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Update 36: Jade Shadows


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Finished the quest, and it was... unexpected, and a little intriguing, but, still


It's really hard to belive that corpus let stalker go, just because he was holding a baby. Maybe, Parvos troops are softer, than others, but I hardly doubt it. More like they would find him on the other side of the universe, to lay their hands on such a unique baby.

Also, "belly of the beast" sounds a little cinic, considering events of the quest

Also, I can see that there is no way to obtain second Jade blueprint naturally, only to buy it for 450 of new currency, that seems like quite a lot

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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Status Effects no longer inherit Energy Colors, so players can more easily identify when an enemy is affected by a Status Effect.

I'm not a fan of this. I like seeing MY heat, gas, blast, etc procs have different colors, it allows for more depth in thematic builds. I feel like this should just be a setting. I definitely want to change the color of Gas away from puke green.

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Hey, thanks a lot for this update, all this stuff look amazing and I can't wait to test everything.

Let's talk about how slash got nuked against targets who are not weak to it.
Just before the update I did some Void Cascade in Steel Path with Dante and it was super fun.
After further testing now, I have concluded that now my Dante does less than 10% of what he used to do against heavy gunners. That means that I won't bring him against corrupted, and grineers because now, he basically tickles the enemies. Where I was dealing 700k with my endgame setup (full of tauforgeds, Roar, maxed mods, arcanes...), now I deal 50k (with Roar, two casts of Dark Verse and Tragedy). Slash relying Warframes have become strictly inefficient against some factions and I wonder if that was the point of the status rework (I don't think so). 
That's why I suggest that you please make it so slash comes back closer to where it was in terms of actual numbers, because why would you use slash (which is supposedly interesting because it ignores armor) against infesteds who don't have armor anyway ? 
As it stands right now, my Garuda, Dante and Styanax are gonna collect dust because they will be absolutely bad in missions I play the most, which is sad.

I was super hyped to see what's new but I might admit it, knowing that my Dante who I loved to play is now garbage in many missions is super disappointing and that's not what I expected to get today. I think your idea was to bring diversity in builds, not break the balance.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Status Effects no longer inherit Energy Colors, so players can more easily identify when an enemy is affected by a Status Effect.

Not sure why this was done. My green fire now doesn't apply green fire. Please revert this change or allow us to toggle this option because it removes a huge amount of customizability.

I'm not a big fan of Impact and Puncture swapping vulnerabilities either. It makes way more sense to have Impact have increased effectiveness against shields and Puncture to penetrate armor. Otherwise, great update so far.

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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

You can now change your Loadout directly from Navigation!

Weapon Options: 

  • Swap Primary/Secondary/Melee Weapon 
    • Select from your available Weapons to equip.
  • Upgrade Primary/Secondary/Melee Weapon 
    • Change upgrades (Mods, Arcanes, etc.) on equipped weapons. 
  • Select Mod Config
    • Select from your existing Mod Configs for equipped weapons. 

As always... What about archguns?

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Is the Jade Collection(The one purchasable for platinum) and the Jade Chorus Pack(Real currency variant) supposed to be so vastly different?

The Jade Collection(Again the platinum variant) as stated in game and in other places says it has the following;

Jade (The warframe)
Jade Aureolt Helmet (Alt Helmet)
Evensong (Bow Primary)
Cantare (Kunia Secondaries)
Harmony (Scythe Melee)
Motetique Signa (Signa)
Jade Ophanim Decoration (Orbiter Decoration)

Where as the Jade Chorus Pack states it only has the following;

Jade (The warframe)
Jade Aureolt Helmet (Alt Helmet)
Motetique Signa (Signa)
Terror Landing Craft (Landing Craft Skin)
Jade In Action Glyph (Glyph)
Jade Ophanim Sigil (Sigil)
Light & Shadow Color Pallet (Color Palette)
275 Platinum (Platinum)

With this it seems that we are supposed to be more disposed to buying the collection instead of the one for currency? Due to the Collection having the weapons as well.

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10 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

I notice no mention about Immolation ramping drain being slowed down, which @[DE]Pablo stated would be a thing. Can we get clarification about whether or not that was actually implemented?

It's right here in the patch notes:


Immolation (2nd Ability): 

  • Reduced the Energy Per Second cost when at max Heat from 10 to 4. 
    • We want to make it easier for players to maintain its Heat gauge at max. 

Personally I think this was completely unnecessary anyway. I guess they just want every frame to use Blind Rage.

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30 minutes ago, Lord_Reiven7x said:

those directly affect dps that's why they aren't exilus mods 

no they don't. Their effect on dps is like 3% in a realistic scenario. They are QoL mods that make the gun play different. Nobody with any sense is going to use +55% reload speed or magazine in a regular mod slot instead of +220% damage or elemental combination or critical chance/dmg

Projectile speed affects damage output for weapons with falloff much more that magazine size ever could (mag dump alt-fires only get a larger burst for the same net ammo cost. Only tenet plinx gets any significant gain but that is a consequence of it being a single-shot rather than mag dump and the fact it is battery. This is fine since that is what makes it unique and it still won't be better than A- tier)

These mods need to go exilus where they belong.

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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed the Incarnon Ceramic Dagger upgrade Gun and Blade triggering when killing enemies with a Secondary weapon.

apparently this isn't intended, major L.

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5 minutes ago, SteveCutler said:

It's right here in the patch notes:

Personally I think this was completely unnecessary anyway. I guess they just want every frame to use Blind Rage.

That's not what I'm talking about. Pablo stated that the speed at which the ramping cost accumulates would be reduced.

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  • Quote


    • Removed lackluster “filler” items from the Uncommon and Rare reward tables: 
      • Level 5-15: 3,000 Credits
      • Level 10-30: Tepa Nodules
      • Level 20-40: 3,000 Credits
      • Level 30-50: Tellurium
      • Level 40-60 (including Narmer and Steel Path): 500 Kuva


Uh, Tellurium wasn't filler. It's bloody rare outside unpopular game modes. Are you sure you want us to play the bounties or are you trying to discourage that?

Edit: Looks like the Aya drop rate's been nerfed too. Anyone know what the new meta is for aya farm?

Edited by TaemaNai
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I had a problem with actually starting the quest, as the german language option did not register the word "SCHATTEN", which was asked as the entry word on confirmation.


My solution was to switch the game language to english.


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Thanks for all the new content, it's definitely a lot of fun. But unfortunately this still doesn't have any fix (lights/textures/material?), as I mentioned before, this seems somewhat unacceptable, considering that these are paid cosmetics.


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3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Armor has a maximum cap of 2700 Armor (90% Damage Reduction).
  • Armor has a minimum cap of 200 Armor.

Not gonna lie, this is not enough info, we need to know if DR scales linearly or same as before or has a new formula. Would appreciate clarification on that.

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