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Whispers in the Walls: Hotfix 35.0.4


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I was getting 6 to 10 splinters for each of the event missions, which I already thought was too little for how long these missions take, and now I'm only getting 2 or 3 after this last patch! This is horrible, and now I'm hearing this is the last patch for the next 2 weeks?!? Do you really expect us to spend 21 hours to max-out a single arcane?

And also, not only did it takes 2 separate hotfixes to "fix" the new orange crit shard, but it still needs some more fixing. If I have 5 of those shards on my Warframe, it should give me 5% per kill, not 1%. I have 2 Tauforged and 3 regular shards on my Warframe, and it is taking me over 200 kills to max out the crit buff. It should require no more than 50 heat-infused kills to max these shards out.

I'd really prefer it if the shards worked like y'all originally implied: FUSE 2 Shards together and receive a "BONUS" effect, all in the same package. Meaning we would fuse 2 shards into 1 new shard, keep the original effects, and gain a new "bonus" effect, as you guys described it. If I made a Topaz Archon Shard, I should be able to select 3 effects, for an example: Crimson Archon Shard's +25% Secondary Critical Chance, Amber Archon Shard's +50 Effectiveness on Energy Orbs, and then Topaz Archon Shard's added "bonus" of Increase Secondary Critical Chance by 1% every time you kill an enemy affected by Heat Damage. Max 50%.

This is the way these new (mostly garbage) Archon Shards should work.

Edited by BionicFreak
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54 minutes ago, MuchVery said:

I'm glad to see progress on resolving the Void Blast bug, it's been a huge pain to work around.

I hope this can get looked at in 2024. It's been quite bothersome using the Exergis because of it.


It doesn't actually affect the performance on the weapon, so not likely on their radar. Also, Exergis is probably not a weapon used by more than a handful of people, so even less likely for DE to care.

49 minutes ago, BionicFreak said:

Do you really expect us to spend 21 hours to max-out a single arcane?

God forbid you have to actually work for anything at all. Get out of here with that entitlement.

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7 hours ago, [DE]Taylor said:

This is a known issue, we tried to get it in for the end of the year but we couldn't manage it. I'll add it to Known Issues vis, we'll look at it for 2024. :) 

While you guys are at it, can you look at how Heavy Attacks work while airborne in general? One of my personal frustrations with Tennokai right now is that if I'm using Aerial Melee attacks and use a Heavy Attack, it does a Heavy Slam by default regardless of me aiming at the ground or not (like a normal slam attack), and I don't always wanna be forced back to the ground. Heavy Attacks, and Tennokai by extension, would feel much better to use and more intuitive for players if we could use Heavy Attacks while Airborne, and only do Heavy Slams while aiming at the ground.

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hace 7 horas, OMAR_FARUK dijo:

Tenacious Bond is not working atm since hotfix 2 if I remember correctly.

We need to make echo on this. It seems Reinforced Bond is kinda broken too (sometimes the buff doesn't apply). Has been 2 hotfixes and this is not even in the "Known Issues" list, almost like nobody cared that one of the best bonds for companions is gone. Btw, before the patch, I noticed that Tenacious Bond is boosting sentinel weapon CD instead of player (at least on Diriga), so could be spaghetti code acting up again.

Hope that it, at least, gets in the radar for next year...

Edited by Rigtis
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New faction lack of ''Heads'' for things that require headshots like Arcane pistoleer is kinda strange with all the push for precision gameplay as opposed to carpetbombing.Can you make all the weakspots count , also if possible if punchtru is equiped the Culverin backknob should count from front...... you get the vibe add heads :D

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58 minutes ago, Bradvaman said:

New faction lack of ''Heads'' for things that require headshots like Arcane pistoleer is kinda strange with all the push for precision gameplay as opposed to carpetbombing.Can you make all the weakspots count , also if possible if punchtru is equiped the Culverin backknob should count from front...... you get the vibe add heads :D

Considering a lack of a head hitbox isn't new with the Murmur (although it's particularly egregious with them), it's highly doubtful that DE cares about this horrid gameplay design problem.

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It's really unclear to me what the trigger for the topaz secondary crit chance is at present. it obviously involves heat, but affected by heat damage feels really ambiguous, and it doesn't help that it seems to be inconsistent with regards to what actually needs to happen to get a stack

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11 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed The Murmur Assassination (Effervo) and Alchemy (Cambire) missions on Deimos not having session lock checkpoints. Now players will not be able to join your squad once the following objectives are complete in your missions:

  • After the first Vitreum scanner is deployed on Effervo
  • After the first Crucible is filled on Cambire. 

Please reconsider locking the session too early.

We already have this problem with Mobile Defense, where session lock occurs when the datamass is plugged in the first time, instead of roughly 50% total objective completion like other missions, leading to under-filled squads.

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hace 8 horas, ZulfOfTheUra dijo:


It's quite simple, whenever a new gimmick or interaction appears that can be advantageous to the player, the fun police will appear in the next patch ready to kill it/fix it, while giving to the playerbase nothing in return. There are hundreds of examples of this, just off the top of my head:

 - Exodia heavy attack

 - Kuva pack limit in Teshin

 - Xoris pseudo exalted nerf

 - Castanas trinity

 - Azima duration build

 - Maiming strike

 - Melee punch through

 - Steel essence charm farms, like many many times in a row, there was a point where a youtuber would upload a video and their discovered mechanic would be removed the next day

 - Ophelia Steel essence farms, multiple times too

 -  Releasing weapons with 0.5 disposition to "stop the riven mafia"?

 - Merciless arcane nerf

 - Glaive prime nerf announcement


The fun police is also present when creating situations that actively harm the playerbase such as:

 - Creating another premium currency that is not tradeable and whose original pricing was almost in scam levels up until a technical miracle happened (regal Aya)

 - Creating a new time limited bundle with a ridiculously inflated price that had to had platinum added to it and yet it satisfied no one that isn't a white knight.

 - Having us to pay for each tennogen skin multiple times, once per console.

 - Time-gating 90% of the important farms, from day night cycles to daily and weekly caps on EVERYTHING

You however will not see the fun police when it comes to fixing:

 - The terrible wall collisions that have plagued the game since its inception and gets players stuck in every corner

 - Extremely low build variety because there is lack of mods and sinergies between them and abilities.

 - Enemy AI virtually not existing.

 - Lack of difficult content and challenging bosses with mechanics, wipes and team play, we had it but it was removed and they won't bring it back.

  - Better quest dialogues.


Mind you I wrote this in 10 mind so I'm sure there's important stuff that is missing.

So yeah, this arcane nerf is just one  new thing in the list, it was already removed in the form of Garuda + Zaw arcanes previously so it doesn't surprise me at all they nuked this too, didn't even bothered farming it at all because DE.

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1 hour ago, krazox said:

There are hundreds of examples of this, just off the top of my head:

Honestly? A few of these are valid. A few are "debatable".

  • Exodia Heavy Attack was kinda iffy to begin with. I can't say it's entirely justified, but the fact that Zaws are effectively ONLY used for this is kinda disappointing.
    • Doesn't exactly help that we only have like... a handful of the Two-Handed Zaws be anything but Polearms and Staves.
    • Like... two come to mind, a Heavy Blade and a Hammer.
    • Also, the Nikana Zaw is still visually bugged. Has been for literal years.
  • Okay, let's be real here. Nobody was grinding hundreds of Steel Essence just to dump it on Kuva alone... at the same time, that makes me wonder "why bother?"
    • Relics? You know what, fine. I can see SOME hassle in that.
    • Literally nobody outside of the select few who are looking for """god rolls""" care for Rivens to that extent.
  • Pseudo-Exalteds were stupid than and they're stupid now. I shouldn't have to dedicate my Melee to buffing ONE singular ability.
    • At that point, just make it an actual Exalted. What are you losing by giving Whipclaw four mod slots of it's own to use?
    • No, nobody tell me "damage"-- you're all gonna be using the exact same mods anyway. Don't give me that garbage.
  • Castanas Trinity I can't say I was around for. Honestly though? Given our damage output now, you'd probably end up killing yourself before the enemy.
  • Azima is kinda a bit lacking in damage as of late, but it's still something that can be abused for AFK.
    • I'd rather it get something like Zenistar where you CAN extend the duration, but with combo.
    • ... unless you meant Zenistar, in which case? I'd say it's better for the game anyway. Love that weapon now.
  • I was around for the Maiming Strike meta. It was awful, you either used it and hated it... or didn't use it and hated it more.
    • I can't stand it when Sundertanias run through the map and nuke everything to the point where no Reactant can spawn.
      • Like yeah, let's show newbies the game by making them unable to play it. Completely. That'll be fun!
        Users of Maiming Strike are the reason I can't stand casuals. Ignorant to such a fault that only THEY'RE allowed to have "fun". God, at least I leave a few groups of enemies for people to fight!!
    • That was the same thing, you can't really justify playing the game Xx_Shad0wEXXCalibur_xX keeps spinning like beyblade and everything in the map dies.
    • "Fun Police" had nothing to do with that, that one NEEDED to die.
  • I'll be real here, "Follow-Through" is kinda negligible. I could see it being removed and nobody would notice. Any that did would be fine with it.
    • "Punch-Through" as in bypassing walls was just another brick-in-the-Maiming Strike that made Melee incredibly annoying to be around.
  • "Charm" is a slot machine on a timer. If you're relying on it to farm, you're already relying on excessive RNG to do your dirty work.
    • Just play the actual game. If you need THAT much Steel Essence? You may as well enjoy it by using something you wanna toy around with.
    • It's what I do. Are they good builds? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Doesn't matter when the whole point of a game is to not be bored to near-death.
  • I agree on "Rivens", but the concept in general is flawed to hell. DE is really better off at just making ALL Rivens 0.5 Dispo to slowly deter everyone from using them.
    • Like 'em or not-- they are a CLEAR detriment to the game. Riven Mafia doesn't care and exploits the living hell out of those too.
    • Sometimes with RMT/Illegal means. I ABSOLUTELY do not want to buy a Riven and accidentally fund organ harvesting.
    • Oh, but than again... people love to say "It's my money"-- so that totally justifies it. Clearly. *Cough Heirloom Pack Cough*
  • "Merciless Arcane" could use the extra ammo. Dunno why they removed that actually.
    • Could've just reimplemented the "Self-Damage" with the threshold they were showing on one of the DevStreams.
    • ... but nooo-- that'd be too hard for Timmy there. God forbid Warframe players aim their constant stream of ICBMs.
  • To be fair, Glaive Prime doing forced Slash is already pretty nutty. Than you combine high damage explosions with no falloff?
    • Honestly, I'm surprised they weren't looked at sooner. You're kidding yourself if you thought that was gonna be a thing forever.

So yeah, a good majority of those are pretty warranted.
I dunno what you're describing as "fun", but I see a lot of those as "changes as the game's mechanics change" or "absolutely broken and had it coming."

It's called "balance" for a reason. You gotta have some good, you gotta have some bad.
If we just had good ALL the time? We'd be so broken that merely installing the game would overload your PC by a single damage number trying to happen from the distant future.

As for the other points there?

  • That's just DE's usual "consistent at being inconsistent" logic at play.
    • It ain't the first time they've pulled that kinda garbage. It won't be the last.
  • You mean the Heirloom Pack? Because yeah. Welcome to what DE does best.
    • Any redeeming monetization they have is merely a system of the past they only keep on a chain leash because it's still making them money in some capacity.
    • Remember kids! Corporations aren't your friends! They will suck every ounce of soul out of something and convert to "money" in a rancid bile sac!
    • Don't like it? Yeah, welcome to the start of 2024. "Get your 200$ for a skin out, moron. Do it now or we'll take it away!"
  • Okay, this one is more a byproduct how it's made on the Steam Workshop itself and how DE has to bargain with each artist if they wanna get it off that.
    • Is it right? Ehhhh... not really.
    • Can I see why they do it? Yes.
    • Does that make it more acceptable than the other things they do? Absolutely, because at least there's decent "humane" logic behind this one.
    • Plus, you support the artist that made it! I've actually met a few here or there. Some in the weirdest of places!
  • Time-Gating stuff is fine if done in moderation.
    • Syndicates? No, especially the new ones since I have the items FOR the standing anyway.
    • Foundry? To a degree, I can at least take some extra time to farm some plat and rush if needed.
    • Dojo rooms? Buddy, I had to demolish 5+ rooms to delete this one hallway-- STOP THAT.
    • Archon Hunts/Nightwave/Sortie/Etc.? Yeah, okay. It at least gives me something to do.
    • Mastery Rank? Why IS this on a cooldown anyway? The only ones I've failed are bugged ones or the MR30 test. 
      (Though, that was when Eximus units were STUPIDLY strong and the Arbitration Drones and Guardian Eximus were not helping.)
    • Though, to be fair. If DE didn't time-lock most of this stuff? You'd be able to see actual speedruns of this game with results in less than half a day.
      • ... and I say "half a day" with some generous rounding up. This game is not difficult by any means.
  • Ah, "sticky corners" or something was what they were called. I recall DE saying they were gonna fix them.
    • ... Yeah, they're still not fixed.
  • On the contrary here, there is a good number to find.
    • I still believe there can be more however.
    • Like-- seriously. Who the hell is using Afuris Prime?
    • AND NO SPECIAL PERK TO THE GUNSEN PRIME?! "Yeah, I'll build that" said nobody ever! Quassus/Arum Spinosa is just better, period.
      • Especially with Tennokai, so even if you wanted to avoid spamming Heavy Attack? GUESS WHAT? GUNSEN STILL FAILS AT THAT!
      • Shame too, they're really cool looking-- all the effort to make them pretty! ... for a glorified stat upgrade.
      • Just make it a skin at that point and buff normal Gunsen. Literally the same outcome.
  • .... yeah. I've made a few solid posts on these very forums about the Enemy AI. Nobody listened though.
  • As far as I'm aware? The new """Secret Boss""" is actually pretty close to that level of challenge and difficulty we've been looking for.
    • It only took... look, I'mma be real here? This is the first time I've experienced that in this game for the whole 5+ years I've been playing.
    • It has been 5+ years.  I think they can throw the vets a bone a BIT more often please?
    • Ah whatever, who am I kidding? Milking the casual playerbase is clearly the more "Corpus-minded" move there.
      • Gotta earn that Gacha-Money from the Mobile Pay-Pigs, huh? Not even gonna spare your current playerbase from the humiliation?
      • Mobile getting crossplatform is going to make this community riot. For one reason or another-- it's GOING to happen.
  • What, you mean you don't like Lotus and her... god, how much longer is that monotone "I am not a robot" voice going to go on for?
    • At least Ordis has personality, DE. Way more likeable than "Mommy? Mommy?" because that joke is not getting any less stale.
      I think it's growing some mushrooms on it at this point...


I agree with people when they say "fun is subjective"-- but there is an audience to satisfy.
Remember when DE said that most players don't even get past the Second Dream?

Maybe it's because...

  • Vor's Prize tells newbies the absolute bare minimum and it's clearly not enough. TUTORIAL, DAMN IT.
  • They never explained Junctions. Ever. Not even in Vor's Prize. "Where do I go?" should not be so universally asked.
  • Every "main" quest before The Second Dream may as well not even exist. Let's be real here, nobody cares about that "Arcane Codices"-- we know the Sentients exist.
    • Doesn't exactly help that most players can't help but unintentionally spoil parts of the game for others because there's no easy way to check but guessing.
    • No, I'm not asking every single player. Half of them are unbearable as is with their "Don't tell me what to do" attitude. "I'll tell ya all I want, since you keep running into spike pits ya lemmings!"
  • Duviri is cool and all, but it needs more polish to be "other half of the story". When you announced you were doing the Drifter bit? We expected... y'know, actually DOING something with that.
    • ... well, any of us who weren't already in the know of the "Content Island" design schema. Speaking of...
  • Literally thousands of Cotent Islands to the point where it's a "Content Archipelago".
    • Yeah, why WOULD I decide to level my "standing" with these random people who lock me out of getting progress DAILY.
    • Just sounds like a chore. (It is one.)
  • Good luck finding out anything about anything in this game. The Wiki is your sole savior for that. (Bless the Wiki team by the way, they do a wonderful job on that.)
    • Mods? Yeah, good luck finding out that Shattering Impact scales based on the initial armor of the enemy.
      • Meaning it'll always take the same amount of armor out of an enemy.
      • No matter the level? That Heavy Gunner takes the same amount of hits to remove the armor.
    • Mechanics? Yeah, lemme just do some complex math equations to figure out "Quantization" to full maximize my damage. That sounds like a GREAT use of my time.
      • If I wanted to learn that much, I'd boot up the ComputerCraft mod for Minecraft. At least learning "LUA" programming is an actual IRL skill I can use.
    • Where to go? DE doesn't even know where it's going! Why should the player?!
    • I've seen too many people who don't even know that you can build more than one thing in the Foundry.
      • ... or people who didn't know that using a Forma on something unlocks dual-tone energy.
      • ... or that you can mute SPECIFICALLY Ordis' Orbiter Voice Lines, yet leave the rest of lines intact. (When I say Orbiter specifically? I mean even the text on the side.)
      • ... or that you can set the Map Overlay's opacity so that you can still see the entire map without it blocking your view.
      • LOTS of things, never explained.
  • God help you if you accidentally find a Youtuber talking about the game. There are some EXCEEDINGLY infamous names on that side of the game.
    • Arguably to the point of "Wow, that is genuinely harmful to the player."
    • No, newbies should not have access to Warframes like Wukong or Revenant right out the gate. Same for Kuva weapons at MR5.
      • "Why not?", well glad you didn't ask reader! It's kinda hard to teach the player anything when simply T-Posing with a single ability active tends to trivialize all content. Than you get morons who are STILL running directly into lasers of a Spy Vault instead of... y'know, LEARNING THE VAULT.
      • Unpopular opinion: You shouldn't get power for free. Be it in a game or in reality-- that's how you get people in power making stupid choices.
        Just look at any politicians. Be it ancient history or recent, you'll find a few stupid people who only got power because it was given to them stupidly. Usually the rich.

But hey, I'm kinda just expanding upon your thoughts with my own.
Frankly, there's a lot of drama and nonsense this game has gone through.

While a sizable portion can be blamed on the community? A lot of boils down to DE doing something stupid.
Be it for bad reasons or just simply the kind that warrants the need for custom warning labels.

2 hours ago, krazox said:

So yeah, this arcane nerf is just one  new thing in the list, it was already removed in the form of Garuda + Zaw arcanes previously so it doesn't surprise me at all they nuked this too, didn't even bothered farming it at all because DE.

I couldn't find the original point of what you were replying to, so I assume they nuked it. (because nothing good is ever allowed)
Honestly, with any buff or nerf? I always ask myself:

"What would be the technical reason for this change?"
... and unfortunately, I often either come up short or I simply cannot find a reason worth even humoring.


Take for instance: "Mesmer Skin".

Not only did they buff the ever-burning HELL out of it, but they also added an augment to really hammer in how utterly devoid of thought people have to be when using it.
Now, this brings a massive problem...

We have a Warframe that completely counters 99.9% of the content in this game doing it even harder now.
To the point of it being SO EASY that some 3-day old McDouble could beat this game with it. Which by the way, still has more life in it than you average Warframe player.
Any notion of "balance" is not only thrown out the window-- it's thrown out of a Jet Plane, into it's turbine and ejected directly into space where it's Street Fighter combo'd by a Lunar Station's laser cannon coked up on 17 bottles of 9-hour energy.

All for what?! Because a few Eximus units existed?!

Revenant has a whole thing going on to ensure that his Mesmer Skin is still useful, but not outright broken.
It's quite simple, really. The process goes:
Mesmer Skin -> Stun enemy -> Enthrall -> Spread Thralls -> Reave -> GET Mesmer Skin back! -> Repeat

Now, the process goes:
Mesmer Skin -> Mesmer Skin -> Mesmer Skin -> Mesmer Skin -> Lobotomy -> Mesmer Skin -> Repeat

The only thing offsetting why Mesmer Skin was acceptable was exactly because of things like Eximus existing!
You needed to be careful otherwise it would simply vanish immediately. It prevented the player from getting too lazy.

Limbo is in a similar boat. He is "contextually invincible".
He can avoid all damage, but he must exit his invincibility to do damage.
While Helminth does give him options while staying in the Rift, it's often insufficient.

Likewise, Revenant was supposed to ALSO be "contextually invincible".
He can take a lot of lethal hits, but not too many different hits.
To ensure that he takes a lot of hits, he must use his kit to it's fullest to keep himself topped off.


Because of this one change? Revenant effectively had all reasons to actually play the game neutered ON THE SPOT.
Not even a medical table, yet they don't feel an ounce of hesitation to do such things.
It was a hasty decision to cater to the increasingly toxic casual playerbase that cannot be trusted with a wet tissue of balance let alone a game's balance.

That issue only keeps rooting itself further in because it's easier to ignore such blatant mistakes and instead appease a crowd that would be amused by adding a low-tier fart joke to the game... But hey, it's DE game. If they wanna run it into the ground to leave a smoldering crate of which nothing can grow out of? I can't stop them.
Would be reeeeal nice if they didn't though. Especially given how silly it is.

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Ah yes, Topaz shards are still bugged. And no idea how they are supposed to work either. Note that I'm talking about critical chance for secondaries only here, maybe other buffs (maybe from other shards as well) are bugged too.

First and foremost: heat damage ≠ heat status effect. On shard description it says 'heat damage', whereas on UI icon it's actually the latter. And it seems that UI icon is the correct one (at least for now), because you gain precisely zero stacks by killing enemies with heat damage. They need to be affected by heat status (whether they die from direct hit or from DoT doesn't matter as long as they have heat status on them when they die).

Secondly, you can't gain new stacks by killing enemies in succession. I've tested it several times already and between each stack acquisition you'd need to kill 5-7 enemies affected by heat status without gaining anything. I've tested it like this: 1 kill with heat status (=2 stacks since I have 2 shards) -> 20 kills without heat status -> 1 kill with heat status but no stacks, still had to kill 4-5 enemies affected by heat status before I could get the next stack.
And sometimes with 2 shards you get just a single stack for some reason, wow.

DE, can you at least tell us how they are supposed to work, so that we can at least be aware whether it's worth waiting for a fix or not? Is that cooldown thing between the stacks intentional or not? If intentional, then why does the game tell you about this exactly nowhere?

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One suggestion I would like to give, implement a damage measurement tool, so we can see the DPS, maximum damage, minimum damage, how much damage was inflicted on the boss, how much the player represented of that damage, for example boss X has 100% HP, I dealt 35% of the damage, and this was equal to 100k damage, so we can better evaluate the damage caused. In WoW there are addons that add these functionalities, the damage meter, it also presents healing per second, how much was tanked in percentage and in number, among other useful information regarding damage.

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21 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Fixes towards Heavy Attacking while using Transference causing players to be stuck in an endless Void Blast loop as Operator/Drifter.
    • We cannot guarantee this is a perfect fix, but after testing we hope that this issue should be less prevalent at the very least!


Thank you very much :)

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  • Fixes towards Heavy Attacking while using Transference causing players to be stuck in an endless Void Blast loop as Operator/Drifter.
    • We cannot guarantee this is a perfect fix, but after testing we hope that this issue should be less prevalent at the very least!

Still happens. Didn't even use the heavy attack neither in frame, nor in Operator. Was using melee before however + client.

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hace 15 horas, krazox dijo:

It's quite simple, whenever a new gimmick or interaction appears that can be advantageous to the player, the fun police will appear in the next patch ready to kill it/fix it, while giving to the playerbase nothing in return. There are hundreds of examples of this, just off the top of my head:

 - Exodia heavy attack

 - Kuva pack limit in Teshin

 - Xoris pseudo exalted nerf

 - Castanas trinity

 - Azima duration build

 - Maiming strike

 - Melee punch through

 - Steel essence charm farms, like many many times in a row, there was a point where a youtuber would upload a video and their discovered mechanic would be removed the next day

 - Ophelia Steel essence farms, multiple times too

 -  Releasing weapons with 0.5 disposition to "stop the riven mafia"?

 - Merciless arcane nerf

 - Glaive prime nerf announcement


The fun police is also present when creating situations that actively harm the playerbase such as:

 - Creating another premium currency that is not tradeable and whose original pricing was almost in scam levels up until a technical miracle happened (regal Aya)

 - Creating a new time limited bundle with a ridiculously inflated price that had to had platinum added to it and yet it satisfied no one that isn't a white knight.

 - Having us to pay for each tennogen skin multiple times, once per console.

 - Time-gating 90% of the important farms, from day night cycles to daily and weekly caps on EVERYTHING

You however will not see the fun police when it comes to fixing:

 - The terrible wall collisions that have plagued the game since its inception and gets players stuck in every corner

 - Extremely low build variety because there is lack of mods and sinergies between them and abilities.

 - Enemy AI virtually not existing.

 - Lack of difficult content and challenging bosses with mechanics, wipes and team play, we had it but it was removed and they won't bring it back.

  - Better quest dialogues.


Mind you I wrote this in 10 mind so I'm sure there's important stuff that is missing.

So yeah, this arcane nerf is just one  new thing in the list, it was already removed in the form of Garuda + Zaw arcanes previously so it doesn't surprise me at all they nuked this too, didn't even bothered farming it at all because DE.

. . . What?

What compelled you to write this long ass post (of which half the points are questionable and some are straight up asinine, like my dude you're defending **memeing strike meta** are you quite serious now? Also, the tennogen point. You do understand tennogen is locked to platform due to digital property reasons, no? You do understand that tennogen is bought with real money on steam due to those same reasons?). . . . when my point was simply "tf you mean fun police this gameplay was as riveting as crouch spam Octavia" - wait, no less, because status proc damage is white and much smaller than ability damage.

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