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PSA: Heirloom Collection Platinum Changes & Lessons


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4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Greetings, Tenno!

We’re back in action after TennoCon 2023 - and our number one priority is addressing the community’s reaction to the Heirloom Collection.

We missed the mark here and understand the feedback we're receiving because of it. After taking some time to review and evaluate our options based on the concerns, we have opted to increase the Platinum amounts in all Heirloom Packs. 


The Feedback we can address for the current Heirloom Collection:

“The value of the Packs does not justify the price point.”


Our Change to Address:

We are increasing Platinum to all Heirloom Packs to bring them alongside Prime Access standards:

  • Increase Platinum in Risen Pack: 400 to 800
  • Add Platinum in Celestial Pack: 800
  • Increase Platinum in Zenith Pack: 600 to 2100

*The Platinum will be delivered via in-game Inbox to accounts that have already purchased the respective Packs. We are coordinating our efforts now to arrange the Inbox send, and Hotfix required. We will signal when the Inbox has been delivered on all Platforms.


Similar to how Regal Aya bundles launched with no Platinum and were met with strong feedback, we agree Heirloom Packs need more value to justify their status.  

This decision was made to address the feedback and maintain the expectations we had set for players upon the release of the Heirlooms (time exclusivity and Pack contents). In doing so, we are able to increase the value of pack contents in a way that does not remove any value for Tenno who have bought them. We do not feel it would be fair to those who purchased an Heirloom Collection already with the understanding that they were time-limited to now remove that element. Those who have purchased simply get more, and ultimately they are now a good Platinum deal with exclusive Cosmetics.

Heirloom Collections are intended to be unforgettable (for the right reasons) - we are also discussing ways we can better preserve that feeling of legacy, quality, and prestige for future Heirloom Collections (if we make more).

We truly appreciate your feedback and concerns and recognize the responsibility we have in ensuring that any new directions we take with cosmetic exclusives are done with much more careful consideration. The Heirlooms were designed with the celebratory nature of this year's TennoCon and 10-year anniversary, and it's on us to ensure that you, as a player, feel that we are upholding years of lessons learned when it comes to selling cosmetic exclusives. If we continue with this series, we are dedicated to ensuring all future Heirloom Collection releases have more purchase flexibility and reflect all feedback we received during this launch.


Thank you, Tenno!

I bought the 90 dollars bundle and just got 600p , so will i get the rest? Or no?

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"Hey, we heard you all, we're not deaf-toned"
And then proceeds to release one of the most deaf-toned "fixes" ever.

Everyone I talked to, from friend list to alliance, agreed that the PRICE was steep, not that it was without enough platinum. It's the same price as a new AAA+ game! AND has FOMO!

Look, honestly? It really makes a really bad precedent and your playerbase resentful. One thing is being grateful with words and such on a conference, another whole deal is actually acting grateful. DE didn't act grateful, quite on the contrary with such an overpriced cosmetic bundle. Bundle, can't be purchased separately, nor with platinum. So, DE, I'll make a list for you, and specially for Tencent scum, to maybe understand things before you keep down that road and the ship sinks.

  • We don't want skins that can be only purchased with real money. Not now not EVER. It makes a dark omen;
  • The videogame industry is rotten with FOMO, and we really, really are fed up with it. You're starting a new game and apparently money isn't being a problem now, but keep this poor decision making and, hopefully, nobody will be around anymore. Because FOMO based manipulation of the people that support you isn't how you show yourself grateful.
  • Many people don't want regal aya anymore so don't bundle it, it's useless to them. And those people are the players that actually support you the most, so it's really salt in the wound;
  • There's this deep irony that everything comes with platinum now, it's a inflated currency and the new heirloom skins being priced in real money shows how unimportant platinum can be. And then you raise the "value" by adding more bread crusts?;
  • "It's just cosmetics". Yes but no, you see, either you pay for the product or you are the product. These skins and signas keep piling on top of tennogen, and a f2p player will feel ugly compared to a whale or even mild spender player, you're still abusing of them by making f2p people "ego food" for top spenders.
  • "Be grateful for DE releasing so much stuff frequently and stop whining". One thing doesn't invalidate another, a good action doesn't and shouldn't cover FOMO and bad practices. Sure, DE makes a good job with the updates, most of the time, but it doesn't erase the bad things and we should not just eat it up. Such "mentalities" (if they have a mind behind that are all) are so dull and seem just like puppets;
  • A LEGAL problem with this and the recent EULA update is that, in many countries, selling bundles or "married purchases" can be considered an actual punishable act against consumers. Remember, the world isn't hell-bent on ignoring customer rights as in USA or... China... if they even have that to begin with;
  • I could go on and on, but a final remark: you know this isn't what we asked for, and you knew that posting this would both save you face compared to being silent and make people argue with one another, shifting the attention away by dividing us. Cheap tactic.

Overall, this bundle is great example of why we need more strict regulations on the gaming industry, it's unfair, unasked for and manipulates the users with FOMO and should not happen again. If you agree, vote with your wallet and either don't spend anymore or cut it down significantly.

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3 hours ago, Binket_ said:

Plenty of surface-level examples. I could go further in depth if you want, we have a list so long I could smack someone with it and land an Impact Status.

I wish I could like your post more then once... I really really needed that laugh so thanks tenno! 😇

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7 minutes ago, AngelDKnight said:

if you want to stop people to buy then you are wrong and you can't stop them. and who are you to them? its really funny of you. the reason they selling things is profit and business! don't ever think they make game for never got paid or cost nothing. making game is not free... need to pay bills and not easy... i like to buy cosmetic than pay to win game. since wf is free to play they need income to pay the employee and server bills too... they are not robots even robots need cost. i play few games same age as wf but many of them taken down because of what you must know since you have "EDUCATION". they not profitable and then put down/end service at 2015, 2017 and 2020 (3games that i played). if you want the game still up and live then support it. don't complaining as like want that skin to be free or beggar... just ask or share your opinion to DE. then DE will hear and think.
i agree that is overpriced... i agree that bundle has plat and regal that we don't want. but that is way they got profit and make more progress and still alive. if you want to live you need to eat food, food need money to buy. if you want this game still alive and still long then you know how to make it happen... if you dislike it then stop and play other games that you feel right. we player just asking and hope... if like it then buy it. you dislike then don't buy it. no one force you to buy. there is so many free to play players that not even a cent/peny they use/buy in game and so many of them not complaining because they didn't want to pay/buy from beginning. they just want to enjoy game as totally free. just as i said before yes overpriced bundle, yes there are things we didn't want on that bundle make it more overpriced. but that there it is. dislike don't buy. thinking its overpriced just ask for more valuable that what DE do now. still dislike it then still strong and don't buy it.
the guy who complaining that scummy gaming practices then go ask charity and make your own game without even penny/cents charge to players or selling things not even business things allowed(include ads, etc)! then you will know and fell how it is.
they release something that really bad and no one buying then that it is and you know what will happen after if no one buy as you have "EDUCATION".
buying = love it. not forcing and yes its dumb to buy that not even to do in real live but that it is how
entertainment work(just for lust to have and looks nice that they agree with price/cost). its same as why you play game that until you buy console/pc meanwhile no one forcing you to play game.
i know few games that more more worst than wf, the game MMORPG huge open world with must to pay for mounts and not any permanent mounts like normal horse to get free in early(some can get from auction but really grinding killer end game) and more worst thing is if buy that you got new passive skills or new gods items in end pay to win! how do you imagine huge map you must slow walking do quest go ther there and there huh??? and you die got killed by pay to win players. its really worst. and i know another game you got free in just early 5-10% of game after you grinding and fun then you just know must buy dlcs for a little bit more contents but not worth in my eyes. i think its more worst than wf. that is another reason i come back to wf few times after i stop playing few times too.
in wf there many player with many opinion and way to think. let them to be and just enjoy the game...

Please, please learn how to use commas.

Besides, nobody said keeping warframe support and updates is free or costs nothing, but it doesn't support such Tencent/Bungie/Bethesda/EA levels of greed. I won't comment on other stuff because, no offense really, your writing is painful to read and it needs to improve.

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2 hours ago, distal.op said:

Aside everything about how this is a bad deal and FOMO and somesuch, (and it is,) I think this could end up having weird effects on the culture of the game, for example when PGI introduced the 500 USD gold paintjob for clan mech skins, the community reacted by starting to TK players with mechs decorated that way, for the sin of encouraging that behaviour in PGI, and quite frankly I hope this is not the sort of behaviour and ambience DE wishes to curate.



You know you can just refund the entire thing for all buyers and make it a plat purchase, do whatever you wish with the associated regal aya and plat and fifty other premium currencies and just call the losses of the entire fiasco the price of lessons learned, which need to be learned several times in a row.

This TBH, U cant learn Something unless it sticks and the best teacher for that is a grim reminder

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1 minute ago, AlphaOmega_ResNovae said:

Please, please learn how to use commas.

Besides, nobody said keeping warframe support and updates is free or costs nothing, but it doesn't support such Tencent/Bungie/Bethesda/EA levels of greed. I won't comment on other stuff because, no offense really, your writing is painful to read and it needs to improve.

yeah my primary is not english so my english not good as you. i just little little i can speaking speaking english 😆

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10 minutes ago, AngelDKnight said:

i agree that is overpriced... i agree that bundle has plat and regal that we don't want. but that is way they got profit and make more progress and still alive. if you want to live you need to eat food, food need money to buy. if you want this game still alive and still long then you know how to make it happen... if you dislike it then stop and play other games that you feel right. we player just asking and hope... if like it then buy it. you dislike then don't buy it. no one force you to buy.

Of course they need to make money no one is complaining about the fact that you have to pay for it, people just want more pack options like just the skins and for the skins to not to be exclusive.

What good the skins being exclusive does? If you know they have to make money wouldn't it be better if people always have the chance to buy these skins instead of just this year?

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What I don't understand is why people are complaining about FOMO now. There have been many supporter packs over the years with exclusive skins, like the Deimos Hive Supporter Pack. That one also contained exclusive skins and nobody cared. Why is the FOMO part of this current pack suddenly a thing people bring up?

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Celestial owner here, & I can't thank you enough. The skins are beautiful, but it did feel a bit weird paying so much & not getting *any* platinum out of it. I think this is a reasonable compromise to quite literally provide more 'bang for your buck' for players & I for one appreciate it! Thank you guys for always listening to player feedback, especially when it comes to pricing for items & packs like these!

That said, I DO wish there was a pack that JUST had the skins & signa's that was a bit cheaper for people who wanted to support you guys, but can't necessarily drop that much money at once. Just something to consider. Or, maybe even 2 packs that only have EITHER Mag or Frost. That way, there would be cheaper packs (maybe without the Signa's?) so people could have the beautiful skins.

Edited by Wolfofthenyght
Wanted to clarify- Happy w/my purchase, but I still had some feedback
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4 hours ago, Gladehart said:

I mean. It's just a skin. And only a skin. Ig you're that concerned about missing out on a skin then... I dunno man.

Plus, The Regal Aya is for the people that do not own the frames. Because they are both in prime resurgence currently.

So wat your saying is  there should be a pack for those that just want the Skins  as they may have no use for the R. Aya etc.

Thus countering your entire point as it factually Supports it being overpriced

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4 minutes ago, Kokogumi said:

What I don't understand is why people are complaining about FOMO now. There have been many supporter packs over the years with exclusive skins, like the Deimos Hive Supporter Pack. That one also contained exclusive skins and nobody cared. Why is the FOMO part of this current pack suddenly a thing people bring up?

Well, better now than never. Besides, as I mentioned in my post, FOMO is more widely known and we're more fed up with it, so it's actually a good thing it's making people irritated. Plus, this time it was tied with a 10 year anniversary, so more visibility equals more potential for backlash. I, in good faith, assume you're not trying to undermine the critics the community has made over this fiasco, but try seeing from that perspective I gave you, or from other people in previous posts.

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Thanks, I'm buying them now. I'm really happy with the direction the game has been going since Zariman, and more than willing to support DE.  But maybe next time add some more package options with less fluff (like when you guys finally started selling prime accessories separately). The exclusivity though I think is perfectly fine and even kinda nice. 

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How about the heirloom pack be a seasonal pack to a quantity of items over time, clearly you offer an accolade to us as a "we support" of the practice of making the custom skins; so i assume that there will be more in the future so like the money up-front is distributed in the team for the assumption that they will be churning out more and the next pass is just a plat price. this is not the same as the regular supporter pack for a new frame or content, that's a paid price with a cavate and also the same items are available in game with plat.


but seriously like, Signa for operator when? and the coronets for the kaithes are restricted to just the kaithes. and then you do Signas.

switch the coronets over to the frames and operators and maybe you will stave off the pressure, then you match your frame and your kiathe.

the pets use our ephemera rather it be only lich/sisters and why cant it work vice-versa?

Edited by DirkSplit
math typo LOL
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I'm pretty sure I can answer this question myself, but there's no chance you guys could make these things not "for a limited time", is there?  Even the Prime accessories come around again.  Why not make these things come back every Anniversary? (Pretty please)

Edited by NarwhalStorm
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20 minutes ago, Kokogumi said:

What I don't understand is why people are complaining about FOMO now. There have been many supporter packs over the years with exclusive skins, like the Deimos Hive Supporter Pack. That one also contained exclusive skins and nobody cared. Why is the FOMO part of this current pack suddenly a thing people bring up?

because they can't afford it. This is about the price. People are mad that its too expensive

Edited by Hypernaut1
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1 minute ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

Of course they need to make money no one is complaining about the fact that you have to pay for it, people just want more pack options like just the skins and for the skins to not to be exclusive.

What good the skins being exclusive does? If you know they have to make money wouldn't it be better if people always have the chance to buy these skins instead of just this year?

yeah i agree about it... i really love if there are more option like skin only or specific skin only without plat/boost/regal... i skip many primes that i hope will be on resurgence. i know someone just want that signa only too and i hope there is option for that.
i write that because got tickle on my hand want to say it after read someone so funny want to stop all players to buy things for games... and said its scam for selling things in game like almost free to play games do to get profit.
sorry my english is bad before i got joke by my english

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atleast now (for console) the $90 pack is good. since we do not have access to plat discounts and the plat bonus seems not worthwile compared to same price stuff like Prime access/Prime accessories.


hopefully in the future if they make packs like this again, they will do the smart thing and add several tiers.


warframe Heirloom Pack A: $15

  • Warframe (base) with slot and catalyst
  • Heirloom skin
  • Signa
  • Bonus 170p

warframe Heirloom Pack B: $15

  • Warframe (base) with slot and catalyst
  • Heirloom skin
  • Signa
  • Bonus 170p

Warframe Dual heirloom pack: $30

warframe A: 

  • Warframe (base) with slot and catalyst
  • Heirloom skin
  • Signa

warframe B: 

  • Warframe (base) with slot and catalyst
  • Heirloom skin
  • Signa

Bonus -  370p


imo, instead of aya, just put the base warframe in the packs and then do a Resurgence with the pack of the desired warframes.


a Supporter Bundle idea based on current bundles:

Warframe Heirloom Supporter Pack:

  • Accolade: Heirloom Supporter (instead of 10 year supporter)

warframe A: 

  • Warframe (base) with slot and catalyst
  • Heirloom skin
  • Signa

warframe B: 

  • Warframe (base) with slot and catalyst
  • Heirloom skin
  • Signa

1000 plat

 Heirloom supporter Noggles 

Warframe A Heirloom Noggle

Warframe B Heirloom Noggle

Heirloom Sigil & Emblem & Glyph

Bonus - 6 regal aya (this could not be included)

Edited by (NSW)Royal_Elf_Mika
changes, $15 packs were supposed to have the base warframes in them.
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7 minutes ago, AlphaOmega_ResNovae said:

I, in good faith, assume you're not trying to undermine the critics the community has made over this fiasco,

Sure, I'm just surprised it took people this long to get angry about it while it's been a part of Warframe for years.

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15 minutes ago, AlphaOmega_ResNovae said:

It's not my primary language either mate, that's why I tried to be polite.

yeah i know. my english is bad and already said at post before that post. next time i will try to fix my english for better and said that i still learn english. thank you for your concern mate.

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2 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

because they casn afford it. This is about the price. People are mad that its too expensive

Having to be more frugal with your money casts this consumer-unfriendly practice into sharper relief. I literally need to catch up on my finances (need car repairs) for the next few months. But what I want is the skins/signas. What I don't need is Regal Aya, since I have previously bought every prime accessory pack I wanted and am almost 100% caught up on my prime weapons, and totally caught up on my Warframes. Them INFLATING THE PRICE WITH REGAL AYA, to the tune of about ~$30 worth, is obnoxious and an extremely anti-consumer move. Good merchants and salesmen will let you buy different things separately as you so desire, but offer discounts when you purchase things altogether at once, sacrificing a bit of their sales margin in exchange for more overall money AND good will from the buyer who feels like they're getting a deal.

DE did the opposite of that. They said you HAVE to buy x amount of Plat/Regal-Aya's worth in order to buy the thing we all wanted to buy, the thing they advertised. Scummy.

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7 minutes ago, (NSW)Royal_Elf_Mika said:

atleast now (for console) the $90 pack is good. since we do not have access to plat discounts and the plat bonus seems not worthwile compared to same price stuff like Prime access/Prime accessories.


hopefully in the future if they make packs like this again, they will do the smart thing and add several tiers.


warframe Heirloom Pack A: $15

  • Heirloom skin
  • Signa
  • Bonus 170p

warframe Heirloom Pack B: $15

  • Heirloom skin
  • Signa
  • Bonus 170p

Warframe Dual heirloom pack: $30

warframe A: 

  • Warframe (base) with slot and catalyst
  • Heirloom skin
  • Signa

warframe B: 

  • Warframe (base) with slot and catalyst
  • Heirloom skin
  • Signa

Bonus -  370p


imo, instead of aya, just put the base warframe in the packs and then do a Resurgence with the pack of the desired warframes.


a Supporter Bundle idea based on current bundles:

Warframe Heirloom Supporter Pack:

  • Accolade: Heirloom Supporter (instead of 10 year supporter)

warframe A: 

  • Warframe (base) with slot and catalyst
  • Heirloom skin
  • Signa

warframe B: 

  • Warframe (base) with slot and catalyst
  • Heirloom skin
  • Signa

1000 plat

 Heirloom supporter Noggles 

Warframe A Heirloom Noggle

Warframe B Heirloom Noggle

Heirloom Sigil & Emblem & Glyph

Bonus - 6 regal aya (this could not be included)

This, this, this! Make some packs that remove or reduce the amount of Regal Aya (which we know is what's inflating the price) & allow people to buy smaller packs of just one of the frames! I have a bunch of friends who would love these skins & buy them in a hot second, but just can't afford to drop that much money in one evening.

Edited by Wolfofthenyght
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