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Bring back standard reload and automatic detonation for Corinth Prime please!


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Along with Scarlet Spear and Titania Prime, today's devstream showed off the upcoming Corinth Prime. What struck me about the demonstration even more than the manual detonation on the grenade alt-fire was the fact that Corinth Prime's magazine size was raised from 5 to a whopping 20 along with a switch from incremental per-slug reloading action to the more traditional full magazine action. In my opinion Corinth's unique reloading action was part of the gun's identity and was far more versatile than traditional reloads. Being able to interrupt your reload to fire the gun in tight situations is more engaging than having to wait the requisite two or three seconds for the gun to fully load. With the increased magazine size and new standard reload, the Corinth Prime feels a lot closer to Boar or Sobek than it does to the standard Corinth.

I would respectfully request that this change be reconsidered, and I hope I'm not alone.

Edited by Flavor-Savior
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Primes are supposed to be, overall, upgrades frome the default variant. They are supposed to be better, maybe a little bit different i.e. different IPS balance, but overall the same but better. So far, there was only one exception to this, though even that is questionable; The Vectis Prime. 
Corinth Prime's manual detonation on the alt fire is a nerf. And the bit of extra character it got from the per-clip reload made it stick further, but this is covered by another thread already

The plead for this theme is do not give Corinth Prime's alt fire manual detonation! I and probably everyone else who fell in love with the default Corinth, would much rather appreciate the detonation-after-distance it has now.

Edited by Vespilan
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I prefer to just fire and forget those air burst grenades. I certainly dont want to be manualy detonating them, nor do I want to shoot them directly at enemies. Thats what primary fire buckshot is for.

Remember how people disliked Vectis prime for messing with its personality when it came out.

Edited by -skimmer-
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48 minutes ago, Vespilan said:

Corinth Prime's manual detonation on the alt fire is a nerf.

If you actually knew how the original one works then you should know that its actually a Buff because it has to fly its full range in order to detonate and many times enemies get too close or are too far for it to damage them. Being able to latch the grenade on to enemies or surfaces and detonate when you want will allow for much better controlled use of the Alt-Fire and possibly increased damage output when setting up traps or combining it with certain abilities.

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I play a Jet Stream Zephyr with my shotguns to mitigate the Fall Off damage. The Corinth is the one shotgun I can't play with because Jet Stream causes the base detonation's distance to increase to the entire length of the Simulacrum. I can stand on the ammo pad in there and burst the alt-fire over the heads of the default spawn point of enemies at the far end.

With manual detonation, as long as what they suggested is hooked up (that it can be detonated even if it hits something, making it more like the Penta than anything else), I'll finally be able to play a great shotgun fully with my favourite frame and build.

I call this an absolute win.

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I'd rather have an explosion on impact for both versions. Self-damage is gone so it should work just fine.

Its still too early to judge the gun, imo. Rebecca didn't really go in-depth while showing it off. I have some concerns as well(reload time, mag size and RoF), but I'd rather wait than give any serious reaction as if I had already used the gun.

That being said, posts like these are useful for the developers, since they get to see what we certainly DON'T want to see in the game.

P.S. What I can say for sure is that they didn't #*!% up with the sound. I was expecting it to have that disgusting weakass high pitched prime squeak, like the one Latron has. Good thing it doesn't.

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1 hour ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

If you actually knew how the original one works then you should know that its actually a Buff because it has to fly its full range in order to detonate and many times enemies get too close or are too far for it to damage them. Being able to latch the grenade on to enemies or surfaces and detonate when you want will allow for much better controlled use of the Alt-Fire and possibly increased damage output when setting up traps or combining it with certain abilities.

It would be better if you could, but you can't. In the demonstration in the devstream, Reb shot at the ground with it, tried to detonate and nothing happened. Only the ones midair detonated.

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I liked the concept in the original but the fact that it had a fixed range turned me off the alt fire, which honestly removed a lot of the novelty and appeal of the gun in general. Obviously, if the grenade just detonated on hitting a wall or enemy, that'd be an incredible buff, but I can picture a way to use this one, where the current implementation I really can't. 

Should really be in Weapons feedback, I think.

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9 hours ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

If you actually knew how the original one works then you should know that its actually a Buff because it has to fly its full range in order to detonate and many times enemies get too close or are too far for it to damage them.

A buff... maybe. It's different, and maybe better for some people in some situations...


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The Corinth and the Strun Wraith are my favorite shotguns specifically because of their per shell reloading. If they take this away from the Corinth Prime, I will probably never use it, regardless of how amazing its stats may be.

I am not surprised by this, though. I remember when they first made the Strun Wraith reload like this, there were a ton of people complaining about it. So it makes sense that DE would be hesitant to make more weapons with this mechanic. Even so, I hope that they keep the Corinth Prime's unique reload mechanic despite whatever complaints they get. There are plenty of other great shotguns for those people to use instead, so let the Corinth be unique.

I do hope they remove the long delay on the Corinth before any reloading actually begins though. That has always felt awkward, and I wouldn't mind it being more responsive like the Strun Wraith.

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Il y a 18 heures, Vespilan a dit :

Primes are supposed to be, overall, upgrades frome the default variant. They are supposed to be better, maybe a little bit different i.e. different IPS balance, but overall the same but better. So far, there was only one exception to this, though even that is questionable; The Vectis Prime. 

Sorry but that's incorrect. Cernos prime, for example, fires multiple arrows, and does that either horizontally or vertically. Tiberon prime has 3 fire modes. Zhuge prime has explosive bolts, and special reloading mechanic. Ballistica prime fires 4 bolts at once, semi automatically, and can spawn ghosts. Pyrana prime can turn into dual pistols... There's even primes with no normal version, like the Euphona or Reaper.

IMO a mere stats increase is a bit boring. Especially when the original is already quite powerful.


Il y a 18 heures, Vespilan a dit :

Corinth Prime's manual detonation on the alt fire is a nerf

Would you mind elaborating a bit on this?


Edited by Robolaser
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Just like the per shell reloading, this was something that a ton of people complained about back when the original Corinth came out. Too many people wanted it to be just another grenade/rocket launcher that they didn't have to think about while using it. So, instead of actually trying it out and adapting to its quirks, they just said it was bad and asked DE to make it easier to use.

Even though I like the secondary of the original Corinth, I do admit that it is a bit too situational, and I don't really use it all that often. So these changes might actually be good. They will make it much more flexible because it will be much less limited, so it should be more useful more often. But, removing those limitations might also make it boring. Really, we will just have to wait and see how it actually feels to use it.

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I'd rather not have to reload 20 shells one by one, that'd take forever, unless it's very very fast per shell. My suggestion would be to keep the original reloading, but also give it a shorter, full reload when the magazine is empty (but still adequately long for such large capacity).

Edit: @Flavor-Savior seems like two threads about two different issues were just merged, but the title is still about reloading only. Might get confusing. Please, could you change it for something more general instead (or ask a mod to do it) ?

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1 hour ago, Robolaser said:

Would you mind elaborating a bit on this?

My take: If it doesn't offer enough over the vanilla Corinth's air burst to make up for having to fuddle with it, I guess I'd consider that a nerf in a loose sense.

But if it's significantly better and offers more control, I'm all in.  Really excited, in fact.

"Significantly" is the tricky part.  It's easy to imagine it being either underwhelming or Bramma-stupid.

Edited by Tiltskillet
Overzealous language filter
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il y a 35 minutes, Tiltskillet a dit :

But if it's significantly better and offers more control, I'm all in.  Really excited, in fact.

"Significantly" is the tricky part.  It's easy to imagine it being either underwhelming or Bramma-stupid.

 Sounds reasonable. Personally, even with all things -almost- equal, i'd rather have a manual detonation.

But i understand that some people who main the Corinth would find it more comfortable to keep the current mechanic, and not have to re-adapt to something completely new. Not sure that was what Vespilan meant by "nerf" though, so i had to ask.

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