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“[DE], can we have a serious discussion about Kunai Prime please?”


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I mean seriously, are we ever going to get a Kunai Prime? Here are all of the original MK1 weapons compared by the release dates of their special variants (taken from wiki):



- Paris Prime Introduced Update 9.0 (2013-07-13)


- Braton Vandal Introduced Hotfix 6.3.1 (2013-02-15)

- Braton Prime Introduced Update 9.0 (2013-07-13)


- Strun Wraith Introduced Hotfix 9.7.2 (2013-09-03)

- Strun Prime Introduced Update 30.7 (2021-09-08)



- ....?....


- Lato Vandal Introduced Update 7.0 (2013-03-18)

- Lato Prime (Founders exclusive) Introduced Update 5.0 (2012-12-18)


- Dex Furis Introduced Update 12.6 (2014-03-26)

- Afuris Prime 😒 Introduced Hotfix 32.2.5 (2022-12-14 😒)

(Yes, I know these are slightly different because they are dual wielded instead of single, but they are at least a variant of some kind.)



- Bo Prime Introduced Update 13.7 (2014-06-11)


- Prisma Skana Introduced Hotfix 16.6.2 (2015-05-28)

- Skana Prime (Founders exclusive) Introduced Update 5.0 (2012-12-18)


- Furax Wraith Introduced Update 18.10 (2016-04-29)


As we are 10 years still-in-waiting for a special variant that this weapon still deserves, and with the latest of the original MK1 special variants getting released in 2021 and 2022, can we please get some kind of answer on the poor, lost, and forgotten Kunai?

With the Week-1 Incarnon Genesis rewards rolling back around next week (a week later than expected 😅), and while still Afuriated😒 that you released the Afuris Prime😒 into an already completely over saturated dual wield, high fire rate based secondary market in a perfect situation to instead, finally release the LONG-awaited Kunai Prime (with the perfect companion theme warframe Baruuk Prime), I find it doubly triggering to have to rebuild the long-since mastered and tossed Kunai, then spend way more resources (catalyst / formas / adapters) than the weapon is worth, to be able to enjoy the awesome new Incarnon form, when we still have no answers to why there was never any kind of Kunai variant released, or if we will ever even receive one...

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31 minutes ago, GhostFeng said:

(Yes, I know these are slightly different because they are dual wielded instead of single, but they are at least a variant of some kind.)

Yet we can't put an adapter on them AFAIK, so Furis Prime is needed as well. The design is already there, Baro should just bring the relics as he did with Aklex Prime.

Edited by Xaero
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Wow, it's amazing that with so many dang weapons in this game, all of them seem to have at least one huge fan. :P

4 hours ago, GhostFeng said:

and while still Afuriated

I didn't think we were in desperate need of another dual pistol either.  But honestly, I really like Afuris Prime.  It's competent, nothing special.  But I love the sound. 

I have no special attachment to Kunai.  If a throwing weapon were to get primed, I'm  hoping for T-t-t-Talons.  Fun and at least a bit more practical for current Warframe. 

I do still hope that the single target throwing weapons all get buffed/reworked. 

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This feels like a pretty safe shot to call: the Kunai will never get a Prime.  The logic is pretty straightforward:

  • The Kunai already has an Incarnon Genesis Adapter
  • Incarnon Genesis Adapters buff weapons that are no longer viable.
  • Incarnon Genesis Adapters are only accessible to end-game players.
  • Ergo, a newly released Kunai Prime would need to be:
    • Well below the current power curve for new Prime weapons, and thus undesirable for non-end-game players, who comprise the bulk of Warframe's user base.

As cool as it would be to see a shinier version of the Kunai, I'd recommend not holding your breath.

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9 hours ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

This feels like a pretty safe shot to call: the Kunai will never get a Prime.  The logic is pretty straightforward:

  • The Kunai already has an Incarnon Genesis Adapter
  • Incarnon Genesis Adapters buff weapons that are no longer viable.
  • Incarnon Genesis Adapters are only accessible to end-game players.
  • Ergo, a newly released Kunai Prime would need to be:
    • Well below the current power curve for new Prime weapons, and thus undesirable for non-end-game players, who comprise the bulk of Warframe's user base.

How powerful does it need to be?  Especially when DE is drifting more toward focusing power in Nemesis and Incarnon weapons rather than primes anyway?

Anyway, I found Strun Prime pretty desirable before Incarnon adapters were a thing, same for Braton and Latron Prime.   Same, although less so, for Lex Prime.  And I know there were fans of Soma, Boltor, and Skana Prime.   Power isn't the only driver here.

And of course, one of the most interesting things about the Adapter system is that evolution power is getting downgraded (to a degree) on variants.

If I were setting odds in Vegas, I'd say Incarnon Kunai does reduce the chance of Kunai Prime.  But certainly not rule it out or anything close to that. Pre-existing primes don't block Incarnon adapters, so pre-existing adapters wouldn't  have to be blocking primes.

Edited by Tiltskillet
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meanwhile I'm still waiting to see Daikyu, Dual Zoren and Tonbo get primed.. 

12 hours ago, Xaero said:

Baro should just bring the relics as he did with Aklex Prime.

ideally there should be a single and dual version of all single/dual pistols. granted, a lot of them would be MR fodder for us now, but might be nice for newer players. some people also just prefer single guns for whatever reason.

next relics I want him to bring should be for AkMagnus Prime... come on DE, you've done this before, you can do it again!

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8 hours ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

This feels like a pretty safe shot to call: the Kunai will never get a Prime.  The logic is pretty straightforward:

  • The Kunai already has an Incarnon Genesis Adapter
  • Incarnon Genesis Adapters buff weapons that are no longer viable.
  • Incarnon Genesis Adapters are only accessible to end-game players.
  • Ergo, a newly released Kunai Prime would need to be:
    • Well below the current power curve for new Prime weapons, and thus undesirable for non-end-game players, who comprise the bulk of Warframe's user base.

As cool as it would be to see a shinier version of the Kunai, I'd recommend not holding your breath.

Unfortunately, that logic doesn’t hold up very well. If you’re right, then it’s basically like DE’s logic would be:

Well, we were going to release Kunai Prime at some point like we forgot to do before, but then we forgot about it again and didn’t think about that before we released the Incarnon Genesis system, so now that we’ve done that… well… oops… too late now, sorry we forgot you Kunai Prime, RIP.
Basically turning DE into the most incompetent dev team ever.

Then there’s the fact that all these other Incarnon adapters have improved primed weapons ready to be enhanced by the Incarnon Genesis system. So of course, it’s no stretch to imagine a new primed variant getting released that not only improves on the original weapon in the same way that all of the other primed weapons improve on the original, but that the current Incarnon adapter can also be installed exactly as it can be installed on any other prime that it’s available for.

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12 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

meanwhile I'm still waiting to see Daikyu

one day... ONE DAY ON GOD we will get it.

we really should have a "Prime Reinforcement" for Tenno weapons that don't really fit any frame, lest we want another Shade Prime or Afuris Prime.

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On 2023-06-08 at 6:57 AM, Skoomaseller said:

we really should have a "Prime Reinforcement" for Tenno weapons that don't really fit any frame, lest we want another Shade Prime🫣 or Afuris Prime😒.

Fixed this for you 😄

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  • 2 weeks later...

All the starter weapons have been primed but the kunai. I saw someone put up a post asking for this years back and I want it too, I don`t care about weapons that can do millions of damage I care about sick looking weapons that are fun to use. I like running around with them using Ash playing stealthy and feeling like a ninja (depside the many issues Ash has).



Plus the kunai has an incarnon for it making it even more fun to use, I want to put it on it but I would rather put in on the prime version and not waste resources on it.

DE it`s about time we have a kunai prime so please make one sometime next year.

Edited by (PSN)Vexx757
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11 minutes ago, (PSN)Vexx757 said:

plus the kunai has an incarnon for it making it even more fun to use, I want to put it on it but I would rather put in on the prime version and not waste resources on it.

If I were a betting Tenno I would say the odds are in favor of Kunai Prime not being a thing, specifically because new Prime weapons generally need to be "close enough to the meta" out of the box so that players want them, and I think it would be a difficult challenge to make a Kunai Prime that has that level of power at base that feels meaningfully upgraded by Incarnon while not being too powerful when upgraded by Incarnon.

That's just my educated guess; I could be wrong.  But there's a solid possibility that they'll never release a Kunai Prime, so my recommendation would be to just Incarnon your Kunai, since that's the weapon the Genesis Adapter was designed for.  It's very effective and very fun!  If you choose instead to wait, I hope you do so with the understanding that you may be waiting a long time, perhaps even forever.

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hace 8 minutos, (PSN)Unstar dijo:

So my recommendation would be to just Incarnon your Kunai, since that's the weapon the Genesis Adapter was designed for.  It's very effective and very fun! 

Best case scenario you can take the incarnon adapter from kunai and use it on kunai prime when the day comes thanks to the new update that will allow this.

Edited by (XBOX)ParcaSinietro
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13 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

If I were a betting Tenno I would say the odds are in favor of Kunai Prime not being a thing, specifically because new Prime weapons generally need to be "close enough to the meta" out of the box so that players want them, and I think it would be a difficult challenge to make a Kunai Prime that has that level of power at base that feels meaningfully upgraded by Incarnon while not being too powerful when upgraded by Incarnon.

That's just my educated guess; I could be wrong.  But there's a solid possibility that they'll never release a Kunai Prime, so my recommendation would be to just Incarnon your Kunai, since that's the weapon the Genesis Adapter was designed for.  It's very effective and very fun!  If you choose instead to wait, I hope you do so with the understanding that you may be waiting a long time, perhaps even forever.

It does have an Incarnon form, and that alone would be enough to make a Prime appealing without having to do much other than give it the usual base stat buffs. Plus Incarnons are always balanced around variants, and powerful variants get weaker boosts from the adapter than their baseline or MK1 versions.

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29 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

because new Prime weapons generally need to be "close enough to the meta" out of the box

Strun Prime was somewhat recent and powerful on its own.

Also, Kunai Prime could be designed with incarnon upgrade in mind.

And IMO they should've released Kunai Prime in place of Spira Prime back in the day.

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33 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

new Prime weapons generally need to be "close enough to the meta" out of the box so that players want them, and I think it would be a difficult challenge to make a Kunai Prime that has that level of power at base that feels meaningfully upgraded by Incarnon while not being too powerful when upgraded by Incarnon.

Disagree, We got magnus prime with Strun prime in the prime of the aoe meta. Incarnons are also adjusted per varient (and how mediocre but that is a little different of a topic) on how effective the incarnon upgrades are, it is why mk1 weapons get such ridiculous stats from the upgrades in comparison to there prime. So I think Kunai prime is a ripe possibility as any tenno/orokin weapon becoming prime, it is just when. Wisp is getting Gunsen prime so the predictions are kinda wack.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

If I were a betting Tenno I would say the odds are in favor of Kunai Prime not being a thing, specifically because new Prime weapons generally need to be "close enough to the meta" out of the box so that players want them, and I think it would be a difficult challenge to make a Kunai Prime that has that level of power at base that feels meaningfully upgraded by Incarnon while not being too powerful when upgraded by Incarnon.

That's just my educated guess; I could be wrong.  But there's a solid possibility that they'll never release a Kunai Prime, so my recommendation would be to just Incarnon your Kunai, since that's the weapon the Genesis Adapter was designed for.  It's very effective and very fun!  If you choose instead to wait, I hope you do so with the understanding that you may be waiting a long time, perhaps even forever.

- strun prime

- magnus prime

- prime sentinel weapons (dethcube & shade)

- afuris prime

- larkspur prime 

and so on. it honestly feels more like DE rolls a dice to decide which unprimed tenno weapon gets primed next.

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