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minimalistic, compact solo player Dojo plan


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Hello Tennos,

I am thinking about starting my own clan & dojo. Found this nice online dojo planner and spent some time arranging things. But it's all theoretical. Did I miss something? It's all about functional design to spend minimal resources.

Both builds start with a reactor at the place of the later dry dock. Elevator is optional for expansion

Layout 1 - Minimal Symetric

Layout 2 - Minimal Compact

Feedback is welcome

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Looks like you've got the most important things covered, being the labs, lich and dry dock.  The absolute most important thing for me is always keeping a way to expand in case of mistakes or new stuff, and you've got that covered in both cases with the elevator.

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This is a normal dojo layout. All my dojos what made also used the similar expect obstacle, observatory and drydock rooms. Making a huge dojo is not worth if you keep your clan shadow or ghost levels. I made in my entire career like 26 dojo, so I have experience in this. Worth to keep the costs low, max research everything then later improve if nothing else coming. Much peaceful and easier managable.

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2 hours ago, Toolboxio said:

Just curious do you plan to keep it solo? I haven’t played in a few months is this a thing? Many people have solo dojo’s because of the new update? Why not just join a good clan?

Many people like designing their own dojo structure and room decorations. When you're in a bigger clan, you probably don't have decorating rights or people could disagree with your designs. There is no real adventage on having more people in a clan other than having friends with you. Solo dojos' only downside is you have to research everything by yourself and contribute all decorations, but that's not really that hard when your clan tier is the lowest.
PS: sometimes bigger clans have it easier to complete operations with leaderboards.

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Can tell that ever since I started my solo clan, i feel more comfortable. My dojo is not the most grandest, but it has everything I need, and room to expand. Costs are super low too. Is worth it if you want the freedom of designing you own layout and decorating how you want, and not having to feel the pressure of being in a large clan. Gives you something to do and look forward to see complete too.

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1 minute ago, Yakhul said:

Can tell that ever since I started my solo clan, i feel more comfortable. My dojo is not the most grandest, but it has everything I need, and room to expand. Costs are super low too. Is worth it if you want the freedom of designing you own layout and decorating how you want, and not having to feel the pressure of being in a large clan. Gives you something to do and look forward to see complete too.

Very much this especially for people who are like-minded. I'm very much a lone wolf style player and prefer to be self-sufficient I also have a lot of fun doing my own decorating.

Tho in hindsight I probably should not have made a dojo that was 6 stories tall with a sub-basement. I'm never going to finish.

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6 hours ago, Egdot said:

Decoration is the main reason. I'm in a big noob friendly clan atm, but I feel ashamed when I enter the dojo

You might want to add then, an inspiration hall, rather than any of the other halls. Gives you more room for creativity,  5 other entrances, and 100 capacity, which is more than enough for a compact and functional dojo. And since is so big, I can create my own garden there so no need for making any of the other garden rooms that consume too much energy. My design has the reactors on a different floor, so I don't have to see them on my main floor.

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Mine does not have any large rooms. 
It is a dry dock with an immigration checkpoint, tiny passenger ticket counter and crew rest areas based off the starting hall. I don't intend to build any of the larger rooms 🙂


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I'm a "mostly" solo player as well and my advice is don't sweat it. Eventually you will bathe in the resources it requires and you only have to invest 1 forma/room once in a solo lifetime.

The only important thing is to keep multiple ways to expand, so you won't have to scrap and rebuild rooms whenever a big #*!% like dry dock gets patched in.

With fast travel patch, you don't even need to plan a hub to avoid unnecessary bullet jumping into the empty void of bullet jumping boredom.

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This is my current dojo Layout

I have made an elevator that goes upstairs to expand, and my reactors are downstairs. i have plenty of room to expand if i wish to do so, but for now im comfortable with this, and currently researching things and decorating. Not sure if i wanna build the observatory, but at some point, i think i should.

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vor 14 Stunden schrieb Yakhul:

You might want to add then, an inspiration hall, rather than any of the other halls. Gives you more room for creativity,  5 other entrances, and 100 capacity, which is more than enough for a compact and functional dojo. ...


vor 14 Stunden schrieb Thorham:

Note that connectors like t-connectors are not forma efficient, use the large six connector halls as much as possible....

Good advice! I calculate and rearrange.

Open Questions:

1. What is the purpose of the observatory? Do I need it? Can't find any Wiki informnation about it.

2. Is the Orokin Lab / Solar Rail important? I did not encounter its function ingame yet.

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14 hours ago, HoustonDragon said:

I'm curious, do research costs for the various labs scale for solo/smaller clans? 

They do. From the wiki:

Research costs will vary, depending on the clan tier. Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, and Moon clans must contribute amounts scaled to their membership caps. Note that this is not always the case for some researches and may differ. Resources below are the lowest denomination, as seen in Ghost clans. For bigger clans, follow these multipliers:

Ghost: base requirement (not multiplied)

Shadow: 3 times

Storm: 10 times

Mountain: 30 times

Moon: 100 times

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1 hour ago, Egdot said:


u may want to consider an infinite reactor hallway so u don't need to worry about them on your main floor.


that way you can have all this stuff on your main floor without a single reactor there. I also have like 4 areas here where i can expand from "infinitely" 

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On 2020-05-28 at 8:32 AM, Toolboxio said:

Just curious do you plan to keep it solo? I haven’t played in a few months is this a thing? Many people have solo dojo’s because of the new update? Why not just join a good clan?

The reason will likely vary, but I prefer my solo clan so I can have full creative freedom over my dojo's appearance.

Big clans will have sprawling masses of dojo with weird garish rooms that I'm not a fan of. It's expensive in terms of resources but werf when you finish a room.

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1 hour ago, Egdot said:

Huh, that's an interesting minimal design.  The only problem I see is going to be energy starting out.  You will need to build a temporary Reactor attached to that first Inspiration Hall before you can build the Dry Dock.

I think I can rearrange those rooms so you can build it without temporary Reactors and still have room to expand: Goofball minimal build

I actually like that a lot; it beats my existing minimal build by 1 room and 4 energy.  I might have to add a link for that.  Thanks! :smile:

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Glad to hear you like it & consider it as an inspiration 🙂

The temporary Reactor is in progress right now. Dry Dock and Reactor 2 will follow, after that the move of the first Reactor is only a matter of time. I'm still not sure if I need the Observatory and the Orokin Lab. If I need those, I actually may take a step back from pure minimalstic design due asthetic and symetric reasons:

Minimal Symetric 2 Level

Your design would be faster to build but it doesn't suit my taste.

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18 minutes ago, Egdot said:

I'm still not sure if I need the Observatory and the Orokin Lab

The only practical purpose the Observatory serves is it allows you to access Navigation and start star chart missions from your Dojo.  It also has an Arsenal, but you have one of those in your Railjack.

The only practical purpose of the the Orokin Lab right now is to research Dragon Key blueprints.

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