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Entry 2 – Oct 15, 2013


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I'm not sure I like the sound of the new mode.  Carrying objects means dependence on secondaries, which isn't much fun, IMHO.  Being tied to a weapon other you don't care for, while simultaneously losing your shields sounds aggravating.  Then you factor in that you're also tied to an explosive device....I'm not sure that sounds fun.  It certainly sounds like it's going to favor certain frames - Rhino/Ironskin, Loki/Ash/Invisibility.  But any frame with low health and high shields is going to be frustrating.


I'm more concerned about extraction though.  Last night I played a survival run with 3 randoms.  One of them decided to be uncooperative when we went to extraction, and we all eventually died because the air ran out and we got swarmed while waiting for him.  It was just cores to me, but focus had been a reward.  The level 2 mastery guy who was cooperating clearly needed it, and lost it through no fault of his own. 


Extraction mechanics that give you less time for doing well really seem like they'll have issues when players have different priorities.  Smells like trouble.


This is another reason for separate extraction ,you can do it in endless defense why not the rest of the missions ?

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I find the Sabotage changes you speak of to be a bad idea.


I for one think sabotage needs to be pulled and replace with a raid version where you steal the rods to make the reactors to go crit and you get bonus if you can stealth (no alarms sounded) to the reactor to get the rods, and make it so the enemies want the rod back but doesn't want to damage it one bit so they try knock the hold down instead of just blowing it and the holder up. And if they do knock them down, they pick it up and run for the reactor to plug it back in where you have to stop them from doing so or you'll have to do it all over again.

You won't have rushers with that idea I can tell you that as it pays to take your time.


I said my two cents, take it or leave it, It only my opinion on it, but I think it will be better then suicide rods while infinite number of enemy clog the rooms to and from the reactor.

A good alt mission type ,I personal think all nodes need alt mission types that are random to keep replayablity alive

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I don't understand why improving gameplay has been the last priority.  We are pulling our hair out and quitting because of the repetition.  Survival didn't alleviate any of that because it wasn't different enough.  I really hope gameplay gets its due consideration rather than being an aside thrown in to appease.  Also, how is Armor 2.0 going to reconcile the devs tiered weapons agenda?  I think most of us are hoping armor 2.0 makes OUR weapon preferences viable as opposed to usable weapons being determined by devs..

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Aw, man! You guys are gonna nerf Pull? Mag was becoming my favorite warframe, too...


I humbly suggest that there would be a way to "charge" powers by holding down a key so you can affect more enemies at the cost of more energy. So Volt can arc to more enemies farther away, Pull will take more enemies down and move them farther, etc.


I am quite excited about the new Sabotage revisions. Sounds like a lot of fun, but how will you be balancing the rod power draw for single player? Will Tenno be able to carry more than one rod in a similar way to the Spy missions where the intel briefcase can be charged with multiple intel bits?

Edited by SFkenny
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Pull is OP, ey?

Look guys, i understand you want to balance out the game and all, but when you have warframes like Nova metling whole rooms of people with little effort and the other warframes kind of paling in comparison, that is not ok.I also remember Steve (or Scott) saying in one livestream that they wanted to ' bring all of the other warframes up to vauban/nova/etc. level, to remove tiering'.Nerfing pull would be the opposite and thus, it is not clear what you guys really want to do with all of the warframes.Example; For as long as the game existed, Nyx`s psychic bolts were always the most useless skill she had.Players had quite a lot of interesting ideas of how that skill can be buffed (Going through walls, More dmg, etc.) and DE just decided to increase the speed and the number of daggers thrown....OK fine, they did say that they are gonna be re-working all of the warframes in the future, but all of this just doesn`t make sense.

TL;DR - I say keep pull the way it is and make other useless warframe skills (Fireball, Psychic bolts, etc.) of the same caliber as pull.

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I like the idea of more frames that use their powers less for direct attacks and more to improve overall combat prowess. Damage absorption, damage enhancement, mobility enhancement (running and jumping), melee enhancement, debuff resist / removal, all seem like things that could be used instead of auras, missiles, and radial attacks. 


I'd love to see the first ability as a sort of rising strike, from sliding / crouched / knocked down / stagger, the player can use the first ability to perform a rising strike that knocks enemies away / upward while getting them back on their feet. This would help relieve problems like what Rhino has when Iron Skin breaks in a swarm of 30 enemies. 

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This Berserker frame.. It'd be nice if we can get it as both male and female in the future. I hate Rhino because he's ugly and fat really. 

I'd like a Warframe that uses it's powers with it's Melee Weapon. 

Like have it's Ult be a skill that is like a Renzokuken of slashes and stuff. I'd be so in on that XD.

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Trading : Simple Economics



The like for like trade system seems like a good idea at first, but after thinking on it for a while im rather displeased.


Anytime there is an exchange of items, all parties secretly want the upper hand. They want more out than what they put in.


How accurate will the like for like system be in terms of value?


It could present a problem for players finding items to trade of equal value, and what about new players we take under our wing? Why must they suffer? They wont have any items of value that I'm looking for, or that would fit the like for like profile.


We should have the option to GIVE the player the item, so that we can GIVE our unwanted resources to players without looking for something in return.

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I honestly like the idea of the new sabotage and also the new warframe. I used to complain there weren't any trading in the game but now I don't know. The important thing for me is that noone should just be able to buy themselves into game without having to work for it.


My biggest concern in the game right now is that I think they need to implement some high-end rewards so that there really is some incentive to do wave 70+ or do high level missions rather then low level ones. Whenever I would want to get something it is much easier to get it just farming the right enemy type on lower levels rather than doing it on high level. I would love to see mods and items that you only can get by doing really, really hard things in the game.

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My biggest concern in the game right now is that I think they need to implement some high-end rewards so that there really is some incentive to do wave 70+ or do high level missions rather then low level ones. Whenever I would want to get something it is much easier to get it just farming the right enemy type on lower levels rather than doing it on high level. I would love to see mods and items that you only can get by doing really, really hard things in the game.

This. Possibly something that does not sound like a joke as the credit caches in Survival.

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The first mission should be changed to something easy, like exterminate. New players will have trouble with th new sabotage.


+1 to that, this sabotage rework sounds pretty challenging and ultimately confusing, especially if you're just getting into the game. But I, like other definitely want to see it happen, we just can't forget about the newbies. Unless they decide that not all sabotage missions are going to work this new way, and some of them will remain the way they are.

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• Fixing Ember and making sure she isn't just four of the same style abilities.

• Reviewing Mag’s Pull, pretty sure everyone knows this power is a bit OP.


Pull is a lot of fun to use but yeah, maybe it's CC potential is a bit too high for a "1" ability....OTOH...


Are the changes that happen well thought? because, IIRC the Overheat changes were because "Ember's not a tank" and, now you don't want all of Ember's skills to be the same?


What gives some things a higher priorities over others? Because, you're already looking to review some recent changes (Overheat, Pull) while there are other stuff that has been around for more time (Volt, Crush).


On that point, what made you decide it was time to rework Pull (pretty much Mag's main ability right now) and not talk about Crush? (which isn't worth the slot and points it takes). I really hope that any nerfs to Pull come with buffs to Crush, just like what happened with Bastille and Vortex.


I'm not trying to tell you that "you're bad and you should feel bad about it" and, I don't know how easy to make those changes are but, I cannot really see a pattern on how things get fixed/changed (again, "Pull is OP, gotta change it now (after it got changed). Crush is UP and will get changed. Soon. Maybe").

Edited by akaSM
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I'm admittedly a little concerned about what the development team seem to have taken away from complaints regarding Ember and particularly Trinity, since the drawn conclusions seem to miss the real problems.


Ember really needs a total rework, if her old style (Overheat to allow her to survive near to enemies, in order to deal high short-range damage) has been deemed unsuitable - certainly 91% damage reduction, as fun as it was, should not return. But what Ember *is* supposed to be needs to be decided, so her powers can be designed to suit.


With Trinity, the problem is not that she can't do enough damage (she's not meant to in any case), it's that she is gimmicky and boring to play as under the new system, regardless of whether or not it is effective. She has little to offer herself or her team besides total invulnerability, and then waiting for an EV'd enemy to allow said invulnerability to continue. This makes playing as her slow and uninteresting, and removes all challenge besides the patience to wait for Energy Vampire, which in its current form just does not fit with the pace of the game.


Other frames that need attention are Volt (clearly), Nova (M Prime needs to be toned down), and Nekros (he lacks impact), so hopefully these are lined up on the 'to do' list.

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Completely agree +5 for changes.


I know some don't like carrying things.  The play is as right now a lot of Run/slash/shoot to point A.. Run/slash/shoot Target B.. run/slash/shoot to Exit.  Anything to change this is different and welcomed.


The idea of having a mission that alters you warframes capabilities (like only shooting pistol) or potentially kill you with out team work is a boon not just to game play, but also the social aspect of the game. 


I love developers that incourage teamwork and social networking in a game.  Missions like this make it more successful to be in a organized clan.


I also think this can carry over to the PvP stage.  Like a type of "capture the flag".  Where you have to grab good reactor cores to put into your own teams flag base or suffer from a core meltdown and lose.


To the Devs thank you for the game.

Edited by Mhykiel
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