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Glassmaker: Wasted Cephalite


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Why is Cephalite wasted if you fall during the platform segment of the Glassmaker Simula?

I have to go through the pain of grinding to get 10 more just because I sneezed at the wrong moment... This is really annoying to deal with and completely unnecessary, the parkour mastery rank test respawns you at the last platform if you fall, why is this not a thing here??

Edited by Kurambik
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I'm personally kind of OK with the Quiz "eating" our currency if we fail, but with a couple of caveats. First of all, inform people that this is, in fact, a quiz and not a parkour challenge. Because it really really looks and feels like one. Secondly, refund people's currency if they fall off a platform without having made a choice, or at the very least before having made their FIRST choice. I'm fine with docking us points if we get the answers wrong since it's honestly a fairly basic "did you do your homework" kind of quiz, but a lot of people seem to be struggling with the controls and failing the jumps.

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7 hours ago, Kurambik said:

Why is Cephalite wasted if you fall during the platform segment of the Glassmaker Simula?

I have to go through the pain of grinding to get 10 more just because I sneezed at the wrong moment... This is really annoying to deal with and completely unnecessary

Completed it on my second attempt. I actually liked the challenge. It is not hard. The enemies spawn roughly every 25 minutes. Sometimes 50. Just play survival on Venus and bring a Nekros. They die easily and Nekros increases the resources. So roughly 1 hour is all it takes. Plus Zephyr can make the test itself easier.

Why would DE make the game boringly easy? Make it one and done in just a few minutes? For only a few people? They aren’t. Plus they shouldn’t have to. Get better at the game. Also the episodes are like 2 weeks apart. You have way more than enough time to collect cephilite, memorize the clues, and complete the test. 

Not even a week and people already getting impatient over something so easy. 

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If you know it it is easy, no one denys that, but the desing is still crap, timer to make you hurry, the lore you can't listen to or read due the timer and the end hint you get when finish it was rather cryptic, i not felt like i solved it but only given more questions on purpose.

What baffles me most is apperently that you have to still pay 10 cephalites to replay it if you want ot read the lore or last hint again, which in my eyes should be free after finishing it once since you not get a reward anymore anyway, so why does it cost still after you finished it? Why does the last hint not show in the nightwave window as solved and optional for such?

Why does the Codex not note any of it down for us? You know, like fragments? Able to re-read things?

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15 hours ago, (PS4)marshb863 said:

It doesn't appear to be mandatory as it only gives you an additional 7,000 nightwave points towards your weekly limit so no loss except for the lore and you can get that online.

It's not mandatory true, but it doesn't mean I should miss out on it

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9 hours ago, (PS4)chris1pat8twins said:

Completed it on my second attempt. I actually liked the challenge. It is not hard. The enemies spawn roughly every 25 minutes. Sometimes 50. Just play survival on Venus and bring a Nekros. They die easily and Nekros increases the resources. So roughly 1 hour is all it takes. Plus Zephyr can make the test itself easier.

Why would DE make the game boringly easy? Make it one and done in just a few minutes? For only a few people? They aren’t. Plus they shouldn’t have to. Get better at the game. Also the episodes are like 2 weeks apart. You have way more than enough time to collect cephilite, memorize the clues, and complete the test. 

Not even a week and people already getting impatient over something so easy. 

"Boringly easy" is not the issue here. This is already boringly easy. There's nothing hard about grinding things, it's just annoying to deal with and things being annoying is no fun especially when you get punished all for a bloody sneeze. Why doesn't it spawn you back up on the platform instead of being so tongue-in-cheek about it making you run through the most boring game loop ever for a second time? The respawn mechanic works in the parkour mastery rank tests there's literally no reason why it shouldn't here.

Not to mention, it's very poor design to place lore in a setting where you have to concentrate on something else. Doing a puzzle while the guy is talking will end up in either not listening to anything he says or getting distracted.

It's easy to call out people for being impatient if it's not you getting hours of bad RNG and having it all be for nothing for such a silly reason

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15 hours ago, Steel_Rook said:

I'm personally kind of OK with the Quiz "eating" our currency if we fail, but with a couple of caveats. First of all, inform people that this is, in fact, a quiz and not a parkour challenge. Because it really really looks and feels like one. Secondly, refund people's currency if they fall off a platform without having made a choice, or at the very least before having made their FIRST choice. I'm fine with docking us points if we get the answers wrong since it's honestly a fairly basic "did you do your homework" kind of quiz, but a lot of people seem to be struggling with the controls and failing the jumps.

Personally I do not know why it doesn't just respawn you at the last platform if you fall. It does so in the parkour mastery test, why on earth does it not here?

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13 minutes ago, Kurambik said:

It's not mandatory true, but it doesn't mean I should miss out on it

Let me ask you one thing, because I just want to be clear;

The Nightwave is made so that you can come back to things weeks down the line, with only about 50-60% of the tasks completed to actually reach rank 30 and get those rewards, and there are only 5 sections of that Investigation to look through. If we presume that there are at least 10 weeks, if not more, to this Nightwave, that means that the time between those 5 sections being accessible is a minimum of 2 weeks... then the question is:

When you have 10 weeks to gain Cephalite, access the mission, fail, re-grind and so on... what's your rush?

I got the Cephalite necessary after failing it (because I never saw that there were always 3 options to choose from, and so when I was presented with two wrong answers, I picked the one that seemed right and failed) just by playing a few Railjack missions over the weekend to exploit the double Affinity. It's not a hard grind, you don't have to rush it.

You can just play regular missions and pick it up as you go, and try again. You have a minimum of 9 more weeks to do this, if not more while the grind-hard players get into the prestige levels.

You're upset because you're failing, unfairly, and that's fine. You're angry and coming to the forums because you set yourself the wrong in-game goal and failed at it, and that's not fine. When you're setting yourself the goal of 'I must complete this during this game play session' you're setting yourself up to fail and get angry. If you instead say 'I'm going to play missions and see how much Cephalite I collect in an hour', then any Cephalite at all is a success, and you don't 'fail' that or get angry at the game for it. It's a healthier way of playing and you won't mind the grind.

There's no rush to finish this. You failed, and it's not exactly fair, but you're a normal player who can simply try again after a little time delay. There's no need to get angry about re-grind.

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2 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

Let me ask you one thing, because I just want to be clear;

The Nightwave is made so that you can come back to things weeks down the line, with only about 50-60% of the tasks completed to actually reach rank 30 and get those rewards, and there are only 5 sections of that Investigation to look through. If we presume that there are at least 10 weeks, if not more, to this Nightwave, that means that the time between those 5 sections being accessible is a minimum of 2 weeks... then the question is:

When you have 10 weeks to gain Cephalite, access the mission, fail, re-grind and so on... what's your rush?

I got the Cephalite necessary after failing it (because I never saw that there were always 3 options to choose from, and so when I was presented with two wrong answers, I picked the one that seemed right and failed) just by playing a few Railjack missions over the weekend to exploit the double Affinity. It's not a hard grind, you don't have to rush it.

You can just play regular missions and pick it up as you go, and try again. You have a minimum of 9 more weeks to do this, if not more while the grind-hard players get into the prestige levels.

You're upset because you're failing, unfairly, and that's fine. You're angry and coming to the forums because you set yourself the wrong in-game goal and failed at it, and that's not fine. When you're setting yourself the goal of 'I must complete this during this game play session' you're setting yourself up to fail and get angry. If you instead say 'I'm going to play missions and see how much Cephalite I collect in an hour', then any Cephalite at all is a success, and you don't 'fail' that or get angry at the game for it. It's a healthier way of playing and you won't mind the grind.

There's no rush to finish this. You failed, and it's not exactly fair, but you're a normal player who can simply try again after a little time delay. There's no need to get angry about re-grind.

That's not really my point. I wasn't planning to rush it and would have been entirely ok with failing it if it was due to me picking a wrong option and would gladly go through the grind a second time. However that still doesn't detract from the fact that the "fail on fall" is very poor design where literally the entire game respawns you to your previous location when that happens (if this was the case here, you'd still be punished by losing time but at least if skilled enough, one could recover from it). This could easily happen to anyone not just me and it leaves a very sour taste if it does which I'm sure it's not the feeling they want to aim for to set the tone of the accompanying lore.

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47 minutes ago, Kurambik said:

Personally I do not know why it doesn't just respawn you at the last platform if you fall. It does so in the parkour mastery test, why on earth does it not here?

My guess is "technical limitations due to rushed development." The Glassmaker Quiz feels like something DE planned out in theory, but slapped together last-minute. It uses "falling out of bounds" as the fail condition because it's easier than coding a brand new fail condition for picking the wrong answer. It's all platforming, so just make the platform disappear under the player on a wrong choice and hook the scene transition back to the investigation area to that. It already does teleportation.

In short, I agree. simply teleporting the player back to the platform on a failed jump IF the player hasn't actually made a choice would be preferable, though I'm not sure how easy that is to program. DE don't seem to subscribe to the standard AAA development practice of only ever budgeting programming time for new features since they're constantly fixing script errors, though, so who knows. Maybe Episode 2 will have a more refined quiz.


48 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

You're upset because you're failing, unfairly, and that's fine. You're angry and coming to the forums because you set yourself the wrong in-game goal and failed at it, and that's not fine.

Assuming individual players' motivations is never a good idea. I learned this to my own detriment. Try to avoid asserting what other people want. Stick to the argument, avoid ad hominem and you're far more likely to have an actually productive discussion. If you're convinced that a player believes or thinks a specific thing, maybe ask them instead of assuming. Telling people what they want is almost always going to make them more defensive and less open to hearing you out.

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