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Squad full map pickup loot is a must

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energy ,health and ammo should not count

without it gameplay suffers , you are split between killing and looting

in the past we had to pick up 1 by 1 syndicate medallions and it sucked , now we dont and it is much better

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I don't think we need yet another reason to incentivize AFK/leeching "strategies" in the game. Besides the reasons universal pickup was added to Medallions and Railjack aren't present in the rest of the game. You don't have to worry about failing a mission thanks to someone/multiple players running off to find collectables in the rest of the game*. Nor does anything else have the issue with Railjack in having areas that become inaccessible on top of being designed for players to intentionally separate to tackle objectives on the opposite side the map.

All I could imagine it having a reason to exist in would be Reactant pickup but being that Primes are part of the monetization system I doubt DE is eager to make Prime farming even easier.


*This is an issue in Open Worlds however there is the key difference of the side activities not being tied to bounties. Meaning players running off to do that are effectively the same as players who AFK/leech off a mission, which is a reportable offence.

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49 minutes ago, trst said:

I don't think we need yet another reason to incentivize AFK/leeching "strategies" in the game.

As always, the phrase "cutting off one's nose to spite one's face" describes this mindset perfectly: turning your nose up at QoL improvements that would benefit you and everyone around you at all times just to so the hypothetical leech that might show up doesn't get anything either.

If leeching would be a problem then DE could add better anti-AFK and anti-leeching tools. This would be another massive QoL improvement all on its own.

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I mainly play Melee, so I'm right next to enemies when they die, but I'm fairly certain most Warframe players are gun users... so it NEVER made sense to me, that people had to run around and grab the stuff that enemies dropped... you have to remember where the enemies were when you killed them, then go there?

Given enemies have specific drop rates for stuff, if you're not getting the stuff they drop when it actually drops, because you don't walk over every square inch of the map where you killed enemies, you're not getting the listed drop rates for the stuff they have.

I know people will claim this is an appeal to make the game "easier" or somesuch nonsense... but the very fact that you have to collect drops, in a game where you kill at a distance, even with "vacuum" mods on your pets... never really made much sense to me.

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34 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

As always, the phrase "cutting off one's nose to spite one's face" describes this mindset perfectly: turning your nose up at QoL improvements that would benefit you and everyone around you at all times just to so the hypothetical leech that might show up doesn't get anything either.

If leeching would be a problem then DE could add better anti-AFK and anti-leeching tools. This would be another massive QoL improvement all on its own.

It only take ONE bad apple to ruin it for the rest of us. Considering there's AFK farmer who run 24 hours survival, it'll just make things worse.

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16 minutes ago, ominumi said:

It only take ONE bad apple to ruin it for the rest of us. Considering there's AFK farmer who run 24 hours survival, it'll just make things worse.

Ruin what, though? You're not losing any drops (though you are losing drops by not having this feature), and it's not like you were going to fail whatever mission you're playing anyways. So someone goes AFK. Ok? Ignore them. They weren't going to contribute anyways, and if it bugs you that much just abandon them and let them figure things out on their own. Meanwhile you'll have benefited massively from the two good apples in your squad who weren't leeching (and they'll benefit massively from you), and you'll benefit from (and benefit) the thousands of other good apples you'll come across before running into another bad one.

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2 hours ago, trst said:

I don't think we need yet another reason to incentivize AFK/leeching "strategies" in the game.

You don't design your game to counter abuse at the expense of legitimate players. That doesn't do anything about the abusers, it just hurts the legitimate players. Instead, you discourage the abusers by taking action against them. Publicly, with full intent to bring great shame on them.

Additionally, you implement systems in your player account database that will put a flag on any accounts that share identifying traits (IP addresses, etc) with banned accounts, so that you can take significantly faster and more decisive action if they continue to abuse on new accounts.

The caveat is that all actions must be manual. The moment you automate, this all falls apart (and in fact, will have the direct opposite effect).

This is the correct way to handle such things. However, due to requiring a lot of initial effort, the overwhelming majority of modern devs don't do so. This is due to a mixture of rampant laziness in the industry, and the majority of people under the age of 30-40 having never been taught the concept of "long term effect". That high initial effort doesn't last long, after a bit people will understand that abuse will be actioned swiftly and publicly. This results in most people no longer abusing, because it's not worth it.

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2 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

As always, the phrase "cutting off one's nose to spite one's face" describes this mindset perfectly: turning your nose up at QoL improvements that would benefit you and everyone around you at all times just to so the hypothetical leech that might show up doesn't get anything either.

If leeching would be a problem then DE could add better anti-AFK and anti-leeching tools. This would be another massive QoL improvement all on its own.

Sorry I don't view receiving resources that weren't earned as "QoL". It's just getting things for nothing which would make leeching more optimal.

Also DE clearly doesn't care enough to address the leeching issue and/or isn't willing to deal with the potential backlash. As painfully evident by the horribly lax AFK detection system, the Affinity system STILL encouraging leeching, or how you have to go to an external website to report such behavior. Which is especially problematic as such behavior has been present in the game from the beginning.

So I'm not here cutting off my own nose. I'm voicing disagreement towards a suggestion that, thanks to DE's historic inaction, would just further worsen the pub experience. If DE actually did take the necessary measures against such behavior and/or put actual systems in place to detect/prevent it then the suggestion would be worth discussing.


But hey if others want to continue to worsen the co-op experience then by all means go ahead. It'll just be yet another reason why Warframe might as well be a single player game.

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2 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

Ruin what, though? You're not losing any drops (though you are losing drops by not having this feature), and it's not like you were going to fail whatever mission you're playing anyways. So someone goes AFK. Ok? Ignore them. They weren't going to contribute anyways, and if it bugs you that much just abandon them and let them figure things out on their own. Meanwhile you'll have benefited massively from the two good apples in your squad who weren't leeching (and they'll benefit massively from you), and you'll benefit from (and benefit) the thousands of other good apples you'll come across before running into another bad one.

Let it be known, AFK farmers don't run Public. 

Go play Railjack. Nothing but railjack for a week or two. You'll understand more why global loot isn't a good idea.

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Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, trst said:

Sorry I don't view receiving resources that weren't earned as "QoL". It's just getting things for nothing which would make leeching more optimal.

"Weren't earned" in what way? Because a large amount of the loot you already pick up today is going to be loot generated by your teammates killing enemies you probably never even saw. Did you "earn" any of those drops you already enjoy today? Would you advocate for only the one player that gets the kill gets the drops? You weren't there to help then you didn't earn it, after all.

13 hours ago, trst said:

But hey if others want to continue to worsen the co-op experience then by all means go ahead. It'll just be yet another reason why Warframe might as well be a single player game.

How does a party being able to cooperatively gather loot worsen the co-op experience? Did shared Voidplume pickups worsen the co-op experience? No, it made it better and was specifically added because individual pickups made the co-op experience worse. Now a squad can split up and multitask and everyone gets rewarded for it, instead of how it was on the Zariman's release where everyone was playing in their own little single-player bubble and it was every man for themselves.


While the Medallion system itself is not new, the Zariman tilesets spurred conversations around individual vs team wide pickups due to the grandeur size of the tilesets themselves. The feedback we received from the community expressed pain points related to necessary backtracking in order to collect the Plumes, which meant deviating from the Objective and causing longer than necessary mission times in order to collect them all. Similar pain points were what brought forth the squad-wide pickup change to Railjack.


Sharing is caring! Loot gathered when on-foot in a Point of Interest, Crewship, and from killing a Boarding Party are now shared between the whole squad, so you don’t individually need to go collect the loot if you’re busy Piloting, Engineering, etc!

Sharing is caring, trst.

13 hours ago, ominumi said:

Go play Railjack. Nothing but railjack for a week or two. You'll understand more why global loot isn't a good idea.

Railjack? The Railjack that didn't have shared loot on release? The Railjack that got shared loot because of how much not having it sucked? That Railjack?

Not having shared loot in Railjack was balls and everyone knows it.

Edited by PublikDomain
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9 hours ago, (PSN)AyinDygra said:

I mainly play Melee, so I'm right next to enemies when they die, but I'm fairly certain most Warframe players are gun users... so it NEVER made sense to me, that people had to run around and grab the stuff that enemies dropped... you have to remember where the enemies were when you killed them, then go there?

Given enemies have specific drop rates for stuff, if you're not getting the stuff they drop when it actually drops, because you don't walk over every square inch of the map where you killed enemies, you're not getting the listed drop rates for the stuff they have.

I know people will claim this is an appeal to make the game "easier" or somesuch nonsense... but the very fact that you have to collect drops, in a game where you kill at a distance, even with "vacuum" mods on your pets... never really made much sense to m

Samuel L Jackson Reaction GIF by Coming to America

So... You don't think loot that drops from mobs when they die should drop where they died?

Also, you don't have to "comb every inch of the map". Just vaguely go near where the loot dropped. 

What's wrong with just, you know, playing the game?

Do people want to spawn into a mission, have all the mobs die instantly, the loot magically appear in their inventory, and then teleport to extract without them pressing a button? I mean, they might wear out precious finger-skin if more than one action is required on the players part!

I Cant Wait Do Nothing GIF by BuzzFeed

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I don't know what's so strange here... MANY games that I've played down through the history of gaming have instantly given you the drops from your kills, without any need of picking them up manually. There is nothing odd about this, and doesn't come anywhere near close to "not playing"... those enemies have to die to your attacks, after all.

People who are going to afk don't even factor into this, for me. Their very presence increases the enemy density, giving you more enemies to kill, thus, more drops for yourself, despite ANYTHING they do. I personally don't care what the other team members are doing on my teams, when I am not playing solo, since I build and play as if I were the only one in a mission, by default, and if other members are doing their part, all the better.

I certainly don't want to just AFK or "do nothing" ... as I said, I mostly play Melee, and Solo... so I'm doing ALL the work anyway, when I play. This just seems like an obvious feature to have in a squad game, where enemies are killed far away from the people who do the killing, and the loot is the WHOLE POINT of going into missions in a looter-shooter.

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9 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

Railjack? The Railjack that didn't have shared loot on release? The Railjack that got shared loot because of how much not having it sucked? That Railjack?

Not having shared loot in Railjack was balls and everyone knows it.

No not that railjack. The one where you can just grab NPC crew who would be more competent than random players in public. 

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24 minutes ago, ominumi said:

No not that railjack. The one where you can just grab NPC crew who would be more competent than random players in public. 

Oh, so the Railjack that was neutered so hard and balanced so poorly that there's nothing left for your now-redundant teammates to do even if they wanted to participate?

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vor 22 Stunden schrieb TotalEnigma85:

energy ,health and ammo should not count

without it gameplay suffers , you are split between killing and looting

in the past we had to pick up 1 by 1 syndicate medallions and it sucked , now we dont and it is much better

in void fissures definitely!
Most of the content here is still rubbish and in long surv runs someone is always missing mats for relic opening...

What the hell is that supposed to mean? How can someone design such nonsense and hope that everyone camps out in the same room when it comes to missions like from Deimos, where people like to look for secrets????????????

Certain people have apparently forgotten how to think or don't even try!

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So I have some competing thoughts personally. Like, I generally prefer playing with active players in PUGs, and not people trying to skirt and cross the line of what AFK is.  So if I am playing with active players, I like when pick ups/loot are shared. Especially in certain specific cases. For example, the new Disruption node on Deimos, and its resource. Its just an auto pick up across the team. It would be a bit annoying if the Necramechs dropped them on death, a coordinated and active team can have a few different Conduits active, for efficiency. Or even just someone who is good at the mode, killing Necramechs faster than other active players can keep up... I like that Voca and Void Plumes are shared as well... I like (certain?) loot is shared in Railjack... 

Just today though I played a PUG, Relics, and at some point, Host pointed out one of the players was basically going AFK. Our team composition basically allowed them to, in the sense we were running support frames, with pretty strong weapons, so a high KPM, and everyone had 90% DR and Overguard, assuming any enemies could even stay alive longer to be a threat. They weren't AFK at the beginning, they sort of waiting for the rest of us, to get into a good area, and sort of use that large room, and some adjacent to settle in (it was a Relic Survival). I sort of noticed that they were standing around, but eh. Maybe they needed to drink water, use a bathroom, take a phone call. When Host pointed out they were just sort of wriggling a bit every minute or so... but then also Relic selection came and they didn't pick anything... We were fine if it was just one time, but... Anyway I am sure that most of you have experienced similar, and I am not bringing this up to say I am against universal loot pick ups. I agree with the idea, that DE should address such behaviour and attitudes of such players, and not necessarily seek to design the game in a way around them. 

I'm also generally okay with how things are mostly right now. Like I think their current idea of making some certain things universal shared pick ups/shared loot, like again, Voca, the new Disruption loot, Plumes etc is good and should continue. Some things might be a bit trickier... In endurance missions, I sometimes avoid getting certain loot, like Riven Silvers and Steel Essence right away, because they work with boosters, and Smeeta buffs. My Smeeta procs fairly decently, and I am pretty active, so 1 or 2 minutes isn't that much. If you make things shared, well that gets complicated... Granted Smeeta is likely going to be nerfed, so maybe thats one change of many (also a lot of items that are shared pick up, are things nor affected by boosters). Also, the thing that makes me the saddest and wished was improved, was when you see or you are, someone who is the last to join a Relic mission, 3 minutes in for some reason, and everyone else already has 9 or 10 Reactant... So even though I already gave an example of someone AFKing in a Relic mission... Do actually wish that issue was solved. Whilst still also encouraging active players. (3 of us left that other player, and I think they were probably timed out of rewards from being AFK, even if they positioned themselves in such a way they could still get a few reactant, it wouldn't have mattered since they didn't make it back in time for selecting and choosing rewards). So also improvements welcome. 

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23 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

Oh, so the Railjack that was neutered so hard and balanced so poorly that there's nothing left for your now-redundant teammates to do even if they wanted to participate?

Yes that one. Now give us competent crew members for the entire starchart missions as well. Do we still need share loot after that? Whose going to share it?

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55 minutes ago, ominumi said:

Yes that one. Now give us competent crew members for the entire starchart missions as well. Do we still need share loot after that? Whose going to share it?

If you're solo I guess the loot's already universal.

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4 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

If you're solo I guess the loot's already universal.

No I want my competent crew members to kill for me and also pick up loot for me.

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13 minutes ago, ominumi said:

No I want my competent crew members to kill for me and also pick up loot for me.

Pets already do kill things for you and pick up loot, sans the "competent" part.

And anyone else remember when Fetch was first added and pets would vacuum up items from their position as they ran around and everyone cried because they didn't understand what this meant and now Fetch is just Vacuum but with a different picture?

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