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I don't quite understand the story/lore...

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So, after exploring the forums, I didn't know where else to post this question, so this seemed like a fair place to post this. 

I just completed the Second Dream quest. I've completed most of the mission nodes on other planets beforehand and have dabbled in other things too. The Second Dream quest was where it seems to start pick up, which I've read online so I essentially expected this. But, as it says in the title, I still don't really understand much of anything in regard to the story, lore and characters. The game hardly seems to dive into much of anything before you reach the Second Dream, unless I'm missing some content somewhere that I should've already played? I've read that story get awesome as you get farther into it and some things are explained and answered. Can someone give some insight as to what I'm missing, or maybe not missing at all? Or maybe there's nothing to worry about at all? I mean, to give a few examples, there are bosses I've had to take out multiples times, like Vor (don't know why), what are Cephalons, what's the story with Alad V (just seems to exist). Thanks for answering! 

Also, is there a good way to acquire more Endo, besides Avayan stars and the sculptures, cause I'm always low now. 

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There's gaps in the story that are missing in the pre second dream quests.

For some reason they did storylines with operations/events so when the event is over you can't experience certain plot threads later, it makes things confusing or that it's lacking content

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The beginning of the game does not leave you much information. It must also be taken into account that part of the lore has been modified over the years.

Here's a spoiler: 
If you don't want to find out, don't read them.


The first awakening in when we chose the 3 initial warframes, waking up from the first dream That's why that story adventure is called the second dream and the second dream is when the game prologue ends, yeah i know it's really crazy, then when we wake up from the first dream we having lotus as a guide but who does not really guide you in anything, rather technically hides everything from you (to protect us from the pain or something). 

Then little by little, lost parts are recovered when we moving forwards, when we progress the story missions there are mentions of the past events and things that our character forgot.  So you learn things or understand things, but as i already mentioned, there are parts that are not fully updated and have holes since they made some changes in the lore.


Many of the warframes were criminals, others were scientists (archimedeans), others were both and others were political opponents of the warframe creator. Yes, they are people converted into biological weapons with legs. In some cases the warframes reveal part of their persona before being converted into steel monsters (in things like animations that give personality to the warframe), or they also reveal the personality of their controllers.

It's happens that newer players tend to ignore some dialogues that seem vague but aren't really.  Just move forward without fuss and if you have any questions we have a wiki full of lore. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki

hace 52 minutos, (XBOX)TheSecondSon358 dijo:

Also, is there a good way to acquire more Endo, besides Avayan stars and the sculptures, cause I'm always low now. 

Keep moving forward (I don't want to give any more spoilers) I can assure you that there are other ways. I have hundreds of thousands of endo right now I don't even farm it anymore they just pile up without me realizing it.

Edited by CosoMalvadoNG
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2 hours ago, (XBOX)TheSecondSon358 said:

So, after exploring the forums, I didn't know where else to post this question, so this seemed like a fair place to post this. 

I just completed the Second Dream quest. I've completed most of the mission nodes on other planets beforehand and have dabbled in other things too. The Second Dream quest was where it seems to start pick up, which I've read online so I essentially expected this. But, as it says in the title, I still don't really understand much of anything in regard to the story, lore and characters. The game hardly seems to dive into much of anything before you reach the Second Dream, unless I'm missing some content somewhere that I should've already played? I've read that story get awesome as you get farther into it and some things are explained and answered. Can someone give some insight as to what I'm missing, or maybe not missing at all? Or maybe there's nothing to worry about at all? I mean, to give a few examples, there are bosses I've had to take out multiples times, like Vor (don't know why), what are Cephalons, what's the story with Alad V (just seems to exist). Thanks for answering! 

Also, is there a good way to acquire more Endo, besides Avayan stars and the sculptures, cause I'm always low now. 

In certain ways this game has its Lore spread out amongst multiple places and items. Most of which you'll find in your codex. It's similar to how older games did it, and how FromSoft games do it these days. As for the story:

- Earth is similar to ours until the year 2000

- Year 2000 "the collapse" happens. Additionally a techno-organic virus seems to appear out of nowhere

- Flash forward a few centuries and what's left of humanity is now calling itself Orokin

- The Orokin Society is one of greed, gluttony and vanity. All the worst traits of humanity. They augment their bodies and decorate everything in Gold.

- As is to be expected, all of Earth's resources were used up by the Orokin, so they started colonising other planets in The Origin System (Sol System)

- At one point, The Void is discovered. This Space between Space is researched and tested, and shows the Orokin scientists nothing. No resources, no power, nothing.

- One scientist is obsessed with the idea that The Void does hold some secret. His name is Albrecht Entrati. He ventures into the Void, not knowing that hes basically staring at a "primordial soup", and he brings all his fears and insecurities in with him. When the device he was using to enter the Void, the Seriglass Bell, mistakenly shatters, his presence with all those fears and insecurities corrupts the Void itself. And "The Man in the Wall" is given form.

- By this time, the Orokin have now already used up all the resources of our Solar System. Their scientists have discovered a distant Solar System, codenamed Tau, that may give them a fresh start.

- After the reports of Albrechts experiments with the Void, with "The Man in the Wall" left out, the Orokin scientists discover uses for the Void that weren't there before. The possibility of "Void Travel" which would allow faster-than-light speeds. The invention of a substance that can hold a person's consciousness, so they can jump from one body to another and become immortal, which they name Kuva.

- The Orokin build and send out a fleet of self-replicating and self-repairing Robots to travel to Tau ahead of time in order to terraform a few of the planets for their later arrival. These Robots however become self aware after their interaction with the Void on their way to Tau. They realise that Tau will be ravished and destroyed just like The Origin System was before it if the Orokin get there. The Robots over time evolve into what we know as the Sentients, and they go to War with the Orokin.

- Before the War, one of the first colony ships was due to test out "Void Travel". This ship is named the Zariman Ten Zero. But the jump to Tau is met with disaster, something goes wrong and the Zariman goes missing. It entered the Void but didnt exit at Tau. Years later, it emerges again in the Origin System. Once the ship is recovered the Orokin find that all Adults are dead and all the Children are changed, possessing Void powers.

- The Sentients attack. The Old War begins. The Orokin have their advanced weapons and their Dax Guardians but nothing is of use. The Sentients retained their ability to self-repair and adapt. Most of Earth is destroyed and the War is all but over.

- In a desperate attempt to fight them off, the Orokin try everything they can think of. Eventually they turn to the Techno-organic virus that swarmed the planet back in 2000. Now known as the Infestation. A high ranking Orokin named Ballas orders the scientists to look into modifying the Infestation so it can be weaponised against the Sentients. Many things are tried and fail, until the "Helminth" strain is discovered. A strain that can mutate and reconfigure organic matter into armour.

- The Children of the Zariman Ten Zero, now codenamed the Tenno, have been shown to be dangerous. Accidentally killing multiple Orokin and Dax. "The Seven", the 7 highest ranking Orokin, decide to execute all of the Tenno. Margulis, Ballas' lover, was put in charge of looking after the Tenno. She declined The Sevens orders and pleaded to save the Tenno. As this was viewed as Apostasy by Orokin standards, Margulis was executed.

- Ballas had finally figured out how to utilise the Helminth properly at this stage. If introduced to a living subject, the Helminth would mutate them into a killing machine. Skin turned to steel, organs reconfigured and connected together in new ways. Subjects were a mix of involuntary criminals and voluntary Dax Soldiers. The first versions, who were designed to retain their minds completely, were an utter failure. Most tried to turn against the Orokin for putting them through the procedure. All of these versions were killed.

- Ballas now had the latest versions of his Helminth Warriors, with the addition of them being left braindead. But had no way to control them. The Tenno ended up being his answer, and he inadvertently granted Margulis' last wish. It was discovered that when the Tenno sleep, they can "transfer" themselves. So Ballas ran his tests and had Tenno transfer into the newly named Warframes. The Orokin finally had their weapons.

- The Tenno, through Warframes, were used to fight off the Sentients. They utilised older weaponry and tech that the Sentients found difficult to adapt to. I won't spoil the entire Old War events but ultimately the Sentients were pushed back to Tau.

- Margulis' execution had a lasting effect though. Ballas secretly defected and began working with the Sentients for revenge. During the last days of the War he took in a Sentient spy who could shapeshift, and modelled it after Margulis, later calling herself The Lotus. The Tenno, enraged that their "mother figure", the only one who cared enough to look after them after the Zariman Incident, had been executed, revolted and eventually took down the entire Orokin empire.

- The Lotus, although originally a spy, grew to care about the Tenno almost as much as Margulis did. As such, after the Orokin Empire crumbled, she hid the Tenno on Earth's Moon, Lua. Even going so far as to send the entire moon into the Void to keep the Tenno out of reach.

- And then, a few hundred years later, the game begins.

Edited by (PSN)MYKK678
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2 hours ago, (XBOX)TheSecondSon358 said:

But, as it says in the title, I still don't really understand much of anything in regard to the story, lore and characters.


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3 hours ago, C11H22O1 said:

There's gaps in the story that are missing in the pre second dream quests.

For some reason they did storylines with operations/events so when the event is over you can't experience certain plot threads later, it makes things confusing or that it's lacking content

Ah, that's kind of frustrating but good to know. 

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1 hour ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

In certain ways this game has its Lore spread out amongst multiple places and items. Most of which you'll find in your codex. It's similar to how older games did it, and how FromSoft games do it these days. As for the story:

- Earth is similar to ours until the year 2000

- Year 2000 "the collapse" happens. Additionally a techno-organic virus seems to appear out of nowhere

- Flash forward a few centuries and what's left of humanity is now calling itself Orokin

- The Orokin Society is one of greed, gluttony and vanity. All the worst traits of humanity. They augment their bodies and decorate everything in Gold.

- As is to be expected, all of Earth's resources were used up by the Orokin, so they started colonising other planets in The Origin System (Sol System)

- At one point, The Void is discovered. This Space between Space is researched and tested, and shows the Orokin scientists nothing. No resources, no power, nothing.

- One scientist is obsessed with the idea that The Void does hold some secret. His name is Albrecht Entrati. He ventures into the Void, not knowing that hes basically staring at a "primordial soup", and he brings all his fears and insecurities in with him. When the device he was using to enter the Void, the Seriglass Bell, mistakenly shatters, his presence with all those fears and insecurities corrupts the Void itself. And "The Man in the Wall" is given form.

- By this time, the Orokin have now already used up all the resources of our Solar System. Their scientists have discovered a distant Solar System, codenamed Tau, that may give them a fresh start.

- After the reports of Albrechts experiments with the Void, with "The Man in the Wall" left out, the Orokin scientists discover uses for the Void that weren't there before. The possibility of "Void Travel" which would allow faster-than-light speeds. The invention of a substance that can hold a person's consciousness, so they can jump from one body to another and become immortal, which they name Kuva.

- The Orokin build and send out a fleet of self-replicating and self-repairing Robots to travel to Tau ahead of time in order to terraform a few of the planets for their later arrival. These Robots however become self aware after their interaction with the Void on their way to Tau. They realise that Tau will be ravished and destroyed just like The Origin System was before it if the Orokin get there. The Robots over time evolve into what we know as the Sentients, and they go to War with the Orokin.

- Before the War, one of the first colony ships was due to test out "Void Travel". This ship is named the Zariman Ten Zero. But the jump to Tau is met with disaster, something goes wrong and the Zariman goes missing. It entered the Void but didnt exit at Tau. Years later, it emerges again in the Origin System. Once the ship is recovered the Orokin find that all Adults are dead and all the Children are changed, possessing Void powers.

- The Sentients attack. The Old War begins. The Orokin have their advanced weapons and their Dax Guardians but nothing is of use. The Sentients retained their ability to self-repair and adapt. Most of Earth is destroyed and the War is all but over.

- In a desperate attempt to fight them off, the Orokin try everything they can think of. Eventually they turn to the Techno-organic virus that swarmed the planet back in 2000. Now known as the Infestation. A high ranking Orokin named Ballas orders the scientists to look into modifying the Infestation so it can be weaponised against the Sentients. Many things are tried and fail, until the "Helminth" strain is discovered. A strain that can mutate and reconfigure organic matter into armour.

- The Children of the Zariman Ten Zero, now codenamed the Tenno, have been shown to be dangerous. Accidentally killing multiple Orokin and Dax. "The Seven", the 7 highest ranking Orokin, decide to execute all of the Tenno. Margulis, Ballas' lover, was put in charge of looking after the Tenno. She declined The Sevens orders and pleaded to save the Tenno. As this was viewed as Apostasy by Orokin standards, Margulis was executed.

- Ballas had finally figured out how to utilise the Helminth properly at this stage. If introduced to a living subject, the Helminth would mutate them into a killing machine. Skin turned to steel, organs reconfigured and connected together in new ways. Subjects were a mix of involuntary criminals and voluntary Dax Soldiers. The first versions, who were designed to retain their minds completely, were an utter failure. Most tried to turn against the Orokin for putting them through the procedure. All of these versions were killed.

- Ballas now had the latest versions of his Helminth Warriors, with the addition of them being left braindead. But had no way to control them. The Tenno ended up being his answer, and he inadvertently granted Margulis' last wish. It was discovered that when the Tenno sleep, they can "transfer" themselves. So Ballas ran his tests and had Tenno transfer into the newly named Warframes. The Orokin finally had their weapons.

- The Tenno, through Warframes, were used to fight off the Sentients. They utilised older weaponry and tech that the Sentients found difficult to adapt to. I won't spoil the entire Old War events but ultimately the Sentients were pushed back to Tau.

- Margulis' execution had a lasting effect though. Ballas secretly defected and began working with the Sentients for revenge. During the last days of the War he took in a Sentient spy who could shapeshift, and modelled it after Margulis, later calling herself The Lotus. The Tenno, enraged that their "mother figure", the only one who cared enough to look after them after the Zariman Incident, had been executed, revolted and eventually took down the entire Orokin empire.

- The Lotus, although originally a spy, grew to care about the Tenno almost as much as Margulis did. As such, after the Orokin Empire crumbled, she hid the Tenno on Earth's Moon, Lua. Even going so far as to send the entire moon into the Void to keep the Tenno out of reach.

- And then, a few hundred years later, the game begins.

Okay, that clears some things up. I've actually checked the Codex from time to time and I haven't found any lore perse, but maybe I just wasn't looking in the right place. 

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vor 6 Stunden schrieb (XBOX)TheSecondSon358:

So, after exploring the forums, I didn't know where else to post this question, so this seemed like a fair place to post this. 

I just completed the Second Dream quest. I've completed most of the mission nodes on other planets beforehand and have dabbled in other things too. The Second Dream quest was where it seems to start pick up, which I've read online so I essentially expected this. But, as it says in the title, I still don't really understand much of anything in regard to the story, lore and characters. The game hardly seems to dive into much of anything before you reach the Second Dream, unless I'm missing some content somewhere that I should've already played? I've read that story get awesome as you get farther into it and some things are explained and answered. Can someone give some insight as to what I'm missing, or maybe not missing at all? Or maybe there's nothing to worry about at all? I mean, to give a few examples, there are bosses I've had to take out multiples times, like Vor (don't know why), what are Cephalons, what's the story with Alad V (just seems to exist). Thanks for answering! 

Also, is there a good way to acquire more Endo, besides Avayan stars and the sculptures, cause I'm always low now. 

Higher tiered bounties on any of the open world maps can yield thousands of Endo. You can also convert duplicate mods into Endo if you are really low. Other than that it really accumulates over time without thinking much about it.

A lot of the early lore is sadly inaccessible unless you go to the wiki to read up on it. But at the same time its not strictly mandatory stuff. More like info that gives a bit more context about Alad V or Tyl Regor. Unless we get a full rework of some of the earliest quest I doubt this will change. At the same time I think its an interesting bit that the story only really starts after waking up in TSD.

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5 hours ago, (XBOX)TheSecondSon358 said:

The game hardly seems to dive into much of anything before you reach the Second Dream, unless I'm missing some content somewhere that I should've already played?

Warframe from 2013 to 2016 had no "personal" story. It was a war story between four factions: the Grineer, Corpus, Infested, and Tenno as a whole. There were story elements you missed in 2013 and 2014, but they weren't huge make-or-break things. It was stuff like Gradivus Dilemma (Grineer attempt to conquer Mars from Corpus control; introduction of Sargas Ruk and Alad V; players decided which faction won, ultimately Grineer victory), Ties That Bind (brief one-mission quest event revealing Darvo is actually the son of Corpus director Frohd Bek; early cameo of the Hyena Pack boss and the introduction of the current version of the Rescue mission), and the Hunt For Alad V (here's a link)

The Second Dream was the shift from broader war story to more personal stories. These days the Tenno are no longer a grand faction centered around thousands of player characters, but a small handful of player characters operating almost completely alone

6 hours ago, (XBOX)TheSecondSon358 said:

what are Cephalons

This one wasn't revealed until around 2016 and it's in the game right now... if you know how to find it. If you use a Codex Scanner or Simaris Scanner on "Cephalon Fragments" hidden around missions, you unlock concept art of various planets. But this alone doesn't relate to Cephalons. When you're looking around on the concept art, wave your mouse around until you mouse over a hidden trigger (thankfully no clicking required). This will play audio logs from a certain Cephalon telling his tragic backstory

6 hours ago, (XBOX)TheSecondSon358 said:

what's the story with Alad V (just seems to exist)

Alad V's lore is completely out of order. So I'll just tell you all the details:

Alad V is a Corpus researcher who owned large parts of Jupiter (then lost them, then bought them back). He's completely nuts and thought experimenting with the Infested and also with Warframes would be a good idea. Then we killed him, and the Infested took his body to Eris as "Mutalist Alad V." (The quest Patient Zero takes place here) We killed him again, and Alad's brain took control of his body once more. He hired the Tenno to steal Grineer research to cure his body of the Infestation (this was another event: players could decide between selling the information to Alad V or Nef Anyo; we chose Alad V because Nef Anyo just sucks).

Then Second Dream happens. Alad V is in that quest and he sells Lotus some information in exchange for a favor from the Tenno later

However, Stalker was very mad about this and sent his Acolytes to assassinate him. They never got the chance, because Alad saw them coming and calls in that favor. We assassinate all the Acolytes in this event.

There is one more story event with Alad V. It takes place between the War Within and Sacrifice quests, so I won't spoil it yet

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Pacifism defect: Establishing that the Grineer queens control is slipping as a number of Grineer unwilling to fight break off.

The Index Preview: Nef Anyo is a compulsory gambling addict who can't stop himself from betting, even while losing. Kind of establishes why he squeezes penal colonies on Venus so hard for credits.

Orphix Venom: The Sentients developing a technology that disrupts Warframes, creating areas can only be entered by Necramechs or in operator form. Helps understanding why Teshin went in first to sabotage the Orphix and how the Tenno and Warframes had so much trouble against the Sentients as they found a way to create dead zones were the Tenno could not operate.

Edited by Prexades
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5 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Year 2000 "the collapse" happens.

The Collapse was the fall of the Orokin Empire.

Also, gotta love how your explanation spoils quests that OP explicitly hasn't reached yet.

Edited by Corvid
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1 hour ago, Corvid said:

The Collapse was the fall of the Orokin Empire.

Also, gotta love how your explanation spoils quests that OP explicitly hasn't reached yet.

You're right about the collapse actually. Although that's kind of soured by your weird joy at spoilers. You love things being spoiled for others? Why?

Worth noting btw, the OP very clearly states they've already gone ahead and read up on the lore, even clarifying that they knew the story would start kicking in after the Sacrifice before playing it. Did those same feelings of joy make you miss that?

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9 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Although that's kind of soured by your weird joy at spoilers. You love things being spoiled for others? Why?

It's called sarcasm.

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Therre are small lore bits in the codex. Specifically, with Ember Prime (who hints at the existence of the Zariman and Tenno) of and Mag Prime (hints at Old War and Archwing, which doesn't sound much now but was a big deal as it came in prior to those things) entries. There's more with Cephalon Simaris. Cephalons you would have to unlock and listen to the Fragments and maybe read a tiny bit on the Glassmaker Nihil Nightwave Event to understand what they are.

Early WF was a series of sparsely connected events that were/are happening. It wasn't til the 2nd Dream where a grander narrative started happening and with them trying to interconnect everything together.

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29 minutes ago, Corvid said:

It's called sarcasm.

Weird, it's usually called "petty". But we'll just leave it as "misplaced and/or embarrassing" considering you weren't able to pick up on how the OP read the Lore beforehand.

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