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Ignis Wraith Bp research, a 2 year endeavour


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1 hour ago, shut said:

I've always found it really sus regarding the way that thread was moderated. Letter13's entire argument hinges on the fact that WF is a free market, and selling things above market value in a free market is technically allowed. In a free market, people are also perfectly allowed to disagree with prices-- That's literally the core concept of how free markets work.

Yet, in that thread, anyone who disagreed with the 50p price tag had their comment deleted, no matter how innocuous the comment was. It's one thing to purge comments attacking / threatening / otherwise behaving inappropriately towards Kireek; it's quite another to purge every comment that simply disagrees with his pricing. Especially when his happy-satisfied-customers-who-totally-aren't-in-on-this (i.e. the people thanking him for the trade, who are mysteriously LR2s with >10000 kills on their ignis wraiths that they just purchased) had their comments untouched, despite being very obvious attempts at market manipulation.

Ah well.

I don't think he did that, did he? The third response in OP's WTS Ignis Wraith thread explains that Ignis Wraith BPs are given away for free. That comment has persisted for 2 years without deletion.

EDIT: Another dissenting post:

Not deleted either.

Another from 2021:

Another from 2022:

I don't think Letter13 would delete sincere and respectful comments that respect forum rules.

I am honestly disturbed by all the gratitude OP gets for these trades. But I guess people like being ripped off sometimes... or maybe they feel like buying it with plat makes it more genuine. People aren't rational you know?

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On 2022-09-08 at 11:45 PM, nslay said:

I don't think he did that, did he? The third response in OP's WTS Ignis Wraith thread explains that Ignis Wraith BPs are given away for free. That comment has persisted for 2 years without deletion.


I don't think Letter13 would delete sincere and respectful comments that respect forum rules.

Good catch on the surviving comments in the trade thread, though; it's nice to see that not all of them were purged.

I've only popped in and out of that thread a few times over the years, but if you're curious, here are a couple snapshots of some pages in the thread during the few times that I checked on it. Keep in mind that these are only two snapshots out of years of this thread's existence, and only show a tiny fraction of the disagreeing comments that ended up deleted despite being sincere, respectful, and respecting forum rules. (Mind you, some of the posts were deleted for very understandable reasons, including a few of my own. I only started snapshotting this stuff in the first place because I noticed politely dissenting comments mysteriously vanishing, though.)

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Wow, not gonna lie, I hated you too. The Ignis Wraith situation was unfair from the start, and you posed as a market predator just to stir the issue so much that it had to get changed...

On so many levels... I must question why you would willingly suffer that, for a video game, for some single item's exclusivity. You could have been open about it and your trade chat ads could have been known as satirical.

Whatever it was, whether it was right or not, I respect your twisted activism.


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2 hours ago, rainy said:

Whatever it was, whether it was right or not, I respect your twisted activism.

Don't give this dude any sort of credit for the change please. It will only validate more asshats to create tons of drama in the community "for the greater good" in the future.

It most likely got changed because of crossplay, like others have said before.

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5 hours ago, rainy said:

Wow, not gonna lie, I hated you too. The Ignis Wraith situation was unfair from the start, and you posed as a market predator just to stir the issue so much that it had to get changed...

On so many levels... I must question why you would willingly suffer that, for a video game, for some single item's exclusivity. You could have been open about it and your trade chat ads could have been known as satirical.

Whatever it was, whether it was right or not, I respect your twisted activism.


Well, it stems from the constant topics where ppl complained, either for asking one for free, for trying to bridge that gap that the clan could never recover or for.......being harrassed when selling the bp, there are tons of topics but the participants would change every few months (vacations, quiting the game, moved on,......), so it was a sistemic problem with the same root, the research.

Switch players also suffered a bit, one of them being a clanmate, who tought he could just claim the bp like he does inside our clan, that's when he realized he had to aquire only from baro, which had a ducat cost a bit steep for him at the moment.

On some reports (because i had to in some cases), i would bump the subject,  giving the tip that one easy way to solve these issues, was to release the research, i also talked with a DE support member which was contantly adressing these reports and these players, this support staff member knew everything, even the gifts and the messages i was sending.

Warframe partners and other users, even if they wanted to do this, they were subject to do it only for the publicity, to lure players to clan (after the entire ordeal ofcourse, because during it the clan would suffer heavily, clans that rely on members to keep afloat would never do this), to get the research for the clan, they would be prone to being kicked (not being the warlord) and would likely give up days after doing this, if there was another player with the same motivation then sadly i never found one

I knew if it had to be done, it would have to be me, this isn't a sale you do for a day and call it done, this isn't as simple as doing a youtube video or a topic, you do it because it is necessary, you provide the feedback in the form of the reports that would arrive, i had like 3 years of proof this would be the outcome, i wasn't certain it would work, but i gave it a high chance i would be mass reported and obviously the trade messages with "happy valentines", "certified seller", "legenday seller", "rare railjack reward", these messages were not for the buyers, but for the toxic users luring in trade chat, to tip them over, to make them appear and now support has a compreensive list of the users and the clans, 1200 reports is quite a number, they also have info on what warframe partners engaged in it, other youtubers, streamers,.......
If they posted a video shaming themselves to the public, that's their problem, i did what i could to guide users outside that hate mentality without revealing the entire giveaway, players either took my advice or they didn't.

There are many buyers that may have not yet read the DM in the warframe forums, heck i had to delete some older messages so i could send new ones to new buyers, they know what's up, but they just never bothered reading or logging in, so asside from those users i mentioned there could be more with the intention to help out by posting in the topic, but this is no longer required.

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2 hours ago, KIREEK said:

I knew if it had to be done, it would have to be me, this isn't a sale you do for a day and call it done, this isn't as simple as doing a youtube video or a topic, you do it because it is necessary, you provide the feedback in the form of the reports that would arrive, i had like 3 years of proof this would be the outcome, i wasn't certain it would work, but i gave it a high chance i would be mass reported and obviously the trade messages with "happy valentines", "certified seller", "legenday seller", "rare railjack reward", these messages were not for the buyers, but for the toxic users luring in trade chat, to tip them over, to make them appear and now support has a compreensive list of the users and the clans, 1200 reports is quite a number, they also have info on what warframe partners engaged in it, other youtubers, streamers,.......
If they posted a video shaming themselves to the public, that's their problem, i did what i could to guide users outside that hate mentality without revealing the entire giveaway, players either took my advice or they didn't.

Insanity, claiming to have done this for the sake of the community while causing 2+ years of strife and turmoil because you're just that good a guy (while holding receipts you won't share). "Had to be me, I was destined to waste mine and everyone else's time over something that was a non-issue/trivial, I had to show DE the error of their ways".

You then proceeded to "taunt" the community with scam copy pastas and "trigger words" to weed out the toxic members and give DE a comprehensive list of 1200 people who reported you so they could do what? What would DE do to these people who found your deeds rightfully deplorable? I sure admire when the good guy in my favorite shows or anime taunt people on purpose to provoke a negative reaction then throw them in jail for behaving unsavorily. 

You then go on to say that the people blasting your fake scam are shaming themselves, how exactly are they shaming themselves by spreading awareness that you can get iw for free to our community at large? Every single video I saw on the topic didn't even drop names, they showed more respect to you than you've given to them in this thread by saying they shamed themselves. 

Delusional, you don't seem to care about the community at all with how much you are always right and they're bad for handing out iw for free or spreading awareness that your scam exists. If you truly cared then why would you speak about these groups in such ways since you're on the "same side"? IMO they're what made all this bearable, they showed that despite the 2 people trying to actively harm our newer players, that they'd stand up together and do what was right at the cost of their time and effort for 2+ years thanks to you. The community makes me proud.

The real million dollar question is why you didn't drop the "facade" after seeing the community rally against you and do what you thought was impossible. We might not have given an iw to everyone who desires one in the entire game but we spent hundreds of thousands of hours collectively across the span of 2+years to farm credits and hand out bps to combat you, the only unjust seller of the iw, the sole person throwing a fit over iw and causing a problem. You've wasted my friends and lots of other good peoples time and I will never forgive you for what you've put the community through, deplorable. You should own up to what you put us through but this thread is about you and your pity party so I have 0 faith a genuine apology would be found written by you since you only know how to point the finger.

If I ever come across your name again it'll have been too soon, goodbye forever Derp~

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I'm not seeking fake or real appologies from random ppl around the internet, this isn't about me, it's about what had to be done, regardless of who didn't like it.
If you wanted a different outcome, you would need to put the work into doing exactly that, you could just make yet another topic or yet another video that would quickly be added to the pile of videos that existed in the 3 years after the event happened, i would not do something that had a high % of failing nor would i give it for free as that transmits the idea to DE that the research wouldn't need to be adressed ever, why would they adress it? Players enjoyed being the "NPCs" (an always available source for the item) as it helped advertising clans, channels and other things, except each passing day you had more and more players who needed the bp, so giving a certain ammount one day meant nothing as the next day was harder and harder, more and more players giving the bp were necessary and it was becomming so unsustainable that players simply organized discord channels just so other players would give the bp. You had entire collective alliances where sometimes players had to wait weeks to get a single bp, because no one online (ingame or in the discord) was in the mood to give. "just ask in trade chat" is a nice example of laziness that could lead to harassment because the player was "begging", which in turn would pop on reddit.

You can't give something away forever at an ever increasing ammount, nor can you expect other players to do it for you, you don't like it, guess what, others don't aswell.

I understand waiting weeks were exceptions, but they existed. You know how many of those exceptions i had for 2 years? 0 cases
An alliance with 200 players online at all times and there isn't a single one adressing the requests for hours, days or weeks? Quite the motivation there.

As for the ones that did the reports/videos/topics, this was a voluntary decision, players made because they wanted to and i strongly recomended players not to, which for some reason made them even more upset and determined to do more reports, sort of "you don't give me orders, i'll ask my clanmates to report you aswell"
I have no absolute clue what members or clans were involved (i only have guesses) and neither other players, but support/DE does and these reports are permanently tied to the account, they can't be removed, even with a name change.

Now the giveaway ended and i can finnaly make plat after 2 years because i certainly didn't do relevant trades during the ordeal

If you do not like it, simply ask DE to revert all trades and gifts, not only you would be requesting bosters, warframes, unique items and forma to be removed from players accounts, i would restored the thousands of plat i spent on the gifts.  Hey atleast they would be reimbursed 50 plat right? That sure is alot.

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This has shed a lot of light that was previously absent in my initial judgment of OP's actions and I'd like to issue an apology with an asterisk :

I'm a firm believer of innocent until proven guilty. All the actions that were publicly visible: just the immoral trades without the giving back part, were highly skewing the public's view of OP's image/morals myself included I'll admit that.
OP also didn't help himself by not explaining the deal to anyone who confronted him about it's questionable morality.

I will in good faith take all the statements by the OP as true and would like to apologize about contributing to the negative flack my reddit post has undoubtedly brought upon him.

It is true that in the modern world nothing seems to get done until you take matters into your own hands.
With the context provided I'll admit I don't know if there'd have been a better way to do this and even if there was it would probably not be entirely 100% morally correct on the surface and is something I personally can't embark on doing, so props to OP for buckling up and taking all that flak for 2 years.

In the end we got the ignis wraith available to everybody as it should've been from the start.
I do hope that in the future no more similar morally questionable "stunts" have to be pulled off to get DE to notice and do something about it.

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1 hour ago, KIREEK said:

Now the giveaway ended and i can finnaly make plat after 2 years because i certainly didn't do relevant trades during the ordeal

If you do not like it, simply ask DE to revert all trades and gifts, not only you would be requesting bosters, warframes, unique items and forma to be removed from players accounts, i would be restored the thousands of plat i spent on the gifts.  Hey atleast they would be reimbursed 50 plat right? That sure is alot.

if you were being so generous with gifting people, surely you would be willing to prove it?

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10 hours ago, Pebelo said:

Don't give this dude any sort of credit for the change please. It will only validate more asshats to create tons of drama in the community "for the greater good" in the future.

It most likely got changed because of crossplay, like others have said before.

To some extend, the Ignis Wraith issue is something that would have boiled over one way or another, whether it was Kireek doing it or not, it was a situation that DE unwittingly made that cultivated toxicity, for if it wasn't an exclusive research, we wouldn't be angry at Kireek in the first place.

I don't know many other issues in the game that might stir the same hatred between players, even scarce number of the in-game co-operative consequences for playing together. It's also not something I would have suspected Kireek of, whether or not that was really his intention, if it's true at all, I haven't seen any confirmation of his story. I'm not sure it would work twice though. If I saw someone doing something really agitating again, I may now suspect that they're doing it more to agitate DE than the players.

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Did DE create a BAD situation? Yes.

Does intentionally ripping people off for years about said situation under the false pretense of "I'm trying to make them fix it." Make it better? Not at all.

If you really cared.

Then rather than invest your resources into ripping/scamming people, you could have started / contributed to creating /aiding in a positive movement to petition or encourage discussion with DE in order to add the blueprint into the game in a manner that it could be available to everyone. Period.

The whole "It wasn't a scam. I'm a good person.", "I really care about the issue.", "I became the villian in order to expose the corruption."

It's bs and everyone knows it. So save it. You can't rip folks off now so you want to save your image, especially since your reputation even extends into the Console communities so even after Crossplay hits you'll still be seen as the salt of the origin system.

That said...let's all be honest with ourselves here. Neither the OP or all those who've fought for years are to make the blueprint/weapon available are the reason why it's been made available.

The new dev team has a dramatically different mindset and viewpoint on the game. They are the only reason why we got the Ignis Wrath unlocked.

(Now hopefully univac is next....)

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Since OP for some reason has not seemed to link his gifting proof in this thread, here it is. Note that you can only check the usernames in this post against the usernames that posted in his forum thread, so the users who reported that he gave them nothing in return for making the trade very likely were correct and simply didn't post in his forum thread. I wonder if buyers were told they'd be given gifts if they posted thanks in his thread? Essentially a bribe to get good reviews? Note also that we can't see how many Forma Bundle he sent to most of these buyers, so it's entirely possible he sent a single one to most of them, still netting a profit of 15p each.

Regardless of what the real truth of any of this is, it is at best very absurd and graceless - if you antagonize a community doing something objectively bad, you really need to be prepared for players rightfully disliking you, regardless of what your "actual intentions" are and particularly if you insist on keeping those supposed intentions a secret - and, at worst, yet another scheme to try and cover up scammy behavior. I'd be more willing to believe any of this wild goose chase if DE staff came out with an official reveal, as it were, of how this has all been something they've been orchestrating behind the scenes, as OP claims - of course, I don't believe DE would, because this is too silly and unbelievable a project for DE to have planned. If DE wanted to run a "social experiment" on anything, there's no reason whatsoever that they'd do it in a way that destroys a private user's reputation. You could run polls for user opinion - you could have an NPC host some kind of experimental shop - whatever. As for independent user misbehavior, e.g. RMT, DE has all the back-end data they need on that and then some. A private user can't help with that.

So honestly, "It's just a prank, bro" is overplayed and holds no water here. You've made your bed and you should probably just lie in it at this point. Make a fresh account and start over if you need to. Or change your username. No need for this dog and pony show.

Either way, I am SO glad this ridiculous drama is finally over. Thank you, DE, for bringing us up to speed on this dead horse now that cross-platform synching has arrived.

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On 2022-09-08 at 10:29 AM, SenorClipClop said:

I dunno Tenno, it sounds to me like you're just defending Kireek because they gifted you a bundle. They aren't providing any proof they gave back more than they made in plat off of selling BPs. Them just saying they did in this post isn't proof, so to believe it one has to take them at their word. Easier to do if they've given you an expensive gift, I guess?

Why would I defend someone for something worth such a negligible amount of plat, that i was given a year ago?

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5 hours ago, (PSN)Zero_029 said:

Then rather than invest your resources into ripping/scamming people, you could have started / contributed to creating /aiding in a positive movement to petition or encourage discussion with DE in order to add the blueprint into the game in a manner that it could be available to everyone. Period.


Like what exactly?
Tell me how exactly that would be made.
You have tons of topics here and there, videos made over the course of 3 years, why didn't they cause a change? tell me and tell all the players that did said videos and topics what was wrong.

If you have all the answers here, why didn't you do that same thing?

You have a 3 year collective construct made by the community (aka multiple users) that failed, you then have a 2 year endeavour by a single person that worked and now you wanted that person to do the same as the other users.

Isn't it better to just undo everything? I get reimbursed all the plat spent, DE removes all the resources, exp, forma, warframes and items from player accounts, refunds them 50 pl as a compensation and DE makes the bp tradable again with the added bonus of removing the research.

Once that is done, we can start doing your plan, what you say?

4 hours ago, Anaktoria said:

Since OP for some reason has not seemed to link his gifting proof in this thread, here it is. Note that you can only check the usernames in this post against the usernames that posted in his forum thread, so the users who reported that he gave them nothing in return for making the trade very likely were correct and simply didn't post in his forum thread. I wonder if buyers were told they'd be given gifts if they posted thanks in his thread? Essentially a bribe to get good reviews?

Users posted if they wanted to, it was specified that it wasn't mandatory and users were rewarded before, meaning they could simply get the content and never post.
There are literally dozens of users who haven't read the PM, but they were rewarded.
The more you assume, the more mistakes you do, that is the basis for the ordeal, to let players lie and mislead other players.

The video is bound to be deleted, i'm not doing things to catter to users and i'm not going to keep the video around forever just so it can be used 6 months from now when someone decides to do another hate comment.
The point isn't the giveaway, it was specifically removed from the equation so users behavior was tied to 1 thing and one thing only, an honest trade.

Nearly all reactions are genuine because of it, meaning the toxicity from a particular user was genuine and logged, DE had players hating not because hating would bring a change (because if you knew it, you would hate on purpose) but because the root of the problem was the research to begin with.
I didn't want fake reactions, i didn't want players to know, the less the better.

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12 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

Like what exactly?

You could have done this:

In addition to giving everyone free Ignis Wraith BPs and giving other suppliers BPs, you could have posted a petition or open letter in feedback and encouraged others to respond.

Instead, you charged 50 plat and then you claim to have spent the plat to gift people something that they probably could have bought themselves without your gifting service.

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recruit topics disquised as giveaways?

I think i'll stick to a giveaway disquised as a sale

"open letter"......ok, why didn't you do it? Have you actually been around since the event, have you read the requests dozens players did?

Why persist in so much failure? This isn't about looking good, it's about getting something done.

This is just an informational topic, it's adviced to keep the examples i mentioned out, it's like comming here saying the specific alliance where the leader was buying the clans, you don't need to mention it, i know already.

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Personally I feel it's a step in the right direction. I've given out about a half dozen or so copies over the years and always for a stray ammo drum and not one brass Razoo more.

Now If and I'm strictly saying if I needed to sell 1 for plat, it would be the bare minimum cost and that plat would be going straight back into my clans coffers and not anywhere else.

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2 hours ago, nslay said:

You could have done this:

In addition to giving everyone free Ignis Wraith BPs and giving other suppliers BPs, you could have posted a petition or open letter in feedback and encouraged others to respond.

Instead, you charged 50 plat and then you claim to have spent the plat to gift people something that they probably could have bought themselves without your gifting service.

Hey that’s me

I’m the bad guy here guys, giving away the bp instead of joining Kireek on his mission to forcefully bring the bp to all clans by unintentionally intentionally creating mass toxic environment around the bp and then claiming to be the heroic hero of the long tale by having to play the villain.

Yet because of this toxic environment he had made it did indeed bring the bp to all clans since DE finally decided to do something about it, idk why it took so long maybe because they are just too slow to actually give a flying fly about certain things an would rather bring in dry content. 

I never really gave a damn, I usually just hosted the event monthly and then just meme a little.


I don’t know GG for wasting 2 years of spamming TC making no plat while I made hundreds of thousands of plat I guess Kireek? Take this W and stop trying to create this image of your stupid story of toxicity you’ve created with your own hands.


Its just really bloody annoying having to see you post long stupid posts just like this one trying to act like you’ve been on top of the hill the entire time and then having to see it in discord servers you posting any single post about you.


Get a job, a life, or some type of activity outside of WF please. 

Im going to Poland for 9 months on rotation, so at least I won’t be cracking relics and then randomly see you post a link about yourself.


Rick Astley Dancing GIF

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2 hours ago, KIREEK said:

Like what exactly?
Tell me how exactly that would be made.
You have tons of topics here and there, videos made over the course of 3 years, why didn't they cause a change? tell me and tell all the players that did said videos and topics what was wrong.

I don't need to post the Free Ignis Wraith post because I'm sure you've seen it enough.

That said.

You simply don't give up the fight. You don't become the bad guy.

You become a Champion of the Players. Not the Villian. 

You become that Veteran (MR means ziltch) you have the longevity to have helped foster a system as I already said. You aid in making the situation better and keep fighting until it gets resolved.

2 hours ago, KIREEK said:

If you have all the answers here, why didn't you do that same thing?

Simple. I did not play when the event dropped. I didn't have access to the Blueprint so I could never help players on a consistent basis.

Now I DID farm the BP in Railjack, and I did (when my work schedule allowed) trade for the BPs and give them away for free.

And I did both here and on Reddit voice my disdain for how the weapon was handled.

I did what I could to be a positive force.

That said.

Blunt and harsh as I am. I'm not here to pour salt in your wound.

I'm just here to say:

Drop the victim act. Don't try and muddy the waters. 

You did what you did. Period.

It was scummy. It was wrong, and YOU knew it.

Now it's no longer an issue.

As the Stalker says: 

"Actions have consequences." 

Now live with it.

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2 hours ago, KIREEK said:

[Wall of text]

The video is bound to be deleted, i'm not doing things to catter to users and i'm not going to keep the video around forever just so it can be used 6 months from now when someone decides to do another hate comment.
The point isn't the giveaway, it was specifically removed from the equation so users behavior was tied to 1 thing and one thing only, an honest trade.

[Continued wall of text]

I really don't understand why you don't just publicly post the video either way. Oh well, do as you will.

The video frankly isn't that helpful anyway since it doesn't show how many Forma Bundle you gave each buyer. For all the audience knows you gave most of these buyers just one bundle and still made a profit of 15p each. At any rate, it makes no sense why you'd gift someone something instead of - you know - just letting them keep their plat to do with as they like.

This has been entertaining but I think we can all see this thread really won't change anything, least of all OP's truly mystifying stance on all of this, so I'm going to go do something more useful. Best to y'all though.

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The main issue here is that, even if this was a research effort on your part, you did it entirely in an unethical and flawed way. You didn't store any real data, disperse that data, format it, or have a real goal in mind.

You say this is "research", yet you have the most ambiguous, unmeasurable goals possible, and have no data after two years? How is selling the Ignis Wraith to players measuring the toxicity of clans exploiting the fact that they have Ignis Wraith? How is misrepresenting what the Ignis Wraith is to uneducated players providing data relevant to your study?


What you should have done is document and search for individuals selling the Ignis Wraith, posing as a buyer (or even legitimately buying) while documenting their interactions with you and find common trends between those interactions. Things like:

  • What were they selling it for?
  • What taglines were they using to sell it to?
  • What clan were they a part of?
  • How long did they market their sale for?

By selling it yourself, you should have documented the following:

  • What is the average MR of buyers?
  • Was the buyer in a clan, if so, what?
  • What taglines did you use to sell it?
  • What did you compensate buyers with, and how much did you compensate them?

You didn't document any of these things appropriately, have no usable data, and now you're trying to take credit for an update DE made to the Ignis Wraith after years. They didn't make this update because you "helped", they made this update because you (and people like you) continually misrepresented and sold an item, disproportionately to inexperienced players who don't know better. Think for just a moment, how did those players feel after realizing you misrepresented the product? Did they just stop trading entirely? Did they quit the game entirely?

And on top of all that, you expect the community to believe that you compensated everyone fairly and didn't do this for profit? Next time you do something for "research" like this, follow an actual research procedure and publish your results to DE regularly, along with the procedures you actually took to conduct your study.

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On 2022-09-09 at 9:16 AM, KIREEK said:

I'm not seeking fake or real appologies from random ppl around the internet, this isn't about me, it's about what had to be done, regardless of who didn't like it.

If this isn't about you than why are you still talking about it?
If you did all this to make this change, and you got the change. The most mature and self respecting thing to do is be happy you succeeded, accept that you sacrificed your reputation for it, and ghost the forums. If you're telling the truth, you got what you wanted, and this entire thread is completely unnecessary. You could've asked your mod friend to delete the sell thread and people would've forgotten all about it, about you, in just a few months of your scam thread not popping up in unread posts every other day.

The only reason for this thread to exist is because you can't stand being seen as the villain so you're trying to win people over. If this was your goal from the beginning why didn't you just DM the people that complained about your scummy behavior, telling them that this is what you were doing, and save everyone a headache? Everyone mad at you over it would only be people frustrated with the same sort of thing you were supposedly fighting against. If you would've explained yourself to them instead of arguing against them they'd've been on your side. Or you could've at the very least just ignored them. You didn't have to say anything at all. Instead you just endlessly defended your actions, acted like what you were doing was perfectly fine. And acted like everyone who thought you were scamming people, which is what you were trying to look like you were doing according to this post, were being unreasonable. Wasting people's time trying to defend your actions didn't aid the goal of DE doing something about this sort of behavior at all. If anything it hurt it. Nothing you've done suggests that this is anything less than exactly what you say it's not. This whole thing just screams that you probably got flooded with messages of "I told you so" and "get rekd" as soon as the change was announced, from people sick of seeing your scam thread pop up over and over and over again, and your pride was shattered so you're trying whatever you can to recover just an ounce of it.

Or you're just doing it for any attention at all.

Ether way this is only about you. The whole post reads like a self insert fan fiction.

Anyone reading this please just don't give this guy any more attention.

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