed as you originally claimed to be. And if not, then the next question becomes what you were really trying to achieve by complaining about it, hmmmmm? 

You're quite dismissive of everything that dosent seem to be tight in your op aren't you? Or at least it seems as such

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

You're quite dismissive of everything that dosent seem to be tight in your op aren't you? Or at least it seems as such

Quite probably. Especially when the complaints following each other seem to be self contradictory. 


I mean you could look at the bit about "countering those pesky trolls who prevent us from leaving". Seems like a pretty trollish move to pull, instead of trying to communicate with the people in the squad, doesn't it? 

I mean that seems like it would be a good place to start when working with a team of randoms. Just talking to people and letting them know what you would like done can go a long way, ya know? 

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27 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Quite probably. Especially when the complaints following each other seem to be self contradictory. 


I mean you could look at the bit about "countering those pesky trolls who prevent us from leaving". Seems like a pretty trollish move to pull, instead of trying to communicate with the people in the squad, doesn't it? 

I mean that seems like it would be a good place to start when working with a team of randoms. Just talking to people and letting them know what you would like done can go a long way, ya know? 

While I agree that there is no true benefit to "trolling" a Troll because in the end you gave them what they wanted. You to waste your time. I can also understand that alot of times randoms don't pay attention or care to talk in pubs. I do agree to try to talk to your team as well. But in many many many cases I can understand why people don't try to as many feel like it's not going to make a difference in pubs. Which it possibly won't 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

While I agree that there is no true benefit to "trolling" a Troll because in the end you gave them what they wanted. You to waste your time. I can also understand that alot of times randoms don't pay attention or care to talk in pubs. I do agree to try to talk to your team as well. But in many many many cases I can understand why people don't try to as many feel like it's not going to make a difference in pubs. Which it possibly won't 

Last one I was in where someone was talking, he said he needed someone to take out the crewships. I did that thing for him. 

I mean he could have asked nicely, and I suppose the gunners that he was complaining about could have nicely asked him to learn to fly in straighter lines while they were also busy dealing with boarders and catastrophic failures. And I figure that I could have nicely asked for him to actually point the slingshot in the general direction of the crewships and to give me a chance to collect some of the drops and the resources we needed for the forges that I was also working on.

But you know, it was just too much effort to plug in my mic so I left him and his buddy to it (the other guy bailed for some reason) .... Besides I was busy saving their bacon. 

I should've recorded it, I suppose. Whatever. 

But tone aside, he was letting us know what he needed and I was genuinely happy to help the squad out. 


And at the same time he didn't seem to be intentionally trolling anyone. And the poor gunners weren't leeching in as much as they hardly got any damage/kills. So all's well that ends well, I figure. 

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37 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Last one I was in where someone was talking, he said he needed someone to take out the crewships. I did that thing for him. 

I mean he could have asked nicely, and I suppose the gunners that he was complaining about could have nicely asked him to learn to fly in straighter lines while they were also busy dealing with boarders and catastrophic failures. And I figure that I could have nicely asked for him to actually point the slingshot in the general direction of the crewships and to give me a chance to collect some of the drops and the resources we needed for the forges that I was also working on.

Sadly its not even a proper flying vessel, D.E. pretty much just gave us a box that can move in all directions, that awkwardly `simulates` flight, even if we talk spaceship standards. Which i recall some people not enjoying the fact the `momentum` was gutted from archwing flight which definitely was extremely awkward to try and `adjust` to said controls, especially when just like with regular gameplay there`s alot of buttons to map and unless you play with keyboards, you are going to have quite a bit of fun setting up loads of things.

As for boarders, i basically learned to first use my Excalibur Umbra and just blind them and mow them down, After i stopped caring about the deluxe skin, i switched to one of my top favorites, Equinox and just use Rest to just shut them all up long enough so i can go have the catastrophic failure handled first, before i proceed to execute them with Opticor blasts straight in thar slumbering faces. Helps too that Equinox is one of those FEW frames that benefits greatly with the tactical menu since AoE, chonky duration, sleeps, will shut a mob down with ease. Especially if i am the host and i continue to have half the group run off in archwing and not really return to the ship for the majority of the mission.

Certainly would be easier for polite`ness to occur if things were more tolerable in the railjack system, but thats kind of why people just honestly rush to 3k~6k health then completely ignore regular hull breaches and hazards since they will not affect your ship`s durability that much and its just a waste of revolite to keep repairing what breaks every 5 seconds.

As for the slingshot, it might as well of honestly got a gunner skill that `upgraded` slingshot further to let you have 360 targeting to resolve the issue of `aiming`, just as i might rather want to replace my tungska cannon with a multi-lock on seeker missile launcher so i can use it on whats the more annoyance nuisance, the massive swarm of fighters that i rather get done first then the crewships i could easily get out of range and leave them for later.


But you know, it was just too much effort to plug in my mic so I left him and his buddy to it (the other guy bailed for some reason) .... Besides I was busy saving their bacon. 

Granted, i have not had a functional mic for years, since it was Destiny 2 that i actually felt like i needed a mic for Ps4 online gameplay, Did not need that kind of stuff for warframe for a long time and Final Fantasy 14 was basically the same, people learn the attack pattern thru experience, not rely on some person shot-calling the dangers.


I should've recorded it, I suppose. Whatever. 

But tone aside, he was letting us know what he needed and I was genuinely happy to help the squad out. 

I definitely enjoyed the few times i ran into people who actually ask if they should cover being the engineer, if they should be a turret gunner and if they have permission to use the seeker missiles and tungska cannon. Certainly felt like more proper etiquette then what market chat likes to roil around these days. Especially during the good old days when the `end game` was Law of Retribution and Jordas, instead of people dabbing around by wrek`ing multiple eidolons every 2~3 hours.


Edited by Avienas
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8 hours ago, Avienas said:

Sadly its not even a proper flying vessel, D.E. pretty much just gave us a box that can move in all directions, that awkwardly `simulates` flight, even if we talk spaceship standards.

There's no real reason for a spaceship to be anything but a simple geometric shape, like a box. 

The space shuttle NASA used for all those years was commonly referred to as 'the flying brick'. I think that you will not choose to admit that something actually used to get around in space "awkwardly 'simulates' flight" a lot worse than your Railjack. 


For the boarders, I tend to stomp, roar, and then hit them until the little red arrows disappear from the map. It helps because I have enough range for my roar to boost pilot and both gunners if I do it near them. 

8 hours ago, Avienas said:

Certainly would be easier for polite`ness to occur if things were more tolerable in the railjack system, but thats kind of why people just honestly rush to 3k~6k health then completely ignore regular hull breaches and hazards since they will not affect your ship`s durability that much and its just a waste of revolite to keep repairing what breaks every 5 seconds.

Huh. I figured that people were just saving the little breaches in order to stretch the time that the catastrophic breaches lasted. 

8 hours ago, Avienas said:

As for the slingshot, it might as well of honestly got a gunner skill that `upgraded` slingshot further to let you have 360 targeting to resolve the issue of `aiming`, just as i might rather want to replace my tungska cannon with a multi-lock on seeker missile launcher so i can use it on whats the more annoyance nuisance, the massive swarm of fighters that i rather get done first then the crewships i could easily get out of range and leave them for later.

Doesn't make sense. The slingshot is a railgun with a warframe as the projectile. That's why it's a pipe stretching from the back of the ship to the front. The pilot has to recognize that the crewships are the bigger threat, point us at them (and ideally get us within range to do an immediate boarding) and let us do our thing. 

Hell in the lower levels it even makes far more sense for us to commandeer the crewships and just use their seeking missiles to prune the fighters, than to try to rely on the craptastic guns in the railjack. 

8 hours ago, Avienas said:

Granted, i have not had a functional mic for years, since it was Destiny 2 that i actually felt like i needed a mic for Ps4 online gameplay, Did not need that kind of stuff for warframe for a long time and Final Fantasy 14 was basically the same, people learn the attack pattern thru experience, not rely on some person shot-calling the dangers.

Sounds like you're setting yourself up for a lot of frustration. Wait for newb to learn through trial and error (and worse they may learn the wrong thing) or just say "hey you guys, can someone please hop in the slingshot and get rid of the crewships" or "guys do me a favour, focus on the fighters first, let the ramsleds feed us that extra xp" or "oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, guys I need 2 of you to hijack crewships and help me kill these fighters asap. If you have high engineering, please manage the forge and major breaches, I'll be flying this brick and hop back to help with the ramsleds."

Not to mention stuff like telling them "guys don't repair electrical/shields until we clear the fighters please", which isn't going to be standard for everyone but may be a huge aspect of your build. 


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