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Why are all the frames female?


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13 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

Males cannot produce milk.

Actually, my dude, males can lactate. All mammals that have any form of nipple can lactate. The mammary glands are dormant in males, but can be activated, and it's even a known issue for some men. In those cases certain medical therapies they use for treatments of disease can actually activate their mammary glands to produce milk.

The reason being is basic functions between males and females are never mis-matched, just differently utilised. For example, the default state of a human is a female, it's only when the sexual organs are developed that they move externally and produce semen instead of eggs. This is why there are some very clear instances of inter-sexed humans that have the appearance of both sets of organs, some of them are even fully functional for either purpose (but never both) and only puberty actually determines which way the sexual organs have functionally developed, if they even do at all.

It's why transexuality is even possible in humans.

So, in short, yes, males can produce milk.

And to be more specific; this is not an argument that has any bearing on the conversation at hand. DE have already answered OP's question years ago, and those are the reasons, not anything you're trying to argue in that comment of yours.

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On 2023-09-16 at 4:27 AM, (PSN)iMeeji said:

Why is that? (As I prefer things to match).

If I have a male Operator who loves setting things on fire and hates the cold, which is the better match: Frost or Ember?  There's no objectively correct answer to this question, but I would say that Ember is the better match, because there's a mental, emotional link between what my Operator wants and the frame that allows them to get that.  And I see that as being drastically more meaningful than nigh-significant details like what primary or secondary sexual characteristics one's body has.  What I think and what I want is who I am; my body is just an arbitrary shell that houses this essence.  Especially in a sci-fi story chock full of transhumanism and quantum magic.

So with respect, I would recommend using this as an opportunity to grow more comfortable with things "not matching".  There are plenty of times in both fiction and reality when things won't match, and being cool with that will serve you well throughout your life.

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Other people here have explained all this better, but as my personal take, something that is, to be fair specific to me, I started enjoying video games a lot more when I divorced myself from feeling like I had to play only my own gender. This may be in part because there are a lot less female characters in video games (which has changed somewhat in recent decades thankfully) and playing male characters allowed me more variety, But Warframe has a lot of its variety mixed amongst the genders, anyway. So this becomes equally relevant for men.


There's totally legit reasons to not be able to feel this way and it's personal to each individual, but unless it really troubles you in some way, I suggest trying out warframes for their powers and not their gender.

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vor 20 Stunden schrieb _Eclips3_:

No idea but it doesn't really make a difference imo, besides, I'd rather be looking at wisp from behind rather than a dude while I play.

then it's all about pure skin for you. That's not a problem!

Because a few people are trying to find a logical chain that can't exist here.
because how can a robot be female??
or why do robots need noses? They don't even have lungs!
or why mouth?? They don't eat anything!
or 2 eyes??? god what for? a camera and it's good!

I recently remembered Elon Musk and his robots. When I saw this, I thought it was April 1st!

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5 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

then it's all about pure skin for you. That's not a problem!

Because a few people are trying to find a logical chain that can't exist here.
because how can a robot be female??
or why do robots need noses? They don't even have lungs!
or why mouth?? They don't eat anything!
or 2 eyes??? god what for? a camera and it's good!

I recently remembered Elon Musk and his robots. When I saw this, I thought it was April 1st!

They're not robots though, they were regular people now they're just infested and kinda brain dead. They still retain traits of their sex even after becoming infested.

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4 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

because how can a robot be female??

With respect, you seem to be misunderstanding some of the Warframe lore.  Warframes aren't robots, they are people who have mutated via exposure to a Helminth infestation strain.  This is explained in The Sacrifice.

4 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

or why do robots need noses? They don't even have lungs!

Warframes have lungs and need oxygen, which is why life support is needed during Survival missions; additionally, Mag Prime's codex entry (which introduced the concept of Archwings) explains that Archwings generate an area of oxygen, allowing breathing underwater and in space:

I could feel my lungs fill as it wrapped me in its wings.

4 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

or why mouth?? They don't eat anything!

This is not true to the letter.  Some, if not all, Warframes are capable of eating. Rhino Prime's codex entry describes a Warframe (which seems to be Rhino) as eating with its mouth:

The beast squats down, shovelling a heap of gore into its mouth.

4 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

or 2 eyes??? god what for? a camera and it's good!

I don't have a definite answer for this one, but presumably the eyes are for seeing, since Warframes are biological and there's no indication that they have cameras.  You can see in the battle-damaged Exalibur Umbra that he definitely has an eye, and I don't think it's a stretch to presume that's what they're still used for.

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8 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

Warframes have lungs and need oxygen

I don't know about that - Infested seem to be fine in the vacuum of space and Warframes... kinda are just infested. ;) We do deploy into archwing by just jumping into space and connecting to Archwing later - presumably this would not be the standard procedure if a mere miss/too late connection to Archwing would result in warframe destruction.


10 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

which is why life support is needed during Survival missions;

I feel like that's actually just leftover from the era when it was still assumed(by the devs too, supposedly) that operators are inside warframes, which makes way more sense. Obviously though, it's just speculation on my part, it's quite possible that warframes do actually need to breathe.


15 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

additionally, Mag Prime's codex entry (which introduced the concept of Archwings) explains that Archwings generate an area of oxygen, allowing breathing underwater and in space:

I know it's in wiki entry, but I find it funny that it's assumed to be inherent function of Archwings... Because, you know, it does sound awfully like Amesha's "2" does, so it might not be just "all archwings do it", but might be "specifically, one ability of the archwing used by Mag Prime that can do it". ;)


19 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

but presumably the eyes are for seeing

If one of Protea's helmets are anything to go by, Warframe use sensors, so those might not be functional anymore. They still have them though, because like... Who would remove them and why?

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8 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

then it's all about pure skin for you. That's not a problem!

Because a few people are trying to find a logical chain that can't exist here.
because how can a robot be female??
or why do robots need noses? They don't even have lungs!
or why mouth?? They don't eat anything!
or 2 eyes??? god what for? a camera and it's good!

I recently remembered Elon Musk and his robots. When I saw this, I thought it was April 1st!

you know literally nothing about the game's lore and should stop posting

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2 hours ago, Emwue said:

I don't know about that

You may not, but the game's Devs do, and have explained it in several locations in the game.

Mag Prime's Codex entry, for the Archwing, is in the game, not just a Wiki article. The description of what Warframes are is in the game, in The Sacrifice quest, and explains that they have organs that are basically just reinforced human ones.

Every single thing you've tried to call into question is literally answered and explained in the game.

It's like you're trying to troll, except you forgot how, and now you're just throwing sentences out to cover up embarrassment.

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28 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

have explained it in several locations in the game.

Right, but the problem is some of those explanations are a bit ambiguous in no small part because the concept of what warframe is has evolved as the game progressed.

33 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

Mag Prime's Codex entry, for the Archwing, is in the game, not just a Wiki article

Correct, but it doesn't state that archwings provide air support, that part is a conjecture based on it's content, that prominently feature on Wiki(perhaps because everybody quotes Wiki). I just think that conclusion is too far reaching, as it could be specific ability of the archwing that Mag used in that codex entry and not a feature of all archwings.

39 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

and explains that they have organs that are basically just reinforced human ones.

I was not questioning that though? Having organs doesn't necessarily mean that those organs provide function - for example, humans have tailbones, but those no longer provide the function of assisting balance and mobility like with other mammals.

To what degree those organs provide function to the Warframes after the infestation with Helminth strain happens is mostly an open question in the lore.

52 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

It's like you're trying to troll, except you forgot how, and now you're just throwing sentences out to cover up embarrassment.

Um, but you do know I'm not the same person that posted about "warframes are robots" in this thread? ;)  

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vor 5 Stunden schrieb (PSN)Unstar:

With respect, you seem to be misunderstanding some of the Warframe lore.  Warframes aren't robots, they are people who have mutated via exposure to a Helminth infestation strain.  This is explained in The Sacrifice.

but then it would mean that they HAVE to get energy/food from somewhere!
and humans have a body made up of quadrillion cells (a quadrillion is just a theory). So these cells absorb energy substances and release products that they don't need...
If that's the case, how will this be explained? Where are primitive facilities such as toilets and bathrooms on the ship?

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35 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

but then it would mean that they HAVE to get energy/food from somewhere!
and humans have a body made up of quadrillion cells (a quadrillion is just a theory). So these cells absorb energy substances and release products that they don't need...
If that's the case, how will this be explained? Where are primitive facilities such as toilets and bathrooms on the ship?

DE has explained that with the catch-all of the Helminth that inhabits your ship.  These are all in-game quotes either spoken by or about the Helminth (not necessarily from the same conversations):

Ordis: "Vile. Putrid. This... 'thing'... is responsible for biological functions of the Orbiter."

Ordis: "Ordis cannot remember, but there does seem to be a... relationship... between your Warframes and the Infestation. I would be careful in here, Operator. Domesticated or not, Ordis does not trust this thing."

Ordis: "Disgusting is it not Operator? Ordis will enjoy—purging this—cleaning this room, but sadly this vile mass serves you and your Warframes. A necessary evil."

Helminth: "Who nurtures you in your times of rest? Who restores your battle-torn frame, day after day after day? Whose milk enriches your kindred flesh with endless strength and vigor? It can only be me."

And yes, that does mean that not only does your Helminth provide you and your frames with all the milk they can drink, but it implies that it takes care of any biological waste as well. Enjoy visualizing that! :D

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20 hours ago, Emwue said:

Um, but you do know I'm not the same person that posted about "warframes are robots" in this thread? ;)

I do, and I replied to you because you are making zero points here. All of your responses are saying that the explicit information is in some way ambiguous because the information provided doesn't say the exact words you are claiming it should. The lack of specific wording does not make the information incomplete, nor does it give grounds for your 'points'.

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22 hours ago, Emwue said:

Correct, but it doesn't state that archwings provide air support, that part is a conjecture based on it's content, that prominently feature on Wiki(perhaps because everybody quotes Wiki). I just think that conclusion is too far reaching, as it could be specific ability of the archwing that Mag used in that codex entry and not a feature of all archwings.

All situations in which a Warframe is exposed to vacuum in-game (life support running out, broken windows in Corpus ships, and exposed rooms in Corpus infested ships) result in damage to the Warframe, except when in Archwings. There isn't really much room for interpretation.

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33 minutes ago, rapt0rman said:

All situations in which a Warframe is exposed to vacuum in-game (life support running out, broken windows in Corpus ships, and exposed rooms in Corpus infested ships) result in damage to the Warframe, except when in Archwings. There isn't really much room for interpretation.

Yeah, if that's the case there's no room for interpretation at all, really - I guess I just didn't notice I'm getting damaged in those instances. Oh well, my mistake, warframes indeed need to breathe.

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On 2023-09-19 at 3:37 PM, rapt0rman said:

All situations in which a Warframe is exposed to vacuum in-game (life support running out, broken windows in Corpus ships, and exposed rooms in Corpus infested ships) result in damage to the Warframe, except when in Archwings. There isn't really much room for interpretation.

In a way, also going into deep water. You either get reset on land or it's an actual underwater game section and you get sharkwing. The lore being that frames are too heavy to swim, on top of needing the oxygen.

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On 2023-09-16 at 12:27 PM, (PSN)iMeeji said:

When you start playing you have an operator who is a female so logically having a female frame just makes sense.

But if you change to the drifter (who is a male) the frames don’t change. 

Why is that? (As I prefer things to match).

Well I’ll address the elephant in the room, a whole lot of DE staff are female so a lot of female design is implemented.

hope that didn’t sound sexist, a lot of the designers etc are ladies so it makes sense they brought their ideas into the game saryn, protea, valkyr, wisp, hildryn and more are all fantastically designed frames.

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On 2023-09-18 at 1:10 PM, Venus-Venera said:

then it's all about pure skin for you. That's not a problem!

Because a few people are trying to find a logical chain that can't exist here.
because how can a robot be female??
or why do robots need noses? They don't even have lungs!
or why mouth?? They don't eat anything!
or 2 eyes??? god what for? a camera and it's good!

I recently remembered Elon Musk and his robots. When I saw this, I thought it was April 1st!

Not sure if you follow any lore, but warframes were once humans who were infected in the helminth and mutated into warframes hence why they have a lot of human characteristics this was the orokins weapon against the sentients.

This is a very brief run down the lore is really deep if you like that kind of thing.

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I wasn't going to reply to this but, lets get the facts out of the way:

  • Warframes are roughly 50/50% Male/Female as DE generally have a cadence for their release.
  • The Operator and Drifter are not canonically any specific gender. 
  • Warframes Have gender because the design of them involved infesting a human being. From that point they become infested down to the cellular level, they are no longer biologically human and no longer have a human sex, but they can retain visual sexual signifiers and whatever vapours of their personality remain bound to the Warfare can retain gender and presentation of it.

Think of a human mind copied into computer and turned into an "AI", they cannot have a human sex designation any more as that is a collection of physical signifiers but they can and would retain their gender. This is the best way to think of a Warframe, their body is something else now, not a single cell remains that isn't of the infestation, even is the shape retains aspects of their prior sexual signifiers.

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7 hours ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

Well I’ll address the elephant in the room, a whole lot of DE staff are female so a lot of female design is implemented.

Pfft? The what?

There are exactly the same number of male and female frames released over time, not counting Xaku who is three frames and therefore plural.

There's no bias due to the staff, what kind of misogynist bull is that?

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2 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

Pfft? The what?

There are exactly the same number of male and female frames released over time, not counting Xaku who is three frames and therefore plural.

There's no bias due to the staff, what kind of misogynist bull is that?

Where did i say there was a bias? Also it’s common knowledge a lot if staff are female so a lot of the frames are female, also it wouldn’t be misogynistic it be sexism at least get that part correct.

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