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Inaros "Rework" Lackluster


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43 minutes ago, (XBOX)zThulsaDoomz said:

Frame usage is not indicative of their power.  Mag's usage has been in the dirt for years and she is widely regarded as one of the best frames in the game.  Just saying.

I mean, it definitely is lol. If you can explain the logic behind why powerful frames wouldn't be the most used I'll gladly hear it. Afterwards I can give you a quick rundown of why the top 10 are the top 10.

I keep seeing people try that argument but they only ever say the words, they never back it up with anything real. Granted you tried and failed with the Mag comparison considering your "widely regarded" example is nonsense, but I'll at least give you props for putting something behind the statement itself instead of just expecting someone to randomly believe it.

It also doesn't help your point considering that if we look at it from the other side, not only is Mag Prime used more than both Trinity and Trinity Prime, but is used more than both combined. I'm even trying to be as fair as possible here and using Mag Prime instead of Mag, and it's still not looking good.

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2 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

I mean, it definitely is lol. If you can explain the logic behind why powerful frames wouldn't be the most used I'll gladly hear it. Afterwards I can give you a quick rundown of why the top 10 are the top 10.

I keep seeing people try that argument but they only ever say the words, they never back it up with anything real. Granted you tried and failed with the Mag comparison considering your "widely regarded" example is nonsense, but I'll at least give you props for putting something behind the statement itself instead of just expecting someone to randomly believe it.

It also doesn't help your point considering that if we look at it from the other side, not only is Mag Prime used more than both Trinity and Trinity Prime, but is used more than both combined. I'm even trying to be as fair as possible here and using Mag Prime instead of Mag, and it's still not looking good.

By your logic, Excalibur and Titania are top 10 frames, correct?  Nothing to do with ease of use or anything I'm sure.  

What you are saying is basically the equivalent of "well, nobody watches X game on Twitch, it has to be bad!"

The bottom line is players will always go for the lowest hanging fruit.  Why do you think Wukong is still up there, if not for braindead survivability and easier spy missions?  Are you going to argue Titania is powerful because she runs fissures quickly?

You are perfectly entitled to your belief that popularity equals power.  But trying to pass it off as fact is honestly laughable at best.

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13 minutes ago, (XBOX)zThulsaDoomz said:

By your logic, Excalibur and Titania are top 10 frames, correct?  Nothing to do with ease of use or anything I'm sure.  

What you are saying is basically the equivalent of "well, nobody watches X game on Twitch, it has to be bad!"

The bottom line is players will always go for the lowest hanging fruit.  Why do you think Wukong is still up there, if not for braindead survivability and easier spy missions?  Are you going to argue Titania is powerful because she runs fissures quickly?

You are perfectly entitled to your belief that popularity equals power.  But trying to pass it off as fact is honestly laughable at best.

Ahhhh now I get it. You're relying on the old "It has to be A or B, there is no C" method of arguing. That's not going to work here.

I mean let's be honest, you couldn't even manage to get the reason for one of the frames you mentioned to be in the Top 10 correct so the idea of getting anything else right here is slowly slipping away. No pal, Excalibur is in the Top 10 because he's literally most people's starter Warframe. He's the poster-child for the whole game. Option C very much does exist I'm afraid. But you didn't answer my question so we won't run through the Top 10 until that happens.

I'm also genuinely worried that you seem to have completely and utterly lost your point. And I'm not even talking about "you have no point anymore", I'm talking about you accidentally arguing my point instead of yours. Yes, both Wukong and Titania are powerful Warframes, which is why they're so high on the list. That was my point. So....thanks? Did you forget what you were supposed to be talking about or something?

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9 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Ahhhh now I get it. You're relying on the old "It has to be A or B, there is no C" method of arguing. That's not going to work here.

I mean let's be honest, you couldn't even manage to get the reason for one of the frames you mentioned to be in the Top 10 correct so the idea of getting anything else right here is slowly slipping away. No pal, Excalibur is in the Top 10 because he's literally most people's starter Warframe. He's the poster-child for the whole game. Option C very much does exist I'm afraid. But you didn't answer my question so we won't run through the Top 10 until that happens.

I'm also genuinely worried that you seem to have completely and utterly lost your point. And I'm not even talking about "you have no point anymore", I'm talking about you accidentally arguing my point instead of yours. Yes, both Wukong and Titania are powerful Warframes, which is why they're so high on the list. That was my point. So....thanks? Did you forget what you were supposed to be talking about or something?

OK, you're one of those guys. 

Tell you what: don't take my word for it.  Ask around if popularity equals power.  Not just the forums, in game as well.  Even other platforms like reddit, YouTube, wherever.  Don't worry, you can keep the results to yourself.

The hilarious part is that you even admitted earlier that you've had previous disagreements with others and you didn't receive a point that satisfied you.  Nothing will because you refuse to listen to reason or logic

Tell you what, if it makes you feel better, I'll let you have the last word.  Reason doesn't seem like something you'll accept.  Maybe indifference will.  

We're done here

Edited by (XBOX)zThulsaDoomz
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2 hours ago, (XBOX)zThulsaDoomz said:

OK, you're one of those guys. 

Tell you what: don't take my word for it.  Ask around if popularity equals power.  Not just the forums, in game as well.  Even other platforms like reddit, YouTube, wherever.  Don't worry, you can keep the results to yourself.

The hilarious part is that you even admitted earlier that you've had previous disagreements with others and you didn't receive a point that satisfied you.  Nothing will because you refuse to listen to reason or logic

Tell you what, if it makes you feel better, I'll let you have the last word.  Reason doesn't seem like something you'll accept.  Maybe indifference will.  

We're done here

Oh so we're just ignoring how you accidentally helped argue my point are we? Fair enough.

"You refuse to listen to reason or logic"

I believe I gave you a chance to literally argue the logic behind "Powerful Warframes don't equal Top Billing in usage", and you declined. As I said I gave you props for at least trying and failing to bring up some weird point about Mag, but you never actually answered the question given. I then reiterated that's why I'm not going through the top 10 list considering you wouldn't answer the question, and you again refused to answer it. So to be clear, I refuse to listen to Logic because when I ask someone to present any, they refuse? That's........not how that works.

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9 hours ago, Merkranire said:

They got rid of the “tossing enemies around” thing from his sandstorm?

Great, another gathering ability

Don’t forget they added corrosive procs

I swear… they’re adding corrosive everywhere now…

Edit: Guess he always had them, 

Edited by Aruquae
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27 minutes ago, Aruquae said:

Don’t forget they added corrosive procs

Inaros has always had corrosive procs. They're currently awful and no-one ever casts the swarm version of his 4 to see them anyway, but they're an existing part of his kit that's been buffed


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1 minute ago, drnlmza said:

Inaros has always had corrosive procs. They're currently awful and no-one ever casts the swarm version of his 4 to see them anyway, but they're an existing part of his kit that's been buffed


Woah, I didn’t know that. You learn something every day

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On 2024-02-25 at 7:15 AM, (PSN)MYKK678 said:


That actually wasn't at all the reason why Inaros players were being teased. It was because he was so good, he was considered "easy mode".

1 power can stun and make multiple enemies vulnerable to finishers, and each finisher performed refilled 25% of Inaros' entire 9k (Prime 10k) Health Pool. Health that could also be used with another power to increase Armor, further decreasing any damage recieved.

The only reason that situation stopped was because someone finally figured out how good Revenant is, and now the same teasing passed to Revenant Mains. I can't even begin to guess why you'd think changing the reason behind a well-known event happening within the community was a good idea, it's possible you weren't actually around for it and only saw people being teased because Inaros took a skydive after Overguard came in, but it definitely wasn't why folks were being teased for using Inaros for literal years.

This post is hilarious.

His 1 has never been a good skill. It has practically been unusable against a whole faction, worked somewhat against another and then nearly fully against the other two common ones. It currently barely works against the new faction.

His armor buff is a joke for a frame that relies on health tanking. Not to mention if you get nullified or scrambed and need to recast it in combat... It is in the end just a +100% armor buff that doesnt scale, additive +100% and not a multiplier on total. It will still be total trash for the armor, atleast the status immunity will be innate to the skill and the augment will turn his health in to shield gate/overguard when hitting 0.

And you say Inaros took a skydive due to OG? Uhm, no. He started to drop heavily when shield gate became a main feature and no longer exclusive to Hildryn. It had already seen a dip with Revenant since he had more practical defenses and a better and actually useful kit for the times (massive AoE damage). People have asked for a rework for Inaros since long before then though, since he is simply not a frame, he is just a walking wall of health with practically no interaction with the game through his kit. And in order to even give him a decent chance in high content you need to go full 1-track-mind and use all health modding available. Which isnt really an issue because the kit is worthless and has no use or cant make use of any modding.

You know a frame is in a bad spot with their kit when the answer to the question "what is Inaros special thing?" is "uhm having health?".

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21 hours ago, (XBOX)zThulsaDoomz said:

He was notorious for saying Inaros (and other questionable picks) was/were top tier for years. I believe those vids are still up

Frame usage is not indicative of their power.  Mag's usage has been in the dirt for years and she is widely regarded as one of the best frames in the game.  Just saying.

i think you forget that melee got ruined and cover lethality that help inaros the most, on top of the fact that eximus wernt imune to being blinded....

inarus was good, then they ruined melee as a whole with the stance changes, and i dont care what eneyone says, id take old stances befor building a melee weapon ever again, i literally don't melee anymore, and not because of aoe, but because i need to use an extra button to heavy attack when the ps5 taxes you $125 above the price of a normal controller to use back buttons and has S#&$ joysticks that anyways, unlike my $30 switch pro controller

yes i can rebind the controlls

yes i can use my switch controller with turbo and back buttons on my pc and play with worse graphical quality, and yes sony can keep charging $200 just like Microsoft for back buttons

no i wont melee and u cant make me


also they ruined how melee combos are even preformed on controller as well, you used to melee based on if you where moving forward (the direction the warframe was facing) not if you were moving the joystick UP, if im lacing left to melee a guy on my left, and mashing circle (yes i know i can melee with a trigger but who the fk melees with a analog springy trigger if they dont have trigger stops?) then i can only neutral combo

take your melee rework and shove it where the sun dont shine, and i say this with over 10k hours in this game that used to only melee before they nurfed how melee interacted with nekros

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I think the rework looks good.  I look forward to trying it out now. 

They said it wouldn't be a huge change and they did more than I was expecting.

It addresses many of the issues people had with the frame.  While not adding anything considered too strong.

I going to have to adjust my helminth choices again. 

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10 hours ago, Aruquae said:

Don’t forget they added corrosive procs

I swear… they’re adding corrosive everywhere now…

Edit: Guess he always had them, 

Sigh. I dunno, sometimes I feel like they’re too close to their players and the players are rubbing off on them.

”Make the game easier, make it more so that I can just press buttons and not move much, focus on Steel Path, I’m too tryhard to have imagination and come up with quirky solutions so cater to that”. I just came from another thread about Mag’s pull and I was reminded how they made that a gathering ability as well, and I’m thinking “Can we have the one where it flung enemies around back? I got no problem with aiming and it felt a lot cooler and more brutal and in general was another toy to play with for what it was, introducing engagement and weird ways to use it”.

Despite my appreciation for simplicity and practicality when silliness temporarily loses its lustre, boringly practical in a stupid magic space pirate ninja videogame should remain of secondary consideration compared to stupid fun

Edited by Merkranire
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2 hours ago, Merkranire said:

I just came from another thread about Mag’s pull and I was reminded how they made that a gathering ability as well, and I’m thinking “Can we have the one where it flung enemies around back? I got no problem with aiming and it felt a lot cooler and more brutal and in general was another toy to play with for what it was, introducing engagement and weird ways to use it”.

Mmmm that would be cool. It would be even cooler if they gave implemented that as a blast ability to fit the theme. Explosive warframe when?


2 hours ago, Merkranire said:

Despite my appreciation for simplicity and practicality when silliness temporarily loses its lustre, boringly practical in a stupid magic space pirate ninja videogame should remain of secondary consideration compared to stupid fun

I don't know about you, but first thing I'm doing with Dante is dumbS#&$ memes

His kit screams memes and weird niches, and i'm all in for that

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On 2024-02-25 at 5:10 AM, Dax-Kriegor said:

No matter how many times you claim nuking is the best way to clear any mission type, I still more than once a week find players about to ragequit asking for help right as they're about to log off because they can't stand it, that either can't figure out interception at low levels or have gotten so used to that mentality that you appear to be stuck in, that either by flooding the map themselves or having the misfortune of ending up in squad with someone who does... And when I explain to them how interception works they are reluctant, as most people believe as you do that the point of the game is just kill everything as fast as you can because that's what they've been shown to do instead of playing how the game itself tells you to, and when I say just hold the 15 enemies at the start and let them live while you take all the points they don't understand how that will work against the 20, 30, 50 enemies at each of the other points so I have to explain to them that because you're not killing the first group of enemies that whole ass army they're afraid of never shows up. So I show them. And every time they're shocked and amazed to see it in action, I've even been asked if I'm hacking because how did I make it so effortless and why were there suddenly no enemies when before they were drowning in mobs? Well, the reason is simple: it's because people like you flooding the map and getting those lower level players swarmed by mobs that may be easy for YOU to handle, aren't necessarily easy for THEM to handle. What IS easy, however, is letting that small handful of enemies live but keeping them unable to do anything useful while you capture and dominate the map. And for the sake of feeling justified in your, frankly awful, play style you are causing them to have a horrible experience. And any play style that actively makes the game worse for the rest of the squad, especially by creating a detrimental experience for newer players, is NOT(!!!) better, objectively or anything. I understand you want to feel like your way is the best way, but it's really not in all cases. You literally are just arguing that making the game worse for others is somehow better than helping your squad succeed.

this... so much this. i recently did an intercwption where another player started screaming at me and cursing at me for daring to play inaros saying hes a useless frame which was evident my how i had no kills.... on an interception.... where i was the only one whose point never even went into red alert once, while everyone else repeatedly lost their points cause they were just nuking everything and spawning armies in their sections.

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