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Warframe rank according to this casual-core veteran.

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I dont see revenant as a big problem either. Warframe isnt a game with the tank/healer/dps trinity so frames being straight up unkillable is not an immediate threat to design. The frame doesnt really do much besides not die. The laser show is mid and the reavy insta kill is clunky, either relying on the spreading thrall infection or having to viral prime everything. It's not weak by any means but certainly not worth it for most rev players who just want to be invincible and fire guns.

I can see the mesmer shield augment getting nerfed however.

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Posted (edited)

I’ve never really liked those tier lists, it’s pretty stupid thing by itself. Heck you didn’t even list Garuda anywhere.

Warframe issue is that 90% of content is too easy and literally 90% of Warframes can be put as S tier with different builds for different situations (Yes including your hateful Nyx which so far is only frame for me to deal with solo SP interceptions).

But this tier list is a joke, ignoring absence of Garuda,  putting invisibility no-brainer frames like Loki and Ash at same tier with Clunky Atlas requiring super polished build? I have no ideas how you played 5k hours. Revenant is a noob-bite same like old Inaros, well Xaku is more S-tier than your Revenant by your logic.

Edited by SpiritTeA
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I mean as a subjective opinion framed expression piece, sure. Looks good. 

For myself personally, Warframe has too many moving parts, variables, that whilst I think objective criteria can exist, just by virtue of creating such criteria, you are willingly choosing to emphasis or prioritise some variables over others, which is fine, but it means you can run into competition and conflict, not just with others who may also be creating an attempted objective criteria based listing or categorisation, but just people being more loose fast and subjective about it. Thats even before getting to how people address others perceptions, rankings, categorisations. 

Personally, I tend to find Revenant a bit "overrated" in the sense I think he is really strong as far as survivability. He does have some DPS synergy to his kit, but almost ironically, I find not a lot of people emphasis that, just because it can require some set up, enemy positioning etc as opposed to just pressing one button like Mesmer Skin. So its not just that he can't be killed, but its convenience. A lot of people can use a lot of different Warframes to be nigh unkillable, just it usually requires more effort and or set up or both. So often what some usually mean, is that certain Warframes are more tanky or survivable via means which are far more relatively convenient, accessible or preferential. I personally find Revenant a bit boring usually, same as I did Wukong, but I can see why many like/liked them.

I also tend to consider mission type and goals a lot as well. Cetus Bounty where you have to keep control over an area, where some enemies can appear underground, isn't the same as a Steel Path level 200 Survival, isn't the same as Duviri Steel Path Circuit isn't the same as Profit Taker isn't the same as EDA isn't the same as Netracells, isn't the same as Interception isn't the same as 6x3 Tridolon isn't the same as... and so on. Like i personally generally find Lavos and Vauban a little underrated, just because Lavos has some of the best stats in the game, as far as health tanking, but he also has shields, so can shield gate, but one of his abilities is a giant heal, that you don't need energy for, so you can almost always cast it, so you never need to care about Energy Drain, Nullifiers etc but he also has powers, access to almost every element, and can nuke. Of course, I also understand why many don't like them, because relatively speaking, well a few reasons, but many people don't like cool downs, having to input so many commands, switching, mixing etc. 


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9 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

I also tend to consider mission type and goals a lot as well.


For daily incursions my rotation is pretty well set. Titania for captures or flood, Hildryn for exterminate, Wukong for spy, Nova for interception, Frost for excavation, etc. Trinity has been my main since the PS4 launch and I do enjoy running Silence Trinity to turn acolytes into potatoes if the mission is on the longer side. Sabotage, mobile defense, cascade, survival, etc.

I suppose my rank list is centered more around a frame's usefulness in Duviri or EDA where there isn't an acolyte spawn to turn my abilities off or magnetize me.

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vor 9 Stunden schrieb SpiritTeA:

I’ve never really liked those tier lists, it’s pretty stupid thing by itself. Heck you didn’t even list Garuda anywhere.

Warframe issue is that 90% of content is too easy and literally 90% of Warframes can be put as S tier with different builds for different situations (Yes including your hateful Nyx which so far is only frame for me to deal with solo SP interceptions).

But this tier list is a joke, ignoring absence of Garuda,  putting invisibility no-brainer frames like Loki and Ash at same tier with Clunky Atlas requiring super polished build? I have no ideas how you played 5k hours. Revenant is a noob-bite same like old Inaros, well Xaku is more S-tier than your Revenant by your logic.

this tier list can't work at all. because the authors have not done an important thing: what content is it even about?
because the difference between normal and steel path is extremely big. and we also have game modes like circuit, where certain warframe skills are extremely helpful.

and this is about overframe toplist? then I SERIOUSLY ask you to look at the harrow prime build with 12xx upvotes. that is supposed to be the best harrow spec for all-round SP content.......... I have been working with harrow for a long time and have more than 3 builds for sp circuit long runs. when I saw the build, I had a windows blue screen of death...

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10 minutes ago, (PSN)Magician_NG said:


For daily incursions my rotation is pretty well set. Titania for captures or flood, Hildryn for exterminate, Wukong for spy, Nova for interception, Frost for excavation, etc. Trinity has been my main since the PS4 launch and I do enjoy running Silence Trinity to turn acolytes into potatoes if the mission is on the longer side. Sabotage, mobile defense, cascade, survival, etc.

I suppose my rank list is centered more around a frame's usefulness in Duviri or EDA where there isn't an acolyte spawn to turn my abilities off or magnetize me.


Nice its rare to see Trinity mains around still.

Silence Trinity sounds like a pretty interesting combination. I should try that sometimes (I am not a Trinity main, but I like her decently). 

Oh and yeah your list makes sense, just the nature of lists. I don't many people would agree with my lists if I made one ha. 

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vor 16 Minuten schrieb ArchangelBooth:

There are simple builds out there, which make Oberon the best tank in the game - by refilling his energy when taking damage.

Throw on top his abilities to buff and heal the group, and 1 free rez for everyone, he's easily in the S tier. 

Agreed. But lists like these are highly subjective. Oberon can be amazing in the right hands. Personally I wouldn't rate Revenant S Tier. A rated, with good damage, but his 4 locks the player out of weapons and limits mobility.

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24 minutes ago, ArchangelBooth said:

There are simple builds out there, which make Oberon the best tank in the game - by refilling his energy when taking damage.

In higher level content, which is where DE keeps pushing us lately, health tanking is extremely devalued.  Certain enemies will one shot Oberon once his shields go down, even outside of endurance content.  Yeah, Oberon has Phoenix Renewal.  But that's nowhere near as powerful an augment as Mesmer Shield.  Try taking your "best tank in the game" Oberon build against the EDA Assassinate boss, or hell, even that same boss outside of EDA on the normal star chart.  Then try it with a zero forma, zero shard Revenant with power strength above neutral.  It's not even comparable.


To be clear, I don't want Revenant nerfed.  I think if DE is going to keep shoving us towards blinding VFX spam nuking Eximi swarms in EDA Assassinate, we deserve a Mesmer Shield trump card.  I would rather see some buffs and changes for Oberon than nerfs for Revenant.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, ArchangelBooth said:

There are simple builds out there, which make Oberon the best tank in the game - by refilling his energy when taking damage.

Throw on top his abilities to buff and heal the group, and 1 free rez for everyone, he's easily in the S tier. 

As plenty of people stated already, unfortunately you’re a bit wrong. Oberon (I still have around 30% of my most usable frame being Oberon with 2,5k + hours lol) is very outdated. His base stats are super low. With all umbral mods and active second skill he’s having LESS armor than Garuda with just Umbral mods (I compare him to Garuda because she became my favorite frame that replaced Oberon lol), his third skill heals around 100 hp per second at ~200 power strength. And that’s much less than Wisp’s free molts. Phoenix Renowal is super useless if you play with Quick Thinking (Yes I’m one of those dinosaurs who still use it eventually, and it was great in old times on Oberon) because it does nothing for you (it triggers at 2 HP without spending energy), it’s very clunky and hard using with pugs etc. 

Plus huge Oberon issue is that he wants all 4 stats, otherwise his certain abilities will be useless (too low duration - super drain on 3rd, pointless second; too low strength - he doesn’t give bonus armor, doesn’t heal, doesn’t damage and doesn’t strip enemy armor; too low range - you can forget about casting his 4 and 2, oh and also 3 won’t reach allies ever). So yeah Oberon was good and underrated in past, now he’s super weak in high lvl content, there might be some builds with utilizing ulti and shield-gating for high lvl content but nah. Oberon was killed by Wisp pretty much.

Edited by SpiritTeA
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On 2024-06-03 at 10:32 AM, (PSN)Magician_NG said:
Rank S (busted, next in line for nerf)            
Rank A (strong, multiple tools: AoE damage, crowd control, enemy debuff, energy economy, etc)
Baruuk Citrine Dagath Dante Ember Excalibur Frost Gara Garuda  
Gauss Hildryn Hydroid Khora Kullervo Mag Mesa Mirage Nekros  
Nezha Nova Octavia Protea Rhino Saryn Styanax Titania Trinity  
Volt Voruna Wisp Xaku Zephyr          
Rank B  (servicible / niche, one or two good abilities)        
Ash Atlas Banshee Chroma Equinox Grendel Gyre Harrow Inaros  
Ivara Lavos Loki Qorvex Sevagoth Vauban Wukong Yarelli    
Rank C (clunky and/or out-of-date kits)          
Nidus Nyx Oberon Valkyr            
Rank D (dire, needs a rework / rebalance)          
Caliban Limbo                

Several corrections are needed:

Rank S (busted, next in line for nerf)        
Octavia Styanax            
Rank A
(strong, multiple tools: AoE damage, crowd control, enemy debuff, energy economy, etc)
Baruuk Citrine Dagath Dante Equinox Excalibur Frost Gara
Garuda Gauss Gyre Hildryn Hydroid Khora Kullervo Mag
Mesa Mirage Nekros Nezha Nova Protea Revenant Rhino
Saryn Titania Volt Voruna Wisp Xaku Yareli Zephyr
Rank B (servicible / niche, one or two good abilities)    
Ash Atlas Banshee Chroma Grendel Harrow Inaros  
Lavos Loki Qorvex Sevagoth Vauban Wukong    
Rank C (clunky and/or out-of-date kits)      
Ember Ivara Nidus          
Oberon Trinity Valkyr     Raised tier(s)    
          Lowered tier(s)    
Rank D (dire, needs a rework / rebalance) Collecting data    
Caliban Limbo Nyx          

Anything not highlighted with one of the three colors is either already correctly ranked, or I don't have enough experience playing and/or being around to have enough information to properly adjust (if adjustment is even needed).

For additional clarity, I personally consider ranks C and D to be both "in need of rework/rebalance". However, I kept them distinct because frames in rank C are still viable in actual content at least. Just simply jank but easily fixed (Nidus and Valkyr), or require unreasonable investment (Oberon), or are just needing some rough edges sanded off before polishing (Trinity and Ivara).

For example, let's show how Ivara is so close to being up in rank B (or even A, honestly):

  • Prowl needs some changes. This is why I dropped her to rank C. Prowl is so integral to her, that it alone needing work brings down the whole frame.
    • Remove the sprint/parkour restrictions. No other invisibility frame has these.
    • Remove the action-specific energy drains. No other invisibility frame has these.
    • Increase the channeled energy drain from 1/s to 5/s (or maybe even 10/s) as a trade-off for the above improvements.
  • Artemis Bow should be updated to modern exalted standards, instead of being this weird unique case "not-quite-exalted" that it sits in right now.
    • Artemis Bow is an exceptionally strong ability though, so this is more of a "I wish they'd do this really low priority thing" kind of thing.
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Are Nyx and Oberon really so clunky? 

Nyx: CC queen. I would like small buffs.

1. Mind Control; Controls 1-3 additional targets around main target. (Number of enemies doesn't scale)

2.  Psychich Bolts: Armor debuff is limited to 6 targets. Maybe it should work like Nekros' 2. Ability but at much higher rate where Nyx mind strikes enemies in range.

3. Chaos: Enemies should deal bonus damage at each other like Mind Control (damage scale with Strength)

4: Absorb: As soon as Nyx detonates the bubble she is vulnerable to damage. Unfortunately animation is still going 1.5s after detonation which means death from enemies who are not knocked back by the explosion. There are frames who have 1s immortality when their protection is broken.

-She should be able to move as soon as bubble explodes. It's supposed to be panic in case of death. NOT seal your fate.

-Halve the energy drain from damage

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Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, ArchangelBooth said:

There are simple builds out there, which make Oberon the best tank in the game - by refilling his energy when taking damage.

Throw on top his abilities to buff and heal the group, and 1 free rez for everyone, he's easily in the S tier. 


15 hours ago, sunderthefirmament said:

In higher level content, which is where DE keeps pushing us lately, health tanking is extremely devalued.  Certain enemies will one shot Oberon once his shields go down, even outside of endurance content.  Yeah, Oberon has Phoenix Renewal.  But that's nowhere near as powerful an augment as Mesmer Shield.  Try taking your "best tank in the game" Oberon build against the EDA Assassinate boss, or hell, even that same boss outside of EDA on the normal star chart.  Then try it with a zero forma, zero shard Revenant with power strength above neutral.  It's not even comparable.


To be clear, I don't want Revenant nerfed.  I think if DE is going to keep shoving us towards blinding VFX spam nuking Eximi swarms in EDA Assassinate, we deserve a Mesmer Shield trump card.  I would rather see some buffs and changes for Oberon than nerfs for Revenant.


13 hours ago, SpiritTeA said:

As plenty of people stated already, unfortunately you’re a bit wrong. Oberon (I still have around 30% of my most usable frame being Oberon with 2,5k + hours lol) is very outdated. His base stats are super low. With all umbral mods and active second skill he’s having LESS armor than Garuda with just Umbral mods (I compare him to Garuda because she became my favorite frame that replaced Oberon lol), his third skill heals around 100 hp per second at ~200 power strength. And that’s much less than Wisp’s free molts. Phoenix Renowal is super useless if you play with Quick Thinking (Yes I’m one of those dinosaurs who still use it eventually, and it was great in old times on Oberon) because it does nothing for you (it triggers at 2 HP without spending energy), it’s very clunky and hard using with pugs etc. 

Plus huge Oberon issue is that he wants all 4 stats, otherwise his certain abilities will be useless (too low duration - super drain on 3rd, pointless second; too low strength - he doesn’t give bonus armor, doesn’t heal, doesn’t damage and doesn’t strip enemy armor; too low range - you can forget about casting his 4 and 2, oh and also 3 won’t reach allies ever). So yeah Oberon was good and underrated in past, now he’s super weak in high lvl content, there might be some builds with utilizing ulti and shield-gating for high lvl content but nah. Oberon was killed by Wisp pretty much.

I highly disagree.

As one of the few Oberon-mains left, I can confirm that I'm able to solo every level of content.

You can find my build here https://overframe.gg/build/417195/

Edited by BloodForCavalero
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vor 16 Minuten schrieb BloodForCavalero:



I highly disagree.

As one of the few Oberon-mains left, I can confirm that I'm able to solo every level of content.

You can find my build here https://overframe.gg/build/417195/

Looks okay but I would drop Xata's Whisper for anything else really. Reason is that it often interferes with targeting weak spots, doing head shots. Not only for yourself but for the team as well. Have you considered Parasitic Armor as subsume to sacrifice his shields but receive a massive buff to armor?

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4 hours ago, BloodForCavalero said:



I highly disagree.

As one of the few Oberon-mains left, I can confirm that I'm able to solo every level of content.

You can find my build here https://overframe.gg/build/417195/

Well it’s Warframe, being able “to do every level content solo” is not a good margin here, otherwise all warframes would be S tier. I can do any content with limbo, is he S-tier now?

It’s Warframe! Any frame can do any level of content, the question is how lazy gameplay would be during this. Some of warframes eventually just will be a gun platform, because their skills-kill potential scale badly (Nyx, Loki, Rhino etc), but you still would be able to play even EDA with em. And Oberon is totally capable of playing any content, just there many other frames with better kit; Oberon doesn’t bring anything interesting in his kit (it’s outdated amd niche) and his build is very clunky, a lot of people won’t be bothered trying to find golden balance between his stats and just will pick easier frame, and better players would have much better outcome by playing better frame.

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On 2024-06-03 at 10:57 AM, Aldain said:

Drop Loki to a C (no I will not let this go) along with Ash and I agree.

Loki is S tier actually, especially with the update to decoy. 

Decoy crams and positions enemies in a perfect spot for rapid melee counter maxing, is great for AoE weapon efficiency and, with his new augment, can literally cause enemies to destroy themselves...all while Loki is chillin.

Switch is niche but opens up every armor strip/damage buff subsume without any real drawbacks.

Invisibility says it all. Ultimate defense and offense. Zeroes out aggro and guarantees safety. 

Radial disarm, especially with the augment, is so powerful that it has trivialized SP Circuit. Just keep his energy decent and you're good to go. Let the debuffs and weapons do the killing.

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On 2024-06-08 at 2:18 PM, SpiritTeA said:

Well it’s Warframe, being able “to do every level content solo” is not a good margin here, otherwise all warframes would be S tier. I can do any content with limbo, is he S-tier now?

It’s Warframe! Any frame can do any level of content, the question is how lazy gameplay would be during this. Some of warframes eventually just will be a gun platform, because their skills-kill potential scale badly (Nyx, Loki, Rhino etc), but you still would be able to play even EDA with em. And Oberon is totally capable of playing any content, just there many other frames with better kit; Oberon doesn’t bring anything interesting in his kit (it’s outdated amd niche) and his build is very clunky, a lot of people won’t be bothered trying to find golden balance between his stats and just will pick easier frame, and better players would have much better outcome by playing better frame.

I doubt if a Warframe that can armor strip a room of mobs, buff and heal a group, rez tenno and their pets, as "clunky" and "niche". What is "outdated" is the community's attitude towards a support role in a party-orientated game.

A "better player" would bring every warframe up to S tier, by understanding the game's mechanics and gaining peak performance by using simple builds. To benefit a team, instead of reaching the exit point in a selfish rush.

Reworks that destroy a warframe's lore is worthless. Most of the arcanes and augments in the game are useless. The up-coming update to status just shows how the devs, and most of the community, forgot the basic mechanics -

Magnetic/gas on Corpus, corrosive/heat on Grineer, gas/heat on Infested, cold is king in railjack - this hasn't changed in 11 years. And, yes, that includes the Steel Path. 


There's my rant.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk. 

I'll go back to scaring people in 8-keys-netracell runs ( 4 mission & 4 dragon, FYI ).


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