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PSA: Heirloom Collection Platinum Changes & Lessons


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Tennos keep this in mind: That are cosmetics that look good and help to continue supporting the game, if you want buy it and if you don't want it, don't do it... it's that simple, it doesn't increase or decrease what you can or can't do in Warframe. Buy it if you have the possibilities and want to support or you like the skin or simply don't if u dont care, it's up to you, not everything that they release aesthetically has to be for platinum, the game is not maintained with the simple emotional support that you give it xD

I personally like what they released and that's why I bought it, it's an exclusive package and DE will have their reasons for doing so... stop crying over something that doesn't give you a real benefit in the game.

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I don't think this really solves the issue.  Removal of the platinum and the aya solves the issue.  Selling the skins separately also solves the issue.  It's not like I don't buy tennogen, or developer skins, trinkets and baubles throughout the year.  I'm out there supporting the game.  I'm just not a whale and this feels like a punishment for not being in a position to spend a lot of money in one sitting or being forced to spend it in a time limit.  I would still prefer increased access by debloating the bundles so more people could enjoy the beautiful skins.  I mean are these a celebration of Warframe?  Or are they a celebration of those who can afford to drop a bag in the next three months.

Edited by Anmorata_Armitage
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I play Arknights and during anniversaries, in addition of the new skins they release to celebrate the event, they also make available the ones from previous anniversaries. And the same pattern apply to various events, like for example when a particular storyline is expanded through a new event, skins of related characters are made available once again. Everything is returning during these specifics periods, so players are less incline to succumb to the fomo.

Sorry to say that DE but in this case, having worst practices than a gacha game really shoud be a concern…

Edited by Yulfan
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hay there, I got the zenith pack as well and I love the content in genera but it is nice to get that plat amount increase, but I was just wandering for all of us that have already bought the pack, will we be getting the extra plat credited to our accounts once the change roles out?

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il y a 1 minute, dragonhunter229 a dit :

hay there, I got the zenith pack as well and I love the content in genera but it is nice to get that plat amount increase, but I was just wandering for all of us that have already bought the pack, will we be getting the extra plat credited to our accounts once the change roles out?

Il y a 10 heures, [DE]Megan a dit :

*The Platinum will be delivered via in-game Inbox to accounts that have already purchased the respective Packs. We are coordinating our efforts now to arrange the Inbox send, and Hotfix required. We will signal when the Inbox has been delivered on all Platforms.

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Putting it in yet another way: The skins are time-exclusive and sought after. They look awesome, the color palette is nice and the new signa are dope as hell. Really great addition to the game. People want the cosmetics, which surely is the point of them. In contrast, platinum and Regal Aya are not time-exclusive, and lots of people aren't behooved to buy them. They're not interested in anything you can buy with Regal Aya, and they get their platinum via trading with players and on occasion pay for it when they get a large discount. These people have no incentive to buy the Regal Aya or platinum in the packs, and both of these cost a lot of money that could be spent on important things like food and fuel. You're effectively shutting them out. Or, perish the thought, you figured people would spend money they need for food and fuel on cosmetics.

If your goal is to make this not only time-exclusive but exclusively for people that are well-off and able to splurge, be transparent about it. You announced these cosmetics as a celebration of the game's 10-year anniversary, even bringing back the original designer for warframes to do these skins. An occasion for everyone to join in and buy these exclusive skins that'll go away when the anniversary isn't relevant anymore. There was no mention they're catered only to people who can go "ah, who cares" and just buy the packs even though they don't want the premium currency, and the way you show them off doesn't make it seem like they are meant to be this way.

Also, by adding even more premium currency to the pack, you've conceded that the skins themselves are in all actuality worth even less money. Which is like... I didn't attend business school, but that doesn't seem like a good way to paint a picture that your product is valueable. Maybe that's just me.

Edited by Disasterchild
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This didn't fix most of the community concerns DE, people weren't mad because it didn't include a lot of plat people were mad because this entire situation is really predatory. A $90 bundle for two skins that doesn't even include the frames they are for....and then to top it off it's time limited


This reply feels like it was made just to shut the community up

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this barely address the main issue that the pack have...

its fomo so anyone that wanna buy it later is screwed over, its so overpriced that every player who lives in a developing countries gonna have pay their whole salary just to get it, and the fact that theres no option to buy just the skins and accessories alone without all the other crap? come on man.

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I can almost guarantee they could've had a much better reception and even more sales (if you want to look at it from a money making stand point) if they just sold the cosmetics alone for $20-25ish bucks. The skins are gorgeous, but $70-90+ is a lot. I have no problem passing on cosmetics and such, thankfully, but it's such a shame really considering the 10 year milestone celebration.

I've been playing since late 2018 with 1400+ hrs, so I don't need/want the regal aya. If I wanted platinum I would just trade or wait for 50-75% coupon.

All-in-all, this just leaves a bad aftertaste for a game that has a special spot in my heart for all of the great experiences and lovely supportive community. Especially as someone who buys a decent amount of Tennogen, discounted plat, and some merch.

Please don't let this be the norm going forward. You were the standard for F2P games for me and this is setting an unfortunate precedent that I can comfortably say is unwelcome by most.


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This still isn't it.

The Aya and Platinum being in there is the issue, so the increase the amount of that isn't a genuine fix. There's also no cleancut refund option, so to rollback is equally a problem I imagine, legally and otherwise. Honestly it's a stalemate of a problem and this bandage fix feels like ignoring the problem.

It feels like some people don't understand the issues the community has with it and the rest feels like an echochamber.

First off, players who are buying it for it's exclusivity. This is about ownership if that's the case and holding that over other players for some sense of prestige? In a game like Warframe, the skins, packs, etc and everything you buy are not owned by you. They are owned by DE and you are paying for the privilege to use them. If DE was to close the servers tomorrow, your "ownership" would evaporate. (Same if you get banned as many have learned.) Moreso, any digital content can be replicated and cloned. Even with copyright laws, your ownership can be infringed upon by pirating. The logic here is just flawed in multiple ways.

That being said. In essence, a supporter pack like this should be about players wanting to support the company they have come to appreciate. The company in turn designs a pack like this to reward the players as thanks for that monetary supportive action. There's so much wrong here.

Starting with the limited-time nature of these packs, the limited-time clause of marketing is really just a red flag, because it only improves immediate purchases. It speaks of short-sighted goals and not long-term engagement. If you promised that these and other limited content would stay exclusive for a period of time (let's say, at least 2 years?) wouldn't that be enough without really detracting from the faith your community has in you? Especially with content considered core like skins? Glyphs are a dime a dozen, but for a player who really enjoys Frost? What's that say to them? The limited-nature also toes that Excalibur Prime line that's been established. The promise the community understands is that they'd avoid doing it again, but retain that promise for those things.

I do want to add that the real money cost. Not the issue it seems. The fact that this charges real money is just how a lot of things like Supporter packs and Tennogen have operated. The issue is not with this pack, but how erosion of the virtual currency (platinum) has made the need for the direct transactional value. Otherwise, if Platinum was genuinely worth it's transactional value, then it would be fine for purchasing all things including these packs. Since it's not, then a direct money cost is the translation of that immediately.

This brings me directly to regal aya. Regal aya is another virtual currency and continues to lack the value they've tried to garner for it. It's a way to consistently push for more money-based purchases, but presents no genuine change from the platinum system. Regal aya is an improvement, but it's not a great one in terms of value for a player. It allows a player to pick and choose specific items from previous offerings and by extension, allows them to buy only what they want. However the purchasable offerings with it are varied in regal cost, ranging from 1 noggle for 1 regal to 6 regal for a prime pack. One could easily argue that 6 noggles are not worth 1 prime pack. That leaves it at just "fine". It's not good, but it's "fine". In this case though, it's added to these packs and bloats the price by operations.

Then comes the breakdown of "Supporter Pack" as it's naming nomenclature. Support packs before have been a decent cost. They aren't cheap starter packs, but they've been in a couple reasonable brackets, affordable to many players. This is triple that. This isn't about support, this is about raw profit. This went full Nef Anyo on us. Really here though, the supporter nature of this is flawed from both sides. Supporter packs have not been leaning towards that. They are marketed as a product and purchased as one. I sincerely doubt most people buy them purely for the supportive nature. This pack having that "Supporter" built-in just brushes away that illusion for all these packs and anyone genuine about this purchase as support wouldn't care about the limited-time nature of the content. A little tag on your profile that was just "accolades" and said "supported Warframe" and a list of which mainline patches would be fine. Acknowledgement and gratitude without really making a stink of it.

There's so many ways to go about this all that would improve it.

To speak to a "boycott". Ultimately, it would be about wanting the company to do better. DE is usually listening, so a boycott isn't probably the play except on this specific pack. There's not much wrong with buying these packs, except infringing on that boycott. If you have the money, good on you, better if you did so because you just like supporting DE. However what is "wrong" is specifically the deterioration of the message. A company has to listen to what continues to profit them or what will profit them. If every dollar spent is worth a "vote", then every pack purchased is supporting this sort of action.

I think in this case, DE does hear us, so it's hard to say for everyone, but I don't think the message will be any more or less clear if you decide as a player to buy this pack. I think individuals need to decide if they feel it's worth having the product or not. So don't feel bad about it, but do so responsibly to your finances and hopefully DE will communicate better ways of fixing these packs.

I do think there's another note here. It's Mag and Frost. When's the last time your team had them in it? (sorry to people who like those frames, both are situationally good) That's specifically to speak to value of on-screen time. It looks pretty, but suppose you bought it and never played those frames. I dunno, that feels off to me. Frost and Frost Prime have a collective 1.13% playtime in 2022's recap. Mag and Mag Prime have a collective 1.54% playtime. While I don't think value should be weighed against that playtime, it seems weird almost that such a high pricetag would be expected to sell well in junction with that.

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I also hope this "Heirloom" collection thing just doesn't exist after this if it's gonna be yet another $90 bundle bloated with a bunch of junk half the people who play this game have no use for.

Regal aya is unless for so many player simply because they already have all the frames and prime accessories from supporting you with prime access.



If this comes back next year with two more skins and a bunch of clutter for $90 you can be sure the people who didn't leave this time will be for sure begone next time, myself included.

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The $90 bundle is a decent deal considering the platinum changes 

BUT most end game players don’t need more platinum or regal aya. If anything make the frost skin $20-30 and the mag skin $20-30 as a separate deal and call it a day. Or make the skins super premium 4k plat in game (because you can actually earn plat in game by trading other players) 

The majority of the population want the skins only, plus it would sell more at that price point, because many can’t justify paying more than what it would cost to buy a standard $60-70 game for a single skin. 

It’s not like a founders pack either where you’re paying to fund the start of a game/company, that is completely different. But on the topic of founders package.. you could buy Excalibur prime for $50 10 years ago, and that was a whole prime warframe. Technically mag/frost heirloom skin is $70 to own (becuase there’s no other price or way to get them) I understand inflation but .. that doesn’t really sound reasonable even if it’s in a bundle. 

limited time cosmetics are awesome but bundling them together + adding more things and making them not purchasable outside of the bundle is not fair practice. I hope eventually you guys can sell the skins separately in a cheaper package, but most likely that can’t happen this time around since there’s probably legality issues with that .. 

Thanks for making the plat change though at least, I understand that was probably your only option to improve the situation legally. 

(also please bring back glaive prime in prime resurgence it’s been a long time I’ve heard 🙂)

Edited by SkylarMoo
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36 minutes ago, (PSN)PheonixFontaine said:

First off, players who are buying it for it's exclusivity. This is about ownership if that's the case and holding that over other players for some sense of prestige?

I got it because I foolishly allow3ed myself to get dazzled amid the tennocon hype. Then I quickly realized that I had bought a badge of shame. Might as well change my name to "Whale" whenever I'm seen with that stuff. I wish I had earned it, man. There's no prestige here. 

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i have never and will likely never have any interest in regal aya.  its not worth it to me to buy the bundles despite how badly i want the skins, because its inflated by stuff that is worthless to me.  give us bundles WITHOUT the regal aya.  plain and simple, then you'll get my money.  i was literally thinking when i watched tennocon online and saw those skins, "oh alright, looks like i'll be spending $40-$50 on warframe today... and then i saw $90.  quite the slap to the face, i never expected this type of thing from you guys.  i've long thought and said to everyone i know that i feel like i never regret my purchases here on warframe, you guys always have so much value here for your money, and i always feel happy after my purchases.  this, it ain't that.  NOT good.

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12 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

We missed the mark here and understand the feedback we're receiving

DE, "understanding" the feedback they are receiving. 👇 *

* (requests to make "Heirloom" also available into separated bundles not included)



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This is either the best of the bad endings, or the worst of the good endings. It has gone from "$50 skins with a forced $20 platinum bundle alongside it" to "$20 skins with a forced $50 platinum bundle alongside it," so the fundamental complaint is still there. 

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This is nice, but only for some. Why not make it available to purchase every Warframe Birthday or something. Additionally I have a few friends here in Ottawa that are on welfair who wont be able to buy this pack due to the pricing. Cant you have pack(s) that help everyone while in turn helping yourselves?


Edited by TiGer-Bomb
Image update, and spelling correction
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I get you probably can't remove the limited edition nature now, due to people having already bought it assuming it would be limited. (Pretty stupid move, considering excal prime was done like this to SAVE THE GAME. This pack at best causes drama, this is done as greed not as a last ditch effort to save the game, if anything it does the absolute opposite.)

And EVERYONE predicted the 'solution' would be 'just add platinum lol!'

Why not release a new pack with JUST the skins? The issue isn't just one thing, it's EVERYTHING this pack does.

This pack makes me question if Rebb is really as great at the head as I was hoping she'd be, why sour tennocon with this? It was going to be a perfect tennocon and you morons blew it for greed. If you JUST HAD ONE PACK WITH SKINS ONLY, NO RANDOM BS, NOBODY WOULD BE NEARLY AS PISSED.
It's so upsetting.
It's FOMO, it's expensive, and the price is inflated by Raya and other garbage you do not want with the pack. "It's to support us!" and what are all the other transactions? Am I not supporting you by buying prime access? Platinum? Regal aya for resurgence? (When I want it! What if I own all prime accessories/that I want? What if I already have mag and frost prime? What does Raya do for me then? It may be nice for people that DONT have that, but for people that support you, it is NOT good value.)

You should just refund, and retry it, really, that's honestly the only way I could see DE coming out on top here. But you won't, because why tf would any company have the interest of the consumers in their head?

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There is no prestige to be had. It is a bundle that anyone can buy, even a 1 day old account can have the prestige of "10 Year Supporter". Which is insulting to anyone who actually supported the game over these years since you are not a "10 Year Supporter" unless you buy this specific bundle. Again, I like the skins, the cosmetics are nice, and if you consider the price of the regal aya and the increase in platinum, it is a good deal for new players who have a use for these things.

I have not bought the bundle though. Even if I did the stigma behind it currently is not good. The prestige badge is honestly a sham. Everyone who has played this game for years, and supported the game, deserves the badge, not just whoever bought this Heirloom bundle. I don't really know what else to say at this point. It isn't going to make me quit playing Warframe, and I am excited for the next story updates. Hoping for the best I suppose.

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4 minutes ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

I got it because I foolishly allow3ed myself to get dazzled amid the tennocon hype. Then I quickly realized that I had bought a badge of shame. Might as well change my name to "Whale" whenever I'm seen with that stuff. I wish I had earned it, man. There's no prestige here. 

So, you bought it because of hype, no shame in that. People get what they want and do things they want to do. So long as you don't tout the exclusivity of something virtual over another person, then the message is heard. Enjoy it since you have it. A boycott isn't strictly necessary here, though it helps drive the message, the message is known.

No player is at fault for buying this. No player is wrong for buying this.

DE just needs to do better with this.

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