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PLEASE! STOP adding #XXX on everything!!!


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1 minute ago, LittleLeoniePrime said:

discord specifically stopped doing this in favour of a unique username system. but that'd be impossible to implement after the fact now that multiple usernames exist across multiple platforms. What I don't understand is, we have a uniqe username restriction per platform, so why is the descriminator not just #PC #PSX (just to nopt name every playstation version) #XBX (same logic applies) and #NSW because realistically there's only one "Bob" per platform to use the same example @Malikili used above.

Because of Cross save. If it was just the platform you’re playing on at the time, what if you decided to play it on PC instead but, oops, another user on PC is already using the sane username. 

Your username might be unique to your specific platform, but that doesn’t mean that someone on another platform couldn’t have the exact same username on theirs. So if that person wanted to play on the same platform as you, there’s going to be issues.

a unique number prevents that sort of issue.


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6 minutes ago, LittleLeoniePrime said:

What I don't understand is, we have a uniqe username restriction per platform, so why is the descriminator not just #PC #PSX (just to nopt name every playstation version) #XBX (same logic applies) and #NSW because realistically there's only one "Bob" per platform to use the same example @Malikili used above.

Remember, this isn't just for cross-play, but also for cross-save.  Once cross-save is implemented, your Bob account that originated on PSN will no longer be tied to PSN.  You can play that Bob account on any platform.  Because of that, adding the platform to distinguish between different Bobs no longer works, because with cross-save you can have 4 accounts all playing on PC with the name Bob.

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24分钟前 , (PSN)ClockworkSiren 说:

Because of Cross save. If it was just the platform you’re playing on at the time, what if you decided to play it on PC instead but, oops, another user on PC is already using the sane username. 

Your username might be unique to your specific platform, but that doesn’t mean that someone on another platform couldn’t have the exact same username on theirs. So if that person wanted to play on the same platform as you, there’s going to be issues.

a unique number prevents that sort of issue.

could they at least give people a option to hide those numbers? i dont really care about how the cross system identify who from whom on its background.

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26分钟前 , (PSN)Unstar 说:

Remember, this isn't just for cross-play, but also for cross-save.  Once cross-save is implemented, your Bob account that originated on PSN will no longer be tied to PSN.  You can play that Bob account on any platform.  Because of that, adding the platform to distinguish between different Bobs no longer works, because with cross-save you can have 4 accounts all playing on PC with the name Bob.

the more i see the more i realize the whole cross play/save thing is a HUGE MISTAKE! maybe they should abandon it... :(

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I don't mind the numbers, but I think a system to change them or hide them (like the way you can toggle this view on newer Call of Duty titles) would be neat. I'd enjoy being Voltage#000 or #001.

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9 minutes ago, pinkxblack said:

could they at least give people a option to hide those numbers? i dont really care about how the cross system identify who from whom on its background.

I understand your desire, but from a development standpoint it's a bad idea to let your users hide data that they will sometimes need, especially when that data affects your interactions with other users.

At the top of the problem pile is that a player who can't see the numbers won't be able to tell that user DarkDestroyer is actually DarkDestroyer#333 and not their friend DarkDestroyer#777; this opens all players up to an avenue for impersonation and phishing, and that's something DE will definitely want to avoid.

Beyond that, anyone who can't see the numbers is likely to have trouble contacting other players, or might even send messages to the wrong player.  Which would invariably result in messages that would be interpreted as friendly joking if received by the intended recipient instead being received by strangers who interpret them as harassment and abuse.

These are all problems that can be meaningfully mitigated by putting some numbers at the end of everyone's names and making sure that everyone can see them.  It doesn't look clean, but it's there to make things work and prevent even bigger problems.

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18 minutes ago, pinkxblack said:

the more i see the more i realize the whole cross play/save thing is a HUGE MISTAKE! maybe they should abandon it... :(

There are some downsides, especially for PC users.  But the fact that 3 numbers after your name is what put you over the edge into "No Cross Play Land" is pretty funny.  :P

Obviously they're not going to abandon cross save.  So realistically the best you can do is push for a different way to handle the problem and/or hiding the numbers.

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Not only is the OP not liking seeing some numbers, but has literally now totally implied that there is 'something wrong' with anyone that accepts this is a reasonable way to deal with the name collisions, to the degree they think the company should cancel plans that have been in the making for years, as if they are the primary shareholder and can direct the company.

We are watching a person have a nervous breakdown over some numbers being added to the end of some names in a video game, and it's hilarious!

Thanks so much for the Friday entertainment, my back really hurts, I needed to laugh.

Edited by Zimzala
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24分钟前 , (PSN)Unstar 说:

I understand your desire, but from a development standpoint it's a bad idea to let your users hide data that they will sometimes need, especially when that data affects your interactions with other users.

At the top of the problem pile is that a player who can't see the numbers won't be able to tell that user DarkDestroyer is actually DarkDestroyer#333 and not their friend DarkDestroyer#777; this opens all players up to an avenue for impersonation and phishing, and that's something DE will definitely want to avoid.

Beyond that, anyone who can't see the numbers is likely to have trouble contacting other players, or might even send messages to the wrong player.  Which would invariably result in messages that would be interpreted as friendly joking if received by the intended recipient instead being received by strangers who interpret them as harassment and abuse.

These are all problems that can be meaningfully mitigated by putting some numbers at the end of everyone's names and making sure that everyone can see them.  It doesn't look clean, but it's there to make things work and prevent even bigger problems.

it showed they are really messing something they cant solve properly!

ULTIMATE COMPROMISE: how about it only shows that numbers when it needs to be? if they cant even do that right i dont know what to say...

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19分钟前 , Tiltskillet 说:

There are some downsides, especially for PC users.  But the fact that 3 numbers after your name is what put you over the edge into "No Cross Play Land" is pretty funny.  :P

Obviously they're not going to abandon cross save.  So realistically the best you can do is push for a different way to handle the problem and/or hiding the numbers.

because i felt so disappointed! beside i never have much faith for the cross play thing at the beginning, and messy stuff like this annoys me...

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9 minutes ago, pinkxblack said:

it showed they are really messing something they cant solve properly!

On the contrary; they have indeed adequately solved these problems.  That's what the numbers do.


14 minutes ago, pinkxblack said:

ULTIMATE COMPROMISE: how about it only shows that numbers when it needs to be? if they cant even do that right i dont know what to say...

With respect, you seem to think that what you're asking for here is an easy task, but it's most certainly not.  I'm not even sure if it's possible with today's technology, and it's certainly not simple.

If you disagree, I'd encourage you to try to do it yourself, as an exercise.  Write out all of the circumstances when you do need to see your numbers, then write out all the circumstances when you don't need to see your numbers.  Then for each of those situations, write out some pseudo-code about how the game would detect whether you are or aren't in that situation.  I think you'll quickly run into problems that you're unable to solve.

Without a system to determine when the numbers are necessary, the safe bet is to simply always have the numbers, which ensures that they are always available when they are necessary.

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11 minutes ago, pinkxblack said:

interesting, i guess some numb people dont deserve any rights at all, yeah.

So, seeing these numbers is now, somehow, impacting your 'rights'?

This is not a country or a government, it's a video game.

21 minutes ago, pinkxblack said:

... messy stuff like this annoys me...

So, you are simply annoyed that the game company is not dancing to your tune, therefore, they should completely remove the entire system, because sometimes life is 'messy'?

You actually seem to think you have some 'right' to dictate the pixels on your screen in a video game UI.

Then when presented with valid reasoning, your response is that you never liked it all anyway and the company should abandon even doing it, simply because it annoys you.

Hilarious. I could not have intentionally written better comedy.

Edited by Zimzala
werds and speeling
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23分钟前 , (PSN)Unstar 说:

With respect, you seem to think that what you're asking for here is an easy task, but it's most certainly not.  I'm not even sure if it's possible with today's technology, and it's certainly not simple.

If you disagree, I'd encourage you to try to do it yourself, as an exercise.  Write out all of the circumstances when you do need to see your numbers, then write out all the circumstances when you don't need to see your numbers.  Then for each of those situations, write out some pseudo-code about how the game would detect whether you are or aren't in that situation.  I think you'll quickly run into problems that you're unable to solve.

Without a system to determine when the numbers are necessary, the safe bet is to simply always have the numbers, which ensures that they are always available when they are necessary.


i did not say they should cancel them i said hide them from public view or profile maybe, it might be useful for the system but meaningless for most players. if somebody wanna find another player then make a select list and show the plus numbers, is that too hard to achieve???

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15 minutes ago, pinkxblack said:


i did not say they should cancel them i said hide them from public view or profile maybe, it might be useful for the system but meaningless for most players. if somebody wanna find another player then make a select list then show the plus numbers, is that too hard to achieve???

Your opinion is not fact, you don't get to dictate 'properly'.

I get that you simply want what you want and are apparently ready to attack anything you don't like as wrong, but the system has been implemented just fine, works just fine, and shows the players the tag so they know with whom they are gaming.

You just don't like it. That does not make it 'improper'

Have you filed a detailed design for a better system in a bug report? You realize we are just players and trying to convince us of anything on this forum is just hot air, right?

11 minutes ago, pinkxblack said:

what a fool, im talking about you, enjoy your trolling life.

How are my rights impacted? I'll admit I might be numb, my back medicine is kicking in now, but I have all my 'rights' intact.

And, I really, really enjoy my life. I have a great life. Very lucky.

So, while you seem to think that someone directly addressing your idea and trying to show you it is little more than an emotional response to unwanted pixels on the screen is trolling, I counter with the simple, obvious conclusion from your prose, you simply cannot deal with any level of adversity or disagreement.

Perhaps one day that will change.

Until then, perhaps you should consider the fact that when you post on a public forum, your ideas will be often met with disagreement. 

Edited by Zimzala
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9 minutes ago, pinkxblack said:

i did not say they should cancel them i said hide them from public view or profile maybe

I think you misunderstood me, because I'm talking about hiding them, too, not canceling them.


9 minutes ago, pinkxblack said:

it might be useful for the system but meaningless for most players

For the players it is meaningful for, it's very important.  I described just a few of the important problems for players — that this addresses in an earlier post, such as phishing and impersonation; I encourage you to re-read those, because they are very serious problems.


9 minutes ago, pinkxblack said:

 if somebody wanna find another player then make a select list then show the plus numbers, is that too hard to achieve???

What you just described isn't too hard to achieve, but that's not even a solution to the handful of situations I described earlier, let alone all of the situations that actually need to be covered to make the system as safe and reliable as possible.  The problem of deciding when to show and when not to show is a very complex one that would take a lot of work to solve, if it is in fact even capable of being solved.

Conversely, just showing the numbers all the time avoids any need to engage with that complex intermediary problem while solving all of the core problems handily.  The only downside is that you see some numbers, which for most people is a non-issue.

I understand that this is difficult for you right now, and I'm sorry for that.  But I would be genuinely surprised if in 6 months you hadn't learned to accept it; the human brain is amazing in its ability to adapt to new situations!

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13分钟前 , (PSN)Unstar 说:

What you just described isn't too hard to achieve, but that's not even a solution to the handful of situations I described earlier, let alone all of the situations that actually need to be covered to make the system as safe and reliable as possible.  The problem of deciding when to show and when not to show is a very complex one that would take a lot of work to solve, if it is in fact even capable of being solved.

Conversely, just showing the numbers all the time avoids any need to engage with that complex intermediary problem while solving all of the core problems handily.  The only downside is that you see some numbers, which for most people is a non-issue.

I understand that this is difficult for you right now, and I'm sorry for that.  But I would be genuinely surprised if in 6 months you hadn't learned to accept it; the human brain is amazing in its ability to adapt to new situations!

ok then, not like SOMEONE (who thinks nobody can speak any ill to DE), you are a good person and ive learned something from you, thank you!

i might just have to deal with it (not happy about it but you know) right now...

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1 hour ago, pinkxblack said:

it might be useful for the system but meaningless for most players. if somebody wanna find another player then make a select list and show the plus numbers, is that too hard to achieve???

To be clear here - this is solely for use of players and not the system. The system has UIDs already in place; three different "pinkxblack" accounts can have ID numbers like 123456789 that are distinct from one another and function just fine from the system's perspective. The issue is that even with a dropdown or list, how do you know which is which? If it shows you this:

  • PinkxBlack#123 (PC)
  • PinkxBlack#456 (PC)
  • PinkxBlack#789 (PC)

Which one is yours? You don't know unless it displays it in multiple locations. Having a toggle for it or "disable" for it just causes more confusion. Keep in mind this is only important in situations of username overlap, but it's still important nonetheless. It makes more sense to show it all the time vs "only if there's overlap" because now it has to do constant server calls or checks for said overlap every time a username is requested. I understand you may personally not like the extra visual "clutter", but it is absolutely necessary for cross-save and account migrations to not cause too much confusion or issues with the overlap.

I think dealing with 3 extra numbers on a profile is just fine for the ability to use one account on any platform and the other features that it will allow.

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11 hours ago, pinkxblack said:

they shouldnt let this thing happen at the first place... so now we have to call someone name#xxx?

theres got to be a better way to do it, make a select list or something... not this!

its for cross save. Wo while PC players never had 2 Bobs. When they connect up the console players, there may well be a Bob there too. Which one is the real Bob? which one gets to keep the name, and which has to choose a new name? Adding the numbers is possibly the only realistic solution - unless you have better.

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7小时前 , Naroxas44 说:

I think dealing with 3 extra numbers on a profile is just fine for the ability to use one account on any platform and the other features that it will allow.

like i said before, they should never allow two same names exist on one platform at the first place, and more same ones in the future is also the worst idea, the situation right now is far away from FRIENDLY either!

the better way is only one bob can exist on one single platform, replace others by numbers 1-999 base on the register date, if the BOB#666 doesnt like that name/number they have the option to create a new name that nobody used, and this new one will locked up in system for eternity. as time goes by there will be less bobs till only original/no numbers bob remain.

the easy way is HIDE those god-forsaken numbers, anyway.

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