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Question for you expert railjackers out there...

(XBOX)Furious Kaiser

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In regards to elite crewmen, do their turret and engine bonuses only apply to that specific crewmen when they are in their respective station (turret bonus when they are in a turret, engine bonus when piloting) or is their bonus applied to all on board your railjack? Can I have a repairman running around with an engine boost bonus that will benefit me if I am piloting? Can I have someone with a turret bonus that will boost me with my gun while piloting?

Edited by (XBOX)Furious Kaiser
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7 hours ago, (PSN)jaggerwanderer said:

Which makes no sense because the crew mate doesn't even boost.

That's because the Piloting buff doesn't say anything about boosting. It increases the speed that the Railjack travels when the crewmate is in control.


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Personally, I'd recommend 2 gunners with 5 Gunnery each, and an engineer with repair 5 and as much endurance as you can get - then just hand the engineer your strongest weapon.


That way, the gunners make short work of fighters and the engineer has enough survivability and firepower that the lower combat rank doesn't matter.



All we need now is someone to handle the artillery so you don't need to switch seats all the time...

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You can have a crewmember pilot while you captain the foom cannon, but they will actively avoid giving you a decent firing solution :D


Also the last time i left my ship in their hands, they tried to steal it, and i can't teleport with my Omni yet, so i had to chase it down like a SNL sketch and wrest back control....


So yah, i don't let other folk fly my ship any more :)

Edited by (XBOX)WaywardMechanic
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4 minutes ago, (XBOX)zThulsaDoomz said:

You guys put your crew on turrets?

I just have a guy on engineering while the rest defend.  Although glassing RJ becomes so trivial I believe they all just drink coffee and talk politics while I'm doing the heavy lifting. 

Might have to renegotiate some contracts....

2 fellows on turrets, one engineer, I pilot the ship, and swap to fire the big gun onto disabled crewships. With some decent management of where I fly or where I park the ship, I hardly get any boarders. Ain't even using elite cremates tho, assembled that crew before rank10 command got released, and the rank10 command intrinsic was such a huge letdown, that I never ended up actually grabbing it. Maybe at some point in the future I will just for the sake of completionist "build" or sth....

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12 minutes ago, (XBOX)zThulsaDoomz said:

You guys put your crew on turrets?

I just have a guy on engineering while the rest defend.  Although glassing RJ becomes so trivial I believe they all just drink coffee and talk politics while I'm doing the heavy lifting. 

Might have to renegotiate some contracts....

As a fellow railjacker who enjoys railjacking it, I suggest making at least one of them a gunner

With their aimbot they guarantee no one will ever crash into the railjack, thus no need for defenders. The best defense is a great offense. 

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