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I am petitioning for the Removal of the Ignis Wraith from All Dojo's reasearch!


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I am petitioning for the removal of the Ignis Wraith from all dojo reasearch & accross all platforms!  Not a Joke.

I feel this gives older Clans an unfair advatage not only when recruiting, but to all newer clans who will now never recieve that Clan experience. As it is now new clans are considder lesser than their tenno counterparts with the Ignis Wraith. I'm honeslty suprised DE let this happen at all, I have a ton to say about this but choosen to keep it simple; and just say that, IF ALL CLANS CANNOT HAVE THE (Ignis Wraith) RESEARCH - NO CLAN SHOULD OWN THE BLUE PRINT/ RESEARCH.

Were you affraid people would stop playing if you made all clans equal? 

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I will agree that adding it to winning clans instead of all clans was a mistake, but this is just petty. You can find the weapon in events and railjack too, and people frequently give it away. Will you really join a clan just because they have IW?

Don't get me wrong. If it was something more impactful I would've agreed with you, but this isn't it.

Why not make a petition for the orokin dojo style instead? :D

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1 minute ago, (PSN)Hallowed_Shrine said:

Nope just the Exact same oppertunities to get it as everyone's elses clan , no matter when it was created.

Where do you draw the line? This just strikes me as a petty and entitled attitude on your part to be blatantly honest.

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2 minutes ago, Surbusken said:

Wouldn't that apply to all content, then?

If no one should have unique content we have to go all the way back to excalibur prime

Excalibur prime, is a different matter completely. 

That happen specifically to get another countries support for Warframe. Therefore only that nation recieved him, that was a buisness tactic not a specified game machanic

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Just now, (PSN)Hallowed_Shrine said:

Excalibur prime, is a different matter completely. 

That happen specifically to get another countries support for Warframe. Therefore only that nation recieved him, that was a buisness tactic not a specified game machanic

Sorry but that's incorrect.

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Don't really see the problem. The BP is obtainable outside of Clan research and I never see a Clan thinking they are superior because they have it, quite the opposite actually.

Got mine from a guy in region chat that was giving away like 500BPs to newbies simply because why not. This is just complaining about a nonexistent problem IMO.




The Ignis is not that good a weapon anyway so who cares

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I think he referred to excalibur umbra prime for the whole "other nation" stuff. Excal prime was given to founders globally. It is indeed different to any other exclusive because unlike them it's legally binding. 

BTW, devs already bring old stuff back all the time - look at the new war supporter bundle and you'll notice that the gunblade skin is designated as a temporary exclusive - a recent example.

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3 minutes ago, Karasokami said:

This is just complaining about a nonexistent problem IMO.

There is no such thing, a problem is a problem no matter who big or small.

What is refusing to be acknolwedged here is that DE, has still yet to make a Formal dropstation for this weapon.

What matters is Clans that lose out on oppertunities to make friends over the Avalibility of an in-game weapon.   That is Silly.

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Note that the following is my view on data i have collected over years, don't be keen to dismiss it as it may refer to a situation in your own clan (i don't mean you OP)

Technically one way to remove:

  • toxicity regarding the sale of the bp (often from users that like to medle in other players affairs with the inclusion of lectures, insults and fake reports that clutter support)
  • clans misleading about the state of research (100% research isn't 100% research)
  • undisclosed rules that clans do not reveal that can get members kicked (aka asking for to many bps or selling said bps)
  • Clans being involved in RMT over said research
  • Clans using the "research" to recruit in non recruitable areas (like region, trade chat and reddit) regardless if they have it or not as it may be a user or a clan in the entire alliance.
  • all kinds of videos or statements that just fuel hate onto other users for the sake of views, karma or upvotes
  • fake charity

Is in fact to erase the research, that would indeed solve numerous problems, you are technically correct.

You're not explaining to DE how to adress the loss of clan EXP, which would cause clans to possibly derank, can a clan rank up twice to a specific number? like going to rank 10, then 9 thanks to your sugestion and then going to 10 again? How will the endo reward work? Should the exp be there forever for those clans alone?
About the clan achievement, how will you explain to them that the research they worked hard on is now removed?
What you say to them exactly?

Some of the users doing the propaganda that they sell the bp for free (out of spite really, it's not true charity) will indeed agree with you, that the bp should be removed regardless of concequences to clans, users hard work and so on.

Maybe, that's not the right aproach.

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