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Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas!


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A warframe thats 4th ability is to change into a big animal of some kind or summon one u can play as tht has several abilities of its own an maybe even 4 types of animal each doing diff damage types, then a ability for damage reduction that drains direct health from nearby enemies to nearby allies, a ability that summons a swarm of varrying kubros, kavats or even snakes or something for a duration that debuff enemies or have gurenteed status or crit, and a ability to infect a set number of enemies an when infected they change to a werewolf or some kind of creature an fight the enemies. Maybe have the warframe have some animal elements in the design an back story, maybe even have like a quest where u get a egg an have to hatch an mature ur warframe where u make pets instead of the foundry

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My idea is a seige warframe. Themed based off of ww2 industrial powerhouses. Massive warframe with giant armor plating like a warship, show the might of an industrial complex with abilities that focus on immense damage to small areas or low damage in large areas

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I think that an animal theme warframe would be pretty cool. Like a with the abilities of old earth animals. For example, the strength of bears, echolocation of bats to outline enemies, flight of birds etc. And for the fourth ability it actually turns into an animal full werewolf style.

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A frame that the blue print is the same . But each player can pick what chassis ,systems ect from other warframe. The parts could be inner changable at any time. These other parts will take a certain ability from the other warframe . So a player could take the chassi from rhino getting his iron skin. Then the systems from volt getting his sheild . Then the next day building the systems from ash getting his smoke screen . And ect. The parts could be obtained from the bosses they drop from already. Or if the player already has the parts . Building them as they do now then sticking them to this blue print. It would test the players about how much they actually know about WarFrame. The game engine already has most the info . Your friendly neighborhood Tenno

                        1Eye Wily
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On 2020-03-06 at 10:53 AM, [DE]Helen said:


We’re calling upon the Warframe community to create the next Warframe! You can stay up-to-date on the design phases in the official Community-Designed Warframe thread.

The theme is the foundation of every Warframe’s design. Over the years, we have seen countless fantastic ideas in the Fan Concepts subforum and across the Internet. That creativity is what we’ll need to breathe life into this Warframe! Share with us a Warframe theme you’d like to see inspire the next design.

How to submit:

In this thread, share a description of a Warframe theme that you would like to see in-game!

We aren’t considering Abilities during this design phase. First, it’s all about a strong theme! Expound your idea and make it the best it can be.


  • One submission per player.
  • Theme can’t be changed after it is submitted. You may edit your post to make small changes like fixing typos. "Reason for edit" will be reviewed.
  • If there are duplicate theme submissions, only the one that was first posted will be considered - we’ll be watching!
  • Theme idea must be original. Your submission can be from a post you made elsewhere as long as it’s your own!
  • Details like back stories might be altered by the Dev Team as needed to ensure consistency with Warframe’s overall design.
  • Concept art can be included in submissions but will not be considered in the final design or when selecting the final theme.
  • Do not reserve spots in this thread.
  • Only post submissions in this thread.
  • Submissions that do not follow these guidelines will not be considered.
  • Chosen submission becomes property of Digital Extremes.

We understand that we can’t avoid duplicate Warframe theme submissions, so please do your best to submit a theme that has yet to be presented, and we’ll do our best when sorting through to ensure there is a fair opportunity for all!

Selecting the Final Theme:

Call for submissions will close on Thursday, March 19 at 1:00pm ET.

After reviewing all theme submissions, the Warframe Team will choose a Top 10 to present to the Design Council!

The Design Council will then vote to determine the winning Warframe theme. Design Council voting will begin on Friday, March 20 at 1:00PM ET and run until Thursday, March 26 at 1:00PM ET.

After the Theme is Chosen:

Community artist, Eornheit will create the Warframe’s official design based on the chosen theme! Once the design is complete, we will make an open call to the community once again to design the Warframe’s Abilities. Follow each phase here!

The community-created Warframe’s name and final design will be revealed on Saturday, July 11th during the TennoCon 2020 Live Stream!


Let us hear your Warframe ideas, Tenno!

Although I'm not the brightest on ideas I think I may have one that can be interesting.

warframe is mostly based off of physical damaging characters, of course there are other warframes that are mind based (like nyx, but she's garbage, let's face it). A warframe that is based off of nightmares would be most interesting, and no I am not some edgelord who want his beings to come to life. Make the model a male with some type of cloak (AGAIN I am not am not an edgelord I just want to see how the idea goes) and along with the cloak give the model a ghostly appearance. Maybe half the torso can be a ghost half. Make the description go among the lines of "from the reaping depths of freddy kougar rises a frame that'll make one question their own sanity". (Just kidding, change it up to be more warframe realistic) but if I do know one thing it's this

Although I know the decision has been made, imma put more ideas,stats, and abilities here because it's fun.

His name is Deimos

First ability-HORROR:(25 energy drain)Deimos lets out a painful scream, resulting in the stunning of enemies for (at max rank) 20 seconds (at rank 0) only 10 seconds. When doing this, he fills his "terror gauge" this gauge allows him to become more "terrifying" obviously. When the gauge reaches a max of 20, Deimos evolves by not only changing his appearance, but also reduces damage done by enemies to a maximum of 70%, and reduces the likelihood of Deimos being shot by 40%. Deimos has to evolve 5 times in order for these stats to apply. Each ability grants a certain amount of terror. His one grants 2 terrify, his 2 grants 3 terrify, his 3 grants 4 terrify, and his four grants 5 terrify.  During the scream he gains 35% extra armor and 20% extra sprint speed. The sprint buff can be shared with allies

second ability:DARKNESS:(Initial cast is 30 energy, energy a second is 3.5)Deimos becomes shrouded in darkness ( so he is pretty much invisible). For every second spent in the darkness he gains an additional 15% damage bonus, and stack up to 90%. When Deimos leaves this mode he inflicts a slash proc on all enemies within 20 meters. The initial slash proc deals 400 damage. Deimos will also have 3 seconds of invincibility, and in that time, if he gets hit, Deimos will let out 1 dark clone of himself to take that enemy into the abyss. Initially instakilling them.

Third ability:DREAD:(inital cost is 70 energy) Deimos lets out 3 individual clones, each holding a different weapon (one is holding the player's primary weapon, the other is holding the player's secondary weapon, and the last one is holding the player's melee weapon. If the players does not have a secondary, then the game will auto choose which weapon the clones have. So if the player has only a primary, then the three clones will have the same primary. However, in order to make it balanced there should be an additional 40% damage reduction from the weapons on the clones) all in which are shadow weapons. The weapons deal a base of 25% less damage than that of the player's initial weapons, but these clones do not have energy drain, and have the exact same health, armor, and shields as the player(the clone's health and armor can be increased through power strength mods). Enemies that see the clones are consumed in fear, and have a 25% less chance of hitting them, and start to slowly back away from them.

Fourth ability:THE GOD OF TERROR'S TACTICS: (cost is 100 energy) Deimos becomes enveloped in a wavy semi-oval. The oval goes 30 meters wide. He swallows enemies within that range (a base of 20 enemies can be enveloped. A max of 40 can be taken, each enemy takes an additional 2 energy). Deimos takes these enemies into the abyss and casts out a horrid scream so terrifying that it deals toxin damage. It deals an initial 3,000 damage, and since the enemy is so deep underground, it also deals 500 heat damage. When the enemy reaches the surface again, cold damage will be inflicted because of how hot it was below, finally inflicting a blast proc that does 500 damage. In total this ability does 4,000 damage.

Base stats

Energy-300 at max rank

Health-450 at max rank


shields-300 at max rank

Sprint speed-1.20

I had fun making this one, if you guys ever need more of our ideas, feel free to ask, I'm sure this community is hoping for you to ask us again 🙂

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A literal nuke frame, who attacks people using radiation. Initially designed by the Grineer to infiltrate and nuke Cetus, but turned on them, dropping a nuke that destroyed their camp as well as himself. Wears a bulky radiation suit.

Quest idea - 

The Tenno would find a large crater in the Plains of Eidolon. Konzu would come on the radio and explain that there was a massive explosion there a while back, and sends you in to investigate. Inside the crater, there would be a hidden terminal in a bunker containing the story of what happened, a blueprint for a warframe, and news that the parts have been reclaimed by local Grineer forces. The Tenno would then track and reclaim these parts in Grineer camps around the plains.

Ability ideas - 

Passive - Deals a small amount of radiation damage around him with a 50% status chance, and is 100% to radiation procs. However, as his health decreases, his suit tears. The radius and tick rate of the damage increases, but the radiation proc resistance decreases (cannot proc himself with radiation).

1. Fission - Blasts radiation in front of him, similar to the Phantasma, except covering a wider area and extending farther.

2. Fuel Rod - Throws a fuel rod at an enemy. Stuns enemies in range. Any enemies with radiation procs will have these procs removed, and they will drop an energy orb.

3. Criticality  - Affects an enemy with a buffed version of his passive, dealing radiation damage to that enemy as well as others in radius. As their health decreases, the reaction becomes more violent, increasing in range and damage. Only one enemy can be effected by this at a time.

4. Wrath of the Atom - Creates a beacon that summons a nuke, dealing massive blast damage at first and fallout radiation damage for a short period after, over a massive radius. This ability would have a base cost of 300 energy, and it would take some time for the nuke to fall.

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7 hours ago, [DE]Helen said:


We’re calling upon the Warframe community to create the next Warframe! You can stay up-to-date on the design phases in the official Community-Designed Warframe thread.

The theme is the foundation of every Warframe’s design. Over the years, we have seen countless fantastic ideas in the Fan Concepts subforum and across the Internet. That creativity is what we’ll need to breathe life into this Warframe! Share with us a Warframe theme you’d like to see inspire the next design.

How to submit:

In this thread, share a description of a Warframe theme that you would like to see in-game!

We aren’t considering Abilities during this design phase. First, it’s all about a strong theme! Expound your idea and make it the best it can be.


  • One submission per player.
  • Theme can’t be changed after it is submitted. You may edit your post to make small changes like fixing typos. "Reason for edit" will be reviewed.
  • If there are duplicate theme submissions, only the one that was first posted will be considered - we’ll be watching!
  • Theme idea must be original. Your submission can be from a post you made elsewhere as long as it’s your own!
  • Details like back stories might be altered by the Dev Team as needed to ensure consistency with Warframe’s overall design.
  • Concept art can be included in submissions but will not be considered in the final design or when selecting the final theme.
  • Do not reserve spots in this thread.
  • Only post submissions in this thread.
  • Submissions that do not follow these guidelines will not be considered.
  • Chosen submission becomes property of Digital Extremes.

We understand that we can’t avoid duplicate Warframe theme submissions, so please do your best to submit a theme that has yet to be presented, and we’ll do our best when sorting through to ensure there is a fair opportunity for all!

Selecting the Final Theme:

Call for submissions will close on Thursday, March 19 at 1:00pm ET.

After reviewing all theme submissions, the Warframe Team will choose a Top 10 to present to the Design Council!

The Design Council will then vote to determine the winning Warframe theme. Design Council voting will begin on Friday, March 20 at 1:00PM ET and run until Thursday, March 26 at 1:00PM ET.

After the Theme is Chosen:

Community artist, Eornheit will create the Warframe’s official design based on the chosen theme! Once the design is complete, we will make an open call to the community once again to design the Warframe’s Abilities. Follow each phase here!

The community-created Warframe’s name and final design will be revealed on Saturday, July 11th during the TennoCon 2020 Live Stream!


Let us hear your Warframe ideas, Tenno!

Let's get a Panda Warframe named Ganshi The Peace Keeper. He'll be black and white with red and white armour. 

Abilities: invisible wall of bamboo trees that gives health to allies and takes resources of sucked in enemies. 

Bloody roar: shockwave that blasts enemies against the walls with loss of limb possiblity

Sleeping giant: puts enemies in a trance and make defense less 

Prideful Sun: draws a massive bamboo scythe cane and devistates enemies within 50 ft radius.

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Here goes.

Theme in 1 word: Scrapper

Backstory: One of the Tenno that came back after the Ten-Zero incident didn't seem to show any special powers except increased aptitude for engineering. Because of this he was apprenticed by a weaponsmith and witnessed the creation of the first warframes. Later down the line the planet he was on got attacked by Sentinels which wiped out almost the entire planet. Tenno in question built a sort of an exoskeleton out of bits of scrap he scavenged off a battlefield to take the fight to the remaining Sentinels. Sometime during the battle a void storm hit, which "kickstarted" Tenno's powers and caused him to experience something similair to Rell where he fully transferred into the exoskeleton.

Design (I'm not an artist, so I'll do my best to describe the visuals): Basically something like the robots you fight in Binary Domain except made from bits of different materials from WF universe (bit of corpus stuff, bit of Orokin & Grineer stuff). The "fullness" of the body depends on ability use & damage taken.


Something along these lines.

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In response to the tenno's constant slaughter of the grineer, the queens had to come up with a solution. They chose to fight fire with fire with their own warframe. This warframe, which would later become the source of the kuva litches we know today, would have harnessed the powerful energy of the tenno and turned it against them. Unfortunately, this frame never saw the light of day, seeing as the grineer could never truly understand how to harness the void. The frame and its parts were buried deep, deep within the grineer fortresses across the star chart, and now, it is screaming to the tenno to be awoken again.

TL:DR, kuva frame who's kit revolves around dealing damage and giving buffs by using the power of the enemies. Ability effects should vary depending on the faction being fought.

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Here’s a little idea: A Warlock. But not as in the term most people assume of it. Lets bring it back down to its base, at least in terms of the common pop-culture definition of it. A Warlock gains their power from a patron. Usually, these patrons are beings beyond our plane of existence, using the warlock to complete their objectives on our mortal coil. But, in Warframe, there is only one thing similar: The Void. Or, in a more personal term, The Man in The Wall. There was a reason Harrow feared it. Perhaps it could have taken a Warframe for itself, to have a larger influence on the world. A Warframe powered and controlled by the Void itself would be a broken one, only held together by tendrils of Void energy, serving for a nice aesthetic. But outside of this lore, what would it look like in gameplay? I have an idea of how, a more Lovecraftian one. One of dark magic and insanity. Could lean either way, with possibilities of runes of magic doing various bloody and fleshy things, or of insanity. Making enemies kill themselves with an ability cast, or perhaps being able to make enemies target themselves, such as being able to cast an ability on a Bombard and enemies around you attack the Bombard instead of you, serving as a way of survivability. There’s plenty of fun ways this could take shape, and I’d like to talk of it more but this is already enough of a ramble as is. Just, the idea of a cosmic horror sort of Warframe entertains me.

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)IAMPRO_16 said:

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1flnv0iG7yKe4REVMPorowOFILnXgHAjuSPiLGlqlKLc/edit?usp=drivesdkA demonic spirit warframe named Laegio. He harnesses the powers of darkness to force his enemies to see the darkest parts of their past, in order to collect the fragments of their souls, eventually condemning them to their eternal suffering.


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Name: Charlemagne

Theme: Knight/King

Before the end of the Orokin Empire, Charlemagne was chosen to be a commander on the battlefield, able to create squads of combatants out of thin air to assist him. No longer a pawn to his Orokin masters, this Warframe now controls the battlefield with his own pawns. 

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Name: Fenrir

Broad Concepts: Video game glitches. Quantum uncertainty.

Meta Concept: A corrupted/damaged Void frame.

Details: Fenrir would once have been a frame similar to Limbo, capable of warping space and moving in and out of the Void. Damaged in the Old War, it has become corrupted by its own power. It is no longer wholly a part of our reality, but neither is it wholly a thing of the Void. It behaves erratically, in a manner not consistent with the laws of physics. By exploiting "glitches" in the way our world and the Void do and do not interact, it evades enemies, stacks the deck in its favour, and even directly attacks its enemies.

Put Simply: Imagine if Vanellope Schweetz was a Tenno...

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