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Khora Prime...... What is the delay? Does DE follow ANY kind of release pattern?


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If my memory serves me correctly, didn't Inaros Prime come out a few days before TennoCon last year? Because like last year, the two male frames were switched. Nezha was "supposed" to be released before Inaros and here we are a year later and Presto-Repeato, Garuda was released before Khora. However, Garuda is at or now past her 90-day release window and no word about Khora Prime. 


The reason for my question, besides the silence around her for some unknown strange reason, not like she is a new frame or anything...... Is I am looking to get my once-a-year plat/frame/booster/etc purchase. 


Is DE really going to wait until TennoCon and then release her a few days or weeks after? Or is there a more sinister reason for the wait? Perhaps NFT's are coming to Warframe and Khora will have the first one? Not like NFT's aren't all the craze these days with money hungry companies. LOL. God, I really hope my joke is only that, once TennoCon comes. 

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Yes yes there is an extremely sinister reason that DE is delaying Khora Prime. You see, normally, Prime Warframes are released exactly, 90 days, 9 hours, 9 minutes, and 9 seconds after each other. Every single time exactly, no exceptions. Its basically maths at this point. In order to make Khora Prime though, they need Kavat genetic codes, since they know Warframe players will complain if they have to go through the trouble of scanning wild Kavats again. So instead, DE are gathering real life wild Kavats and culling them to provide the genetic materials themselves. However there is a big difference between virtual game Kavats and real life actual Kavats, its sickening and disgusting that they are doing this. 

Also very bloody. DE culled so many real wild Kavats for Venari Prime, they accidentally made a blood sacrifice and opened a blood portal that let them see the future. This was months ago. They peered in, and they saw your Forum thread. Where you suggested they are making NFTs. They were inspired... by you... and now at Tennocon they are going to announce a sequel... a sequel to NFT's, DE are going to create NFT 2/NFTwo.

Crazy right. So sinister! 

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5 minutes ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

They're going to show her on tennocon and release her either after the event or some time later like other years. Don't know where you got the whole NFT conspiracy.


We have a date for Garuda Prime Access ending, July 16. DE has just been coy about announcements on what exactly is replacing her. They probably want to go for a stealth drop for hype reasons. 

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1 hour ago, Pakaku said:

Show me a schedule of Prime releases before making any claims of delays

And wow, really overreacting with those NFT jokes there

Guess I'll start with you, since you were the first to respond so eloquently, I might add. Schedule is used loosely, especially since I didn't say anything about it being a 'strict' schedule. But regardless of your flying in to get shook up by a joke regarding NFT's (seems like this may be a trigger word for you). Overreacting? What was the initial affect that would have caused my overreacting effect to make a joke about NFT's? I added it is as a joke because so many companies, and I am sure you are more than aware of the companies I speak of, that have announced their going to add them, have added them and so on.


Damn, sorry you are wound up. Relax

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1 hour ago, cute_moth.npc said:

Isn't the whole point of being Khora to sit in your safety bubble waiting for things to walk in and then whomping them? A Khora player should be good at having a little patience ^^

I am not a khora main, second, third, etc. As I mentioned, I am looking to purchase the bundle with the plat, boosters, etc as I am out of those items and I buy them once a year. I grow tired of stuff companies do when they make an announcement, change the criteria and then go back on it again. Compound this by total silence without any rhyme or reason as to their decision making. 

Patience for some things and not so much for others.

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45 minutes ago, gamingchair1121 said:

why do you have to include nfts in this

why, do NFT's make you nervous as well? do you jump into random posts without useful information when things baffle you? Definitely get the vibe that this three-letter word causes weak knees in the community.

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45 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Yes yes there is an extremely sinister reason that DE is delaying Khora Prime. You see, normally, Prime Warframes are released exactly, 90 days, 9 hours, 9 minutes, and 9 seconds after each other. Every single time exactly, no exceptions. Its basically maths at this point. In order to make Khora Prime though, they need Kavat genetic codes, since they know Warframe players will complain if they have to go through the trouble of scanning wild Kavats again. So instead, DE are gathering real life wild Kavats and culling them to provide the genetic materials themselves. However there is a big difference between virtual game Kavats and real life actual Kavats, its sickening and disgusting that they are doing this. 

Also very bloody. DE culled so many real wild Kavats for Venari Prime, they accidentally made a blood sacrifice and opened a blood portal that let them see the future. This was months ago. They peered in, and they saw your Forum thread. Where you suggested they are making NFTs. They were inspired... by you... and now at Tennocon they are going to announce a sequel... a sequel to NFT's, DE are going to create NFT 2/NFTwo.

Crazy right. So sinister! 

LMAO. I can't. I'll just let you have the 'win' on this one. LOL

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20 minutes ago, ANT. said:

Khora Prime will be released July 16th. Garuda Prime Access ends that day. You really think DE is gonna allow any time without a Prime Access pack to sell?

No, of course not and the 16th is the first I'm hearing of it, but it makes sense. Thanks for passing that onto me. 

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46 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:


We have a date for Garuda Prime Access ending, July 16. DE has just been coy about announcements on what exactly is replacing her. They probably want to go for a stealth drop for hype reasons. 

Well, after some part of the community being up in flames over a typo/communication error, can you blame them?

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4 minutes ago, Gamma745 said:

Well, after some part of the community being up in flames over a typo/communication error, can you blame them?


My suggestion was more along the lines that they have done similar in the past. Like for those of us who post on Forums, and play regularly, we know Duviri is coming soon, we know a new Prime, probably Khora Prime is coming, but there are going to be a lot of people who usually aren't as attentive paying attention that weekend. 

"As many of you know, Garuda Prime was released a little while ago, but now we are ready to announce our next Prime. Khora Prime **shows a picture of Khora Prime with Venari Prime** Neat! So when can you expect to be able to get Khora Prime?!? Right now. Its live right now!" 

Sort of like the Game Awards Empyrean announcement. 

Community isn't a hive mind, and there are lots of reasons for DE to act coy, including for the community. So isn't always just about blame. We also don't necessarily need to safeguard DE. Its human employees, yes, we should be principled and respectful and decent humans, as should the community. That being said, DE the company/business likes flames, it gives them useful data to make money. More often that not, its the "community" that gets more upset by the "community" because of a clash of preferences and ideas. 

So I get what you are saying? I am just skeptical thats the reason why DE is being reserved. They ain't that sensitive, its likely for hype reasons and to get us excited. Which is a good thing. Unless there is something wrong with Khora Prime and they have to put another Prime Warframe as a substitute or something lol. 

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1 minute ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

So I get what you are saying? I am just skeptical thats the reason why DE is being reserved. They ain't that sensitive, its likely for hype reasons and to get us excited. Which is a good thing. Unless there is something wrong with Khora Prime and they have to put another Prime Warframe as a substitute or something lol. 

Hype could be one reason, though I'm more willing to bet that it's because of Tennocon. We already know DE have gone full heads down, radio silence whenever something big is coming up, to the point not even a small bug-fixing patch happened.


6 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Community isn't a hive mind, and there are lots of reasons for DE to act coy, including for the community. So isn't always just about blame. We also don't necessarily need to safeguard DE. Its human employees, yes, we should be principled and respectful and decent humans, as should the community.

Yeah, I get that. Maybe I'm just a little disappointed over the reason some people went full rage-mode.

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10 minutes ago, KitMeHarder said:

Only after her nerf. Before, she didn't have to (and often didn't) play like that.


Virgin Khora waiting meekly and timidly in a small camping spot, with an intricate and delicate web of string [Pilfering Strangledome] waiting for baka Grineer to make the first move so she can give them little air whippies, so they might give her more resources. 


Chad Khora who aggressively pursues Grinussy through every room, big or large, slapping and whipping and disrespecting those clone submissive's with her intimidating and bulging [Accumulating Whipclaw], always on the prowl, never camping. Born to Whip. Duviri is a _____. 1989. I am Khora Main. 410,757,864,530 Dead Grineer! 

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3 minutes ago, Gamma745 said:

Yeah, I get that. Maybe I'm just a little disappointed over the reason some people went full rage-mode.


I can sympathise a lot. Personally, most of the time, I tend to be on the more optimistic/positive side of Community matters. Like Angels of the Zariman, New War, Sisters of Parvos etc etc I was quite happy with those updates, and I often think a lot of good stuff DE does, get overlooked. Like when I was remembering about Empyrean announcement at Game Awards, I was reminded that, as a console player, we use to have delays with updates. Sometimes months. I actually personally didn't mind waiting, but regardless, these days, DE has everything synched. 

Also last few years of Tennocon, we have had people have issues with getting rewards from the live events and drops etc. This year, they decided to make the exclusive item, the Strangers Mask available in the Market for 48 hours. In case their are server issues, or connection issues etc Thats a really nice and thoughtful improvement, but often stuff like that gets overlooked. 

That being said, I try not let others attitudes influence my own. Their is this subconscious process that can occur with people that causes escalation conflict. When people do stuff we disagree with, we can feel justified in taking a stance to counter or offset their behaviour or attitude. To try and make the situation right. Fair. We defend against unfair or exaggerated views or we criticise unjust or poor actions etc Except more often that not, what happens is we just create more escalation. Sides are polarised etc Ideally we want to defuse, but defusing is often much harder, and you usually need people with different views to agree to try and defuse a situation as well. On forum message boards with anonymous individuals, also quite hard lol. 

Cheers and all the best! 

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2 hours ago, cute_moth.npc said:

Isn't the whole point of being Khora to sit in your safety bubble waiting for things to walk in and then whomping them? A Khora player should be good at having a little patience ^^

no it's to whip things with a chain whip and wrap enemies in infections razor wire.

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