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Livestreams Moved To Fridays, Stream #16 Coming Soon!


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Q1: General Sargas Ruk and his "somehow connected with the frame parts he drops (Ember btw)" update. WHEN?

Q2: Minibosses. WHEN?

Q2 1/2: Vors prise. WHEN?

Q3: Why are the on-planet missions mixed with spaceship missions (except Phobos)?

Dont you think its irritating to explore the solar system like: Lotus said lant on this outpost, then travel to this spaceship, then go to this outpost one more time, then again to the space, ow, here is the boss aaand again to the outpost?

What I want to say is this: LOGIC way is to blow trougth the near-orbit ship fleat, so that no help would come from above when youre trying to wipe out the outposts on the planet.

Following this logic, you can add ingame such feathures as:

region access maps, which allows you to gain acces to some forbidden regions. But first you need to find some on the abandoned base or tear it away from the dead enemys arms;

new acces-required bases and outposts, located all over solar system, or even some futuristic cities and living quarters for corpus and grineer and something nasty 4 infested fellows;

new types of missions, requiring stealth skills, such as: meet the grineer/corpus politican, which is trying to turn over the current government and aid him or find the rebbels and help them instead,

destroy the radar or transmitter station so that the main enemy forces wont seek and purge you;

(of course) lots of new places 4 farming content and stuff;

and lots of other crasy stuff which can make Warframe more exciting and challenging but now I got too lazy to write it down, so...

QLAST: Warframe research dojo laboratory. SOMEDAY or NEWER?

PS: I hope you read through the 3rd question and get what I wanted to say, cuz English is not my native language and you wont laugh at the tonn of the mistakes I made (please consither that I wrote all this using my smartphone).

Thank you =)

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I have some questions about in-game communications. The chat system is rudimentary, and there is still no working email system.

1. There appears to an Inbox for messages, but it does not do anything. I'd like to have a working email feature within the game. Mailing lists are also important. Emails that can be sent to all clan or alliance members. Or a custom list between a few friends. I want to send out emails to organize activities within the game.

2. Can we have the ability to set up custom temporary chat channels? We get one as part of squad chat, but this only lasts for the session. For organizing multiple void or derelict runs as a group, this is quite inconvenient. I find everyone cluttering up clan chat making sure everyone is ready with the right dragon keys. Squad chat is also unreliable, and often one or more users are randomly absent from it. While this should be fixed, the ability to set up our own custom chat channels would alleviate the problem to a large extent.

3. Clickable links in chat. These should open in the steam browser or external browser. If not, at least allow copying text from chat so I can copy links and paste those in my browser. Some rudimentary formatting in chat (bold, italics, underline) would also be nice.

4. Tab Autocomplete usernames. Typing in names to invite and whisper can be quite painful for players with non-boring names. xXxD34thM4n8xXx might be great guy, but his name is really hard to type.

Edited by hyperblaster
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People have been crying for a vote-kick system of some sort to deal with griefers and trolls and I'm sure you're all aware that this can be abused. Are there any plans to at least implement a matchmaking blacklist as a preventive feature?

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I've had a question for a little while.

Is there any plan to add more weapons/stuff for Chem Lab research? At the moment, besides the basic component recipe, there are only 2 weapons and an ammo restore. Whereas Bio Lab Research has 5 weapons, a Sentinel, a health restore, and Energy Lab Research has 6 weapons, a shield restore, and an energy restore. Chem Research seems a little left out, so are there any plans for adding more stuff or possibly mixing aspects of research together for future weapons/stuff?


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1. Did you think about new boss for Ember Prime?

2. Will you add trading system? only mods, resources and credits for trade?

3. Are you planning to add a new planet? For example there could be mobs like Stalker or something like that.

4. What about adding a shield to the game and changing pvp mode for melee only! Also It would be great if you add new movement for the ninjas.

5. What about adding raids which would include 8 players? That raid would be really hard to make without warframes like trinity, nova, rhino etc

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Just 4 general questions.


Q1. Why the sudden removale of 4 market aquirable weapons without real explanation? Especialy since one only recently got a prime version? Why not finaly remove the unecessary longswords and daggers which clutter the RNG of the alert system full?


Q1.B. How many pangoline swords, heat swords, heat daggers, dark swords, dark daggers, jaw swords, brokk hammers and dagger axe skins, do you think players need that they appear up to 4 times a day?


Update: Q1.C. How the hell is the Boar supposed not to fit the art style? WTH!


Q2. When will Loki's inability to cloak his Sentinel get fixed and more importantly why does it take so long for such a noticable but technically minor oversight to get fixed?


Q3. When can we expect an improvement on the stealth gameplay? Is the option to switch off enemies alerts again still on the table as suggested during the early livestreams? How about melee weapons getting double or triple afinity for stealth kills?


Q4. Is anyone still actualy working and writing down the lore or do you guys just work with your individual mental only lore? Why can't there be more official imformations to flesh out the Warframe universe?

Edited by Othergrunty
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Questions away!


1. What are your opinions specifically about cells, which has been expounded upon by notionphil here  The idea as a whole is to decrease the burnout by giving a risk/reward system which the game itself is in desperate need of.  there are many chinks if you will in the armor of this game, one major being that there is nothing to do but grind grind grind.


2.  with regards to the ever changing drop tables, will we see something more concrete going out?  also are you considering on consolidating the tables themselves so that players don't spend 100+ hours farming for one particular mod?


3.  Will ember and Volt be fixed in the upcoming patches to make them viable again?  will you remove armor/resistance to skills so they all do flat damage and some do not outshine the others?


4.  What are you specifically doing as a group to reduce burnout?  I'm over 200+ hours and i log in every day just for an hour or so, and there is literally nothing to do, and no one to do it with.  More weapons and frames do not alleviate, but rather exacerbate the problem.


and finally what are your ideas for adding to the story of the game.  I know its been mentioned that for each tenno you don't want backstory or a dedicated story for them.  I'm fine with that, but what about the war overall?  how did it start?  Why do we obey Lotus?  Why are we fighting the infested? Why do we need to destroy Corpus?  Why the grineer? 


Basically an overall story is very missing from the game as a whole and contributes to pointless meandering through levels without taking notice of whats going on.


Thanks for your hard work


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Will we get news planet?

Will get any news kind of enemies?


Will we get any kind of "Event"? I mean real one where everybody was suppose to do something

I'm nearly rank 12 , maybe rank 12 when you will ready this , what kind of content are you making for guys in my situation?(Everything maxed , everything cleared) ?

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Hi guys I have a few questions:


1.when are you going to put in a clan vault.


we have waited a while for this and i`m glad about the trading but when we

destroy rooms we need the stuff to go somewhere


2.I agree with Haldos about the Prime warframes now being nothing more than cosmetic.


it would be really nice if they had better stats then their non prime counterpart 

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If you could discuss the generall topic of this Thread, that would be much apreciated.




to sumarize: it´s about the unbearable grindwall the game provides, which constantly drives peolple away and the confusion and dissapointment that DE has not improved on the core game formular since U7.

Edited by r0ckwolf
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Fridays work better for me anyway :)



Will clans ever have banks? For example: clan members will be required to build a special room/item with-in the clan Dojo, and when it's built, everyone who wants to use it needs to pay X# of credits individually, every X# of days, weeks or months to keep it open/active (more credits paid=more time before you need to pay again) and you'll get X# of warframe, weapon and sentinel slot(s)


I think it's a neat idea, plus I don't know what else to ask.

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I have two questions.

1. In one of the earlier livestreams you discussed adding other puzzles or different ways to hacking. What's the status on that?

2. Are you going to add more puzzle rooms to either the void or any of the other tilesets like the Grineer outpost?

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Now that Game Updates have moved to Wednesdays, we need to move our bi-monthly Livestreams to a new day.  What better way to kick off the weekend than a Livestream on Fridays?  So, please join us this Friday for Livestream #16.


What: Livestream #16! A Dev Q&A session! Join us as we take questions from the forums and chat and discuss what we’re working on!

We will also be giving away three 1000 Platinum Prizes!


When:  October 18th @ 2 PM EDT (6 PM GMT)! Find your timezone here: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

Where: http://www.twitch.tv/warframe


Who: Steve, Scott, Geoff and Sheldon will join Rebecca on the couch to field community questions and talk about their current tasks on Warframe!


Thread closes at 10:00 AM EDT on October 18th, get your questions in!

Can u pease fix the problem with udp?Pls?

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 With the recent update to the drop tables being encrypted, how soon do you think you'll be able to get a drop table ( item list of what enemy drops what) in the game. I think it is every important that gamers are entitled  to know what they are looking for and where to find it. Hence, farming. NOt Blind farming what am I going to get in a wonderball.


Prime vs Normal warframes. They say looks are not everything and this holds true to this issue. While I have loved the looked of mag prime it it really was just there  to  master experince and looks to show off.  Theres really no difference between primes and normal warframes. There should be more of an incentive to  farm and own a prime warframe; not just for the look of it. Maybe you're thinking that if we make the primes better people will stop playing the orginal? 1. Don't make  a primed version of every warframe. 2. Don't make it uber difference in   the 2 but maybe like the corrupted mods you could have a negative effect when using the prime vers? Maybe?


thats allI have to ask. Keep up the good work. Look forward to the PS4 release. My computer  is reaching its limits on warframe sadly D: I hope ill be able to link my account on here with the ps4 though D: :D

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-Are there plans to allow clan emblems on more items (especially banners) coming soon?


-What is the reason behind retiring some of the weapons recently?


-Will we be seeing a Prime sentinel anytime soon?


-Is there any chance of mutagen dropping outside of Orokin Derelict and if not, will the quantity of the drop be increased?


Thanks in advance. 

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1) Will there be new enemy race or planet in the future?

2) When Loki's invisibility skill will be fixed to cover his sentinel too?

3) Will there be more cosmetic choices, like alternative armor(purely cosmetic)?

4) Any thoughts about World-Boss event for 8-12 ppl in a map in the future?

Edited by QuiteCrazy
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1. Is there a possibility of adding male models for the female warframes, and vice versa?  You could charge Plat for gender changes, or more for the ability to toggle at will.


2. Are there improvements coming to the tutorial?  When I played it (a month ago) it told you to do things, such as shoot something with your rifle, or switch to your pistol.  Could you add an on-screen queue which informed the player of the default key to take each action you ask for?

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