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Jade Shadows - Dev Workshop: Enemy Resistances and Status Rework (LIVE!)


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Dear DE,
The game  is at a point where you can take any weapon to level cap and you decide to nerf the enemies again. I was really hyped after seeing the enemies scaling rework expecting a buff.
First of all the cap to armor isnt THAT bad. it's so easiely stripped now that you dont really care about armor anymore. But you need to buff the HP by a lot, way more than you think. 
The recharge delay on shield isnt bad. Exept Toxin damage exist, it will ignore the shield and ignore this buff.
Also encouraging people to use Impact and magnetic when is a bad idea. You go in a Corpus map you use Toxin, you go in a grineer map you use slash, you go in an infested map you use viral. Thats it. it's a problem with the status  in general. But this is encouraging people to play worse loadout when you put that in the game.

Edited by French
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I really like this squeeze, but telling players to use Impact Damage in the fashion presented is sort of misleading.

For a status rework to feel impactful, I do think you guys need to look at Viral and Toxin.

For Blast, I think letting it dissolve corpses for stealth would be a nice bonus.

Also, please don't forget about Predasites and Vulpaphylas for resistances!

Edited by Voltage
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Yes. Blast i've been asking for to change it to explosive napalm forever

Grineer - Puncture Corrosive Radiation

Corpus - Impact Magnetic Blast 

Infested - Slash Gas Viral


Still wish we could get a kuva stug, and Progenitor for weapons for Gas


Maybe this can get addressed.

along with Phorid, Sargus Ruk, Vor, Lech Kril, and The Super meme, The Sergeant

Or any other old bosses, (Hyena Pack, Vay hek, The Raptors) (Stalker, G3, Zanuka, Alad V)

Edited by Tomplexthis
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I am glad there is plans to consolidate things and i love it so far.

I was hoping for this sort of holistic rework of enemy scaling and status effects for a long time and it makes me very hopeful for whats to come.


i can smell there is more to this though , slash is going to get something changed too, and i am all for it.

But i also bet its not going to stop there, there is going to be many little things that will be impacting a lot of the load outs we are used to..


Edited by 0_The_F00l
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I am saddened to see that there are no planned Gas buffs. If there is only one change we would get, I really think Gas damage should scale with the elemental mods on the weapon, currently it does not, so it literally doesn't matter if you have 15% elemental heat and toxin mods or 165% mods.

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Glad to see these changes.

Before the account link erased my old forums name I constantly said:

"Less is More."

Complexity for the sake of complexity is a flawed approach. 

Streamlining and cutting all that bloat really helps the game.

Gonna stew a little longer on the changes before making a full "Thoughts and Opinions".

Overall this looks amazing.

But be careful. You don't want to make the game challenging. We've seen how that ends.

Edited by Aerikx
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I think Magnetic is still going to end up far too weak to actively consider, and could stand to get another pass, especially when Toxin exists. 

Source: Just trust me on this one bro

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If you want to make Magnetic GENUINELY good against Corpus, all you have to do is nerf Toxin. As long as Toxin is present and capable against corpus, Magnetic will never see the light of day and remain as an objectively bad elemental combination.

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Okay, First a question.

Are damage bonuses against Armor still going to double dip into Armor? ie Corrosive ignores 75% armor values.

  • Can we please make sure we can get away from Heat against Armor?
  • Cold status should probably be a multiplicative Crit Dmg bonus.
  • Puncture and Impact still pretty useless status effects. Armor pen to Puncture? Move current Puncture to Impact?
  • Viral probably should be nerf'd hate me if you want. 4.25x multiplier is just too much.
  • Faction mod double dipping on DoTs? Originaly a bug but now accepted as normal.
  • Toxic Vs Corpus might still be an issue.
  • Electric is fine but there's rarely room.
  • Gas just bothers me. Gas is a form of matter. What's in the gas is what matters.


I would also like to promote Elemental Damage Boosts like Ember's Fireball Frenzy or Volt's Shock Trooper along with some other non-ability effects to no longer mix with weapon modded elemental damage. I feel this would give a lot more versatility to playing different frames esp with Arcanes.


Edited by Xzorn
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Armor getting worse will make Electric better since the main thing holding it back vs Heat is that it gets ruined by Armor. Still might not be good enough, especially since it's mutually exclusive with Corrosive, but that's for later tuning.

The main thing I'd like to see tackled later is differentiating Magnetic and Toxin. They're both "the anti-shield status" but there's little reason to ever use Magnetic to remove shields when Toxin just bypasses them entirely. So I definitely think the Nullifier idea is good, probably won't be super useful outside of making non-full auto/Miter weapons good against them but it'll be something. Maybe tack on some grouping CC at max stacks?

Very happy to see the status inequality tackled by adjusting the weak statuses rather than knocking down the good ones, you could nerf Viral, Heat, and Slash into the ground and Cold, Blast, and Magnetic would still be largely useless without their own changes.

Edited by Victaghost
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When it comes to Magnetic, people don't use Magnetic because Toxin exists. There is no reason to mod for Magnetic because Toxin needs 1 less mod slot and just kills faster.

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3 hours ago, [DE]Sam said:

Gas often lacks effective readability, making it difficult to distinguish its presence from the Enemy or yourself. It’s important to introduce enhanced visuals for the Gas Status so its presence is noticeably present. 

Some ideas we had were to, which are very prone to change:

  • Extends the range of the Gas Cloud FX based on the range of the Status (caps at 6m at 10 stacks).
  • Additional FX added to affected enemies to communicate Status activity.
  • Gas FX having billowy volume to better present presence.
  • Gas FX having additional floating particles around the smoke.
  • Enemy Gas FX having additional red coloring to communicate threat to player.

Gas has one gigantic mechanical issue: its stacks are replaceable. For example, if I fill its 10 stacks with an extremely high damage weapon, it'll have 10 very strong gas procs, but then a teammate who modded their weapons with gas happens to proc 10 shotgun shells on that enemy with a barely modded weapon, and all of a sudden, all those 10 procs get their damage reduced to pretty much nothing. 

You guys need to either make gas procs selective to the ones with the higher damage, or you completely uncap gas and make it like Heat, where it only strips armor on the first stack, but Gas would only grow the bubble with the first 10 stacks, all other ones are just damage. Really, gas can be a pain in the clem in some instances specifically because of this quirk of it. Gas may be misunderstood and very strong in some cases, but this one is the absolute worst offender and needs changing.

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