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Heart of Deimos challenges not working


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There are 3 new challenges that have been added with the Heart of Deimos update: Bug Out Ride (Ride 20 Velocipods), Jugger-Not (Kill 5 Juggernaughts in Cambrion Drift), and Kill It With Fire (Burn 100 Infested Pods).  However it seems to be impossible to complete these challenges at the moment because you can't seem to gain any progress for any of them.  I tried riding every Velocipod that I saw.  I've been using weapons that do heat damage all of the time while shooting everything I see while doing the new bounties.  And I know that I've killed way more than 5 juggernoughts in Cambrion Drift because one of the times that I reentered the Necralisk after doing some bounties, I had 8 Pherliac Pods blueprints gained and they're not even a 100% drop.  And yet every time that I check my progress in my profile, they are all at 0 still.  I know this isn't game-breaking or anything, so I don't expect it to be high priority, but it is something that is not working as intended and should be fixed at some point.

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reporting in to confirm this is happening on pc as well so you arent alone switch tenno! ive not rode 20 velocipods but ive ridden a a few and should have some progress, and same for the juggernauts, i know ive killed 5 at least....so much pherliac

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  • 2 weeks later...

[DE] surely blocked these challenges because they are still not added to the Steam success table. Many other players are really pissed off because when some new challenges are added with new updates sometimes certain challenges are added only after some time on Steam... And if they have already completed them in game before steam had them on their success list, they are unable to obtain them. [DE] already told they cannot fix this feature, so they surely block them until Steam had them on the list. In some weeks we will be able to unlock them for sure, just chill out and wait, maybe better to wait than broke the completion of the Steam users. Hope this can help all of you guys ;) 

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I remember I had a similar issue with the Vallis Spelunker challenge on Orb Vallis/Venus. It took a few months for DE to address it. It being low priority and all, I guess. =(

I initially reported this one to DE and was told this:

[DE]Liane Wednesday at 05:09:

As for the challenges, unfortunately we are not able to modify the completion or progress of achievements. We can only suggest that you try and complete locked challenges again (if possible).

I did try again, but still no success.

So... I reported it again to DE: https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/2345270 


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On 2020-09-17 at 4:41 AM, _BalbiO_ said:

[DE] surely blocked these challenges because they are still not added to the Steam success table. Many other players are really pissed off because when some new challenges are added with new updates sometimes certain challenges are added only after some time on Steam... And if they have already completed them in game before steam had them on their success list, they are unable to obtain them. [DE] already told they cannot fix this feature, so they surely block them until Steam had them on the list. In some weeks we will be able to unlock them for sure, just chill out and wait, maybe better to wait than broke the completion of the Steam users. Hope this can help all of you guys ;) 

This. You will get to do the achievements as soon as Steam side is updated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

7 months on, still no fix.

after trying for myself, Jugger-not and Bug Out Ride seem to be possible, but Kill it with Fire is still bugged.


according to my testing, killing the pods with a heat weapon/ability will not suffice, so that leads me to believe that DE intends for us to proc a heat status effect on the pods, either to kill them, or simply to damage them. The problem with this is that 1. The pods are objects and not enemies, thus they cannot be afflicted by status effects. 2. The pods are alive for less than the duration of 1 damage tick, such that even IF WE COULD proc heat on them, it still wouldn't do anything.

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