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i feel like dante is too good ?


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Just now, Stomno said:

A shame. I'm not going to use anymore if you nerf it. Test your warframes BEFORE release. Stop doing this to all players.
I play this game since launch and this always was the problem with this game. There're currently bugs in Void Cascade that hasn't been resolved since launch of that mode and other things needs atention but you guys that not play the game nerf things <3

this is the funniest thing to me, no matter how big or small the nerf is people are ganna drop him? is knowing he is not at the peak he used to be what makes you guys think he is ganna be bad or something? even if they didnt nerf anything but told people he was nerfed, i can 100% believe people will think he is weaker

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7 minutes ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:
1 hour ago, Mazifet said:

revenant is a good frame, but the only thing really special about him is his mesmer skin. just makes surviving easier. hes popular for that reason, so people can build towards other things than ehp / shieldgating

They simply don't reason, that's why they make comparisons with Warframe that only have one thing (Revenant, Octavia, etc.) with Dante who can practically do everything. They are so blinded with a overpower thing that they don't understand how ridiculous they are.

Well, if you mean 'death = CC' then he can.

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the problem isn't so much getting the overgaurd it is the speed of getting the overgaurd. Dante as launched is disruptive in that he will just turn off the kit of frames that require health interaction. literally spent minutes baiting enemies as chroma to try to break though the overgaurd on SP above lvl 300 and couldn't force it to break. That might speak more to how early buffer frames like chroma and oberon need a solid uplift pass, but these frames are incompatible with dante nonetheless.

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7 hours ago, (XBOX)Timidobserver said:

I've been seeing people starting to leave missions with a Dante in the group. Any of you Dante mains noticing any of that?

I tend towards leaving if I see someone using him in anything that isn't just an "in and out" kind of mission (cause those missions only take a minute or two, just not worth bothering with leaving). It's not fun to be literally immortal because of how ridiculous his overguard generation is. He's basically Styanax 2.0 for me, same issue.

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I feel like people are being too sensitive to the word "Nerf" if anything

I love Dante and at this point I can confidently say they're my favorite frame since I've always been a fan of Wizards and Magic and their whole kit reflects that accurately but even so I'd understand if DE decides to tweak them a bit. DE seems to had been very fair towards the changes they put in the game, at least fair enough to the extent that I have confidence in what they do.


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2 hours ago, poop2much said:

vets are coming back and having fun, of course they are itching to nerf stuff... oh well, i had a new fav frame... time to head off to other games soon it seems see you likely around summer warframe, maybe one day they will test this stuff properly b4 release.. so they don't have to ruin peoples fun and enjoyment.. cause one of these times i and many wont be back

I wasted 7 forma for them to nerf Dante, one of my clan mates said that they did this kinda stuff a few years ago, and it nearly killed the game.  

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9 minutes ago, Golite said:

the problem isn't so much getting the overgaurd it is the speed of getting the overgaurd. Dante as launched is disruptive in that he will just turn off the kit of frames that require health interaction. literally spent minutes baiting enemies as chroma to try to break though the overgaurd on SP above lvl 300 and couldn't force it to break. That might speak more to how early buffer frames like chroma and oberon need a solid uplift pass, but these frames are incompatible with dante nonetheless.

That's more of an indication that maybe Chroma's and Oberon's kits are horribly outdated and in dire need of reworks. But no. Let's instead nerf the brand new Warframe that is good right out of the gate! BECAUSE THAT MAKES SENSE!

Gordon Ramsey Idiot GIF

Edited by Ace-Bounty-Hunter
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17 minutes ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

They simply don't reason, that's why they make comparisons with Warframe that only have one thing (Revenant, Octavia, etc.) with Dante who can practically do everything. They are so blinded with a overpower thing that they don't understand how ridiculous they are.

Personally if they're fine with Revenant and his Augment providing an even more Intrusive Defense Ability, then any talk of Dante's defense being too much is a joke. If they're find with Octavia Mallet and Saryn, then any talk of Dante's damage being too much is a joke. If they're fine with the heals of Harrow and Trinity, then any talk of Dante's is a joke. 

Sorry that I want consistency in the supposed complaints and eventually 'review' of Warframes who are apparently 'too strong'. 

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26 minutes ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

You're comparing warframes that only have one thing with one that has almost everything and that seems pretty childish to me. 

They don't need a nerf because if you take away what they have they become useless, on the other hand Dante trivializes the game because he can do practically everything. To compare nonsense there are always the crybabies on duty, well the nerf is already confirmed, so have a good luck.


My Friend, you've never played Octavia if you really think she can't do everything.
I really don't know which Warframe you had to protect to ask for a nerf for Dante, maybe you're a Kullervo user, since they have some things in common.

But I guess we'll see how the nerf will turn out, Nidus was nerfed on release too and he's still a monster, just not an excessive one.


and really, you were a bit salty about it because whatever argument I said you replied with "your arguments don't matter, It will get nerfed" which was very childish, it sounds more here like you're projecting than arguing.

I'm not here to point fingers and fight though, so good luck to you too, I guess...

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On 2024-03-27 at 10:20 PM, Xenevier said:

the problem i have and i may be stretching it a bit here with his exalted weapon is that it can by itself carry dante's damage to the end game, meaning you have no need for a strong weapon.

This is not a problem. This is how exalted weapons should work.

Exalted weapons should all be the best weapons in the game. Because they are weapons that cost energy to use. If a normal weapon is stronger than them, then there's no reason to use the exalt, and there is a problem with that. People have been complaining about how obscenely weak a lot of exalted weapons are for years because of this. I'm extremely happy to see a good exalted weapon for once. Especially a tome, given the first tome's damage was absolutely abysmal. Feels good. This is a good thing.

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hace 20 minutos, Xenevier dijo:

this is the funniest thing to me, no matter how big or small the nerf is people are ganna drop him? is knowing he is not at the peak he used to be what makes you guys think he is ganna be bad or something? even if they didnt nerf anything but told people he was nerfed, i can 100% believe people will think he is weaker

Good for you. I didn't said anything that wasn't true. I'm not that naive, I know DE does this casually when people knows the frame is fun and they are playing (and buying).
ALSO: Let people have their opinions, it's sus that you respond every comment (This was the problem with the content creator program that many people left).

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15 minutes ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

That's more of an indication that maybe Chroma's and Oberon's kits are horribly outdated and in dire need of reworks. But no. Let's instead nerf the brand new Warframe that is good right out of the gate! BECAUSE THAT MAKES SENSE!

Gordon Ramsey Idiot GIF

Yes. Perhapse the issue is mechanics that require you to take health damage to trigger. Not things preventing you from taking health damage. Maybe things like this should just be, I dunno, "on hit". Not even on damaged, because revenant exists.

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If the dante player was frantically attempting to negate all damage for the team that would be one case, revenant could do the same thing by casting mesmer skin with the augment every 6 seconds. but as it stands on a halfway decent build dante's overguard regeneration nearly passively makes the squad nothing less than immortal. you literally cannot pass the overguard gate as long dante is maintaining a reasonable rotation.

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9 minutes ago, Stomno said:

Good for you. I didn't said anything that wasn't true. I'm not that naive, I know DE does this casually when people knows the frame is fun and they are playing (and buying).
ALSO: Let people have their opinions, it's sus that you respond every comment (This was the problem with the content creator program that many people left).

wtf you mean its sus, if you take a look to the top right of my comment you will clearly see i made this thread, and im interested in what people are saying, of course im ganna respond to posts like wdym its sus, you want me to make a thread and then leave ? i never said people shouldnt share opinions, on the contrary i preach about that, i think everyone should get a say on what they think and this thread was mine, i said what i thought and others will respond with their opinion

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9 hours ago, Waeleto said:

It's really disappointing that the moment we get something fun DE decides to listen to the "PLEASE NERF" crowd, i guess every new warframe we get has to either get a hotfix buff/bandaid augment/remain a B tier warframe.

Dante is what every new warframe and rework should be but the fun police won't allow it.

If hes gonna get nerfed id rather they do it sooner than later.

I really hate it when something is allowed to stand for weeks/months/years and THEN after everyone is invested into it and has spent time/plat etc over it, *yoink*

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1 hour ago, Numerounius said:


4 hours ago, MrDugan said:

No.  I will not change my feelings or the way I express those feelings because some stranger on the internet with zero authority over me put a bunch of exclamation marks and all caps on their pointless command.  I am chill.  This is text.  You cannot yell through text.


1 hour ago, Numerounius said:

What about the Kuva Nukor that was KING and was never at all touched?????????

You have a short memory.  It got the number of chains it could perform literally cut in half.  Usage fell of immediately after that, but...  Not by much.  Because it was still the top secondary used in 2023.  The Bramma fell off much harder than the Nukor did, and that's entirely because of the heavy handed ammo changes that nerfed several weapons that needed buffs more than anything else.  They literally nerfed the Stug just for being in the same category as the Bramma.  They nerfed the ammo on the Astilla, for the minor AOE that it has.  That's how heavy handed they were.  That's evidence of the mile long trail of horrible "balance" changes they went way too hard on that causes me to not trust them.  Name a time they nerfed something, and then actually did what they said and rolled the nerf back a little bit after they already released it, if it was too heavy handed.  They almost never do, and for the few times they DO lighten up, there's 10 examples of times they nerfed something into the dirt and left it there.


1 hour ago, CrownOfShadows said:

please just give it a rest already.

It's funny, because when people say things like this, it's because they believe they are in the right.  But not just correct, because I also think I'm correct.  But you think you're correct enough to be dismissive of someone else's perspective, and that you have the authority to tell them to just shut up about it.  But it's an opinion.  No more valid than mine.  Which means if I need to shut up, you do too.  Except this is the feedback forums, so neither of us need to stop talking, but I would appreciate if YOU would consider not being dismissive.  Argue the point, with something other than "it's what the devs want."  "it's the dev's game."  or using points you haven't backed up, like "it's good for the health of the game."  How?  There is virtually no PVP, and the speed of mission clear can be duplicated a dozen other ways.  There's nothing uniquely dominant about this frame, other than the fact that it's an actually reasonable farm, which means his use is wide-spread.  


37 minutes ago, WindShadow970 said:

I would save the pitchforks for when the actual changes are released, no point in making noise without any substance to complain about.

No.  The only reason that Eclipse didn't get nerfed even harder than it did was the noise that got made before it released.  Because I'd bet you that if they hadn't workshopped it, and just released it like they originally planned to, they never would have reverted those changes.  They've even outright stated before in terms of nerfs and large changes "the only way is forward."  because they do NOT like reverting things.  This is exactly the time to make noise.  Not after they kill the frame.

10 minutes ago, RoadCrewWorker said:

knows what they're melting down over.

I hate the internet.  Literally any level of negativity or displeasure, any amount of complaint at all and some of you want to act like the people complaining are freaking out.  I am allowed to be annoyed by this, and state that annoyance.  It's not a "melt down."  

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So dante is going to be nerfed because he's disruptive, what i assume the nerf is targeted at is his overguard (I HOPE it's the overguard he grants to allies and not himself) and i just want to point out that nerfing 1 warframe isn't gonna make the overguard issue go away, overguard is a fun mechanic for people who use and it's a fresh and new way of survival that doesn't involve health but it contradicts really old mechanics that require health to be damaged so here is the thing:

If you nerf dante's own overguard you've done nothing at all except nerf his own survivability by that standard you should nerf every single tank in the game
If you nerf the amount of overguard he gives to allies then you've also done nothing because he'll prevent these old mechanics from functioning

That leaves 2 options:
1- remove the ability for him to give others overguard at all 

Also here's some testing i did with my MAIN builds of frost/styanax/dante, i didn't change these builds to get higher numbers, these are my daily builds that i play with jsut to point out that the problem here isn't dante:

1- Frost:

As you can see, frost is sharing 57k overguard with his allies, ideally i'd want to forma his aura and use growing power but i was too lazy to do so, he was also the slowest in stacking molt augmented using only incarnon torid.

2- Styanax: 

Again, Styanax is sharing 62k overguard with allies, same thing with the aura so you can get more overguard out of this build. He also was the fastest to stack molt augmented using his 4 only and had the least energy issues (he also has the least investment since both my frost and dante have multiple shards including tau while he only has 1 for casting speed).

3- Dante:

And finally dante is sharing 70k overguard with allies, he also is the only warframe with growing power and he was the second fastest to stack molt augmented with his 3-3-4 combo.

My point from all this is to show that dante isn't the issue when it comes to overguard numbers, people are just complaining about him in this particular aspect because he's new and they're seeing it a lot, if one of the other warframes received overguard on release while still being played a lot and tried by many players the same complains would rise at the time.

Nerfing the overguard of 1 warframe or even the 3 of them isn't solving the issue.

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vor 9 Stunden schrieb Waeleto:

It's really disappointing that the moment we get something fun DE decides to listen to the "PLEASE NERF" crowd, i guess every new warframe we get has to either get a hotfix buff/bandaid augment/remain a B tier warframe.

Dante is what every new warframe and rework should be but the fun police won't allow it.

Forum users definition of fun is overpowered sadly. Dante can clear the whole room within seconds with ease and with no way that he can come into harm wthout any defensive mods. Compare that to other frames and you already knew that a nerf was coming. Now imagine that 4 players want to have fun and kill stuff together, but one player is hogging 99% of all the kills. Is that "fun" for all other 3 players?

Should they test a bit more and not release Warframes or weapons in such a blatantly overpowered state? Absolutely

Was this nerf justified? Yes it was.

Dante is quite boring though, always hitting the same buttons and the whole room dies feels like a cheat and loses its charm, like every other cheat, after maximum of 10 minutes.

vor 7 Stunden schrieb Kronxito:

Relax, disconnect, fun. It feels nice after a long day at the office.

If i want to torture myself i would go play dark souls. 

Yeah and Warframe being "torture" when Dante is nerfed, is absolutely no exaggeration and I am not being ironic nor sarcastic.

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vor 8 Stunden schrieb Kronxito:

If they nerf him too hard then DE should give the money or the platinum back to the people that got him that way. 

Otherwise it feels like a scam to them (myself included).


If they want to play with my wallet, i will definitely speak with my wallet. No problem. 

As long as you post here, you won't vote with your wallet. The "wallet" is a tool for people with an inferiority complex that makes them feel better. If I can give you one hint for your life, don't threaten to do something, do something instead. Threatening is only for the weak.

This being said, I applaude DE for nerfing Dante, he was way, way, way too strong. In ever steel path mission, my whole team had 30k+ overguard, which is crazy.

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So my personal take is this, yes he does have a bit of overguard, but so does rhino, bit rhino has waaaay more and his slash abilities can nuke similarly to gauss, but gauss is considered balanced and so is dante, Looking at the purpose of Dante is that he is a support frame, and I had to sacrifice a lot of duration, range, and archon shard slots to get him where he is. His overguard is his survivability, and he is an end game frame, my shields and health for Dante is dangerously low, and I get shredded when I forget to cast overguard, especially due to shield gating changes. So if you do nerf him, don't kill his overguard, they are relatively in a good spot, and in endgame content they still get brought down a bit and I have to watch it like a hawk, any less than where it is and it starts moving towards dangerous and frustrating so these are my most important aspects of dante summed up from someone who doesn't want to see him become dissapointing and make sure he stays relevant:

-Dont do too much to his overguard, keep it similar, a few other frames like rhino can get loads more than Dante can with his cap. because in order to get dantes cap high we have to sacrifice most of his stats, including his survival stats like health and shield And it's a big point of playing him and buildcrafting

-The Slash in dark verse and it's combo is nice, and doesn't feel like needing to be tweaked too much, but just keep in mind it's his only damaging ability

-He is an endgame frame, most players get him at the level of Steel Path, Archon Hunts, Netracells, and he needs to have strong enough abilities to match that level of content and thrive in it. Nerfing him too hard might make many players keep them in the dark reaches of their arsenal or just subsume him like in the cases of Styanax, Loki, Inaros, Dagath, or Grendel. 

-He is different, his playstyle is not the run of the mill cast and wait for energy 3 mins later, but it makes the player take into account timers, and allies better than most other support frames.

-He is slow, casting speed and sprint speed. All other frames are way faster and he gets to the fight later, making it important for him to cast early and plan. It helps keep him balanced.

-Finally, He needs to keep his big energy pool. Combining his abilities is not cheap and he needs efficiency mods to keep his energy up right now, and it sacrifices a bit of mod slots to do it.

I enjoy his play style and I think he has the most cohesive kit since Gauss, I hope you keep in mind what I have said when tweaking him, Great Job on this new frame, I know it's a difficult balance, to get a good frame just right. And he is close, good luck! Keep up the good work.

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