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Real Warframe Synergies


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Heya guys,

Wouldn't it be great if we had real party synergies ? As it stands today, Warframe's group content is very often 4x independent players, with very minimal interactivity. And I was wondering: Why don't we have "real" synergies between Warframes ? We have quite a big roster now, and I believe some synergies would make sense and would be fun to use, and could help widen the setups groups use in endless missions.

Out of my mind, we could have :

- Volt's 4 could "overpower" existing Gyre's 1, maybe doubling its radius or increasing its damage

- Banshee's 1 or 4 could boost Octavia's 4 (which currently gives damage bonus depending on the sound level in the environment, with this boost it would always give the max value)

- Garuda's 2 could interact with Trinity's 1

- Volt's 2 could boost Gauss' passive (battery gains doubled ? Max battery at 120% instead of 100, increasing its effects ?)

- Nidus' 3 could be applied to Saryn's 2 to provide buffs to both

I'm pretty sure this concept could be very easily expanded to most of the Warframes sharing "types". Loki/Ivara (stealth), Voruna/Lavos (status), Protea/Vauban (turrets/weaponry), Sevagoth/Nekros (death), Titania/Wisp/Oberon (life), Revenant/Caliban (Sentient), Xaku/Kullervo (? don't know, they seem to match well :laugh:), Valkyr/Garuda, Hydroid/Yareli, Chroma/Ember+Frost, Zephyr/Titania...

What do you think ?

Edited by Chewarette
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30 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

- Garuda's 2 could interact with Trinity's 2

🤔With Blood Altar being Garuda’s Subsume, i could experiment this with Blood Altar Trin. I know her 2 works with her 1 and her 1 make the enemy invincible. 

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I was hoping for Warframe synergies when DE announced Grendel and Gauss to be friends and kept showing them together. They have nothing.

Volt and Gyre have massive potential, and as a Volt main, I was hoping there would be something so my wife could play as Gyre and we would be the 💜 duo. Alas there's nothing and my wife doesn't like Gyre at all (she's a Nezha main so it's understandable).

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6 minutes ago, Drasiel said:

they did this once with Mag's bullet attractor (or was it polarize?) and Radial javelin. It created basically a guaranteed hit for radial javelin. It was also one of the key builds in the whole Viver-gate thing.

This makes wonder what would happen if Styanax used his 4 on Mag's bubble. Probably nothing, but if it worked it could be glorious.

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Just now, (PSN)Sentiel said:

This makes wonder what would happen if Styanax used his 4 on Mag's bubble. Probably nothing, but if it worked it could be glorious.

worth a try even if just for the lols. I do feel the need to mention that at the time of that interaction's existence, you basically NEEDED it, Radial javelin couldn't hit the broad side of a barn if you cast from inside the barn wall. 

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26 minutes ago, GPrime96 said:

🤔With Blood Altar being Garuda’s Subsume, i could experiment this with Blood Altar Trin. I know her 2 works with her 1 and her 1 make the enemy invincible. 

Yeah I was more thinking about "specific" interactions. I think Blood Altar & Well of Life (apologies, in my post I mentioned Trinity's 2 but I meant 1, it makes more sense) can probably work together as of today (never tried though), but maybe both could have a very specific interaction. Well of Life %HP on Hit is only 1% while Blood Altar is 25% per sec around the target. Putting both on the same target could maybe pump up Well of Life's "On Hit" effect to 10-25%, or to affect all allies in range, something like that

Basically the goal of synergies would be to expand one warframe's abilities when it interacts with another one. But indeed it might be problematic with Subsumable abilities, granting this synergy to single warframes, unless Helminth's versions specifically prevent those to keep the spirit.

Edited by Chewarette
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We already have synergies. Just like mag and speedva work with khora and hydroid. Volt and valkyr combo etc. If you want anything mroe than that it will have to be bound to warframe name, not the actual abilities. Like if you have squad of 4 fire based frames the entire squad gets bonus heat damage or something.

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34 minutes ago, MaxTunnerX said:

We already have synergies. Just like mag and speedva work with khora and hydroid. Volt and valkyr combo etc. If you want anything mroe than that it will have to be bound to warframe name, not the actual abilities. Like if you have squad of 4 fire based frames the entire squad gets bonus heat damage or something.

Well you're talking about Buffs here, unless I'm wrong. Buffs are synergies but wide ones. Of course we can say Volt synergize with everyone and their mother as he boosts speed. But what I'm talking about is very specific synergies between two abilities that share a common attribute, like Volt's Discharge with Gyre's Arcsphere. The Arcsphere being hit by Discharge could either have additional effects or increased power/range/duration, and I think that would be pretty cool.

Buffs are cool & all, but I'm talking about real synergies, where X synergizes with Y. I'm not talking about how Valkyr's Warcry increases Inaros' melee attacks as for everyone else.

Edited by Chewarette
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47 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

Well you're talking about Buffs here, unless I'm wrong. Buffs are synergies but wide ones. Of course we can say Volt synergize with everyone and their mother as he boosts speed. But what I'm talking about is very specific synergies between two abilities that share a common attribute, like Volt's Discharge with Gyre's Arcsphere. The Arcsphere being hit by Discharge could either have additional effects or increased power/range/duration, and I think that would be pretty cool.

Buffs are cool & all, but I'm talking about real synergies, where X synergizes with Y. I'm not talking about how Valkyr's Warcry increases Inaros' melee attacks as for everyone else.

But thats impossible. You cant base synergy on individual abilitities because then any frame with helminth would be automatically OP.

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2 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

But thats impossible. You cant base synergy on individual abilitities because then any frame with helminth would be automatically OP.

Well... First, "OP" has yet to be defined. Having an Hydroid ability buff a Yareli ability would hardly make any of those frames OP, it would at best make them playable if anything. Secondly, Helminth version can be modified, as we already see with Warcry and others which have nerfed versions in Helminth. Not being able to trigger the synergy with the frame which is using the ability is probably not "impossible", just an additional line of code.

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8 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

Not being able to trigger the synergy with the frame which is using the ability is probably not "impossible", just an additional line of code.

But thats exactly what it is. If devs wont add one line of code to get an exit button to relays or direct access to simulacrum they sure as hell not gonna buff players and then add a line as exception. In fact after all the effort they spent in nerfing players they will not even add the synergies to begin with.

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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8 hours ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

Oh yeah. When Zariman weapons launched taking Harrow got me more hate than taking Limbo.

Well that's more of a frame - weapon antisynergy.  I meant stuff more along the lines of Magnetize sucking up Coil Horizon, Shadows of the Dead causing Renewal's energy cost to be unsustainable, Grendel's Feast being locked out by numerous CC abilities, Harrow being rendered a leech by other frames' nukes and CC, etc

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These seem to be more like meme/lore interactions than omgwtfbbq op meta defining strats.

Like, at the end of the day, sure this could look to be fine and dandy, but what exactly is stopping you from just running a Terrify Maim Equinox? All you need to do is to kill one or two high health targets, strip armor with Terrify, then release your 4 and watch it cleanse half the entire planet, save from the one or two eximus hanging on, begging for mercy.

If Volt's discharged empowered Gyre in one way or another, it wouldn't break the status quo, as electric damage is hot garbage against armor, which is why Pillage usage is recommended, and as it's an Helminth, available to any frame, the synergy isn't even the source of what would be considered op.


If anything, it would spice things up when doing random public squads. As long as frames don't NEED those to perform, then the interactions won't feel forced.

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Looking through this thread, nobody has touched on the actual reason we don't have these:

DE don't want the extra work.

Every patch they do, an Ability breaks. Every new release they spend months hot-fixing the new stuff so that it doesn't break, or break the game, or break other Warframe functions.

That would literally multiply the balancing needed exponentially for every update. Where all of the interactions, between every frame and any other frame it had an interaction with, would need to be tested for being broken, on top of all the existing work.

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