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Just now, Syrinq said:

i know warframe has its #*!%ed up tidbits of lore but

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the fact that we can rebuild stalker's dead wife & the actual model being the same version as the pregnant one that died is.

hm. bit of an ouchie subject

regardless i'm still left wondering as to why stalker exactly hates our asses? the quest gave him some backstory for sure but it didn't answer that question for me personally

If anything it makes it even more baffling. He hates us for killing his Orokin masters? The same masters who turned his lover, who was pregnant with his unborn child, into a warframe? His head should've fallen off ages ago with all the screws he's missing.

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18 minutes ago, VisionAndVoice said:

If anything it makes it even more baffling. He hates us for killing his Orokin masters? The same masters who turned his lover, who was pregnant with his unborn child, into a warframe? His head should've fallen off ages ago with all the screws he's missing.



at this point i wouldn't be surprised if stalker's og motive is retconned. the only way i can make sense of it is that he used to be loyal, but he & jade got punished and turned into warframes for their forbidden love. then at some point, stalker/both had the strength to rebel against their tenno pilots/the orokin as a whole and ''just'' fled? resulting in stalker hunting us down whenever we assassinate a poor boss, because that's the only way he can have some revenge on the orokin i guess

did find it odd though that stalker's ''biosignature'' didn't read as a warframe, according to the quest at least. i'm still none the wiser about what he actually is LOL

i presume after this he'd still hunt you down? which doesn't make sense at all story-wise but that's one of those classic story/gameplay differences

Edited by Syrinq
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It was definitely nice getting more backstory for the Stalker, but...


I'm not so sure why DE decided to keep Jade pregnant after the story; she gave birth so is there a reason she's still pregnant while playable? Now if they wanted a larger frame that's one thing but a permanently pregnant Warframe is a bit odd.

Overall it was nice but some of the decisions are questionable.

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 I will be honest, and take this as you will, but this quest feels like something you would find in fanfiction

6 minutes ago, Syrinq said:


There are some heavy implications here 


Is the one we produced also pregnant?


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vor 6 Minuten schrieb Alguien:

 I will be honest, and take this as you will, but this quest feels like something you would find in fanfiction

There are some heavy implications here 

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Is the one we produced also pregnant?


no it is just visually because the Warframe looks this way...thats why i have written before in my post make a "non-pregnant" version and let us decide ourselfes if we want to see her pregnant or not

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Yeah I can’t lie im very very mixed about this quest. i both absolutely love it and hate it at the same time. It answered absolutely nothing and gave us more questions , which is normally fine except they literally gave 0 answers what so ever. So much for stalkers back story.


Whos smart idea was it to let us play a pregnant warframe?? in a game where said warframes die, get shot at and bombed on a daily basis. They add a trigger warning for a birth scene , but said pregnant lady is okay to then go on and die, kill and get splattered in blood all while her big warframe tummy is on show for everyone. Yikes is all i can say.

And for Stalker, the baby and stuff was amazing. I loved it, genuiley one of the better quests ive played in a while but holy S#&$ did we get next to 0 actual backstory on him : why he hates us, why he STILL hates us, how he became a frame and such. Just that he had a pregnant wife who became a warframe and was gonna get executed by Orokin for having a baby. The same Orokin who he'll follow to the end of the Earth to and hunt us down across a solar system for....... Right.....

Also the Corpus would never stop shooting for a baby wtf lol



Edited by dragonborn0998
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19 minutes ago, Syrinq said:

did find it odd though that stalker's ''biosignature'' didn't read as a warframe, according to the quest at least. i'm still none the wiser about what he actually is LOL

Maybe it's like with Silvana; they transferred Stalker's consciousness into a warframe, rather than him being an operator. Perhaps that's why he's a lower guardian rather than a Tenno.

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17 minutes ago, dragonborn0998 said:

Yeah I can’t lie not my favourite quest. It answered absolutely nothing and gave us more questions , which is normally fine except they literally gave 0 answers what so ever. So much for stalkers back story.

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Whos smart idea was it to let us play a pregnant warframe?? in a game where said warframes die, get shot at and bombed on a daily basis. They add a trigger warning for a birth scene , but said pregnant lady is okay to then go on and die, kill and get splattered in blood all while her big warframe tummy is on show for everyone. Yikes is all i can say.

And for Stalker, the baby and stuff was amazing. I loved it, genuiley one of the better quests ive played in a while but holy S#&$ did we get next to 0 actual backstory on him : why he hates us, why he STILL hates us, how he became a frame and such. Just that he had a pregnant wife who became a warframe and was gonna get executed by Orokin for having a baby. The same Orokin who he'll follow to the end of the Earth to and hunt us down across a solar system for....... Right.....


We aren't playing a pregnant Warframe, we're playing a product after the first. We know that for any Warframe there is always that first one of it's kind before you get mass production of them, and the Jade in the quest is the first of her.

Honestly, I wasn't expecting anything being answered other than "I'm open to know more about Stalker". I recognize this strategy in story-telling where creators add new things to either artificially extend the story or allow them to move the story in a different direction to create new future content.


Edited by NekroArts
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27 minutes ago, ProfessorLitmus said:

anybody else happen to have the stalker spawn in in a mission, say some dialogue refuse to fight you and then spawn out after beating the quest? he legit just did this for me in a mission and everyone was confused by it.

For science I used a Stalker Beacon.


It spawned Stalker who had green energy color. He had the usual lines, but they were voiced.



He did try to fight me. He was also scannable, which was interesting. I guess I didn't confirm beforehand but I can't imagine my base Stalker scans weren't complete. I don't see a new Codex entry for him.

Edited by PublikDomain
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Speaking of Jade, I think they greatly missed the mark with the pregnant aesthetic. Apart from what's already been mentioned:

I was really digging the idea of a frame centered around Jade Light. Jade Light was a tool of execution, a mark of condemnation of the Seven. So an angelic frame utilising Jade Light was more than just yet another gimmick, it carried a message - as a wielder of the Executors' judgment, it would've been an angel of death, an orokin executioner sent after those who try to flee their judgement. A perfect image that would've greatly fit the Orokin hubris.

But no way would Orokin have made their angelic executioner pregnant-looking. That mixes completely incompatible signals.


DE messed up with Jade's design.

Edited by VisionAndVoice
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2 hours ago, rapt0rman said:
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My understanding is that she was already pregnant before becoming a Warframe, and the change in physiology resulted in a thousand-or-so year gestation required to "naturally" create a Warframe.


This quest - once I recovered from the emotional damage - has gotten me thinking about the nature of the Stalker in comparison to Warframes, and has me remembering some of the really old lore as best as I can. Not in front of my PC right now so I might be getting some details wrong.


So, the very first Warframes (before the Tenno were used to control them) were describeberserker, failures, right? They were either feral berserkers, mentally unstable and unreliable, or just dead inside and catatonic, though some were functional enough for long enough that they were able to fight in the Old War.


So I'm thinking that these functional few Early Warframes became the Low Guardians. Not as capable as a Warframe with a Tenno in the driver's seat, but still functional enough to be useful to the Orokin. With Jade and Sorren, they were likely among the unwilling volunteers that were turned into the early Warframes, as punishment for their 'crime.' Arguably this was a better fate than being glassed by that sociopath Nihil.



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2 hours ago, rapt0rman said:
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My understanding is that she was already pregnant before becoming a Warframe, and the change in physiology resulted in a thousand-or-so year gestation required to "naturally" create a Warframe.


This quest - once I recovered from the emotional damage - has gotten me thinking about the nature of the Stalker in comparison to Warframes, and has me remembering some of the really old lore as best as I can. Not in front of my PC right now so I might be getting some details wrong.


So, the very first Warframes (before the Tenno were used to control them) were describeberserker, failures, right? They were either feral berserkers, mentally unstable and unreliable, or just dead inside and catatonic, though some were functional enough for long enough that they were able to fight in the Old War.


So I'm thinking that these functional few Early Warframes became the Low Guardians. Not as capable as a Warframe with a Tenno in the driver's seat, but still functional enough to be useful to the Orokin. With Jade and Sorren, they were likely among the unwilling volunteers that were turned into the early Warframes, as punishment for their 'crime.' Arguably this was a better fate than being glassed by that sociopath Nihil.



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4 minutes ago, Peyji said:

So I'm thinking that these functional few Early Warframes became the Low Guardians.

Not the case - Low Guardian chest badge you can buy mentions that Sorren was a Low Guardian before he became the Stalker.

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24 minutes ago, VisionAndVoice said:

Not the case - Low Guardian chest badge you can buy mentions that Sorren was a Low Guardian before he became the Stalker.

But is Stalker a Tenno or a warframe? Second Dream implies he's a Tenno. This quest implies he's a warframe.

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2 minutes ago, ominumi said:

But is Stalker a Tenno or a warframe? Second Dream implies he's a Tenno. This quest implies he's a warframe.

Not the first time WF's lore contradicts itself.

My current explanation is that Stalker is a frame, turned into one as a punishment for his love with Jade, and brainwashed into loyalty to the Orokin (which is why he still tries to hunt us and avenge them). How this aligns with what Hunhow implies in the Second Dream? It doesn't, I have no idea how to make all of it fit neatly.

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So this is the Disneyfication of Warframe. Horrible quest that will lead nowhere like most of the filler quests, not to mention the CHOICE will never come up again. Hell I'm still waiting for a consequence of drinking the kuva lol.
You turned a red hued terror into a misunderstood Disney villain, gave Hunhow a womb because I'm guessing a certain consulting company knocked on your door.
Dont even get me started on a frankly idiotic warning screen that has no reflection in the events of the quest.

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2 minutes ago, Raze4573 said:

So this is the Disneyfication of Warframe. Horrible quest that will lead nowhere like most of the filler quests, not to mention the CHOICE will never come up again. Hell I'm still waiting for a consequence of drinking the kuva lol.
You turned a red hued terror into a misunderstood Disney villain, gave Hunhow a womb because I'm guessing a certain consulting company knocked on your door.
Dont even get me started on a frankly idiotic warning screen that has no reflection in the events of the quest.

Hunhow had a womb even before the Second Dream, much less before Sweet Baby.

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23 minutes ago, VisionAndVoice said:

Not the first time WF's lore contradicts itself.

My current explanation is that Stalker is a frame, turned into one as a punishment for his love with Jade, and brainwashed into loyalty to the Orokin (which is why he still tries to hunt us and avenge them). How this aligns with what Hunhow implies in the Second Dream? It doesn't, I have no idea how to make all of it fit neatly.

I think that's the whole approach DE is going with. I'm pretty sure even DE doesn't know how far they want this to go. But it does leave room for lorecrafting. And this is a tasty side story people are hungry for.

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From what I could gather in the quest...

Jade was pregnant before she and Sorren were transformed into Warframes. Both were likely non-Tenno operated protoframes similar to Kullervo, with some of their sanity and personality left intact.

Jade's name was her original name before Warframization. I guess Ballas took inspiration from it, and made a mockery of her by incorporating the Jade Light as her power, with a sick, twisted sense of humor as seen with her belly and the Jade Light source within.

In the quest we had to fetch meds and Cortichrome. Both ingredients, Jade's pre-frame pregnancy, combined with the rare lifegiving properties of the Jade Light, made Sirius/Orion's birth possible.

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6 hours ago, DeathHasCome1 said:

So, having just played through Jade Shadows, can I just say... What a quest!

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Getting to actually control stalker is awesome even if  his abilities were recycled from other frames. (maybe we'll get more stalker gameplay eventually?

That said, if we're all being honest, the end of the quest is where it gets good. 

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So to end the quest, Jade gives birth to a child, and it turns out Stalker and Jade were a couple before everything went down. Jade gives birth and a baby warframe (Sirius/Orion) is made. What are your thoughts guys? Will we see the kid again? Will they play an important role? What exactly is the child? Is it actually a warframe or is it some new species?


im still dash boarding

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My trans girlfriend literally refuses to play the game now, because it's triggering to see pregnant women in missions everywhere in the game right now. I really don't understand why there's a trigger warning for the quest, but no way to skip it or to turn off this version of the character model.

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