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[Dante Unbound] Our plans for next week (35.5.6)


Message added by [DE]Momaw,

These changes were implemented to the game with Hotfix 35.5.6:



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Also please consider reducing the innate range debuff associated with Nezha's augment to 30% instead of 50%. 30% would halve the total area. A 50% reduction is a 75% reduction in total area, because of the square-cube law, which I think everyone agrees is way too extreme.  

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2 minutes ago, ShaloomHD said:

Bro the damage is fine its slash and the range means nothing is 4 DOES nothing without his 3 is 3 is LOS so he cant nuke rooms he has all on nuking a room has is 3 also a cone not aoe around him  copied and pasted plus they said the damage is not an issue 

There is a difference between what they said and what a change how a damaging skill fuctions affect the damage output of the skill. Damage and Range/Radius are 2 parameters they could adjust so as the overall effect of a damaging skill can be scaled to their likeness and community's.

A building up time/mechanic like accumulated statuses' ticks is also a good option if prenerf radius as it gives that build up damage output we can see in frames like equinox, gara even Gauss.

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Remove LoS please. Dante was an exciting change for high level content and now he will go back into the unused pile. Really sucks that I put so many resources in him, including tau forged shards and several Forma, Umbra as well, and then less then a week from pulling from the foundry, nerf. 

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Great start I guess but I don't really think we ever should've gotten here to begin with.
The frame didn't even exist for a week before he got taken behind the shed.

I'm happy to see you guys are tying to fix things but this really damaged my trust.
Its on me for believing a company no matter how friendly and forward facing is ever more than a company.
Been here since the start of the game through every single nerf and system change good and bad but I don't think I've ever felt as disappointed as right now.
I know it doesn't matter because I'm only one person but I don't think I will ever spend money on this game again.

Feels like I got cheated on after 10 years lol

I've put so much time into getting friends into this game and saying how "yeah DE is amazing they really care for their player base" and all that
This recent debacle really showed that at the end of the day as long as you guys get your money it really doesn't matter how we feel.

I'm not gonna name call or do chargebacks or anything like that but I will probably be treating this like a live service game from now on where I wait weeks before touching anything so I don't have to worry about being burned by changes that aren't entirely warranted especially if I spent money instead of plat for them.

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I think one part of why this feels so bad to people is for the same reason road rage tends to effect people who customize their cars in some way much worse than the average driver. It’s because they view the car as an extension of themselves. You cut them off they take it as a personal slight against themselves.

same seems to apply here, and this isn’t by accident. It’s by design! You promote this through the sales of cosmetic items, you promote it through the mentality that you ARE the Tenno, furthered by the themes of the warframes themselves. People begin to relate to them in a weird way. 
Its all a digital extension of the self. Add real world money to that and this backlash is almost predictable. 
I hope something is learned from all this by both the devs and the community. What lesson remains to be seen.


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Just now, Drachnov said:

There is a difference between what they said and what a change how a damaging skill fuctions affect the damage output of the skill. Damage and Range/Radius are 2 parameters they could adjust so as the overall effect of a damaging skill can be scaled to their likeness and community's.

A building up time/mechanic like accumulated statuses' ticks is also a good option if prenerf radius as it gives that build up damage output we can see in frames like equinox, gara even Gauss.

Bro his 4 needs is 3 so higher you go the more 3s you need to cast on them to nuke.... again range was not the issue cuz is 3 is LOS so why change things to try and justify a F up  

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1 hour ago, Atyacari said:

Remove los. 100 of pages on the original post 90 percent of the begging for los to be reverted. 

LoS is going to be 'better' implemented further throughout warframe going by what Pablos said recently. DE don't care what we want, but they do care about where we spend our money. DE likes to gaslight us. They have had a lot of practice (11 years).

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Thank you for changing Pageflight back, the lack of status damage buffing was actually my only real frustrating issue with the Dante nerf since I have a very mobile playstyle and the only thing that sucks about LoS to me is how buggy it is. If LoS worked as intended on a high ping instance of gameplay I'd be like "eh, sucks but not that bad".

But those Vex armor and Rage/Hunter adrenaline buffs are absolutely beautiful, I've wanted those buffs for YEARS, and I hope appreciation for those changes doesn't get lost in the discussion of said Line of Sight QoL issues and overguard changes making CC builds even more of an issue in the greater overall balance of warframe. (Frankly, I don't understand missing out on the golden opportunity to make CC have its place in the meta by making all CC abilities work on overguard but not damage abilities, but hey, I'm not a game developer.)

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Getting there for sure.
But hundreds of replies and pages still coming in from the majority of the community asking for LOS to be removed.
Dante himself is now a LOS obstacle. 
Remove LOS until you actually have LOS fixed, then maybe revisit it in a few months, but leaving it broken while you fix it is just kinda...crappy. 

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I say just remove LoS checks as a whole. It just doesn't work no matter how many times it's "tweaked". The most upsetting part of all this is how swift it came without warning and how progressively bad it got not even just for dante but community wide all over one frame.

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This is a move in the right direction! The overgaurd changes are great (and overgaurd really isnt the problem, it is nice to have though), however, dante was an already balanced warframe before LoS was added. His playstyle caused you to have to play actively in order to use his abilities to the fullest.

I also understand that in lower level missions, he may have been overpowered. But that's not the same in Steel Path, or the end game content we currently have. The amount of damage his four was giving was able to suffice for the higher level missions (steel path or the weekly netracells), but it would get a become more difficult dealing damage as the enemy levels would scale over time. Essentially,  he was balanced for the game that we're playing. I think without the LoS, we were able to achieve better results with the range we had equipped but without the limit of sight LoS brings.

He's a great frame and I enjoy using him. I hope to use him for the higher level content once things are balanced out more. Thank you for reading our responses, it is encouraging for someone that loves to play your game!

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7 minutes ago, UpstatePunk said:

How is that killing Oberon? The change made it so that Rage/HA work through overguard that's it. Did you take Rage and somehow give Oberon overguard so that you could stop generating energy? If so, why waste the mod slot if you were just disabling it anyways?

26 minutes ago, Arkainik said:

*Rage/Hunter Adrenaline will now grant Energy when you don't have Shields, so Inaros and Nidus (or any frame when their Shields are temporarily down)

Oberon has shields. Unless you want Oberon players to dump Roar/Xata's Whisper for Parasitic armor, either he needs to get the Inaros/Nidus treatment and fully commit to being an armor tank, or Combat Discipline needs to work with Adrenaline/Rage. Ideally both so that he can finally somewhat compete with Citrine and Wisp.


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This is a fair first step, but still the LoS needs to go, Dante already has to hit with Dark Verse (which is already a LoS ability) as his main "primer" for Tragedy to deal a large amount of damage. Of course you can proc the status with other weapons and such, but there's a very scarce amount of tools available to the player to do that with and even then, you still have to cast Dark Verse twice to use Tragedy. Meanwhile you could just as easily nuke with Thermal Sunder, Spores, Maim, Divine Retribution (even though -50% range was too much), most AOE weapons, melee influence, Discharge, Collective Curse, Blending Talons, Peacemaker, Gyre in general, Serene Storm... the list is endless and almost all of them require significantly less brain power than Tragedy, that's why it felt good to use. Meanwhile LoS makes it feel way worse, many of the nuking methods I just mentioned don't have to deal with LoS and the ones that do are extremely easy to use, Tragedy however? It isn't brainless since you must apply status with something first for it to deal any substantial amount of damage, whether that's with a weapon or Dark Verse (your tool already plagued with LoS). I simply don't care how much better you make LoS detect stuff, it feels very unsatisfying to use and if Dante has to be plagued by it then Saryn, Gauss, Volt, Equinox, and any other LoS lacking frames shouldn't be immune to this bias either.


Also now that player overguard team play stuff is being addressed, Dante should return back to his overguard amounts that he had on launch. If it must be touched at all, then Light Verse should go from the current 350 to 450 and Triumph from 3000 to 4000, because compared to the values on launch, his generation still feels extremely lethargic in comparison to Kullervo or Styanax.


I pray this feedback reaches someone willing to hear one of us out, Dante has been one of the most fun frames I've gotten my hands on as an mr30 player and these tweaks have unfortunately made him feel much worse than on launch. I don't even think on launch that he was broken, many other frames nuke better and tank better, but he was mostly loved because he was fun. LoS and low overguard numbers make his current form much less fun and I hope we can see a return to his former self.

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2 minutes ago, Alt3rcode said:

You managed to make it even worse and buggy. Please just remove Line of Sight, let us HAVE FUN for once.

sorry closed for the weekend, see you monday

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Look. I understand Dante was a bit too strong out of the gate. But line of sight is fundamentally a really bad feeling mechanic. If you want to nerf his 4, remove the line of sight check and put in a cone, like what his 3 already does. This would both be synergistic with his 3 and also a visual indicator such as "i used my 3, i can see the enemies i hit, so if i cast my 4 now it will hit those same enemies."

Many abilities already work like this so you wouldn't even need to reinvent the wheel either.

As it is, even after the "fix", the line of sight continues to be in an extremely bad place and i really wish it were just a cone like his 3 is without the line of sight check. 

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