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Soulframe feedback


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IDK if this is the right place to post this, but whatever. The visuals and sound design are great, but that's pretty much it for the positives. The combat, however, is a mess.
First of all, the enemy hitboxes need to be adjusted. If you want to compete with other Souls-like games then hitboxes HAVE to be tight and fair, instead of extending half a meter past the enemy weapon.
Second, the combat feels very bland and boring. The enemies are far too weak and dumb. Need more special behaviours/responses, such as rushing and relentlessly attacking the player when they throw their weapon at the enemies. Enemies also need more initiative, instead of standing around and letting the player do whatever they want at the start of combat.
Third, having an AI ally that aggros and tanks for you is WAY too OP for these types of games, even if it's prologue only. Having other players accessible for help at all times is even more OP, so please look into balancing things out.

Edited by Darkbring
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I call this "animation coupling issues", basically there is no animation between the "Action" and "Target" space. The solution to this is to increase interaction accuracy, the stealth strike should only be available when the character is very close to the interactive box. Another solution is to teleport the character directly to the target and generate linear ghost dash between these two points, this will generate the illusion of fast approaching the target and hide the empty animation gap.

the humanoids were probably animated with mocap and are pretty good however the lake monster has weird animations that were probably manually animated. in short, fictional creatures still depend on manual animations and artists because there is no artificial intelligence or mocap that can simulate or capture physical movements of giant monsters because giant monsters do not exist. I have no reviews about the combat / mod system as it is a new game, it will naturally be polished over time.

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I agree with most of what you said except that I will cut them some slack with regards to the hit-boxes and the fact that it was more than likely NOT one of the bigger battles in the game and just an early onset minor boss battle.  Also I don't think they are finished with it yet, so they are still working out some of the kinks so I wouldn't judge them too harshly....yet!  I have no opinion on the AI ally really so I won't comment on it.  Was that an AI ally as I could have sworn they mentioned something about "co-op" play which to me would mean another human being not an AI player. as having an AI fight along side you is NOT co-op!  It was a feast for the eyes graphically speaking so I will give them some kudos for their design work!  To be honest, the combat of most games that involve wizards and the like are never going to be as action packed as say Warframe as I would tend to say that combat isn't the focus of the that genre of games.  I have watched many a battle on YouTube  of Wizards vs [insert fantasy creature here] in Skyrim, etc. where it had bad clipping  of weapons and wonky hit-boxes occasionally so I won't label Soulframe as inferior just yet as they are still perfecting and polishing their creation.  I am impressed with what they have created so far considering it is a new style of game for them to create from scratch and they are still in the process of discovering what works and looks best for the game in terms of mechanics and design. 

Have a pleasant tomorrow!

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Steve said himself that Soulframe is the opposite of Warframe. It's a hands down RPG, it's deliberately Slow Paced, also that was a Work in Progress Tech Demo.

We won't see Soulframe proper for another 2 years bare minimum. 

Also, that was another DE employee playing. Steve said the game will have co-op (so Warframe like in that regard). 

The game has a long way to go.

I personally found that demo REALLY impressive considering it's been what? Maybe a year since they announced the game?

For only a year-ish of focused development the game is looking and playing well.

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16 hours ago, Darkbring said:

Third, having an AI ally that aggros and tanks for you is WAY too OP for these types of games, even if it's prologue only. Having other players accessible for help at all times is even more OP, so please look into balancing things out.

There isn't. The other envoy shown in the dungeon was another dev doing coop (can't remember who). Also It looks like only the dungeons are coop, as the other player was nowhere to be found during the boss fight.

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40 minutes ago, Mazifet said:

There isn't. The other envoy shown in the dungeon was another dev doing coop (can't remember who). Also It looks like only the dungeons are coop, as the other player was nowhere to be found during the boss fight.


I know it was coop. Im just saying that these types of games are usually designed with solo gameplay in mind, and having assistance, be that a dumb AI or an actual player, is usually too OP.

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vor 19 Stunden schrieb Darkbring:

Second, the combat feels very bland and boring. The enemies are far too weak and dumb.

yes. why not copy best playstation games and make it better? Why reinvent the bicycle when there are already very good models?

no idea what they are doing. but this doesnt work!


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Boring... yea. I did like the animations and characters but the combat... well I avoid Duviri because the combat just feels too boring. Also... companions keep me in Warframe when I have done almost everything and I had such hopes with the wolf. That summon in to attack... gave me goosebumps then.... why is it just standing there.... nononono..... yup. You made a badass wolf into a mount... *groans into his palms*

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I still can't believe they got that far with only a year's worth of dev time. The look, feel, emotions, ability samples and lore all looked damn good. I originally thought the speed was slow but I had to think about my actions as the player and realized the speed is good for the exploration to work well. 

My biggest concern, so far, is Warframe players badmouthing it because they are expecting Warframe style of play. The spoiledness of this community could potentially ruin good chunks of Soul frame's direction.

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5 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

My biggest concern, so far, is Warframe players badmouthing it because they are expecting Warframe style of play. The spoiledness of this community could potentially ruin good chunks of Soul frame's direction.

Well, then devs better step up, because nobody wants or cares about janky gameplay.

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11 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

I still can't believe they got that far with only a year's worth of dev time. The look, feel, emotions, ability samples and lore all looked damn good. I originally thought the speed was slow but I had to think about my actions as the player and realized the speed is good for the exploration to work well. 

My biggest concern, so far, is Warframe players badmouthing it because they are expecting Warframe style of play. The spoiledness of this community could potentially ruin good chunks of Soul frame's direction.

If they don't want Warframe players trying to compare between Warframe and their other game :

1. They shouldn't name this game "Soulframe"

2. They shouldn't waste 45 minutes of the TENNOLive panel dedicated to WARFRAME's future showing Soulframe.

I can guarantee WoW players would S#&$ on Soulframe just the same if it was named World of Soul and was showcased during Blizzcon. And it would have nothing to have with Soulframe World of Soul's intrinsic qualities.

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2 hours ago, Chewarette said:

If they don't want Warframe players trying to compare between Warframe and their other game :

1. They shouldn't name this game "Soulframe"

2. They shouldn't waste 45 minutes of the TENNOLive panel dedicated to WARFRAME's future showing Soulframe.

I can guarantee WoW players would S#&$ on Soulframe just the same if it was named World of Soul and was showcased during Blizzcon. And it would have nothing to have with Soulframe World of Soul's intrinsic qualities.

No, the expectation is for an action game's player base to be smart enough to recognize and the scope of an adventure game and then understand that the two have different directions. You didn't expect Frame Fighter to have guns and massive tilesets, did you? Of course not, because the fighting game shown to you did not include those elements.

Second, they didn't "waste" anything. 

Third, you go by what was demonstrated to you, not by the title. If the demo showcases the mechanics, and the game's concept was discussed, then the thought process should start from there and then build within the frame of that. 

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3 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

Second, they didn't "waste" anything. 

they absolutely did, if you actually watched the stream youll know that theres alot of downtime between tennocon and tennolive where literally nothing is happening, why not put soulframe there? why waste 45min of tennolive to talk about different game instead of warframe? are they just that incompetent?

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2 hours ago, Mayonaiser said:

they absolutely did, if you actually watched the stream youll know that theres alot of downtime between tennocon and tennolive where literally nothing is happening, why not put soulframe there? why waste 45min of tennolive to talk about different game instead of warframe? are they just that incompetent?

I did watch the stream and I work in the entertainment industry. That downtime is prep time for the live systems, media playback tests and the concert performance. It's also to do any last minute rehearsal checks of what can and cannot be said. Please think things through before you decide to be  disrespectful to the professionalism and hard work everyone displayed, inside and outside of DE. 

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hace 17 horas, Mayonaiser dijo:

they absolutely did, if you actually watched the stream youll know that theres alot of downtime between tennocon and tennolive where literally nothing is happening, why not put soulframe there? why waste 45min of tennolive to talk about different game instead of warframe? are they just that incompetent?

It's not that they're incompetent, it's your ignorance.

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