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Farewell 2023, see you in 2024!


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It's been a great year!

Personally, Dagath was my favorite Warframe this year. I liked the whole concept and lore about Duviri, and whispers in the walls, *chef kiss*.

Thanks to all the DE team for being awesome. Time for a well deserved vacation!

See you in 2024!

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Hmm tough question, Qorvex is still in my Foundry crafting, and the other three this year were so unique, with fun synergies. Maybe Citrine. 

Really enjoyed this year in Warframe, one particular monetisation issue aside, in fact I think this might be my favourite year in Warframe ever, really enjoyed Whispers and Duviri updates, really like the Incarnon additions, got to see Tennocon return in person (well not in, in person, but for others). Really looking forward to Warframes future. Thanks. 

Hope everyone is safe and well during the holiday season. 

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I'm so so soooo happy I came back to the game last year. There were some incredible developments, great story updates, and the QoL recently has made a game I already get way too excited about more fun!

I'll always appreciate how involved with the community DE tries to be from commenting on and boosting fan made content, to listening as closely to the feedback folks give on what they like or what could work better. And just as much I do appreciate the gambles made with player interest and your own fun in mind! 

I hope the team gets some most excellent rest during the holidays, and a happy early new year to you all! Looking forward to it ^^ 💙


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Thanks for this year! I really like where wf is going lore-wise, looking forward to 2024.

I think Dagath was the best frame in terms of gameplay, I used to train and ride horses irl so I might be a bit influenced there. Citrine was the best fashionframe tho 😎

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You and the rest of DE really made this a wild and special year for Warframe. Thank you so much for all the hard work and dedication. And thanks for the immense gift that is Cross Save!!

Also thank you for snagging Neil Newbon for Fibonacci, the way he says "Succeeeeeessssss!" Lives rent free in my head.

Enjoy your break DE, you guys deserve it!

Edit: btw Kullervo has been my favorite frame this year, he is so fun to fashion and play. Also a fantastic boss fight.

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56 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:
  • Monetization!

    • Our first round of Heirloom packs resulted in heat. We will change the formula and apply lessons for 2024 when it comes to future Heirlooms. More on that next year. 

This should quite literally, have NEVER happened.

DE has done this 3 times now. Once with the first Prime Access pack, and again with Regal Aya. In no way should this have repeated a 3rd time.

It's all well and good to say that lessons have been learned. This was said the last 2 times and we still have a repeat. I would highly advise re-pinning the Lessons Learned thread that was made.
Unpinning this is not a fantastic look, especially while the heirloom packs are still being sold. It makes it look like you're trying to hide the topic, and move away from the negative feedback that was recieved, hoping for it to be forgotten. This is why keeping it pinned, at least for the next few months or the next year, is a far better to show you truely are keeping it in the forefront of your minds when trying to monetize things.

That said, if this happens a 4th time, don't expect the WF community to sit idly by and let it slide yet again. So much negative press had surrounded WF for a while due to this, and that's not something WF can afford.

Edited by Stormandreas
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Hmmm, haven't really played as any of the new Warframes -- I'm very much a two-trick pony when it comes to those, though Kullervo and Dagath are my favorites aesthetically -- and Dagath lorewise is a ohhhh yeah. I'm a sucker for anything Entrati related.

As for the two major updates (well, 2.5 -- the pet rework and QoL from the Dagath update was a beast of its own) this year, I loved Duviri, it was a fascinating run through (and the incarnons are a big yes, even if SP Circuit makes me want to bang my head into a wall while hoping for my ideal weapon combo sometimes). 

I'm so glad y'all are so open to feedback, and so happy I can finally use a fluffy Kubrow and not have it mostly be stuck having the floor mopped with its face. 

Whispers in the Wall though... Boy howdy -- that one blew my socks off. I hope we see more from Loid (and the Cavia, but especially Loid) and he doesn't wind up being a largely one-off faction character. I sit here through the season chewing on the walls and eagerly waiting for more -- the story crumbs that have been set already are magnificent. I wasn't 100% sold on 1999 at Tennocon, I knew it would be something I'd play and be interested in, but I wasn't expecting to be utterly entranced and excited to play it as I am after Whispers! Here's to a great 2023 and a magnificent 2024 to come.



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Thank you for what you achived with this game. Means alot to me as it means alot to you. Also it's a game that helped me throughout the problems that i had in my life. Been a ride since i started playing 7 years ago. 

See you next year with great ideas, as you never dissappoint ( for me). Happy holidays DE and also all of the Tennos!

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Much love to you and to the entire team. This year has been wonderful and I look forward to seeing what you all plan to do in 2024!! As for a favorite frame released this year?? Genuinely hard to choose, because I enjoy them all equally, but I think Dagath takes the cake. I hope you and the team have a happy holiday season! <3 :)

Edited by Beryliberries
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2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

But first, a question: do you have a favourite Warframe from 2023? Citrine? Kullervo? Dagath? Qorvex?

In my opinion, more recent frames have been a bit lackluster. Not bad, but not super interesting either. Just my opinion. The last one that was really "amazing" was Gauss. Feels like we got him just a few months ago... but apparently he's a 2019 frame? Has it really been that long?

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Thank you and the DE Team. It was an amazing year. Citrine was my favorite new Warframe this year. But honestly I enjoyed ALL the content. Duviri was a chance of pace, an opportunity to try out new strategies. I really had a lot of fun on the Circuit. Whispers was really really good in my eyes. The new tileset is beautiful and the story and characters are very endearing. And sure it was a little tense but I got my accounts merged today. Thank you all for your hard work. I've been playing since 2018 and I'm even more in love with the game, really. I'll keep supporting the game (including monetarily). See you in 2024! (can't wait for Gauss Prime)


17 hours ago, SteveCutler said:

In my opinion, more recent frames have been a bit lackluster. Not bad, but not super interesting either. Just my opinion. The last one that was really "amazing" was Gauss. Feels like we got him just a few months ago... but apparently he's a 2019 frame? Has it really been that long?

What? Citrine is one of the best support in the game and really fun to play. Dagath is strong. I'm still missing Kullervo but he seems ok. Got Qorvex today so I still have to try him but I heard great things about him.

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3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Our first round of Heirloom packs resulted in heat. We will change the formula and apply lessons for 2024 when it comes to future Heirlooms. More on that next year. 

Excalibur Excalibur Excalibur 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞

Having said this 2023 was fantastic: Major QoL to many in game systems, Duviri and Whispers were great quests and I feel Duviri and the Circuit quite refreshed the game. I'm really loving the new tilesets, and as always the Sound team and composers did an amazing job.

Really liked Kullervo's backstory, look and overall feel. Need to try out Dagath and Citrine still (I kind of gave up on Citrine farming since it's tied to a "single" tileset, so it got old fast for me).

Looking forward to 1999 and more Arthur and Aoi ;3

So have a merry Christmas DE, and takje a good deserved break :D

Edited by NightmareT12
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falo isso como alguém que chegou um ano depois... mas mantenho sempre meu amor e carinho por Warframe, eu acredito que é meu porto seguro dizendo momentos de entretenimento, relaxamento, aquele momento meu, egoísta, como tambem o momento que quero compartilhar com quem eu amo, também é o momento em que eu conheço novas pessoas, esse lugar é WARFRAME e sua comunidade, seu jogo, seus desenvolvedores, estou escrevendo em Português mas o google ajudando em tentar dizer o que eu quero dizer em outra língua não materna kkkkkkkkk gosto de ver os rostos novos que NAO SAO MAIS novos ja estao integrados na equipe e conhecidos pela comunidade queremos conhecer-los mais, agora a expectativa se voltara para a proxima devstream2024 muito ancioso para tudo que nos aguarda olhando para tras na lore do Warframe , sabemos que sempre foi um desejo mexer com viagem no tempo... A HORA É ESSA@ [DE]Rebeca não tenha MEDO... vamos de viagem no tempo sim, mundo paralelo sim, e façamos esse jogo o MAIOR GAME SCIFI DRAMATICO DE ACAO QUE EXISTE... porque afinal Warframe é o nosso porto seguro, nossa casa, nosso espaço... feito com muito amor, muita luta, e muito talento, obrigado a todos vocês já tenho 47 anos... e quero le e viver muitas aventuras nesse mundo no nosso sistema origem... e quem sabe TAU nos faca um convite.


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