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Daikyu Prime Copium thread


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21 hours ago, TeaHands said:

Xaku Prime will obviously release with Taxon Prime. They both have X's AND A's in their names. Bulletproof case you can't argue


Makes sense

and the phrase “Daikyu Prime XXL” includes an X, and an A

Which obviously means we’ll get Daikyu Prime with Xaku, and it’ll be triple the size of the bramma 

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  • 2 weeks later...
En 21/11/2023 a las 15:19, TeaHands dijo:

Xaku Prime will obviously release with Taxon Prime. They both have X's AND A's in their names. Bulletproof case you can't argue


I could see Taxon prime with Protea, knowing that she has an augment that allows her to revive sentinels with Dispensary. 
Another option for Protea Prime is an archgun (Dispensary spawns universal ammo).

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kept an eye on this thread.. can't believe it's almost been a year already.. and still, the copium flows.

1 hour ago, (XBOX)ParcaSinietro said:

could see Taxon prime with Protea, knowing that she has an augment that allows her to revive sentinels with Dispensary. 
Another option for Protea Prime is an archgun (Dispensary spawns universal ammo).

considering her engineer themes and the fact she is associated with the Corpus (being Parvos Granum's bodyguard and all), I doubt she'll be coming with Daikyu Prime, much to the dismay of the OP. I reckon it'll be some kind of laser weapon, maybe Quellor Prime? that weapon fits her quite well IMO.

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15 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

kept an eye on this thread.. can't believe it's almost been a year already.. and still, the copium flows.

need... refill... tank...

15 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

considering her engineer themes and the fact she is associated with the Corpus (being Parvos Granum's bodyguard and all), I doubt she'll be coming with Daikyu Prime, much to the dismay of the OP. I reckon it'll be some kind of laser weapon, maybe Quellor Prime? that weapon fits her quite well IMO.

as someone said above I expect either a sentinel or archgun along with Velox Prime for Protea Prime access

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1 hour ago, Skoomaseller said:

need... refill... tank...

as someone said above I expect either a sentinel or archgun along with Velox Prime for Protea Prime access

God, I can't wait for Velox Prime. The thing is already an absolute beast, and the Prime will be even better.

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Protea can rewind time. She is also bae. So obviously Protea Prime is Prime Bae, and as best girl, she knows sophistication, and would use her ability to rewind time, to go back in the past, and make Daikyu her signature weapon alongside Velox, and thus giving her two Prime weapons in the current... well future, our future, her present... timey wimey wibbly wobbly stuff, but basically... Daikyu Prime guaranteed 2024.

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  • 1 month later...

Hear me out… DE and Daikyu Prime both start with the letter “D”

The reason we haven’t been getting Daikyu Prime is because DE is going to make it as cool as possible to celebrate how they start with the same letter. 
Source? Trust me bro

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There's patterns in the Prime releases, and, outside of a few that have been released in places like Baro, we can work out what Primes could... possibly... be released with the Daikyu Prime.

Let's base this off frames that have signature weapons, what frames are in cycle, what frames will be predicted up next, and what frames will be leaving the cycle to make room for them.

In current Prime Access (as of the 17th with Gauss Prime)


With Garuda going out of circulation on the 17th, that gives us (in order of oldest to newest):

Khora - Hystrix - Dual Keres

Revenant - Phantasma - Tatsu

Baruuk - Afuris - Cobra & Crane

Hildryn - Larkspur - Shade

Wisp - Fulmin - Gunsen

Grendel - Zylok - Masseter

Gauss - Acceltra - Akarius

So all of these frames are one thing, and you'll note that, with the exception of Hildryn, they all released with two weapons, and with the exception of Grendel and Baruuk, with only their Signature weapons.

But here's the fun part; as long as the number of 'parts' match up, any frame that has only one Signature weapon can potentially have a second weapon released with them, instead of a companion, archwing or arch-weapon.

So let's look at the ones coming up for Prime on the list, in the predicted order that they'll appear after Gauss. And we'll remove the ones from the list that have a Signature Primary weapon, because of course they'll be released with their signature Primary. We'll also remove any that have two signature weapons for the same reason.


Protea - Velox

Xaku - Quassus

Lavos - Cedo

Sevagoth - Epitaph

Yareli - Kompressa

Gyre - Alternox

Caliban - Venato

Styanax - Afentis

Voruna - Perigale - Sarofang

Citrine - Steflos - Corufell

Kullervo - Rauta

Qorvex - Mandonel

Dagath - Dorrclave

Fun, right?

What this means is that there are 4 frames coming up for Prime in the next year after Gauss (so year and a quarter), that could potentially have the Daikyu Prime.

Which ones make most sense to you?

Protea is more techy, so maybe not... Xaku, on the other hand, has a Signature that has projectiles as the heavy attack, that might be a good choice. Sevagoth has the amazing Primer, but also his Shadow... so I'm not sure... And Yareli literally can't use her Primary on Merulina, so forget that.

The one outlier is Caliban... and that's a funny one. Caliban has a Sentient weapon, which, like Nidus having Infested weapons, may mean that he gets two completely unique Primes from the Tenno Weapon list that haven't been touched yet.

If we don't get a Daikyu by this time next year, we may get one with Caliban.

::Edit:: Posted too early

So, to bring this back to the earlier list.

The Primes that will be leaving the cycle for these new frames are important.

Protea, for example, will be knocking Khora off the list, and Khora has two Signature weapons. Protea may get a Sentinel or something instead, but there's a space to fill.

Xaku will replace Revenant, who has a Signature Melee and Primary, so replacing a Primary with a Primary is not a bad idea.

Sevagoth will take off Hildryn, and she has two weird ones, a Signature Arch Gun and Shade. So... who knows what they'll replace those with besides the Epitaph...?

And Caliban... is all the way down to replace Gauss later, meaning replacing a frame with two Signature guns... that's a lot of free space to use.

With that all said...

Protea and Xaku could be options to release a Daikyu Prime, with Xaku possibly being the stronger choice. Caliban, though... Could be a real contender for a couple of 'forgotten' weapons.

Edited by Birdframe_Prime
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10 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:


There's patterns in the Prime releases, and, outside of a few that have been released in places like Baro, we can work out what Primes could... possibly... be released with the Daikyu Prime.

Let's base this off frames that have signature weapons, what frames are in cycle, what frames will be predicted up next, and what frames will be leaving the cycle to make room for them.

In current Prime Access (as of the 17th with Gauss Prime)

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With Garuda going out of circulation on the 17th, that gives us (in order of oldest to newest):

Khora - Hystrix - Dual Keres

Revenant - Phantasma - Tatsu

Baruuk - Afuris - Cobra & Crane

Hildryn - Larkspur - Shade

Wisp - Fulmin - Gunsen

Grendel - Zylok - Masseter

Gauss - Acceltra - Akarius

So all of these frames are one thing, and you'll note that, with the exception of Hildryn, they all released with two weapons, and with the exception of Grendel and Baruuk, with only their Signature weapons.

But here's the fun part; as long as the number of 'parts' match up, any frame that has only one Signature weapon can potentially have a second weapon released with them, instead of a companion, archwing or arch-weapon.

So let's look at the ones coming up for Prime on the list, in the predicted order that they'll appear after Gauss. And we'll remove the ones from the list that have a Signature Primary weapon, because of course they'll be released with their signature Primary. We'll also remove any that have two signature weapons for the same reason.

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Protea - Velox

Xaku - Quassus

Lavos - Cedo

Sevagoth - Epitaph

Yareli - Kompressa

Gyre - Alternox

Caliban - Venato

Styanax - Afentis

Voruna - Perigale - Sarofang

Citrine - Steflos - Corufell

Kullervo - Rauta

Qorvex - Mandonel

Dagath - Dorrclave

Fun, right?

What this means is that there are 4 frames coming up for Prime in the next year after Gauss (so year and a quarter), that could potentially have the Daikyu Prime.

Which ones make most sense to you?

Protea is more techy, so maybe not... Xaku, on the other hand, has a Signature that has projectiles as the heavy attack, that might be a good choice. Sevagoth has the amazing Primer, but also his Shadow... so I'm not sure... And Yareli literally can't use her Primary on Merulina, so forget that.

The one outlier is Caliban... and that's a funny one. Caliban has a Sentient weapon, which, like Nidus having Infested weapons, may mean that he gets two completely unique Primes from the Tenno Weapon list that haven't been touched yet.

If we don't get a Daikyu by this time next year, we may get one with Caliban.

::Edit:: Posted too early

So, to bring this back to the earlier list.

The Primes that will be leaving the cycle for these new frames are important.

Protea, for example, will be knocking Khora off the list, and Khora has two Signature weapons. Protea may get a Sentinel or something instead, but there's a space to fill.

Xaku will replace Revenant, who has a Signature Melee and Primary, so replacing a Primary with a Primary is not a bad idea.

Sevagoth will take off Hildryn, and she has two weird ones, a Signature Arch Gun and Shade. So... who knows what they'll replace those with besides the Epitaph...?

And Caliban... is all the way down to replace Gauss later, meaning replacing a frame with two Signature guns... that's a lot of free space to use.

With that all said...

Protea and Xaku could be options to release a Daikyu Prime, with Xaku possibly being the stronger choice. Caliban, though... Could be a real contender for a couple of 'forgotten' weapons.

protea prime releases with daikyu prime

the gimmick is that the arrow goes back in time to kill the target's ancestor, thus erasing the target from reality

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19 minutes ago, Skoomaseller said:

protea prime releases with daikyu prime

the gimmick is that the arrow goes back in time to kill the target's ancestor, thus erasing the target from reality

It fits, since basic  Daikyu is already so strong that when it kills an enemy it also kills every one of its descendants that haven't been conceived yet.


But really I expect Daikyu Prime's gimmick to be "Noise Level: Extremely Silent".

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16 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

Protea and Xaku could be options to release a Daikyu Prime, with Xaku possibly being the stronger choice. Caliban, though... Could be a real contender for a couple of 'forgotten' weapons.

Caliban has a signature weapon though (Venato, which is as forgotten as Caliban often is), so there's only space for 1 new Prime there.

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33 minutes ago, drnlmza said:

Caliban has a signature weapon though (Venato, which is as forgotten as Caliban often is), so there's only space for 1 new Prime there.

Easy. Say the Daikyu Prime is also forged from a Sentient's limb, and add some Prime gilding on top of it. Solved. Daikyu Prime is now a sentient weapon.

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1 hour ago, drnlmza said:

Caliban has a signature weapon though (Venato, which is as forgotten as Caliban often is), so there's only space for 1 new Prime there.

Hear me out… Venato is a melee, while Daikyu is a primary. They can do that Nidus Prime or Baruuk Prime bs where they add a random weapon that doesn’t mean anything to the Warframe. 

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9 hours ago, drnlmza said:

Caliban has a signature weapon though (Venato, which is as forgotten as Caliban often is), so there's only space for 1 new Prime there.

Yes he does. As I pointed out, though, it's a Sentient weapon. And it's also a frame that will replace a Prime with two Prime Weapons in the rotation. So there's space to do that.

If you remember Nidus, who had two Infested Signature weapons, DE Primed two completely different weapons instead, because apparently only the Tenno weapons are eligible for Primes (they even went back to re-write the Braton to be a Tenno weapon and not a Corpus one).

So, it's possible that they might do the same ^^

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10 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

Easy. Say the Daikyu Prime is also forged from a Sentient's limb, and add some Prime gilding on top of it. Solved. Daikyu Prime is now a sentient weapon.

Ah yes, it was forged from a piece of a Daikyulyst, the legendary sentient archers of the old war, led by Archon Daik who shunned their built in laser weaponry for sneeki breeki silent twang tactics! :crylaugh:


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1 hour ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

Yes he does. As I pointed out, though, it's a Sentient weapon. And it's also a frame that will replace a Prime with two Prime Weapons in the rotation. So there's space to do that.

If you remember Nidus, who had two Infested Signature weapons, DE Primed two completely different weapons instead, because apparently only the Tenno weapons are eligible for Primes (they even went back to re-write the Braton to be a Tenno weapon and not a Corpus one).

So, it's possible that they might do the same ^^

I'm am hoping (fruitlessly) DE uses Caliban Prime as an excuse to introduce Basmu Prime.  Actually  I don't mind if they forget about Venato Prime and their "only one prime from a slot at a time" and "no Corpus-produced primes" rules, and give me Komorex Prime too, while they're at it.

Of course, they're more likely to forget to prime Caliban at all than do any of that.  :/

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello everyone, it’s been a while since the last time I visited this thread.

First of all, congratulations @Skoomaseller for the 1st  anniversary of the copium thread.

Now lets get into business: what do you all think daikyu prime stats will look like? I’m eager to know the general opinion about a new prime bow, knowing that it will need to compete against Nataruk, Cinta and the incarnon bows to survive the actual meta.

Edited by (XBOX)ParcaSinietro
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5 hours ago, (XBOX)ParcaSinietro said:

First of all, congratulations @Skoomaseller for the 1st  anniversary of the copium thread.


5 hours ago, (XBOX)ParcaSinietro said:

Now lets get into business: what do you all think daikyu prime stats will look like? I’m eager to know the general opinion about a new prime bow, knowing that it will need to compete against Nataruk, Cinta and the incarnon bows to survive the actual meta.

MR lock: 10 >> 14

Charge time: 1.0s >> 0.7s

Critical Chance: 34% >> 44%

Critical Damage: 2.0x >> 2.3x

Status Chance: 46% >> 65%

Max ammo: 72 >> 35


700 (210 Impact, 280 Puncture, 210 Slash) 

850 (260 Impact, 330 Puncture, 260 Slash)

Projectile speed: 140 m/s >> 200 m/s


1) Projectile/arrow hitbox/model/size is thicker (not as ridiculous as Arca Plasmor, maybe thicker than Nataruk) allowing it to hit enemies that are close together more effectively. 

2) Alt-fire switches to lock-on arrows. Fires 5 at a time, each arrow inheriting the stats of the default arrows, but also consumes 5 ammo per shot (does not take into account multishot when consuming ammo), and also has no "carry-through" or punch through. Aims for the head or other weakspot for non-humanoid enemies if it is facing the player, otherwise hits dead center of the enemy. 

Edited by Skoomaseller
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28 minutes ago, Skoomaseller said:


MR lock: 10 >> 14

Charge time: 1.0s >> 0.7s

Critical Chance: 34% >> 44%

Critical Damage: 2.0x >> 2.3x

Status Chance: 46% >> 65%

Max ammo: 72 >> 35


700 (210 Impact, 280 Puncture, 210 Slash) 

850 (260 Impact, 330 Puncture, 260 Slash)

Projectile speed: 140 m/s >> 200 m/s


1) Projectile/arrow hitbox/model is thicker (not as ridiculous as Arca Plasmor, maybe thicker than Nataruk) allowing it to hit enemies that are close together more effectively. 

2) Alt-fire switches to lock-on arrows. Fires 5 at a time, each arrow inheriting the stats of the default arrows, but also consumes 5 ammo per shot (does not take into account multishot when consuming ammo), and also has no "carry-through" or punch through. Aims for the head or other weakspot for non-humanoid enemies if it is facing the player, otherwise hits dead center of the enemy. 


Triple the size of the bramma 

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Hypothetical Daikyu Prime stats from my perspective. 

MR Lock: LR5. Only true masters of the Tenno arts, should be able to wield a bow of the highest mastery, because that is art!
Charge Time: 3.0 seconds. If the Daikyu is Art, then its charge time is the Story, and the Story of a Masterpiece, takes its time. 
Critical Chance: 100%. When a story is a Masterpiece, every Piece is Masterful, and thus every hit should be a Crit, by default. Unmodded.
Critical Damage: 2.4x on Body, 3.0x on Head/WeakPoints: If every hit is a crit, then every damage... should... be... a damage. Yeah! Especially if you hit the part of the face thingy, on top of the neck thingy.
Status Chance: 120%. There are no chances in the game of life, when your aim is true, and if your aim is true, the enemy should have no chances. 
Max Ammo: 1. A beautiful bow, deserves an arrow as equally beautiful, and loyal. You don't discard your bow, so why discard your arrow. You kill an enemy, and then you go retrieve it, no matter where it lands. 
Damage: Yes. 
Punch through: 42.195 km. If Life is a Marathon, then the Daikyu will be there for you forever. For your enemies? It will chase them to their ends. 
IPS Split: Impact. Cultural and Historic. Puncture. Its literally an arrow entering enemies bodies, creating new holes. Slash: Only if your aim is slightly off. 

Alt Fire: You pull back the string of the bow, but hesitate. Enemies take psychic and intimidation damage, and are frozen still. No ammo is used up. If the stronger enemies don't die of fright at the Daikyu being pointed at them, like the weak ones will, then they will be CCed from fear, letting you line up the perfect headshot, if you so choose to use the main fire. No exceptions to this ability. Will work on bosses, and NPC's. For some unexplained reason. 

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