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Join Warframe In The Quest To Conquer Cancer! QTCC 2021 Megathread & FAQ


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Tenno! You have now raised over $70,000 CAD towards supporting cancer research and finding a cure within our lifetime! A 3-Day Affinity Booster Weekend is coming November 5th at 2 p.m. ET. We'll see you in game! 

Next stop: the third and final piece of The New War Concept Art if we can raise $80,000 CAD. After that, it's brand new gear waiting for you with the Conquera Ribbon & Conquera Ephemera at the 90K and 100K milestones! 

Screen Shot 2021-10-18 at 10.02.29 AM.png

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Hi DE,

I want to raise an issue related to the Quest to Conquer Cancer campaign that you may want to look into as the campaign is nearing the finish line, both in terms of deadline and amount raised.

As the campaign is so close to the target with a few days remaining I felt compelled to add to my previous donation. When I got the receipt for my donation it differed from the receipt I got for my previous donation and I started to have this nagging feeling.

Currently it looks to me that if you follow the donation link on the QTCC Warframe page and you click the Donate Now button on top left of the page the donation will go to the Supporting Quest to Conquer Cancer 2021 campaign and not the Supporting Digital Extremes campaign and as such I assume that it does not count towards the Warframe $100 000 campaign goal.

When I realized this I got in touch with The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation to see if it really is the case and if so can they transfer donations between campaigns. They are yet to get back to me.

I wrote this post because if my suspicion is correct other Warframe players may have unintentionally donated to the wrong campaign. Should you want to look into this issue I can provide you with the details of my donation.

Here's hope that the Warframe Community reaches the campaign goal.



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Now that we've reached just over $90k, I took another look at the Conquera Ribbon on Excalibur, and a thought occurred to me.


What if our Operators could wear it too? I think it would look pretty nice!


That would probably mean Expanding Operator Customization of course, but I don't think it's too unlikely for just the ribbon :)


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17 hours ago, (PSN)zim_kozlegeny said:

Currently it looks to me that if you follow the donation link on the QTCC Warframe page and you click the Donate Now button on top left of the page the donation will go to the Supporting Quest to Conquer Cancer 2021 campaign and not the Supporting Digital Extremes campaign and as such I assume that it does not count towards the Warframe $100 000 campaign goal.

I wrote this post because if my suspicion is correct other Warframe players may have unintentionally donated to the wrong campaign. Should you want to look into this issue I can provide you with the details of my donation.

Thank you for reporting your experience, Tenno! It is certainly worth noting and we'll discuss it internally and with our partners at PMCF! 

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You've done it again, Tenno! Over $90,000 CAD has been raised for Cancer Research at the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation in Toronto, Canada!

We could not be more proud of the community. The all new Conquera Ribbon will be delivered to your in-game Inbox on November 1, 2021. You must log in before December 31, 2021 to receive this item!

Our next and final milestone goal: The Conquera Ephemera will unlock on November 1st if we are able to reach $100,000 CAD ! 



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1 hour ago, [DE]CoreyOnline said:

You've done it again, Tenno! Over $90,000 CAD has been raised for Cancer Research at the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation in Toronto, Canada!

We could not be more proud of the community. The all new Conquera Ribbon will be delivered to your in-game Inbox on November 1, 2021. You must log in before December 31, 2021 to receive this item!

Our next and final milestone goal: The Conquera Ephemera will unlock on November 1st if we are able to reach $100,000 CAD ! 



I seriously hope we make it & am 100% confident we will.. I'll be very surprised if we don't make it to the 100k goal...

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On 2021-10-27 at 3:56 PM, [DE]CoreyOnline said:

Thank you for reporting your experience, Tenno! It is certainly worth noting and we'll discuss it internally and with our partners at PMCF! 

Quick update:
Just heard back from the PMCF, they can transfer donations between campaigns. I am very happy :)

I am also scouring my budget to see if I can squeeze out an additional donation should it be required to meet the campaign goal. By the looks of it it will not be needed but I'll be standing by :)

We all lift together!

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We're over $111k now! In light of that, I had a small hypothetical question.


If we reach the goal of $130k before the end (Possibly thanks to all the Merch stuff), then would another +$10k goal be added? I'm not saying there needs to be one, but if there was, what might it be? Maybe another day for the resource booster?


Even as things are now, with the initial $100k goal exceeded and then some I'm really glad that we made it so far in the campaign. It'll help a lot of people in the future :)

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Tenno, you have blown us away yet again!

As of this moment, over $175,000 CAD has been raised in our Quest to Conquer Cancer, absolutely smashing our goal of $100,000!

You have raised over $115,000 CAD in direct Donor Drive donations, and the net proceeds from your Conquera charity merchandise purchases have resulted in an additional $29,771.90 CAD ! In recognition of your incredible spirit and generosity, Digital Extremes has also donated $30,000 CAD !

We are so honoured that you are a part of this incredible community.

On behalf of everyone at Digital Extremes, thank you so much.

We all lift together. <3

Screen Shot 2021-10-29 at 7.13.59 PM.png

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17 hours ago, [DE]CoreyOnline said:

As of this moment, over $175,000 CAD has been raised in our Quest to Conquer Cancer,

Does this mean you found the missing funds that were going to the incorrect link?

On 2021-10-26 at 4:21 PM, (PSN)zim_kozlegeny said:

Currently it looks to me that if you follow the donation link on the QTCC Warframe page and you click the Donate Now button on top left of the page the donation will go to the Supporting Quest to Conquer Cancer 2021 campaign and not the Supporting Digital Extremes campaign

As reported by Zim_Koz.


EDIT: I updated your picture to reflect the exceptional progress and generous donations of the Warframe Community.


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I would like to dedicate this post to my Mother-In-Law who passed away yesterday October 29th 2021 from Cancer.

She spent months hiding it from everyone in the family, from her closest friends and even from me and my husband who she spent most of the time with.

The cancer was already considered terminal when she discovered it and had spread to the peritoneal then started to develope metastasis in both her Liver and Lungs.

She was always smiling even when in pain and would never think twice when she wanted to bring joy to others.

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