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Ensnare or larva.


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I just need to say this... I really wanted to subsume ensnare I really did. But somehow I managed to get a second Nidus built before I’ve even gotten my third Khora part. Maybe part of the reason so many people are using larva instead of ensnare is because khora is such a pain to farm. And idk I’m just not here for it sis. 

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It's more that Larva immediately grabs a number of enemies and yanks them into one spot while Khora Ensnare only locks one enemy in place and then after a delay (increased by duration mods) does it reach out to grab and yank others in. To make matters worse Ensnare suffers from reduced duration effectiveness on every target after the one you initially tag.

Larva just is mechanically better for a quick grab and cluster.

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So, as a Khora main, ensnare is great IF you have a specific target (you need a target to cast the ability). Also, ensnare gets is duration partially reset when Khora uses her whipclaw on the ensnared enemies, so it will be a bit worse on other frames. And the duration of your warframe decreases the delay between the first cast and the subsidiary reaching out. I don't believe there is a limit on the number of enemies ensnare can effect, so that's really nice. Also, ensnare can grab new enemies that come into its range.

Larva has half the duration, less range, and only grabs enemies on the casting of the ability. The reason why I am putting it on my nekros though is that larva doesn't require an initial enemy to be cast, so I could cast it in the center of Khora's strangledome and use it to help the strangledome grab more enemies.

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Larva all the way since it requires no initial target and it pulls all enemies in an instant. On some frames the augment can also fit into a build, giving you a easy round up skill that you can detonate at will. It is really nice on Saryn for instance, where I replaced Molt with Larva+augment. It grabs enemies from an insane range due to her natural investments in the range stat, and you get a nice chunk of extra toxin damage (wonderful versus corpus) which then lets you recast larva again right after. Planning on trying it out on Ember aswell in order to let her #4 hit all targets multiple times since they are all ontop of eachother, so with 10 mobs caught in larva, her 4 should hit each one of them 10 times due to AoE from each seperate meteor.

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4 minutes ago, _Tormex_ said:

So, as a Khora main, ensnare is great IF you have a specific target (you need a target to cast the ability). Also, ensnare gets is duration partially reset when Khora uses her whipclaw on the ensnared enemies, so it will be a bit worse on other frames. And the duration of your warframe decreases the delay between the first cast and the subsidiary reaching out. I don't believe there is a limit on the number of enemies ensnare can effect, so that's really nice. Also, ensnare can grab new enemies that come into its range.

Larva has half the duration, less range, and only grabs enemies on the casting of the ability. The reason why I am putting it on my nekros though is that larva doesn't require an initial enemy to be cast, so I could cast it in the center of Khora's strangledome and use it to help the strangledome grab more enemies.

This, I wanted to use ensnare on Xaku to synergize with their three. But Getting Khora again has been such a chore. its better for headshots imo and things of that nature.

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On 2020-08-31 at 6:38 AM, (PS4)i7081277 said:

I just need to say this... I really wanted to subsume ensnare I really did. But somehow I managed to get a second Nidus built before I’ve even gotten my third Khora part. Maybe part of the reason so many people are using larva instead of ensnare is because khora is such a pain to farm. And idk I’m just not here for it sis.

Larva immediately sucks in all the enemies in a radius into an overlapping ball. If you hit that with lots of punch through or AoE you can hit all of them. You can't get headshots. You can't apply other abilities and enemies already affected aren't sucked in.

Ensnare immediately immobilises a single target and then draws nearby enemies next to them over about 1-2s. The enemies remain standing but don't overlap. You can get headshots, you use other abilities, you can pull enemies affected by abilities like Petrify and you have more range.

For most scenarios Larva is probably better, but there are definitely places for Ensnare. Ensnare will work with headshot weapons (Athodai, Knell, Dual Toxocyst, Zymos, etc) and play nicer with other abilities.

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I am with SneakyErvin  and Tormex as both skills have  similar function but need to synergize with your build as with their Saryn  and Khora example.

As a Nekros main built for shield of shadows duration, larva wouldn't work for me as my duration on it would last longer then I need it. I could used the augment for larva to detonate it, but I can't find the room and not built for range to compensate post nerf. Ensnare on the other hand, is a drop in that fits with my duration build and can be cast multiple times.


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  • 2 weeks later...

That's wrong Hokibukisa. As long as Larva has enemies grabbed, it can't be recasted. You either need to wait out it's duration, or kill all enemies grabbed, which can be a pain if for example it grabbed a Nox on Steel Path too high for you to one-shot it with a melee weapon, and you can't land headshots because he's spinning too quickly, or if it grabs a shield lancer that spazzes out as they always do when ragdolled and flies all around the room. Have fun sitting like 5-6 seconds without CC capability.

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