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PSA: Heirloom Collection Platinum Changes & Lessons


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I understand that the FOMO policy can't be changed because the trigger's already been pulled. It should never have been pulled in the first place, but it's where we're at. I can only hope this won't happen again.

Increasing the amount of Platinum in the existing bundles is great for people that already bought them, but it does nothing to change the price barrier of the content.

The least amount of money you can spend to obtain the skins is more than most AAA releases. It's absolutely appalling and feels exceptionally tone deaf. This is meant to be a celebration of the game's history, highlighting frames that have been with players from the very beginning. But the "celebration" comes in the form of the worst monetization the game has ever seen with bundles costing $70-90 that, ironically, no new player could ever justify purchasing. The only reason the bundles cost as much as they do is because of the artificially inflated value. I don't want Regal Aya, I just want the Mag skin, and I can't even get just the Mag skin. Adding more Platinum isn't going to suddenly make $70 an easier pill to swallow for a skin.

If this is really meant to be a celebration then add more purchasing options and bundles. Let people get involved for more reasonable prices. $15-20 to get either skin and a few of the other bonuses would be plenty sufficient. Otherwise, with prices like these, the only people allowed to celebrate and show support are the most devoted of whales and those with more spare cash than they know what to do with.

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2 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

So who's winning the slagging matches?

And who instead has noticed 80% of the comments in here over the last 10 pages aren't about the topic anymore but about who can insult who better?

Just a reminder of a few facts from before:

A) Heirloom Pack gives you 2100 plat plus everything else for €80.99. 2100 plat alone is €99.99.

B) 3 paydays can go by and it'll still be available

C) "Psycho" is not actually a recognised Mental Health Disorder. It's a subset of Antisocial Personality Disorder. If you're trying to insult others by calling them Psycho, you haven't spotted the idiot in the room yet for a good reason.

D) "FOMO" also isn't recognised.


Anyway, continue.

Harry Potter Lol GIF by Sky

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Here is what DE should do in order for making things cheaper

  • Merge risen and celestial tiers packs together in one but remove the regal aya and keep that new tier the same price risen.
  • Compensate risen buyers to give the skins in a message inbox similar to how buyers of the packs got the extra plat from DE's recent response.
  • Players who bought celestial before that time would get to keep the regal aya. No need for account info tweaking would even be required at all except for people who only bought the risen tier which doesn't have regal aya.

As for the FOMO issue I think this is the best way I can think of going about this

  • Making only the heirloom accolade exclusive to the current heirloom pack tiers and when December 31st comes around only that accolade you can't get again.
  • Make the heirloom skins and their signas be available for plat to buy some time after December 31st but make any element of them not allow you to get the heirloom accolade so that it doesn't break the previously proposed point.

At least that's what I can think of right now.

Edited by (XBOX)Vaktalor
fixed some grammar issues.
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1 minute ago, bedainey said:

How does that correlate exactly? We shouldn't even be the ones thinking of a detailed solution. It's their mistake. I don't care if they refund the money or whatnot, I just want a separate bundle. 

The problem isn't that the Zenith in particular is damn expensive, I think they are worth the value you get from your money. But I personally don't need all the contents in that pack. The problem is there are no damn options.

Also, don't worry about a company facing pressure. They experienced worse than this. Hopefully it stays that way and they listen.

That is the solution they NEED to implement next time and they said in the post(let’s hope they stay true to word) that they will try and add more options.

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1 minute ago, CrypticMonarch said:

Of course but I’m saying those who say they will only pay 30-40 dollars max for these skins are what I think unreasonable. You can’t run a company with one single free to play game with such cheap monetization. 

Let's just brush aside the absurdity that you think cosmetics in a game for 30-40 dollars for 2 frames are CHEAP.

Can you stop with intellectually disingeneous premise that DE has some sort of issue monetizing their game? You can buy almost everything in it for real money, where ISN'T it monetized is usually an easier question to answer.

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hace 6 horas, (PSN)MYKK678 dijo:

Just an FYI for anyone in here who still has the capacity to see sense.

- If you need to buy 2100 platinum from Warframe on PSN it's €99.99.

- The Zenith (most expensive) gives you that platinum with the recent changes (script running soon) as well as 2 skins, Emote, Glyph, Colours, Signas and Aya for €80.99

- So for the Platinum alone, disregarding everything else for no real reason, we're basically getting a €19 discount that you can choose to pick up at any point over the next 4 months.


If anyone was wondering why support for these tantrums is starting to die off after only one day, it's because Math exists. Math and Sense of course.

Anyway, I'll let you's get back to attacking one another and really showcasing that "We all lift together" spirit. Carry on.

Yeah what a deal...

*Laughs in buying 4300 platinum at 50USD (~€47) with a random 75% discount from login rewards*

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4 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

You heard that right folks. It 'For the Greater Good' and thus we must accept all kinds of predatory monetisation.

Or else the poor widdle DE won't keep their lights on.


Do you even enjoy the game at this point. Cause just saying “poor widely DE won’t keep their lights on” sounds like you don’t even care if they stay afloat. They screwed with the bundle but they still push good content. If you still enjoy the game then continue to invest no? Their monetizations are right now bad but they still to monetize 

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5 minutes ago, CrypticMonarch said:

I’m saying they need to have monetization but not to this degree. What I’m hearing and seeing from everyone is that they should make the pack lesson than 40 USD. If you agree with this statement, you don’t know the struggle to run a company or business. To pay employees, run ads, host Tenno con, make updates for you, they cant survive off weak monetization options.


I wanna point out to you that DE isn't struggling financially. Via growjo.com you can see that they are almost as lucrative (per employee) as Canadas biggest dev-studio Bioware. (DE 270,000$ and Bioware 300,000$ per employee per year)

This style of monetization is just unsavory, especially so when done under the guise of an anniversary celebration. Buying a mark that shows your support of the game? That's literary backwards!

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Just now, CrypticMonarch said:

Do you even enjoy the game at this point. Cause just saying “poor widely DE won’t keep their lights on” sounds like you don’t even care if they stay afloat. They screwed with the bundle but they still push good content. If you still enjoy the game then continue to invest no? Their monetizations are right now bad but they still to monetize 

I don't enjoy the fact that DE can, and will, go back on their morals and implement a bad monetisation practice that they had decried and promised to no longer implement on shaky grounds such as:

'Its a special Day'

I want them to keep to their words, but from what is happening right now and here that's not happening. Meaning that they can and will do even worse things because they show that they can go back on any 'promises' they made to be a more ethical company.

In which case, I cannot WAIT for the return of Plat Appearance Slot Machines to come back, if this is the case.

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Just now, CrypticMonarch said:

And that’s your decision which I respect. But some people do which is also completely fine.

I agree, but some people complain about it in the hopes that the practice will change, which is also completely fine.

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il y a 12 minutes, CrypticMonarch a dit :

Well can you blame them for needing the money? The amount the team is growing and the update quality is increasing, profits need to be high. It also isn’t helping that the fanbase isn’t growing. Again, they are at least trying to rectify the situation. Most studios wouldn’t even think to listen to the fans 

That's a fair point, company aims is to make money after all, I don't believe that this PSA is genuine tho, it was obviously a bad deal from the start, the rectification is an excuse so we can't say they don't listen while just selling it as they planned it and testing our limits.
I can only be saddened to see Warframe's monetisation coming to this.

Edited by FireOox314
mispelled words
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42 minutes ago, CrypticMonarch said:

Of course but I’m saying those who say they will only pay 30-40 dollars max for these skins are what I think unreasonable. You can’t run a company with one single free to play game with such cheap monetization. 

Do you have any idea of how many people would pay $30-$40 for just the cosmetics? A lot. Trust me.

Let’s say that for every player that bought the $90 pack, there are 4-6 that didn’t because they thought it was a was a waste of money even though they want the cosmetics…But those 4-6 people would more than likely pay $40 if buying just the cosmetics was an option.

DE stands more to gain in terms of sales and good will by giving us players more purchase options, but they’re too shortsighted and stubborn to see this.

Bigger nets always catch more fish.

Edited by MirageKnight
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3 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

So who's winning the slagging matches?

And who instead has noticed 80% of the comments in here over the last 10 pages aren't about the topic anymore but about who can insult who better?

Just a reminder of a few facts from before:

A) Heirloom Pack gives you 2100 plat plus everything else for €80.99. 2100 plat alone is €99.99. The argument of it being overpriced is gone since the change. Finito.

B) 3 paydays can go by and it'll still be available

C) "Psycho" is not actually a recognised Mental Health Disorder. It's a subset of Antisocial Personality Disorder. If you're trying to insult others by calling them Psycho, you haven't spotted the idiot in the room yet for a good reason.

D) "FOMO" also isn't recognised.


Anyway, continue.

Nobody in their right mind, or at least anyone who values their own work and money, buys platinum without a discount, as it is very overpriced. With 75% discount it's a barely acceptable price. So this argument is completely invalid.  50$ gets you 4300 plats. I already did the rest of the math in my previous post.

The basic moral of this story is to stop feeding corporate greed. It's because of people that buy this stuff simply because they have an overabundance of resources and don't know the value of money is why we can't have decent corporations that respect their customers anymore, with a few exceptions. 

People buying into this garbage and then performing some weird mental gymnastics to justify it make the whole gaming industry worse for everyone.

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Just now, (PSN)rexis12 said:

I don't enjoy the fact that DE can, and will, go back on their morals and implement a bad monetisation practice that they had decried and promised to no longer implement on shaky grounds such as:

'Its a special Day'

I want them to keep to their words, but from what is happening right now and here that's not happening. Meaning that they can and will do even worse things because they show that they can go back on any 'promises' they made to be a more ethical company.

In which case, I cannot WAIT for the return of Plat Appearance Slot Machines to come back, if this is the case.

A badly priced bundle does not signify the end of DE’s good nature. We need to wait and see what they do next. For now, just sit back and wait for their updates.

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1 minute ago, CrypticMonarch said:

A badly priced bundle does not signify the end of DE’s good nature. We need to wait and see what they do next. For now, just sit back and wait for their updates.


No. Again, if you do nothing, this will be the norm. Did they release a new statement that there will be no FOMO in the future? No? Then the problem is still there.

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Just now, CrypticMonarch said:

A badly priced bundle does not signify the end of DE’s good nature


It's the forced bundles that they said, would not DO again.

Something that they obviously turned back on.

And the fact that they did it for their big anniversary, where all eyes would be on them, and brought back a bad practice that they swore would never do again.

Is a horrible sign, and shows that they were willing to just go back on their words on a whim.

That's more than enough fear and justification that they would be willing to abandon their morals.

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2 minutes ago, bedainey said:

To be completely honest with you, it's hard to respect the people who are aware this is screwed and still try to defend it.

I’m not defending the outrageous amount they put on this bundle. But it is difficult for a studio to listen to ever one.

Just now, (PSN)rexis12 said:


It's the forced bundles that they said, would not DO again.

Something that they obviously turned back on.

And the fact that they did it for their big anniversary, where all eyes would be on them, and brought back a bad practice that they swore would never do again.

Is a horrible sign, and shows that they were willing to just go back on their words on a whim.

That's more than enough fear and justification that they would be willing to abandon their morals.

What’s to say they won’t change the pricing? They might not, they might but u can’t just assume the worst. That’s all I’m saying 

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2 minutes ago, CrypticMonarch said:

But it is difficult for a studio to listen to ever one

Please be reminded that you're not part of their studio. You DO NOT have to empathize with a company that knows, or should know what they're doing.

Edited by bedainey
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