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So why does index still exist ?


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17 hours ago, trst said:

It's not the primary way to farm Credits, just the fastest and most straightforward method for getting a lot efficiently. Sticking to the passive gains from everywhere else is a viable option if you're not regularly trading high tax items or aren't terribly impatient.

As is there's also at least two other relatively similar Credit farms. Profit Taker with Chroma is potentially more efficient if you can solo kill PT quickly. And Railjack gives 80-150k per Veil mission which makes RJ a great "multi farm" for those who need Credits, Relics, Primes, etc all at the same time.

If you were to plot a graph with PT vs Index, the fact Chroma works, Blessings double dip, and Smeeta's Charm applies will likely make PT the better farm. People just like the index because it can be AFK-able, or close to it. Profit-Taker is input heavy.

Edited by Voltage
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2 hours ago, Voltage said:

If you were to plot a graph with PT vs Index, the fact Chroma works, Blessings double dip, and Smeeta's Charm applies will likely make PT the better farm. People just like the index because it can be AFK-able, or close to it. Profit-Taker is input heavy.

This entire point is the difference between an effective farm and a good farm.

Anything can be a good farm, but if it relies heavily on effort, preparation, or a number of factors to be viable every single time, it's ultimately less effective as a farm, even if the rewards as a whole are stronger. The real argument for profit taker is that the successful efforts give exceptional standing for Vox, for amp building, and for any number of other transactions to milk that faction out. It's not a fast farm, if something were to happen, repeatedly, you don't get an E for Effort, you get an F for Flopped.

Accessibility is not a consideration when talking about the effectiveness of a farm, but Index is unlocked pretty quickly and pretty effortlessly, all so you're allowed to gamble for 'Exceedingly hard,' 'Hard, but not sadistic' and 'Baby, don't hurt me' difficulties, escalating down, with the lowest index still being great, and regardless of the frame. you're allowed to camp wherever you want. With a human team... often too well. With a nuke frame, or the best offensive-defense frame[Like Hydroid], it's still the cheapest farm that still gives an easy, even speed-runnable, profit.

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1 hour ago, (NSW)Free_Aetharus said:

This entire point is the difference between an effective farm and a good farm.

Anything can be a good farm, but if it relies heavily on effort, preparation, or a number of factors to be viable every single time, it's ultimately less effective as a farm, even if the rewards as a whole are stronger. The real argument for profit taker is that the successful efforts give exceptional standing for Vox, for amp building, and for any number of other transactions to milk that faction out. It's not a fast farm, if something were to happen, repeatedly, you don't get an E for Effort, you get an F for Flopped.

Accessibility is not a consideration when talking about the effectiveness of a farm, but Index is unlocked pretty quickly and pretty effortlessly, all so you're allowed to gamble for 'Exceedingly hard,' 'Hard, but not sadistic' and 'Baby, don't hurt me' difficulties, escalating down, with the lowest index still being great, and regardless of the frame. you're allowed to camp wherever you want. With a human team... often too well. With a nuke frame, or the best offensive-defense frame[Like Hydroid], it's still the cheapest farm that still gives an easy, even speed-runnable, profit.

You realize people have optimized Profit-Taker down to below 60 seconds a run right? DE also hasn't fixed Phase Skipping properly. My previous comment was merely addressing the comparison of Mission Rewards vs Mission Pickups. Profit-Taker and Index are different types of Credit rewards. You're free to pick whichever one you want. I farmed 2 billion Credits and 200 John Prodman Posters from The Index, and an additional 3.5 billion Credits from Profit-Taker. I vastly prefer Profit-Taker as it's more engaging to do and has opportunities for big payouts where The Index doesn't.

Edited by Voltage
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vor 23 Stunden schrieb Snayku:

Hello guys,

I just came back to Warframe, and i started really enjoying the game again as i used to some years ago, if not even more ...  I think DE has done an amazing job overall these last years to bring the game to yet an even higher standard than before, which was already quite up there, great stuff all in all, really happy about it.

THAT being said, i STILL can not understand why 4/5 years later, the index mission still exist and somewhat objectively considered the "main" credit farming method ... i don't want this to seem like a rant or anything but i can't wrap my head around it ?

Does credit economy matter that much to simply not bump the base credit gains all around ? I think credit shortage can bring the experience down a lot, especially in the longer run, it creates a bad routine, and that kind of stuff just makes player lose interest and passion for the game they well and truely love ... so it's a really a shame ...

Personally I just refuse to build a frame (revenant) that i'm not particulary intersted in for the sole purpose of making a game mode that i really dislike easier to digest ...

Did DE already adress this issue before or are they planning to implement some diversity in regard to credit farming at least, if the credit rate bump can't be considered as an option ?

Thank you !

there is wiki. Is this financed by the company? can anyone here clarify?

That's why I think it's unnecessary because there's better information out there.

However, not like with games like Doom 2016. I really enjoy reading it there and that's something special.

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4 hours ago, Voltage said:

You realize people have optimized Profit-Taker down to below 60 seconds a run right? DE also hasn't fixed Phase Skipping properly. My previous comment was merely addressing the comparison of Mission Rewards vs Mission Pickups. Profit-Taker and Index are different types of Credit rewards. You're free to pick whichever one you want. I farmed 2 billion Credits and 200 John Prodman Posters from The Index, and an additional 3.5 billion Credits from Profit-Taker. I vastly prefer Profit-Taker as it's more engaging to do and has opportunities for big payouts where The Index doesn't.

And this perfectly details why the option of both is more important. Railjack is another great area to farm credits while also gaining great XP and endo. The fact that I have space combat, arena combat and a boss mission to choose from is pretty cool. 

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4 hours ago, Voltage said:

You realize people have optimized Profit-Taker down to below 60 seconds a run right? DE also hasn't fixed Phase Skipping properly. My previous comment was merely addressing the comparison of Mission Rewards vs Mission Pickups. Profit-Taker and Index are different types of Credit rewards. You're free to pick whichever one you want. I farmed 2 billion Credits and 200 John Prodman Posters from The Index, and an additional 3.5 billion Credits from Profit-Taker. I vastly prefer Profit-Taker as it's more engaging to do and has opportunities for big payouts where The Index doesn't.

Meanwhile there are player that farm index for 1 billions credit and only 1 million on Profit Taker because it took time to unlock Profit Taker and requires a certain build. Let us choose the easy path.

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33 minutes ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

And this perfectly details why the option of both is more important. Railjack is another great area to farm credits while also gaining great XP and endo. The fact that I have space combat, arena combat and a boss mission to choose from is pretty cool. 

RIP Gian Point and pre-Plexus Railjack for sure. :(

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I don't understand the OP's claims at all. If you are an experienced player and you need a lot of credits to trade (as an option), you have a good arsenal and you are not lazy - you have a Spider to get credits as quickly as possible. You can also complete Railjack missions and receive resources, Prime Junk, Endo and more in addition to credits. Or if today there is an Outing with the effect of the Eximus Fortress, especially in the endless version, then you can also get a lot of credits without any problems. The index is needed for people who do not want to strain or for beginners. And in its version today it is quite playable. And no, not only the Revenant is needed there, Rhino also feels great there (which is easily accessible to new players). With due desire, even Inaros farms (personally verified). Revenant is just another "meta" that was probably popularized on YouTube. Well, let's not forget that the game is F2P, and it is unprofitable for DE to give us millions of credits in 10 minutes without buying boosters.

Edited by Xrenosin
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Index is just a good place to farm credits. It's the credit farming spot. Other methods that can beat out Index require a lot of technical know how and some annoyingly specific setups. The credit economy of the game is fine. I never really felt credits were half as frustrating early on as endo was. Endo eventually becomes an afterthought while credits remain somewhat relevant to farm for constantly tho, so I think credits are overall much more balanced.

Index isn't that hard... anymore. Revenant is certainly the best at it but it's been powercreeped into being super easy. Gara has a fun strat where you can just vitrify over the enemy's bank and completely prevent them from cashing any points, And her splinterstorm is enough DR to be survivable enough. Rhino still works as a solid tank. If you're solo-ing, wisp can massively buff the specter teammates you're given. You could just have a rolling guard/shield gating cheese build on nearly any frame which... actually get's buffed by the financial stress debuff in index because of the way shield gating works. Tho I think rolling guard is an arbitration mod. You just gotta get stronger really, and eventually you'll be able to do index blindfolded with whatever frame you feel like using.

It just works.

Edited by PollexMessier
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15 hours ago, (NSW)jhj82 said:

Index is perfectly fine for alot of players until they minmax Profit Taker runs.

Until you do some John Prodman runs for the autographs... then you will never need credits again. Profit Taker, Railjack, Neptune Disruption all become moot.

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13 hours ago, Voltage said:

You realize people have optimized Profit-Taker down to below 60 seconds a run right?

Chances that everyone's going to just HAPPEN to do this, every single time, every single opportunity, as far back as MR 6, or even further-- birth?
This. This one point is the principle 


13 hours ago, Voltage said:

DE also hasn't fixed Phase Skipping properly.

Does not answer, will not speak on behalf of a large number of players who, unlike me, have no idea what you're talking about and need a firm reference on what this alludes to. Not everyone who CAN will necessarily know it, not everyone WILL just because it exists. Not everyone can sub-minute PT, and because of this, PT is an inherent slog for most unprepared players. Be warned, this only reinforces the point I made. Index is the most effective. I never said it was the best. I never said it was the most rewarding.

But, by all means, take the written word differently; Index is the most consistent, and repeated runs, not just extended runs, still offer inarguably one of the best possible profit runs in the game. It's not about the difficulty, but now that it becomes a relevant point to address, I'll address it. PT is NOT easy and requires maintenance. Even WITH proper maintenance, if you're going to tell me you need an exploit to compensate for a lack of consistency in the actual gameplay, and to compensate for a general LACK of the preparedness you should have... why do it? PT is clearly a ballpark so much more intense that nobody wants to actually play it, yet they do because it's also the best place to get tokens. It's not a credit farm inherently, it's a token farm. The best token farm.


OTOH, Index can be farmed, consistently farmed, very frequently farmed, and very EASILY farmed without a quarter of the actual difficulty of PT. This, objectively, makes it effective as a farm, and I'm still not saying it's the best, because eventually, you know, it will NOT be. But, as far as anyone cares or is capable of caring, it's the best people will get until a point. And until that point, it'll remain the best. You farm profit taker for toroids and you still fight RNG, which is boring. Index is boring. Pick your poison of boredom, I guarantee 'boring' is not a factor in the quality of a farm, either.


> I vastly prefer Profit-Taker as it's more engaging to do and has opportunities for big payouts where The Index doesn't.


The only real phrase I respect. On my prior main, I'd solo PT with my Zephyr Prime. Sucks to suck, it's probably not going to be my main for long, as I'm approaching the point where I can do PT again. I wouldn't call that the best credit farm, either. Neither is engaging enough and most of my credits come from the farm that is listless and not especially specific. Make 100k a day, without farming it.

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