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Open Call for Warframe Ability Ideas!


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I like the design of the Warframe! I think you guys made a great choice! I read the original description, but I'm thinking I'd go a route that covers experimental, indev versions of moves from other warframes. 

1. Stab dash. Move similarly to Excalibur's 1 move, except very very fast and if an enemy doesn't die, bleed or damage over time for a bit. If enemy dies while bleeding, return bled health to user. 

2. Bomb shuriken. We're space ninjas, we need space shurikens. Ones that explode, because explosions are cool and self damage was nerfed. Depending on how hurt you are, it can switch from one to three to five shuriken. Kills from being hit by a shuriken and not the explosion should return shield. 

3. Copter. Since it's community made, there ought to be a community term. Anyone who played before movement 2.0 knows you had to have a melee weapon good for coptering. The best one I know of was the bo staff. This move should have you summon a staff and spin. Trigger it while stationary and you make a tornado with it. Trigger it while in motion and you charge forth while spinning, leaving electric arcs in your path that stay for a bit and heal players who stand in them. Enemies or enemy players are drained and health is returned to the user and teammates are restored half of what is drained. 

4. Breaking ground. Do like rhino and stomp the ground. Instead of enemies floating around, it damages and staggers enemies and their armor is weakened for a few seconds. 

Passive: those who are with you get a 5 percent speed boost and shield regeneration is faster. 

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Passive: Reconstruction - Enemies drop scraps when killed. The frame can pick up these scarps to gain health over a duration. You store scraps for later use.

Ability 1: Void pools/pockets - The frame leaks void energy onto the ground leaving pools/pockets on the ground. Enemies who enter the affected area will have the radiation status affect applied to them. If you or allies enter the pocket you will be cleansed of all status affects and gain a buff for a short duration that prevents you from any further status affects once you leave the area. The frame also has the ability to teleport between the areas when looking at one and pressing the ability button when targeting another area. You can only place a certain number of pools

Ability 2: Unstable energy - you sacrifice some health to create an explosion from the frame. This explosion deals radiation damage to all nearby enemies and also staggers and knocks down enemies too close. If this ability is cast on a Void pool/pocket it will create explosions at other pools/pockets placed.

Ability 3: Husk - The void energy leaves the husk of the frame granting you a speed and damage buff but you have reduced health and Armor. Any enemy that melees you well outside of the husk will become affected by the radiation status affect. Well this ability is active void pools/pockets grow in size. If you cast Unstable energy during Husk you will create an explosion that destroys your void form but deals massive damage leaving you slightly weaker once you return to the Husk.

Ability 4: (Placeholder) - You can use your scarps to construct an exalted beam weapon. You concentrate your energy through the constructed weapon to release a powerful beam of void energy causing enemies to be affect by radiation. The more scarps the longer the duration of the ability. The weapon can be modded separately.

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*An underlined number in ability description mean that one can be affected by strength, duration, etc...

Passive: Gain temporary 3% ability strength that last 10 seconds, up to 30% for each ability used by allies within 45m.

Ability 1 (activate): 

Self explode without being staggered and knock down all enemies nearby and grants temporary warframe armor by every unit hit

(Damage: 500 (blast), Radius: 15m, Energy cost: 25,  Armor per unit: 20, Max 400 and last 10 sec )

Ability 2 (activate):

By using the unlimited void power source, warframe's and allies' abilities will not consume energy on casting

(Duration: 5 sec, Radius: 20m, Energy cost: 50

Ability 3 (channel): 

Become resistance to incoming damage, grants damage resistance to damage types received recently (basically like adaptation)

(Base damage resistance: 50%, Max 90%, reset back to 50% if warframe does not get hit by anything for 30 second ) (Energy cost: 50, Energy cost per sec: 2)

Ability 4 (channel) :

Surge a enormous void energy and turn into one of these forms. Can be cycle by tapping before cast or hold while already in a void form. Tap while channeling while deactivate the ability.

1- Limit Break: Channel all allies warframes, X2.0 warframe ability strength, X1.5 ability range and increase warframe's and their shield and health by 20%. In addition, any warframe that are affected by this ability will grants 1 sec status immunity when they cast an ability.

2- Bullet time: Guns fire 50% more quickly and reduced reload time by 50%. Holstered weapons regen 10% of its maximum ammo per sec. Headshot kills make weapon doesnt not consume ammo for 10 sec.

3- Consume: Melee weapons grants 100% lifesteal and while equipping melee, warframes grants 100% shield regen. Each heavy melee kill grants 3 second of damage immunity

(Explosion damage: 1000 (void). Explosion radius: 30m. Area of effect: 30m. Energy on cast: 100. Energy per second: 4)


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Passive: on taking damage, there is a chance to "drop" a piece of the frame which can be picked up to heal the player. (alternate: all excess energy pickups send out an energy pulse that shocks enemies within a small radius)

1: The frame throws a body part at an enemy damaging and stunning them. by holding down the key you can charge the limb with void energy which will deal increased damage.

2: The frame blows collapses itself into a pile of parts and void tendrils shoot out from the pile in every direction dealing damage to all enemies in the area

3: The frame falls into a kind of rag-doll state, which makes it so it cant attack with weapons but can still use abilities 2 and 4, Movement speed and evasion are increased. The frame would kinda just move like a human shaped tumbleweed.

4. The frame is overloaded with void energy and implodes, first sucking in all the enemies in the area and then exploding dealing massive damage and re-assembling itself . The ability damages the player but for every enemy sucked in the player regains % of health.

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Passive Assimilation The warframe collects parts of the armor from enemies it slays up to a max amount.  T

This warframe does not use energy instead all abilities use the armor it collects 

1st ability DeSynthesis: this cast will disarm enemies around it dropping the war frame for a set time and will cause parts to fall for them to collect.

2nd Nano-rejuvenation/synthesis: uses the armor to replace its lost health and to others around it/ uses its health to create armor

3rd  Rend/Strip  the warframes nano machines sweep forward attacking at the enemies main defense rend will go after armor or Strip removes shields. this effect is a DOT less duration means it works faster  more means greater reduction over longer time. 

4th Scrap cannon. Charge ability the player holds the ability and it will burn more and more parts they collected. then will fire cone of shrapnel forward causing IPS damage based on how much they charged it

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Me and my friends thought this would be a good idea!

The idea was to make the WF a mess that only holds together with descipline of the tenno ways

Passive: Focus school decides which damage type your abilities have and gives buffs 

Madurai: gives "Fighter" Buff (abilities have heat damage and damage is increased by x%)

Vazarin: gives "Protector" Buff (abilities have radiation damage and activating an ability heals allies for x% of their max HP)

Naramon: gives "Tactician" Buff (abilities have slash damage and you get x meter loot and enemy radar)

Unairu: gives "Indomitable" Buff (abilities deal Toxin damage and you have x% armor link with other players)

Zenurik: gives "Arcane" Buff (abilities deal electricity damage and all players get x% energy maximum)

1. Orokinetic: Taunt enemies and absorb damage you give back in a cone in front of you dealing damage depending on your school

2. Broken Host: Take control of an enemy and be kind of invisible to other enemies (as long as they didn`t saw you taking over) you can`t attack or sprint but you cant be detected by camaras or lasers (synergy with Broken Burst)

3. Broken Burst: Detonate yourself to deal high damage (depending on your school) in an area (health and energy are used) if used while controling an enemy you don`t use your health but destroy your host

4. Reconfigure: you deform to become a beast like entity dealing damage depending on your school. You can climb walls and walk the ceiling. While Reconfigurate is active your weapons are used as a kind of autoturret on your back (possibly even a damage boost depending on your school) 

The schools give aditional auras in your 4

Madurai: Atack speed is increased by x% (for your turret as well)

Vazarin: give x% life leech on abilities (to not make everyone unkillable)

Naramon: revives all companions on cast and gives them x% damage and max life (Helios never die)

Unairu: Gives x% max life to allies

Zenurik: Gives x% ability power to allies or give them increased energy regeneration you decide

Hope you like the ideas, have a nice day!

Yours truly Finix and Friends!

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Passive:if an when this frame dies it can still move around one of its arms for 10 seconds

ability 1 launch claw: the warframe launchies its arm at the enemy damaging and distracting them...I imaging the frame will should be capible of normal activities without the arm like say some void energy fills in or they replace it

ability 2 part rip :the frame rips a part off enemys adding it to the frame a different buff will be given depending on the enemy (grineer=armor corpus=shield infestation=health sentient=elemental resistance void=energy)

ability 3 replication: the frame quickly builds a look alike that (due to it not having enough void) mindlessly runs up to try to claw enemys

ability 4 void form: the void energy in the frame abandons the body with this you control the void energy enemys caught are corrupted by the void and with fight for you temporarily...enemys will asume the frame is dead and it will not draw aggro

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Changes body configuration to a cat-like creature for a set duration, during which the player can walk on walls and celings (think the zenomorphs from the Aliens vs Predators games). The player can attack with a melee attack which uses equipped melee mods to boost damage, and the player also gets a stealth boost making it harder for enemies to see them (good for stealth missions) and a reduced hit chance for any enemy firing at them.



"Hostile takeover"

Warframe disassembles and it's parts orbit the targeted enemy for a set durration. During the timer, the player takes over control of the enemy and plays as it, being able to attack other enemies and use a skill derived from the enemy (like the heavy gunners stomp, or the ancients toxin cloud).



"Ablated survival"

When hp reach zero, a body part is sacrificed, restoring 50% hp. If a leg is lost, movement is reduced by 50%. If an arm is lost, attack speed is reduced by 50%. While a limb is lost, player damage is increased and recieved damage is significantly reduced. After a fixed durration, a lost limb can regrow.



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Passive: Junk Collector -- This Frame collects "pieces" of dead enemies, with a max collection size of 50 parts.  Each part adds 10 Health until max size is reached.

Ability 1: Re-Possess -- Attaches a piece of itself (at a cost of 10% of its maximum health) to a targeted enemy, which over time will morph into a broken golem.  This golem will attack nearby enemies for the the duration of the ability, and will gain in both size and strength for each enemy it kills.  Should this Frame die while there is an active golem present, then this Frame will transfer its consciousness into the strongest active golem and revive itself at the cost of the golem's life.  Only 5 golems can be active at a time.

Ability 2: Re-Cycle -- Randomly changes any and all pickups within a radius around thew Frame.  Pickups can be transmuted into any kind of alternate resource or material, regardless of rarity, enemy faction, or tileset restrictions.

Abilty 3: Re-Configure -- This Frame uses some of the parts it has collected (20) to augment it's own body for Attack, Defense, and Speed configurations, each with the following attributes:

  • Attack -- Replaces it's Primary weapon with a makeshift Grenade Launcher that launches the collected pieces back at enemies, which explode on impact.  The Grenade Launcher has a base magazine size of 20 rounds, but any "pieces" collected from dead enemies will automatically restock the launcher.
  • Defense -- Converts the collected pieces into a synthetic shield that blocks enemy fire. 
  • Speed -- Uses collected pieces to make itself more aerodynamic, increasing movement, parkour, and attack speeds by 40%.  

Ability 4: Re-Constitute -- Every part that this Frame collects brings it closer to it's complete form, which is a large sentient-styled mech.  While active, this Frame moves at a reduced speed but gains significantly more Health and Armor, as well as two Sentient Laser cannons which deal Radiation damage to enemies hit.  Any pieces collected while this ability is active will extend the duration of this ability for a larger period of time.

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Passive-Unstable force All of (name)'s ability could be overcharged for holding for 1.5sec. Overcharged ability deals more damage, have greater range and effect last longer depends on charge time (from 50% for 0.1sec overcharge up to 500% for charging for 3sec since the initial charge). Using an overcharged ability shatters that limb it takes a short time for the parts to crawl back to (name),the respective ability and corrisponing function is disabled for the duration(melee and primary for right arm, secondary for for left arm, maneuvers for legs; 2-handed weapon and sparring requies more than 1 limb). While charging damage from that direction (more on that on the individual ability) are blocked (improved by ability range for greater angle). Apon losing all his limbs, the energ disrupt from within and destorying the body, enemy caught by the explasion are open to finisher, he can perform finisher as the head to take-over the body to regain all funtianlity instantly, he will auto regen his body when 1 of his limb comes back to him.

1-Void Pilum Blast all enemies in a cone infront with his left arm. Void Pilum deals more damage for the next 10sec at a increased energy cost, stacks up to 4 times. Blocks damage infront while overcharging.

2-Ground Crusher: Slams the groud with his right fist, enemy takes damage and are stunned. Blocks damage from the right and above.

3-Abduct Dashes forward and deals damage to all enemy he pass through, enemy caught in the way with have their armor and shiled reduced while he gains the same amoun as health or shield. Blocks damage behind while charging but must stand still to charge. (He just limps around with his right leg untill the parts come back)

4-Flail Slap all enemies from left to right with his dislocated left arm with a 180 arc with minimal damage while pushing them along swing, enemy that contacts with a solid object are stunned and take large damage. Hitting an immovable enemy will instantly shatter this limb, but will deal extra damage to all enemy caught by the swing and those next to him. Blocks damage from the left while charging.

Hope my english is not too broken to read, but the idea is broken enough to be a thing

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Since the frame visibly looks like it’s being held together by roots from one of the mysterious white trees that power Orokin technology, I decided to run with the idea and make this basically an Orokin neural network that gained sapience and cobbled together a physical body from dead Warframes.

Passive: The Orokin White Tree roots that hold the Warframe together experience photosynthesis when exposed to Void energies, increasing Health, Energy, or Shield regeneration in Lua and the Void, and drawing in Reactant in Fissure missions.

Ability 1: the Roots tap into the ‘genetic memory’ of the at-least three Frames used to build its body, randomly using three different attacks with a different effect each, possibly, judging by the color of the parts, shuffling between a Heat, Cold, and Electricity attack.

Ability 2: The Frame opens a portal to the Void, causing a shower of Orokin scrap parts that assemble into a salvaged Orokin Sentry, Orokin Drone, or Death Orb, with the Sentry attacking enemies in range, Drone shielding the Frame, or Death Orb providing crowd control by staggering enemies (thumper model) or mowing down crowds (laser model). Being salvaged from broken parts, these constructs will drain energy for as long as they’re active, and are visibly malfunctioning, eventually shorting out and exploding either when destroyed, upon running out of energy, or at the end of a set time, whichever happens first.

Ability 3: Neural Sentry: The Frame tackles an enemy and its face opens up, blasting them with a wave of Void energy from an eyelike core of the roots. If this kills an enemy, the frame forces a Corrupted mask onto the enemy’s face, turning them into a follower who serves until death. This follower would be more durable than one of Nekros’ or Inaros’ followers, and only up to three could be controlled at a time, one for each skill level. Attempting to Corrupt more than your current level allows would cause one of the thralls to explosively disintegrate into Void energy in order to make room for the new follower.

Ability 4, ultimate: the frame explosively disassembles, with the plant matter holding it together taking root and rapidly growing into a full-grown Void Tree, possibly either lashing out with roots or catching enemies in its branches. The three respective sections of the abandoned body rise from the ground with their missing parts filled in with Void energy, with one of them holding the frame’s melee weapon, one of them holding the frame’s secondary weapon, and one of them holding the frame’s primary weapon. The three reanimated frames fight as AI-controlled Specters, and, besides fighting with the weapons they carry, they are able to use their respective attack from the first ability, but each cast contributes toward the end of the skill. When the either ability is called off, the tree takes too much damage, all three of the specters die (upon which the replacement energy body parts dissipate and the solid parts collapse in a heap to the ground), or you run out of energy, the tree retracts into the ground, pulling the body back together with the last of its roots.


I hope you like my ideas! Let me know if you have any feedback!

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(Hopefully Im the first to come up with something like this, take as much or as little as you want from this)

Passive - Scavenged body

Gathering planetary materials (ie alloy plates, nano spores, etc) gives you (X) bonus armor for a total of (X) armor.

Ability 1. Makeshift Transference Bolt. You loose your unstable connection to the void onto a single unsuspecting target. Tapping it fires a cone that marks all in 'void' static (visually like TV static), while holding it (a very brief buffer, like Gara's 1) banishes them to some other reality for (X) seconds. It leaves behind a visual marker not unlike limbos dash into the rift.

Ability 2. Maddened Devour. You lunge forward (much like excaliburs 1 or rhinos charge, this works as both a mobility option and an attack). Should you strike this void static, you regain a significant chunk of health as well as killing the enemy. If a banished tear is consumed before its 1 has depleted, more health is regained than on a static marked enemy. So long as an enemy is consumed, the corruption will splash onto more enemies, though they are not banished.

Ability 3: Viral Corruption. For every (X) amount of enemies within (X) feet of you, you gain a (X%) weapon buff, maxing out at (X%). (potentially could be random if its primary, secondary, or melee, or just be whichever feels best with the warframe). These weapons are marked as unstable, and any enemies killed by them spread static to their allies. All enemies that contributed to the buff then become marked with static.

Ability - Unstable Form - You forcefully obfuscate your connection to the void and unleash its raw, unfiltered power. You gained an empowered, glowing form. You now have access to a myriad of random 'wild magic' (in DnD terms) like buffs. Each time you kill an enemy marked with static, you roll another buff, deleting the previous one and causing a small pulse of electric shock to stun nearby enemies. When you use your 3 while in this form, you can have multiple of these buffs at one time depending on the quantity of enemies nearby, each independently rolling on each static kill. A flat effect that is always persistent with this ability is that static marked enemies have a accuracy debuff against you.

Example/Proposed Buffs include -

X% increase to reload speed by X%

X% chance to have an instant reload by X%

X% increase to melee speed by X%

X% chance to increase fire rate by X%

X% chance to decrease fire rate by by X% while boosting weapon damage by XXX% (enough to dramatically outdo the firerate loss)

X% chance to spawn an enemy of the node faction in a void static avatar to assist you (damage scales with power strength)

X% chance to heal your allies by X health

X% chance to add a power strength scaling second element to your weapon. (ie toxin, cold, etc. If you were running a flame only weapon and you got a cold buff, they would not combine into blast)

If this buff is rolled and you are killed while the buff is active, you glitch back alive

X% increase sprint/parkour speed by X%

if this buff is active, your guns gain an effect like the 'Peculiar' warframe mods (Very low %)

all enemies in a X meter radius gain a weakness to a randomly rolled element

etc etc etc. feel free to add some amusing buffs to. Take as much or as little as you want 😄


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Passive: Converts 20% of Damage on Health to Energy. Warframe has an Anger counter. All damage the Broken receives increases the Anger counter


1 - Entangle - Void Energy tentacles sprout locking enemies into place.

2 - Relentless - Scalable Damage Reduction. Starts at 40% and can be pushed up to 90% by modding. All damage you absorb while in Relentless state provides double Anger, but renders the passive ability of the Broken inactive.

3 - Echoes of the Fallen - A ghostly apparition of one of the fallen frames is summoned and casts an ability. Those frames are 'parts' of the Broken, they appear to cast their power and then vanish. The idea would be to use 4 iconic frames and reutilize their assets. 4 options: Excalibur (Radial Javelin), Volt (Speed), Mag (Pull), Frost (Ice Wave) and Loki (Invisibility). This ability can use a 'wheel' mechanic or as an alternative it can use energy color to 'fix' one ability but it will have the problem of one becoming 'meta', the wheel provides flexibility and balance should be achieved by the scalability of the mods. It's an echo, it should never be as effective as the 'full' ability of the original warframe. The ability uses Energy and consumes Anger from the counter.

4 - Unbind - The Broken screams in rage and releases the void energy that binds him together. His body parts fly all over the place damaging his enemies and then reassembles himself. The Warframe releases all his rage in a big radial blast. The blast has a base damage and procs Slash, consumes energy and requires 100% on the Anger counter.


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Giving this frame the passive ability to control a personal sentient that fights alongside, while sentient takes some damage frame can use a ability BETTER HALF - frame takes pieces of self costing shield to heal wounded sentient which also give sentient a momment of damage buff 

I have other ideas just not sure if they are great but i will post soon



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I Was Thinking Since This Is A Broken Warframe That It Wouldnt Have Abilities Of Its "Own" Instead It Would Have A Combination Of Other Warframes. Sounds Boring At First Glance Hold On...

Passive: Allows You To Choose Warframes Abilities 

Then After That The Only Thing You Would Need To Do Is Pick The Ones You Want But Theres Rules.

1st Rule - You Can Only Choose One Ability Per Warframe You've Chosen Example:

I Can't Take All Of Frost Abilities But I Can Take Any One Of The 4 He Has.

2nd Rule - You Cant Have More Than 1 Ability Of Each Type Example:

I Cant Have Saryns 4th And Excals 4th or Can't Have Volts 1st And Valkyrs 1st in the same build.

3rd Rule - You Cant Pick A Warframe's Ability If You Dont Own That Specific Warframe Example:

If I Dont Own Hildryn I Can't Use That Warframe's Ability.

So Basically This Would Be A Custom Frame And "Hopefully" different to everyone. If This Doesnt Get Picked For Obvious Reasons Like Actually Wanting A "New" Warframe and abilities Thats Fine, But I Would Still Like To Have A Warframe Down The Line That Is Just Like Or Simular To This.

Oh! And If You See A Typo Thats My Bad Dont Think Ill Be Editing This.

Thx & :)

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PASSIVE- I think his passive should something like he can loot the enemies he kills to gain bonuses based off faction (ie since grineer have high armor and use ballistic weapons give him bonuses in those things, energy and shields from corpus, for infested they don't have much in the way of armor so maybe status chance and damage? you get the gist)
ONE- for his one probably something simple and direct. he could yeet out a tendril and drag people to him maybe? since he has those. if not a stun it could be a disarm or a knockdown. just a good single target damage ability with some utility
TWO- for his second ability I think he needs a true defensive ability (incase you don't get something like the infested faction and have no defence) so what about spacing out your parts so enemies shoot through them? it could be an increased miss chance or something, but I think it should be more similar to cloud walker or baruuk where you get complete invulnerability, but not for long without duration.
THREE- I honestly have no clue for his third ability. He could use some cc to round out his kit (cc seems to work well for damage dealers and tanks) so what about he can consume the parts from his passive and just aoe explode them out stunning enemies? (on second thought if he could swirl parts around him to gain dr like baruuk for his 2 that would also work really well)
FOUR- His 4 should make him able to consume parts to augment himself. ie he could put a scope on his face to give him a higher headshot multiplier, or he could augment his fingers to fire faster, he could increase his arms strength to deliver stronger melee strikes or something ( I think this ability should last as long as the mission is or until he dies. since it is kinda an upgrade thing and less of an ability nulifiers shouldn't remove it. that would suck) I don't think his 4 should stack multiple buffs with multiple casts though, this would be more of an on the spot specialization so giving him several buffs would kinda remove that feel.
SOME MORE THOUGHTS- The idea I am going for is that since they are scapped together they would be kind of a jack of all trades right? adapting to what they have and preparing for the next scenario. that's why they would adapt to factions, upgrade parts they need, and general just cover most bases. his kit has mild redundancy (why do you need an armor buff and invulnerability? or a damage buff on his passive, and on his 4 passive? it's kinda so that you don't get screwed over for fighting certain missions, keeping his passive and 4 as more of a "flavor" then a stone written "YOU ARE WITH THE GRINEER YOU NOW MUST BE TANK" because that removes options from the player and that blows. but having that flavor fits with the theme of self made, and would keep gameplay from getting stale fast. since his passive and 4 are also pretty complicated I wanted to keep his other abilities very simple so that he isn't confusing or too much work because when yyou have 3 toggle abilities that change depending on where you stand it's just not fun to learn or play. I spent all my time thinking about what to make instead of reading comments so I am sorry if I "stole" your idea. and I hope everyone likes it and the reason "why" I suggest thing, lemme know whatchya think. and I called it a "him" the whole time. idk why, too lazy to change it all to "it" though so I apologize. 

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1. Void Reach: Detaches arm and the warframe turns invisible. The player then controls the arm and is still able to bullet jump and parlour along with being able to grab on to serfices. The arm can be used to hack and stealth attack enemies for the cost of additional energy. Augment: Hold the ability button to teleport to the hands location, attacking the arm back on to the frame.

2. Phantom Genesis: possess targeted enemy allowing the player to control the enemy instead of the warframe. This would allow the player to walk through sensors and past enemies, however if the player attacks or gets to close the enemies will agro. 

3. Shadow of the Void: the void energy in the warframe crates a vortex on the floor, the broken parts of the warframe land in the centre in a pile resembling a pile of bones. Any enemies that step on to the void vortex become corrupted attacking their allies and deteriorating health over time.

4. Arm Cannon: The warframe uses it's arm as an exalted semi atomic rifle. Arm Cannon fires a single projectile that ricochets between enemies hitting each enemy in range once per projectile. The range would follow the bullet and would have damage drop off the longer it flies. Dealing impact, puncture and radiation. 


Adaptation: when damaged +10% resistance for 15 seconds. (May need balancing)


Sentry Shell: After taking enough damage the warframes helemet breaks off leaving the warframe headless. The helemt becomes a shell which acts as sentry turret for a short duration. After the duration the shell returns to the warframe. This would have a short cool down after each use.


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1. Rocket Fist
Launches one of your fists as a projectile towards an enemy that detonates on impact. You can hold 1 while the fist is midflight to detonate it. Up to two fist projectiles can be sent out at once. With one fist gone you cannot use primary weapons and cannot carry things at the same time as using melee or secondary weapons. With both fists gone you cannot use any actions or weapons that require hands. After the fists explode they come back as fragments and reform your fist when the reach you.

2. Animate Weapon
Detach an arm that wields the currently equipped weapon for a limited time. This arm acts as a minion similar to spectres or Atlas' rock golems. Hold 3 to recall the arm early. Same hand rules apply that are seen in Rocket Fist.

3. Void Blast
Expel some of the Void energy holding you together, sacrificing health and/or energy to knock back enemies and deal Void damage (which would also clear damage resistances from Sentient enemies) proportional to the amount sacrificed. All minions from Animate Weapon are healed a fraction of the amount sacrificed.

4. Graft
This Warframe fragments itself and attaches to a target Warframe or enemy. If attached to a Warframe you now share health, energy, armour, and shields while attached. That Warframe also has two extra arms because of you so you can use your weapons and abilities as stated above. Using Void Blast or pressing the '4' key will detach you from the attached Warframe or enemy.
If you target an enemy with Graft you attach to them and control them. You also gain bonus health if attached to Infested, energy if attached to Sentient, armour if attached to Grineer, or shields if attached to Corpus. Graft cannot target bosses other VIP enemies. Corpus amalgam enemies are a combination of Corpus and Sentient so they would grant either Corpus bonuses only or Corpus and Sentient bonuses to a weaker extent.

Passive: Void Well
This Warframe can be healed by Void damage from Operators. Your Operator also has a bonus to energy recharge for both abilities and their amp while near this Warframe.

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Passive: can disassemble and move through security lasers without triggering alarms.

1: Latch: Shoots the lower half of his left arm at an enemy, allowing white tendrils to spread through them dealing damage over time, and restoring health to himself and nearby allies.


2: Strike: tendrils concentrate around the hand, forming a giant fist. Overrides melee weapon, dealing impact and void damage to enemies, scales with ability strength. Can be recast to disable fist.


3: repair: Draws on nearby metals, repairing damage to the Warframe and allies, Can strip armor from enemies and give it to himself.


4: Split: turns into 4 pieces, each piece moves freely, and attacks using a different elemental type, IE, heat, toxin, shock, cold. the player can switch between fragments by using secondary fire. Each fragment can be damaged, and if destroyed will lay on the ground until the ability deactivates.

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Passive - increased dagger damage

1. Target up to 5 enemies to steal their ammo so weapons don't fire or melee weapons slip out of their hands
2. Target up to 5 enemies to tie their feet together so they fall over
3. Enemies in range affected by ability 2 get yeeted straight into the ceiling feet first or high up in the air
4. Target an enemy to switch to it and assume their identity/body. You can run around but not bullet jump and allies can identify you as the spy somehow (big SPY indicator above head) but enemies regard you as a friendly.

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Passive: Assimilate – Gain +x armor and +y melee range for z seconds after killing an enemy with an ability.  The broken warframe rips off pieces of its enemies and add those parts to its whole.  The extra range is from lengthening its arms with the stolen pieces.


1) Void tendril – Use 1 to extend your arm and grab an enemy.  Using it again while grappling an enemy will use the enemy as a hammer for a big overhead slam, dealing damage to the held enemy and anything that is hit.  Scale part of the damage off of the level of the enemy.


2) Reconfigure – Shifts between one of three forms, providing a speed buff, a health buff, or an ability strength buff.  These buffs will alter the model a little – longer legs, broader chest, increased amount of void energy between pieces.


3) Fragment fling – Throw a piece of yourself at an enemy.  Does a base amount of damage, but deals increased damage based on the passive (removes x stacks of the passive with every use of the ability – Should probably be a low number of stacks per throw, but enough that it is still decreasing the total number of passive stacks).  Has a brief animation of a void tendril retrieving the thrown piece, giving a visual representation of how it interacts with the passive.


4) Remnant’s memory – a multi-colored aura forms around you, causing all weapons to deal whatever damage type the target is weak against (similar to Baruuk’s aura, but for weapons).  This is a rather short duration buff.  At the end of the duration (or if reactivated during the duration), the aura explodes, dealing damage as an AoE.

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Passive: Tau resistance

1: Attach primary weapon to your companion, you are stuck with using your secondary and melee only when this is active.

2: Turn an enemy into a time bomb.

3: Absorb shields from nearby enemies. Add them to its own.

4: Lasso an enemy and spin it, knocking down/damaging other enemies.

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Okay lets see.


Passive: [Salvage] Running over a dead enemy grants a small amount of a resourse that degrades over time, armour for greneer, overshield shields for corpous, max health for infested

1: [Vital Syphon] Rams/leaps into target and stabs with arm tubs for piecing damage. If target killed gain some health, robotic enemies grant some shields from drained ichor or energy.

2: [Pressure Rupture] Tubes burst open leaking gas and liquid that deals damage around the frame and has a chance of knockdown.

3: [Failed Puppetter] Breaks up into parts and flys at targeted enemy burrowing into them and reforming bursting them open. Survivors expelled and stunned.

4: [Network Juryrig] Channeled ability. Draws on surrounding warframes and integrates a small portion of their power and leaking back into other nearby warframes. Gain and share a small thematic bonus to health/armour/shields/speed/elemental damage/etc from and based on surrounding warframes.
Broken Warframe shares a diluted version of it's passive with teammates
If solo gain a bonus based on pet/companion.
Channel Drains Health instead of energy based on number of frames in range.

For example:
A nearby Ember grants a small amount of fire damage to all damaging warframe abilities, Frost would do the same with cold. Similarly Rhino would grant some armour, Grendal health. Mirage could even potentally grant some multishot.

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