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Options for glyphs


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Been playing a while and it's always bothered me that custom glyphs aren't a thing. I mean if you're a content creator or win the lottery in some of the tennocon stuff, from my understanding, then you'll have one but why not others? We got customs for dojos that can be displayed on our frames after all. 

I suppose the biggest part to irritate me recently had been the addition of certain skin bundles for tremendous amounts of money and the hypothetical pay to skip but nothing for glyphs. I'd gladly pay up to 200 bucks to not have to choose between content creator garbage or outdated designs I'm bored of. I can't be the only one in this boat and would wager it would be a great marketing thing to simply expand a teeny tiny bit on the existing dojo icon system.

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4 minutes ago, LessthanafewOranges said:

Been playing a while and it's always bothered me that custom glyphs aren't a thing. I mean if you're a content creator or win the lottery in some of the tennocon stuff, from my understanding, then you'll have one but why not others? We got customs for dojos that can be displayed on our frames after all. 

I suppose the biggest part to irritate me recently had been the addition of certain skin bundles for tremendous amounts of money and the hypothetical pay to skip but nothing for glyphs. I'd gladly pay up to 200 bucks to not have to choose between content creator garbage or outdated designs I'm bored of. I can't be the only one in this boat and would wager it would be a great marketing thing to simply expand a teeny tiny bit on the existing dojo icon system.

i'm in on this lol
i'd love to have a custom glyph

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21 minutes ago, (XBOX)Darkskytzo said:

i'd love to have a custom glyph

I doubt it's going to happen as an accessible addition when it's one of the major perks of the very limited $1000 CAD Legendary TennoCon ticket and perks of being a content creator.

Edited by Voltage
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Nope, not gonna happen, people can make "weird" or very offensive Glyphs and that will be a hassle to sort out, on top of that people can (and will) be bullied/harassed or attacked for what they pick as their Glpyh, sad reality of the Net.

For exp: I can have a girl from Genish Impact or say a Furry (we all know what I mean) as a pic and people who are anti-furry or so can harass me for it. or I can have a My Little Pony pic, etc.

Hell, it's bad enough that we have "Certain culture" glyphs and the Glyph Darkskytzo has (no offence to them of course) already caused issues itself, we all know why.


So overall, sadly not gonna happen

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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"Certain culture" that's a very suspicious comment. Oddness aside I believe they screen the dojo icons which is what I was getting at in the final lines of my post. 

Also not for nothin, but the staff or mods or whomever is monitoring the feedback and report section of the game is really on point. Can't even begin to tell you how many people I've reported for hateful speech and bullying.

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22 minutes ago, Voltage said:

I doubt it's going to happen as an accessible addition when it's one of the major perks of the very limited $1000 CAD Legendary TennoCon ticket and perks of being a content creator.

There's alot of other perks that come with being a content creator from my understanding. Even so, I'd up the price to 600 usd. Anything, and I sincerely mean anything, to have some variation.

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you're gonna trust people on the internet to come up with their own images? yeah, there's no WAY that could go wrong...

there is however one trick which I think DE is missing: being able to make a Captura image into a Glyph. no outside assets needed, people have a reason to use Captura and DE can monetize it by making "Captura Glyph Slots" which they can sell in bundles of 3 for 20P or whatever price they think is reasonable, so they can make bank off the idea too, everybody wins.

obviously there can still be a report function for those few individuals who will still find a way to make something offensive and to cover DE's corporate behind, that's not a problem. 

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3 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

you're gonna trust people on the internet to come up with their own images? yeah, there's no WAY that could go wrong...

there is however one trick which I think DE is missing: being able to make a Captura image into a Glyph. no outside assets needed, people have a reason to use Captura and DE can monetize it by making "Captura Glyph Slots" which they can sell in bundles of 3 for 20P or whatever price they think is reasonable, so they can make bank off the idea too, everybody wins.

obviously there can still be a report function for those few individuals who will still find a way to make something offensive and to cover DE's corporate behind, that's not a problem. 

This would be awesome! Though my original idea was making cute Kavat themed glyphs since there aren't many, this could make just as well do the same!

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13 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

you're gonna trust people on the internet to come up with their own images? yeah, there's no WAY that could go wrong...

there is however one trick which I think DE is missing: being able to make a Captura image into a Glyph. no outside assets needed, people have a reason to use Captura and DE can monetize it by making "Captura Glyph Slots" which they can sell in bundles of 3 for 20P or whatever price they think is reasonable, so they can make bank off the idea too, everybody wins.

obviously there can still be a report function for those few individuals who will still find a way to make something offensive and to cover DE's corporate behind, that's not a problem. 

founding warlords create custom clan emblems for the clan and alliances, so a glyph wouldn't be that different, DE gives the ya or nay in the end.

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I mean, even for creator glyphs it is still a very iffy topic since there are plenty of personnel code-only glyphs, expired ones, updated glyphs (where the forums still takes the Original glyph instead of the updated one), and some content creators just flat out don't have one even though they are popular. And the tennocon 1K one is 110% going to someone with a bot on that page.

I'd say the problem with trying to expand the glyph system too far out is that you get too many that are similar or glyphs that merely have slight changes to the them. I still get overwhelmed with how many there are currently so I don't have any problems with finding one to express myself, even some of the creator code ones have incorporated WF elements into them so they aren't seen as being a shill or bad design if you don't like the official artstyles.

Edited by Numerounius
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2 hours ago, LessthanafewOranges said:

Been playing a while and it's always bothered me that custom glyphs aren't a thing. I mean if you're a content creator or win the lottery in some of the tennocon stuff, from my understanding, then you'll have one but why not others? We got customs for dojos that can be displayed on our frames after all. 

I suppose the biggest part to irritate me recently had been the addition of certain skin bundles for tremendous amounts of money and the hypothetical pay to skip but nothing for glyphs. I'd gladly pay up to 200 bucks to not have to choose between content creator garbage or outdated designs I'm bored of. I can't be the only one in this boat and would wager it would be a great marketing thing to simply expand a teeny tiny bit on the existing dojo icon system.

Imagine if all the 25 Million+ Registered losers uploading a 128x128 image then having to go through all those to make sure none are using inappropriate or copyrighted material then DE having to constantly add/change/remove them from the game files with every patch and the amount of tickets from angry inpatient players complaining their glyphs arent in the game yet?

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41 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

Imagine if all the 25 Million+ Registered losers uploading a 128x128 image then having to go through all those to make sure none are using inappropriate or copyrighted material then DE having to constantly add/change/remove them from the game files with every patch and the amount of tickets from angry inpatient players complaining their glyphs arent in the game yet?

That's actually a great point. Yeah. It probably wouldn't happen but there's gotta be something to create new glyphs that aren't content creator related or old outdated ones. Maybe a contest for art entries with the top 'x' being selected for implementation? Could even be related to holida, events, ect.

There's a lot of possibilities to explore for fresh content and I'd wager that alot of the leg work could even be done by fans in contests or something similar to those skins you can buy in the market place.

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It is strange if it remained only accessible from the sources it is since there's no restriction on solo clans uploading images to the game. Plus those can be displayed to anyone via shoulder emblems and sigils.

DE already manages that system and it only costs players 150p to upload an image so I don't see why they couldn't manage a custom Glyph as well. Just make it limited to one per player. Plus the clan emblem system is already non-refundable in the case of someone uploading an inappropriate image so players abusing the process is already discouraged (plus I'd bet DE would gladly ban anyone intentionally sending inappropriate things repeatedly).

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5 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

there is however one trick which I think DE is missing: being able to make a Captura image into a Glyph. no outside assets needed, people have a reason to use Captura and DE can monetize it by making "Captura Glyph Slots" which they can sell in bundles of 3 for 20P or whatever price they think is reasonable, so they can make bank off the idea too, everybody wins.

While it'd be nice to just upload an external image to make my glyph, I'd also be content with being able to generate glyphs via Captura. At least then there'd be some measure of individuality to my glyph (and thus forum avatar). As it stands, I see zero reason to ever bother even looking into how Captura works. The extent of my knowledge about it is "it lets you take screenshots" or something like that. As such, all the Captura stuff in events and whatnot are effectively empty slots in the store to me (unless I happen to just randomly get extra event currency enough to pick them up, cause "why not" at that point).

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7 hours ago, LessthanafewOranges said:

I'd gladly pay up to 200 bucks to not have to choose between content creator garbage or outdated designs I'm bored of.

Are you sure you own all the available content creator glyphs? There are some pretty nice looking ones. It is obvious 90% of players are using them because they like how they look, not because they want to support content creators. Although it is a funny theory by DE.

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9 hours ago, LessthanafewOranges said:

"Certain culture" that's a very suspicious comment. Oddness aside I believe they screen the dojo icons which is what I was getting at in the final lines of my post. 

Also not for nothin, but the staff or mods or whomever is monitoring the feedback and report section of the game is really on point. Can't even begin to tell you how many people I've reported for hateful speech and bullying.

I rather not discuss it so openly, but you have (hopefully) been around the net long enough to know exactly what I mean.

 Also, fair point but DE don't screen the Dojo stuff, it's all done by an AI, as Bianca Roughfin pointed out, it's not worth it.

It's never gonna happen, so we can drop the idea, no amount of "justification" will change DE's mind, they have a firm stance on this and for good reasons.

5 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

Wait what happened with his glyph?

I will discuss this in DMs (Inbox)

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DE can't vet icons for their millions of users.

But that's actually fine, they don't need to.  Valve doesn't do it.  Sony doesn't do it.  Discord doesn't do it.  I don't know if Microsoft has custom icons for Xbox Live, but I imagine they don't do it either.  So what do they do?  Well, Valve and Discord have ways to report offensive material.  So they investigate the reports they get, and take action on those.  Probably 99.9% of icons are fine, so no reports, and no investigation.  Sony simply limits custom icons to people you're friends with, so outside a small group of people nobody sees it anyway.

Will they do it?  Extremely unlikely.  But the idea that they're not doing it because they can't individually vet millions upon millions of custom icons is silly.  There are better ways of handling things.

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19 hours ago, Zakkhar said:

Are you sure you own all the available content creator glyphs? There are some pretty nice looking ones. It is obvious 90% of players are using them because they like how they look, not because they want to support content creators. Although it is a funny theory by DE.

I dont have all of them but Id rather not advertise for someone who may not align to my values, its hard to know for sure and Id rather not spend the time and energy researching each streamers integrity. I am sure that theres many who do have rather cool icons however. 

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15 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

I rather not discuss it so openly, but you have (hopefully) been around the net long enough to know exactly what I mean.


I will discuss this in DMs (Inbox)

I'm 40 and have seen the ebbs and flows of the internet, I do not have the slightest idea whom you're talking about as assuming is a dangerous game to play. You still have odd comments and the decision to not speak of them in public doesn't imply anything good in my experience. =/

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Basically the intention with bringing something like this up overall is that maybe it could get attention and be talked about. Ive searched the topic a few times and most of the threads are short or very old. Its possible the devs have already been straightforward with the answer and I missed it in the searches but at the small chance that it hasnt been explored recently; why not bring it up?
Captura Icons, competition based winners, or expensive nonrefundable icons. These are just a few options that have come up in a few short days, each of them generating revenue for DE and each of them having the ability to be governed by DE for safety. 

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