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Opinion; DE should stop releasing new frames, focus on fixing the old ones and find a new main way to monetise the game.


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14 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

They come back around at set times. Zylok is a Baro item and Basmu is tied to halloween.

  Zylok definitely doesn't have "set times" that it comes back...unless you're counting the paid only tennocon relay that has all of Baros trades.
Other than that you just have to constantly check baros items and hope that he brought it this time.
I would consider that falling squarely into "FOMO" as either you are checking and playing the game at DEs schedule and when DE wants....or you just can't get it, too bad, hope it comes back again and that you don't have to pay for access to the tennocon relay in order to get it!

Same thing with the Basmu.  It isn't necessarily tied to Halloween, and who knows if it'll be back next Halloween.
Regardless if you missed out on it last time then wait a year and hope that it becomes available again!  Better not risk missing out on any other events like that because who knows what will be available and what won't....so better constantly check with the games schedule and play to it because it's not available otherwise!


Those are still very much FOMO.  You either play to DEs schedule and never miss any event or anything else....or you miss out and mechanically different gear and mods.

Just because the events come back doesn't mean that it's not FOMO.  After all you can't be sure that they will come back, and who knows exactly when....get it now or you just might not get it ever.

20 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Zylok and Basmu are no different than D3 running their annual tristram event or Dying Light having some limited timed thing with new items that then are gone.

And tell me, do those events reward items/gear that are mechanically different than other items in the game?  And mods that affect gameplay and can change/enable gameplay styles depending on if you have that gear or not?

Most of those rewards (if not all) are largely cosmetic changes and number bumps of a few things (but rarely are BiS).  Meanwhile for Warframe you could be missing out on mechanical gameplay differences if you miss an event.  So it's hardly a fair comparison between the things you listed.

21 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

FOMO is really only an issue and bad practice when it gets monetized.

Ok, so please tell me: How is most trading performed in Warframe?
Oh, right.  By buying plat from DE.

Now tell me, how many of these items are untradeable?
Oh, right, nearly all of them can be traded.

So yes, this practice is monetized.  You either play when DE says so and get the items for showing up....or you pay massive amounts of money to get them from someone who bought a few extras because who knows when/if they'll ever be available again.

Take for instance Efficient Beams.  Runs 200-400 plat, so that's about $20 USD.
For a mod that makes the convectrix a pretty decent weapon and with no indication what-so-ever that it'll ever be available in game at any point in the future.

And please don't bring up the BS that "Oh you can earn that plat!", it had to come from someone buying it with their own money at some point.

So yes, this FOMO is monetized.


And that is only the FOMO with the event weapons/mods/baro stuff.
You want to see real monetized FOMO look at the cosmetics in the prime access packs.
Buy it when the pack comes out, or wait years for it to become vaulted and then for it to be on sale on rotation for Regal Aya (which can only be purchased directly).  And who knows exactly how long you'll be waiting.

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31 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

  Zylok definitely doesn't have "set times" that it comes back...unless you're counting the paid only tennocon relay that has all of Baros trades.
Other than that you just have to constantly check baros items and hope that he brought it this time.
I would consider that falling squarely into "FOMO" as either you are checking and playing the game at DEs schedule and when DE wants....or you just can't get it, too bad, hope it comes back again and that you don't have to pay for access to the tennocon relay in order to get it!

Same thing with the Basmu.  It isn't necessarily tied to Halloween, and who knows if it'll be back next Halloween.
Regardless if you missed out on it last time then wait a year and hope that it becomes available again!  Better not risk missing out on any other events like that because who knows what will be available and what won't....so better constantly check with the games schedule and play to it because it's not available otherwise!


Those are still very much FOMO.  You either play to DEs schedule and never miss any event or anything else....or you miss out and mechanically different gear and mods.

Just because the events come back doesn't mean that it's not FOMO.  After all you can't be sure that they will come back, and who knows exactly when....get it now or you just might not get it ever.

And tell me, do those events reward items/gear that are mechanically different than other items in the game?  And mods that affect gameplay and can change/enable gameplay styles depending on if you have that gear or not?

Most of those rewards (if not all) are largely cosmetic changes and number bumps of a few things (but rarely are BiS).  Meanwhile for Warframe you could be missing out on mechanical gameplay differences if you miss an event.  So it's hardly a fair comparison between the things you listed.

Ok, so please tell me: How is most trading performed in Warframe?
Oh, right.  By buying plat from DE.

Now tell me, how many of these items are untradeable?
Oh, right, nearly all of them can be traded.

So yes, this practice is monetized.  You either play when DE says so and get the items for showing up....or you pay massive amounts of money to get them from someone who bought a few extras because who knows when/if they'll ever be available again.

Take for instance Efficient Beams.  Runs 200-400 plat, so that's about $20 USD.
For a mod that makes the convectrix a pretty decent weapon and with no indication what-so-ever that it'll ever be available in game at any point in the future.

And please don't bring up the BS that "Oh you can earn that plat!", it had to come from someone buying it with their own money at some point.

So yes, this FOMO is monetized.


And that is only the FOMO with the event weapons/mods/baro stuff.
You want to see real monetized FOMO look at the cosmetics in the prime access packs.
Buy it when the pack comes out, or wait years for it to become vaulted and then for it to be on sale on rotation for Regal Aya (which can only be purchased directly).  And who knows exactly how long you'll be waiting.

Doesnt really matter what effects the things have in different games, they are things you effectively miss out on in those specific games based on their seperate systems. And aslong as those arent monetized it isnt a real issue. And ontop of that we dont have any competative setting, or a strict power increase tied to specific items that might be required to beat something. Supra Vandal was out of the game for a long long long long time. I wanted it when I started to play, was it a big deal I couldnt get it? Nope, I really didnt care and eventually it came around. It didnt alter my approach to the game either when I finaly got it. Zylok I got when it was released with the event, the first thing I did after getting it to 30 was selling it off for credits and I havent picked it up again from Baro after that.

And you menioned NW mods earlier, and lined up a list of when they had been available while claiming they've only been around once. Which just isnt true. Several of them have been part of NW twice while some havent.

1 hour ago, Oreades said:

Here is the problem, because FOMO mods are tradeable they are monetized, by proxy of trade which undoubtable will take place with plat the majority of the time and plat is purchased with money... 

This will answer both of you regarding monetization. The mods are limited, so it is simply someone selling it to someone else since they dont care about those mods. That isnt the same as DE monetizing the items, that is players selling what they dont care for to someone else that does care for it. The items being monetized would imply DE selling them directly through the market after a NW or other venue of obtainment has ended. They'd be unlimited at that point, while now as a player sells a mod to another, it is still limited to 1-2 per player depending on how many NWs they've taken part of.

And this answer will be specifically to the cosmetics tied to prime access. That isnt monetized FOMO, those items arent going anywhere, they come back on a regular basis and are simply "real money" transactions. Nothing different from buying cosmetics in most other games straight up for cash. FOMO would imply that they are never ever available again and you might miss your chance to get them if you dont pick them up right then and there. And why you bring up Regal Aya specifically is so very odd, since Regal Aya works just like buying an access or an unvault, which have always been direct purchases and nothing else. And we all know how long we'll be waiting, since it isnt exactly hard to figure that out with the very scheduled approach of Resurgence. At most it is a matter of choice if you are there when the access or unvault is active, a dilemma of actually wanting it badly enough to get it then and there, or if it is more a wait and see approach for when it comes around again. It isnt a now or never situation.

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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

This will answer both of you regarding monetization. The mods are limited, so it is simply someone selling it to someone else since they dont care about those mods. That isnt the same as DE monetizing the items, that is players selling what they dont care for to someone else that does care for it. The items being monetized would imply DE selling them directly through the market after a NW or other venue of obtainment has ended. They'd be unlimited at that point, while now as a player sells a mod to another, it is still limited to 1-2 per player depending on how many NWs they've taken part of.

Yeah just like Blizzard didn't monetize anything with the paid auction house, that was all the players, they simply facilitated the transaction and sculpted the drop rates to drive people into it, so clearly their hands are clean... Lest we all forget the seldom acknowledged fact that in the same swoop where they removed said auction house they also increased the drop rates across the game...

So sorry if we don't subscribe to the same school of "what is monitized" but when people are pointing out certain mods haven't rotated back into the game for years.... as far as I'm concerned those are montitized by proxy and in that case DE doesn't get the benefit of the doubt. 

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6 hours ago, Oreades said:

Here is the problem, because FOMO mods are tradeable they are monetized, by proxy of trade which undoubtable will take place with plat the majority of the time and plat is purchased with money... 

Case in point, Primed Chamber, Exodia Contagion, etc.

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It's okay to come up with changes to help make your game not feel so dull because of power creep so things like Eximus are nice to me but in a game where we are upping levels and adding overguard to counter weapons play, refreshing older Warframes to get skills more suited towards a more modern Warframe is also sweet. Reworks are great, they are why I like to play Yareli and Zephyr again.

I don't think they need to stop releasing new options though, I always want more and in some niches like Warframes with different styles of movement like Titania and Yareli the list is still pretty small. The new options need to stop like.. Having obvious, glaring issues in them that make it seem like they haven't spent the last 10 years doing this and that they're not learning from mistakes like Yareli being not even half baked when she released, or Gyre having design issues with her 4? D.E. should probably also just stop nerfing / adjusting new Warframes (even if some behavior is "unintended") unless they are demonstratably disgustingly OP.

We already have Wisp, Saryn, Revenant (and pals), we already have demonstratably disgustingly OP stuff at home. Unless they are going to do something about the current OP stars and nerf them then please don't bother touching the new ones at all unless they actually legitimately breach that barrier. It's making the new dull, and when you're leaving the top end unchanged, it's basically having zero effect on balance beyond making the new dull. It's killing hype and causing people to wonder why they actually bother with new releases.

I would like them to rework companions before any one warframe at this point though -_-

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I am all for new way of monetizing the game. The current model forces the dev team to constantly nerfing items and drive players away. In term they have to do more of this to drive more players away, paying or not, to lure new and paying players to the game. 

It’s a terrible negative cycle that will never end until this game is crushed to the ground and last drop of blood extracted until it is gone. 

For me and some other players, we are willing to pay more than just a AAA title price for specific version of the game! I like the late version around 2017-2018 with the glorious melee 2.99 and many amazing weapons with high dispositions!

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Did DE ever release the data of which bundle, cosmetic or why player gave them money? Cause all of this suggestion somehow omitted the fact that DE is a company that use financial data or player behaviour to create new content/warframe/game mode.

Among other F2P game, Warframe is the least predatory. Yes, they sometime made several unpopular idea, but at least they didn't choke you to buy platinum or "DLC" for new content.

Most of the nerf happened because most player complain about it or to avoid AFK player or just artistic reason. And several player can adapt or create another broken gameplay because it's a 10 year old game.

The most conflicting part of their decision is how to generate new player. That (hopefully) what Duviri Paradox trying to fix. If else fails they can focus on the new Soulsframe while slowly cutting support to Warframe (I mean, this is what every game company did).

I'm just glad that I only spend less than 80 $ for playing this game.

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18 hours ago, Oreades said:

Yeah just like Blizzard didn't monetize anything with the paid auction house, that was all the players, they simply facilitated the transaction and sculpted the drop rates to drive people into it, so clearly their hands are clean... Lest we all forget the seldom acknowledged fact that in the same swoop where they removed said auction house they also increased the drop rates across the game...

So sorry if we don't subscribe to the same school of "what is monitized" but when people are pointing out certain mods haven't rotated back into the game for years.... as far as I'm concerned those are montitized by proxy and in that case DE doesn't get the benefit of the doubt. 

That is quite the leap and it is also not really highlighting the issue of D3 at the time. You are in essence comparing regular trading while we talk FOMO being monetized. RMAH had nothing to do with FOMO to begin with. The thing that made RMAH an issue for the game wasnt that it reduced drop rates, the changes to that was due to the instant gratification generation that flocked to D3 as their first Diablo. Loot was never an actual problem, the problem was that Blizzard split up trading across two different AHs i.e RMAH and the normal AH (which practically was just a QoL to regular age old Diablo trading). Loot % were at a good "Diablo" level at release and it got silly streamlined when they removed the auction houses. In reality the regular AH should have stayed with drop rates intact as they were. But sadly D3 turned into a casual easily accessible arcade game and nothing more, which is why it was horribly hard to invest time in it and still is.

They'd only be monetized if they were sold directly. Right now they are only items changing hands, like everything else that we trade. It is a benefit for the players, especially those that want to spend nothing on the game, since it allows them to get things that would otherwise be "premium" in most other games and require money to be spent. The things that DE monetize are items that they actively sell themselves, all the things that are guaranteed to remove plat from circulation so more needs to be purchased.

By your logic nothing should be tradable since everything is by proxy monetized and done due to a shady scheme by DE. Nevermind that the system benefits many players.

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If there ever were a "premium battle pass", DE style dictates it would also be unlockable through grind too. Aside of Excalibur Prime, all items that influence gameplay can be earned playing the game.

IMO, I don't like "premium battle passes". They're usually predatory. I hope DE never adds such garbage to Warframe.

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On 2023-02-14 at 8:03 AM, nslay said:

If there ever were a "premium battle pass", DE style dictates it would also be unlockable through grind too. Aside of Excalibur Prime, all items that influence gameplay can be earned playing the game.

IMO, I don't like "premium battle passes". They're usually predatory. I hope DE never adds such garbage to Warframe.

Agree, DE is one of my favorite developers so far, really love their approach towards the community!

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On 2/14/2023 at 9:03 AM, nslay said:

If there ever were a "premium battle pass", DE style dictates it would also be unlockable through grind too. Aside of Excalibur Prime, all items that influence gameplay can be earned playing the game.

IMO, I don't like "premium battle passes". They're usually predatory. I hope DE never adds such garbage to Warframe.

Even if they did make a premium battle ass they would abandon it after two "seasons" for the next new thing to make and then cast to the side. Thus is the nature of DE.

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